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介绍一种双级导向模具结构。采用这种结构提高了凸模导向精度 ,解决了凸模垂直度误差带来的啃刃口现象。  相似文献   

双级导向结构在多孔冲模中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种双级导向模具结构、采用这种结构提高了凸模导各精度,解决了凸模垂直度误差带来的啃刃口现象。  相似文献   

一、概述该模具是为加工“收集极片”而设计的,零件如图1所示,孔较多,共105个,分布密集,孔距为三、模具的主要参数设计  相似文献   

结合实例阐述了车身冲模翻边模上压料板制造工艺设计要点,并对模具零件的几何特征进行了分类;规划了上压料板数控程序编制方案,在此基础上,设计了上压料板结构面及型面的数控加工工艺;给出了其型面数控加工程序目录清单.结果表明:车身冲模零件的数控加TT艺适于采用基于结构特点、安装类型及加工性质的复合分类方法设计;所述实例经实践检验是可行的.  相似文献   

模具制造的需要带动了电加工机床的发展 电加工机床主要用于模具制造业,在复杂、精密、薄壁、窄缝、高硬材料的模具型腔加工中,仍然具有其它加工方法所难以取代的地位。用于模具加工的电加工机床约占其产量的85%以上,其中加工冲裁模的约占65%,加工塑料模的约占15%,其它如压延模和锻模等也有相当的份额。模具制造业在经济发展的国家均形成  相似文献   

有一零件如图1所示,材料为45钢,厚度0.45mm,侧壁18.6mm×2.5mm窗口。设计的这套冲模,巧妙地利用工序零件原有的声8mm通孔,放置了楔块,使凸模(刀片)水平运动,实现窗口冲裁。简介如下:  相似文献   

在现场工作中经常遇到一种盘类零件,端面分布多个孔不在同一圆周中心,而且有较严格的形位公差要求,此类零件按常规方法加工很难保证精度.文中介绍了利用普通机床采用自行设计的夹具进行组合加工的具体工艺.  相似文献   

薄壁带钢多孔冲压加工,在冲压生产中屡见不鲜。实践中此类工艺及模具的设计,除了要满足制件结构、形状、尺寸要求外,还有一个不容忽视的因素是生产批量。本文介绍了薄壁带钢多孔连续冲的生产工艺、模具设计要点及送料装置的设实计要点。  相似文献   

济南制镜厂与山东大学的科研项目中,需加工一种抛物线冲模,抛物线方程为y2=100x。抛物线误差为 0.005 mm,表面粗糙度为Ra 1.6 μm( 7),内冲模示意图见图 1;外冲模示意图见图2。 该厂过去加工抛物面的方法是:根据图纸尺寸及抛物线方程算出各座标点,将座标点连成抛物线,在一块不  相似文献   

介绍电火花加工内齿轮及其工艺,并对其中的技术难题和关键技术进行了分析.用此方法加工成本低,效率高,操作方便,产品质量稳定.  相似文献   

电火花小孔加工速度的工艺试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
简述电火花小孔加工试验原理及系统构成,并分析了工件材料的热物理系数、平均功率及脉冲宽度等参数对电火花小孔加工速度的影响,为实际应用提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

In order to achieve a mirror-like workpiece surface by EDM, a micro-energy EDM or a manual lapping is normally used. However, both methods are time consuming and economically unattractive. To have better performance, a sinking EDM machine was first used in this research on SKD 61 for a micro-energy discharge process followed by the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) process to coat Al2O3 particles uniformly on a rotation electrode. The precision polishing process was then applied on the discharged workpiece with suitable parameters including the voltage, electrode rotating speed, pH value of electrolyte, and abrasive concentration. After the EDM process, the surface roughness and the recast layer thickness of a workpiece could also be reduced. The experimental data showed that when 0.3 μm of Al2O3 particles was used for the EPD polishing process, the initial roughness of a discharge surface could be improved from 0.52 μm Ra (6.50 μm Rt) to a mirror-like surface of 0.068 μm Ra (0.742 μm Rt). Also, the total working time could be reduced significantly to within the range of 5 to 10 min.  相似文献   

通过分析介入治疗用导丝的材料特性和结构特点,确定了导丝加工采用电火花磨削加工方法;从提高导丝加工的质量、自动化程度和效率方面考虑,对加工工装的关键部件和控制系统进行了详细设计;最终设计了一套专用的导丝电火花加工工装,为介入治疗用导丝的加工探索出了一种新的方法.  相似文献   

In recent years, non-traditional machining processes have been growing in popularity and their applications have continued to increase. However, very limited research work has been carried out to investigate their economic implications on tolerance allocation. This paper reports on cost-tolerance relationships for non-traditional processes, namely, electrical discharge wire machining and laser beam machining. Medium carbon steel plates are machined using the two processes to obtain cost-tolerance data which are fitted to various mathematical models. A third-degree polynomial function has been found which gives the most representative fit to the data obtained. An example is presented to illustrate the application and to compare the cost implication of the two machining processes.  相似文献   

为研究旋转超声电解复合加工小孔的成型过程,进行了旋转超声电解复合加工小孔试验,得到了不同加工时间孔的截面,并根据试验参数,进行了基于ANSYS的二维仿真加工和三维仿真加工。对小孔的入口直径、底面直径和加工深度进行了对比分析,结果表明由于三维仿真加工中采用了管电极,并考虑了电解加工中阴极超声高频振动对电解液电导率的影响,故其仿真结果更加接近试验值,间接证明了旋转超声电解复合加工小孔三维仿真加工的可靠性,展示了不同时刻的三维加工型腔,为旋转超声电解复合加工的成型过程和成型规律的研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

This study addresses micro-slit EDM machining feasibility using pure water as the dielectric fluid. Experimental results revealed that pure water could be used as a dielectric fluid and adopting negative polarity EDM machining could obtain high material removal rate (MRR), low electrode wear, small slit expansion, and little machined burr, compared to positive polarity machining. In comparing kerosene versus pure water, pure water was observed to cause low carbon adherence to the electrode surface. Also discharge energy does not decrease and the discharge processes are not interrupted. Therefore, MRR was higher, and related electrode wear ratio compared to kerosene use was lower. In a continual EDM with multi-slit machining, kerosene will cause carbon element adherence, creating an initially high MRR and electrode wear, with rapid decline. However, pure water will not cause carbon element adherence on the electrode surface, so MRR and electrode wear is always stable in this process.  相似文献   

We have carried out the electrical discharge machining (EDM) of submicron holes using ultrasmall-diameter electrodes. Two types of electrode were used: tungsten electrodes fabricated by the combination of wire electrodischarge grinding and electrochemical machining, and silicon electrodes originally designed as probes for scanning probe microscopes. The diameters of the former and latter were 1 μm or less, and less than 0.15 μm, respectively. Holes were drilled using a relaxation-type pulse generator at an open-circuit voltage of less than or equal to 20 V with the machine's stray capacitance as the only capacitance. Using tungsten electrodes, holes of less than 1 μm in diameter and more than 1 μm in depth were successfully drilled. A 1.3-μm-wide slot was also fabricated by drilling many holes with a small pitch. It was possible to drill holes of approximately 0.5 μm diameter using silicon electrodes because the electrode diameter was less than those of the tungsten electrodes. These holes have the smallest reported diameter for holes drilled by EDM, indicating the possibility of submicron- and nanoscale machining by EDM.  相似文献   

This paper describes the improvement of the machining rate of electrical discharge machining (EDM) for silicon single crystals by reducing the contact resistance between the silicon single crystal and metal electric feeder. To decrease the resistance of the rectifying contact between a p-type silicon wafer and the metal feeder, attempts to achieve ohmic contact were made by plating the contact surface of the silicon wafer with aluminum by vacuum evaporation, followed by the diffusion process. To accomplish an ohmic contact between n-type silicon and metal, gold–antimony alloy was used in place of aluminum. The influence of polarity on the machining rate is also discussed from the viewpoint of the rectifying nature of the interface between the arc plasma and silicon single crystal.  相似文献   

介绍上海桑塔纳2000型轿车后减振器贮液筒总成适合于大批量生产的加工工艺。  相似文献   

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