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With the transition to digital terrestrial television (DTV) in the U.S. scheduled to be complete by 2009, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has issued a notice of proposed rule making (NPRM) that, if adopted, would allow transmission by unlicensed devices on frequencies of vacated television channels. The FCC is required by statute to avoid harmful interference to licensed TV channels. This paper addresses two of the core questions related to the proposed introduction of unlicensed transmissions in the vacated TV channels: Do the proposed rules provide DTV stations adequate protection from interference from these devices? If not, what rules must be adopted to avoid harmful interference to terrestrial DTV service from these devices? 相似文献
This paper examines the limits that must be imposed on single and multiple fixed cognitive broadband devices (BDs) transmitting simultaneously on multiple unused TV channels in order to avoid interference with the reception of licensed TV channels. Single and multiple fixed BDs are assumed to radiate 4W peak power relative to an isotropic source and transmit within 10 meters of the nearest digital television (DTV) set antenna. The power and separation limits are shown to depend on whether BDs are licensed, on whether mandated minimum front-end performance specifications for DTV sets are in place, and on the definition of an ldquounused channel.rdquo Short and long-term general conclusions are drawn regarding the maximum allowable directional power and regarding taboo channels for interference-free coexistence with DTV sets. It is shown that unlicensed BDs would result in the least efficient use of the available DTV spectrum because the ldquoworst caserdquo interference limits must be imposed in an unlicensed environment. The most efficient utilization of the DTV spectrum would be achieved if BDs were licensed and then allowed to migrate, together with DTV channels, into two blocks of contiguous channels, one for DTV and one for BDs. 相似文献
《Broadcasting, IEEE Transactions on》2008,54(4):779-783
本文对64QAM有线数字电视信号抗邻频道模拟电视信号、邻频道数字信号、同频道模拟电视信号和同频道数字电视信号干扰的能力进行了研究,详细介绍了研究方法。 相似文献
在数字电视建设中,如何搭建一个经济、实用、符合发展潮流的数据广播信息平台是各电视台面临的难题。介绍湛江数据广播信息平台搭建的经验。 相似文献
本文针对广播电视村村通工程建设点多、面广、数据量大的特点,提出了实现网络化管理的方法。经过吉林省广播电影电视局的应用,取得了良好效果,对其他省也有借鉴作用。 相似文献
OFDM与FM带内数模混叠同播是中国发展数字调频的一项重要候选技术,评估OFDM对FM解调的影响是选择OFDM与发射功率比的重要参考依据.在给出了三种常见调频解调算法公式的基础上,通过仿真评估了OFDM对FM解调失真度和信噪比的影响.仿真结果表明,在OFDM与FM发射功率比高于-11 dB时发生明显的捕获效应. 相似文献
这次会议的主要任务是学习贯彻李长春、刘云山、陈至立同志1月17日在广电总局召开的广播电视村村通工作现场会上的重要讲话精神,学习借鉴贵州村村通的经验做法.全面动员新一轮广播电视村村通工作.全面部署今年上半年村村通的各项工作。昨天上午,王太华同志传达了李长春、刘云山、陈至立同志的重要讲话和广播电视村村通工作现场会的会议纪要,大家要认真学习.深刻领会,结合实际, 相似文献
从技术角度探讨并通过实践提出一套无线数字电视在"村村通"中的实际应用方案,实践证明该方案不仅节省经费,而且具有方便施工与方便维护等特点,能使边远农村山区一步实现数字化。 相似文献
通过对调频共缆和同一模式下不同传输方式的比较,提出各种调频广播共缆传输方案,各地结合实际,因地制宜,选择适合的传输方案,让农村广播真正落实。 相似文献
今年7月29日,张海涛副局长在全国广播电视村村通工作现场会上发表了重要讲话。他在讲话中总结了村村通工作的进展情况,并对今后的工作提出几点要求。本刊全文刊登此次讲话内容,供大家学习领会。 相似文献
贵州地处祖国大西南云南高原的东部,属于我国西部高原山地的一部分。贵州省国土面积17.6万平方公里,山地和丘陵面积占全省总面积的92.5%,其中喀斯特地貌面积占全省面积的61.9%,是全国唯一没有平原的内陆山区省份。全省总人口3900万,其中,少数民族人口占全省人口的37.8%,农业人口占全省人口的73.70%。全省有1543个乡镇,19858个行政村,由于山多坡陡,地形复杂,居住极为分散。贵州是一个经济欠发达的省份,农村贫困人口的比重较大。因此,农村广播电视“村村通”工作任务重、难度大。 相似文献
广播电视事业建设的重点是覆盖,覆盖的重点是农村,因此提高广播电视对农村的覆盖是我们广电人的使命,现在,广播电视覆盖主要采用有线和无线两种方式,有线覆盖方式造价高,只适用于城镇,而无线覆盖方式,组网灵活,且造价不高, 相似文献
The detrimental effect of short‐term fading and shadowing can be mitigated using microdiversity and macrodiversity systems, respectively. In this paper, implementation of selection combining at both micro and macro levels to improve system performance is analyzed. An assessment of the performance of such a system is carried out by considering the desired signal as Rician fading with lognormal shadowing and cochannel interference signal as Rayleigh fading superimposed over lognormal shadowing. The proposed analysis is complemented by various performance evaluation results, including the effects on overall system performance of fading severity, shadowing spreads and branch correlation existing at the base station, and correlation between base stations. 相似文献