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In this paper, multiple-phase deterministic protocols for packet radio networks are introduced and analysed. Two modes of information transfer are considered, namely (a) broadcasting and (b) point-to-point transmission. We explore systematic ways of designing multiple-phase protocols and apply them on Manhattan networks. The proposed protocols are studied primarily from the point of view of throughput efficiency. Delay analysis is also presented.  相似文献   

An energy-efficient adaptive-transmission protocol for mobile frequency-hop spread-spectrum wireless communication networks is described and evaluated. The purpose of the protocol is to permit each of the mobile terminals to adjust its transmitter power and code rate to match the characteristics of the time-varying communication links in the network. The proposed adaptive-transmission protocol bases its choice of transmission parameters on a very simple form of side information that is easy to obtain in a FH communication receiver. The performance of the adaptive-transmission protocol is evaluated for networks in which each communication link may have a time-varying propagation loss and intermittent partial-band interference. Our results demonstrate that the adaptive-transmission protocol can improve the utility of a link and reduce energy consumption by adjusting the transmission parameters in response to changes in the side information.  相似文献   

Conservation of energy is important in a packet radio network, but reliance on energy-efficient routes for all types of traffic leads to large delays and low success probabilities in many situations. We describe and evaluate protocols that select routes according to the service priorities of the traffic. Energy conservation is emphasized for delay-tolerant traffic but sacrificed for delay-intolerant traffic, which gives good performance for both types of traffic.This paper was presented in part at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Atlanta, March 2004.  相似文献   

The staggered multicast protocol for multihop spread spectrum packet radio networks is suitable for unicasting and broadcasting as well as multicasting. The common-header/transmitter-based spreading code is used for data packet transmission and the receiver-based code is used for acknowledgement packet transmission. By staggering packet transmission the protocol can significantly reduce broadcasting delay. A special addressing method and packet format are also designed to achieve collision-free acknowledgement and multicast capability. Simulation results show that the protocol provides better throughput-delay performance than the common-header/transmitter-based slotted ALOHA protocol.  相似文献   

The probability of packet success for asynchronous direct sequence code division multiple access (DS-CDMA) over the multipath fading channel is investigated under different fading conditions and for different cases. We studied the bit-to-bit dependence caused by the multipath fading and by the multiple access interference (MAI) originating from the chip and phase offsets between the desired and interfering signals. We investigated the effect of using the Gaussian versus the improved Gaussian process on the computation of probability of packet success as well as the effect of the bit-to-bit dependence within a packet. The improved Gaussian approximation provides more accurate values for the probability of bit error for any number of simultaneous users, while it also allows us to incorporate the effects of bit-to-bit dependence into the calculations of the probability of packet success.This paper was presented in part at the 17th Biennial Symposium on Communiations, Kingston, June 1994. This work was supported by a strategic grant (STR-0100720) from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada.  相似文献   

Hermitian codes are an attractive alternative to Reed-Solomon codes for use in frequency-hop spread-spectrum packet radio networks. For a given alphabet size, a Hermitian code has a much longer block length than a Reed-Solomon code. This and other considerations suggest that Hermitian codes may be superior for certain applications. Analytical results are developed for the evaluation of the packet error probability for frequency-hop transmissions using Hermitian coding. We find there are several situations for which Hermitian codes provide much lower packet error probabilities than can be obtained with Reed-Solomon codes. In general, as the code rate decreases or the symbol alphabet size increases, the relative performance of Hermitian codes improves with respect to Reed-Solomon codes. Performance evaluations are presented for an additive white Gaussian noise channel and for certain partial-band interference channels, and the packet error probability is evaluated for both errors-only and errors-and-erasures decoding.  相似文献   

In many applications, wireless ad-hoc networks are formed by devices belonging to independent users. Therefore, a challenging problem is how to provide incentives to stimulate cooperation. In this paper, we study ad-hoc games—the routing and packet forwarding games in wireless ad-hoc networks. Unlike previous work which focuses either on routing or on forwarding, this paper investigates both routing and forwarding. We first uncover an impossibility result—there does not exist a protocol such that following the protocol to always forward others' traffic is a dominant action. Then we define a novel solution concept called cooperation-optimal protocols. We present Corsac, a cooperation-optimal protocol which consists of a routing protocol and a forwarding protocol. The routing protocol of Corsac integrates VCG with a novel cryptographic technique to address the challenge in wireless ad-hoc networks that a link’s cost (i.e., its type) is determined by two nodes together. Corsac also applies efficient cryptographic techniques to design a forwarding protocol to enforce the routing decision, such that fulfilling the routing decision is the optimal action of each node in the sense that it brings the maximum utility to the node. We evaluate our protocols using simulations. Our evaluations demonstrate that our protocols provide incentives for nodes to forward packets. Additionally, we discuss the challenging issues in designing incentive-compatible protocols in ad hoc networks. Part of this paper appeared in a conference version [49]. Sheng Zhong was supported in part by NSF grants ANI-0207399 and CNS-0524030. Yang Richard Yang was supported in part by NSF grants ANI-0207399, ANI-0238038, and CNS-0435201. This work was partly done while Sheng Zhong was at Yale University; Yanbin Liu was at University of Texas at Austin. Sheng Zhong is an assistant professor in the State University of New York at Buffalo. He received his PhD (2004) from Yale University and his ME (1999), BS (1996) from Nanjing University, China, all in computer science. His research interests include economic incentives and privacy protection, particularly incentive and privacy problems in mobile computing and data mining. Li Erran Li received his B.E. in Automatic Control from Beijing Polytechnic University in 1993, his M.E. in Pattern Recognition from the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1996, and his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Cornell University in 2001 where Joseph Y. Halpern was his advisor. He is presently a member of the Networking Research Center in Bell Labs. His research interests are in networking with a focus on wireless networking and mobile computing. He has served as a program committee member for several conferences including ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM and IEEE ICNP. He is a guest editor for JSAC special issue on Non-Cooperative Behavior in Networking. He has published over 30 papers. Yanbin Liu received her B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University (1993), Beijing, China, in 1993, and her M.S. degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin (1998), where is a Ph.D. candidate. Since 2006, he has been with IBM TJ Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY. Her research interests are in real-time systems, grid computing, mobile computing, and computer networks. Yang Richard Yang received his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Technology from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 1993, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin in 1998 and 2001, respectively. Since 2001, he has been with the Department of Computer Science, Yale University, New Haven, CT, where currently he is an Associate Professor. His current research interests are in computer networks, mobile computing, and sensor networks. He leads the Laboratory of Networked Systems (LANS) at Yale University.  相似文献   

自组网路由协议综述   总被引:63,自引:0,他引:63  
史美林  英春 《通信学报》2001,22(11):93-103
自组网路由协议用于监控网络拓扑结构变化,交换路由信息,定位目的节点位置,产生、维护和选择路由,并根据选择的路由转发数据。本文综述了自组网路由协议研究方面的一些最新工作,描述了设计自组网路由协议所面临的问题,并着重对该研究开展以来所提出的各种主要协议进行了对比、分析和分类阐述,为进一步的研究提出了新的课题。  相似文献   

A distributed algorithm for the conflict-free channel allocation in CDMA (code division multiple access) networks is presented. Dynamic adjustment to topological changes is also considered. Though the schedules produced by our algorithm are not optimal with respect to link schedule length, the algorithm is simple and practical. The link schedule length minimization problem is NP-complete. Here the length of a link schedule is the number of time slots it uses. The algorithm guarantees a bound 2 — 1 time slots on the TDMA cycle length, where is the maximum degree of a station (i.e., maximum number of stations that a station can reach by radio links) in the network. The message complexity of a station isO().  相似文献   

无线传感器网络MAC层协议的对比研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
无线传感器网络是二十一世纪新兴的网络技术,它的出现使网络的发展进入一个新的阶段。针对无线传感器网络MAC层协议的研究一直是人们普遍关注的问题。总结了近年来的研究成果并针对TDMA,IEEE802.15.4,S—MAC,T—MAC几种典型的MAC层协议进行了对比分析,根据其各自的优点提出将来工作的方向和建议。  相似文献   

In this work a general exact methodology for capture effect and performance evaluation of packet radio networks is presented. Both narrow-band and spread-spectrum systems are investigated and compared. Several network performance quality indexes are considered: throughput, outage probability, packet error probability, average delay time. Two particular capture effect models are investigated. It can be seen that one of the two models can be considered as a good approximation of the other if a appropriate parameter definition is made. By using this methodology various operating conditions given by fading (Rice, Rayleigh, Nakagami), shadowing, different traffic models, different modulation, and coding schemes are investigated. Comparison is performed by means of spectral efficiency parity.  相似文献   

An improved implementation of a post-detection packet combining scheme, which is especially applicable to low power, resource-constrained sensor networks, is developed and practically implemented on popular off-the-shelf wireless motes. The algorithm can be used as part of protocols such as cooperative communications and hybrid-ARQ schemes which have been shown to be of major benefit for wireless communications. Using the packet combining implementation developed in this paper more than an 85% reduction in energy costs are possible over previous, similar approaches. Both simulated and practical experiments are developed in which packet combining is shown to offer up to approximately 2.5 dB reduction in the required Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) for a desired Packet Error Rate (PER). This is a welcome result as complex schemes, such as maximal-ratio combining, are not implementable on many of the resource constrained devices under consideration.  相似文献   

Third-generation mobile systems are emerging. These systems will support a unified user access to a variety of services, including the existing mobile and fixed network (PSTN, N-ISDN) services, the enhanced multimedia and multiparty services envisaged for broadband networks, and personal communication services as well. The role of signaling is predominant in building a flexible, efficient, and evolving system. The aim of this paper is to provide a framework for developing a signaling protocol architecture for future mobile networks. The study especially focuses on the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS). Within this framework various design and operational requirements imposed on UMTS can be satisfied. A method to deal with the functional complexity of UMTS is provided. Mobile networks are viewed as integral parts of the broadband infrastructure and are built upon the IN principles.  相似文献   

A simple connection control system for multiservice cellular wireless networks is presented. Mobile stations are classified depending on the traffic they generate (e.g., voice, data). Within each class, two subclasses are also identified: stations which have originated inside the cell and stations which come from adjacent cells. The connection control mechanism is carried out by considering a number of priorities among the various classes and their subclasses. It works on two levels: static and dynamic. The static level looks at packet-level quality of service (QoS), such as cell loss and delay, while the dynamic level takes care of connection dynamics and allows the load of the system to be driven with respect to the various subclasses. Results that illustrate the performance of this control mechanism are presented.  相似文献   

Routing protocols could achieve efficient convergecast transmission of sensed data in cognitive radio sensor network (CRSN),and it is of vital importance for the whole network performance.In particular,cluster-based routing protocols could further lower routing selection complexity and improve scalability.Therefore,an overview of cluster-based routing protocols for CRSN was provided.Firstly,after a brief introduction to the concept and advantages of clustering in CRSN,the major factors concerning clustering algorithm design were pointed out.Secondly,the challenges faced by routing protocol design in CRSN and basic design principles were explored.Thirdly,the previous work of cluster-based routing protocols for CRSN was systematically analyzed and summarized.Finally,issues that require urgent solutions and future research directions were suggested.  相似文献   

A survey on routing protocols for wireless sensor networks   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Kemal  Mohamed 《Ad hoc Networks》2005,3(3):325-349
Recent advances in wireless sensor networks have led to many new protocols specifically designed for sensor networks where energy awareness is an essential consideration. Most of the attention, however, has been given to the routing protocols since they might differ depending on the application and network architecture. This paper surveys recent routing protocols for sensor networks and presents a classification for the various approaches pursued. The three main categories explored in this paper are data-centric, hierarchical and location-based. Each routing protocol is described and discussed under the appropriate category. Moreover, protocols using contemporary methodologies such as network flow and quality of service modeling are also discussed. The paper concludes with open research issues.  相似文献   

李亭  郑宝玉  孟庆民 《信息技术》2011,(6):11-13,17
时隙Aloha和CSMA是有效的随机接入协议,它们能组成更先进的媒体接入协议。研究了采用时隙Aloha和CSMA的认知无线电网络。其中,主用户比次用户有更高的优先权,次用户需检测信道,避免干扰主用户。因此,主用户采用时隙Aloha接入信道,次用户采用CSMA感知时隙Aloha的时隙,在空闲时隙传输数据包。  相似文献   

Users of future generation wireless information services will have diverse needs for voice, data, and potentially even video communications in a wide variety of circumstances. For users in dense, inner-city areas, low power personal communications services (PCS) technology should be ideal. Vehicular-based users travelling at high speeds will need high-power cellular technology. For users in remote or inaccessible locations, or for applications that are broadcast over a wide geographic area, a satellite technology would be the best choice. Packet data networks provide an excellent solution for users requiring occasional small messages, whereas circuit switched networks provide more economical solutions for larger messages. To provide ubiquitous personal communications service, it is necessary to capitalize on the strength of each wireless technology and network to create one seamless internetwork including both current and future wired and wireless networks. As an initial step in exploring the opportunities afforded by the merging of satellite and terrestrial networks, Bellcore and JPL conducted several experiments. These experiments utilized Bellcore's experimental personal communications system (including several messaging applications with adaptations to wireless networks), NASA's advanced communications technology satellite (ACTS), JPL's ACTS mobile terminal, and various commercial data networks (such as the wireline Internet and the RAM wireless packet data network). Looking at loss of bits, packets and higher layer blocks (over the satellite-terrestrial internetworks with mobile and stationary users under various conditions) our initial results indicate that the communication channel can vary dramatically, even within a single network. We show that these conditions necessitate powerful and adaptive protocols if we are to achieve a seamless internetworking of satellite and terrestrial networks.  相似文献   

孙杰  郭伟  唐伟 《通信学报》2011,32(11):110-116
为解决无线多跳网络在固定频谱分配方式下所固有的信道冲突等问题,利用认知无线电的动态频谱分配技术,提出了一种适用于次用户组成的无线多跳网络的、underlay方式下的全分布式频谱分配算法。该算法将频谱分配问题建模成静态非合作博弈,证明了纳什均衡点的存在,并给出了一种求解纳什均衡点的迭代算法。大量仿真实验证明,该算法能实现信道与功率的联合分配,在满足主用户干扰功率限制的同时,保证次用户接收信干噪比要求。  相似文献   

无线传感器网络是由大量微型传感器节点组成的一个自组织的网络系统,路由协议是其关键技术之一.现有的路由协议分为:能量感知路由协议、以数据为中心的路由协议、基于地理位置的路由协议、可靠的路由协议和层次路由协议五类,对每类协议的特点和比较典型的协议进行了介绍.  相似文献   

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