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We built a limited but successful user interface management system named HYPE which supports rapid interactive creation and organization of user interfaces for a large class of applications. HYPE is targeted at applications for which the user interface is only loosely coupled to the application. Examples of this class of application are ‘command line-driven’ programs. Many applications in this class can be quickly given satisfactory direct-manipulation interfaces with little or no reprogramming of the application. The programmer need only be familiar with HYPE, and not with the particular windowing system upon which it sits.
  • 1 The appearance of the interface is specified interactively through the direct manipulation of interface components.
  • 2 The behaviour of the interface is programmed with an interpreted procedural language which can send and receive messages and invoke system services. In particular, it can execute applications.
  • 3 The structure of the interface is a tree of potentially-visible objects which communicate with the user, the system, and each other through message passing. The tree structure facilitates grouping interfaces for related applications, or families of applications, into a single master interface.
Visual layout, tree-building, behaviour assignment (programming) and execution of the interface all occur within HYPE, a conjunction that makes it a powerful prototyping tool.  相似文献   

用户接口是任何交互式系统中至关重要的关键部件之一。它的开发已成为系统设计和实现中最为困难费时的“瓶颈“。用户接口管理系统UIMS接受了这一新的挑战,已成为人机交互和软件工程学科中的重要研究方向。本文将试图较全面地介绍和总结UIMS结构模型和表示方法等。  相似文献   

UIMS的表现层与交互设备和交互技术、人文因素、任务特点等密切相关,直接影响UIMS的可移植性、可扩展性及其对用户和应用的适应能力。本文首先提出一种开放的三维UIMS表示模型,进而提出一种交互技术独立的UIMS模型  相似文献   

分析了人机交互技术的发展历程和趋势,提出了开放式UIMS三维参考模型,并试图以此回答目前UIMS发展过程中遇到的问题。  相似文献   

A macro facility that allows end users to extend interactive graphical applications is presented as part of a user-interface management system (UIMS). Such macros are expressed by example; that is, the end user programs the macro in the application's generated user interface. Problems with macros-by-example in graphical applications are explored, and requirements to accommodate such a facility are defined for the UIMS dialogue model. Existing UIMS models are reviewed relative to these requirements, and the unique facilities of the MIKE (menu interaction kontrol environment) semantics-based model are presented. The implementation of the macro-by-example system is discussed, as well as the particular implementation of a multicommand UNDO facility, which is necessary when editing micros by example  相似文献   

本文采用面向对象技术,在对用户接口管理系统(UIMS)进行分析的基础上,提出了满足典型应用要求的UIMS模型框架,其目的是建立基于快速原型法的UIMS开发与管理模型。  相似文献   

The building of a user interface management system (UIMS) is described from the perspective of the development team. This UIMS is a key component of the open-architecture system-integration services (OASIS) project at Electronic Data Systems. While OASIS's application domain is generally CAD/CAM/CAE (computer-aided design/manufacturing/engineering), users can extend its functionality by using a command macro language. The results are presented as observations and impressions gathered from the programming and training staffs, users, UIMS developers  相似文献   

本文介绍一个用于生成直接操纵用户接口的用户管理系统(ULMS-UserInterface Management System)——直接操纵用户接口自动生成系统DMSH(Direct Manipulation SHell)的设计与实现,该系统提供图形操作对象和接口描述语言供用户使用。生成用户接口,并可随时扩充;接口描述语言具有第四代语言的特征——直观性和非过程性。  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of using Semantic Web data to improve hypertext Web search. In particular, we use relevance feedback to create a ‘virtuous cycle’ between data gathered from the Semantic Web of Linked Data and web-pages gathered from the hypertext Web. Previous approaches have generally considered the searching over the Semantic Web and hypertext Web to be entirely disparate, indexing, and searching over different domains. While relevance feedback has traditionally improved information retrieval performance, relevance feedback is normally used to improve rankings over a single data-set. Our novel approach is to use relevance feedback from hypertext Web results to improve Semantic Web search, and results from the Semantic Web to improve the retrieval of hypertext Web data. In both cases, an evaluation is performed based on certain kinds of informational queries (abstract concepts, people, and places) selected from a real-life query log and checked by human judges. We evaluate our work over a wide range of algorithms and options, and show it improves baseline performance on these queries for deployed systems as well, such as the Semantic Web Search engine FALCON-S and Yahoo! Web search. We further show that the use of Semantic Web inference seems to hurt performance, while the pseudo-relevance feedback increases performance in both cases, although not as much as actual relevance feedback. Lastly, our evaluation is the first rigorous ‘Cranfield’ evaluation of Semantic Web search.  相似文献   

EASEL is a layout and graphical editor which allows users to describe graphically the appearance of objects which are to be manipulated at run-time by the UIMS and the application. Objects may have multiple representations and users may manipulate and change these representations using the EASEL system. Different graphical user interfaces can be easily generated and evaluated at run-time with no need for recompilation. This paper describes the design and development of the EASEL system.  相似文献   

In this article, we define ArgSciFF, a prototype operational argumentation framework to support dialogic argument exchange between Semantic Web services. ArgSciFF is based on the Sciff abductive-logic programming (ALP) framework. (Sciff is an abbreviation for "IFF with constraints for agent societies," referring to the "if and only if' proof procedure developed by Tze Ho Fung and Robert Kowal-ski.) In ArgSciFF, an intelligent agent can interact with a Web service and reason from the interaction result. The reasoning semantics is an argumentation semantics that views the interaction as a dialogue. The dialogue lets two parties exchange arguments and attack, challenge, and justify them on the basis of their knowledge. This format has the potential to overcome a well-known barrier to human users' adoption of IT solutions because it permits interaction that includes justified answers that can be reasoned about and rebutted.  相似文献   

OODM是一个面向对象的用户界面管理系统,主要用于快速建立和改进用户界面原型。本文分析了已有UIMSs的不足,提出了一种新的UI结构模型──形式独立的模型,并以此作为OODM开发的理论基础。OODM不需要界面规范说明语言,它采用直接操纵技术,结合面向对象的程序设计方法和可视编程技术及约束技术,建立和改进了基于事件模型的界面原型,因而提高了UIMS的易使用性、易修改性、易重用性和易扩充性。本文介绍了OODM的设计思想。  相似文献   

语义网、语义网格和语义网络   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
语义网、语义网格和语义网络是三个容易混淆的概念,语义网是对WWW的延伸,其目标是使得Web上的信息具有计算机可以理解的语义,并为人们提供各种智能服务;语义网格是语义Web和网格相结合产生的新的研究领域;语义网络是知识的一种图解表示,它由节点和弧线或链线组成.通过对三者的概念、特征、应用等方面进行介绍从而说明了三者的联系以及不同,并说明了今后对三者的研究方向和重点问题.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一个图形用户接口管理系统——GUIDE-GKS系统中的用户接口描述方法,以及利用这些描述信息而进行的用户接口快速原型和自动生成技术。其中,基于用 户概念模型的思想,它提出了一种新的“引导式”描述技术,该技术使得接口设计者对系统的学习使用更为方便、简洁、有效,增强了接口描述过程的正确性保证,并易于导致好性能接口的开发。  相似文献   

This paper presents a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach to a distributed framework for reusing, extracting and extending large domain ontologies in the Semantic Grid environment. The conceptual level of the framework describes how sub-ontologies are extracted and extended with new features, while the architectural level of the framework describes the components of the framework. These components allow the sub-ontology extraction and extension process to be performed using shared resources in the Semantic Grid environment. A prototype of the framework is built using Web Services and a complexity evaluation measure is presented. The results of several simulations show that the sub-ontology extraction and extension process in the Semantic Grid is a viable solution and can be optimized by using better quality, initial labeling set.  相似文献   

基于语义网格门户的用户语义模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有的网格门户不能较好地满足用户的个性化的需求,对用户需求的缺乏语义描述,也没有资源的语义描述,不能很好满足用户需求的动态变化.网格门户能通过语义网技术来增强信息共享和社区用户交互.本文在域管理模型的基础上提出了语义社区概念,并以域服务器为基础构建具备用户语义模型的语义网格门户,用任务本体替换作业说明书改进任务调度.  相似文献   

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