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设立临边防护栏杆是高层建筑施工过程中的重要安全防护措施,结合高层建筑临边防护经验,本着简单快捷、不重复搭设的目的,对高层建筑临边防护,特别是阳台临边栏杆进行了改进,总结出了一套预埋式快拆临边防护栏杆施工方法,有效提高了防护栏杆施工工效以及材料的周转率。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,介绍了工具式楼梯栏杆临边防护技术的应用背景,阐述了工具式楼梯临边防护栏杆的施工流程及技术要点,提出了施工质量及安全控制措施,指出该技术提高了施工工具化、定型化、标准化水平。  相似文献   

因建筑施工高空坠落和物体打击事故发生频率高,死亡率大,本文依据《建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范》(JCJ80—91)和《建筑施工安全检查标准》(JCJ59—99),总结了“三宝、四口、五临边”安全技术措施和安全管理措施,提出了建筑施工安全防护的重要意义。  相似文献   

建筑业的施工安全长久以来都是社会热点问题,然而消除施工安全隐患却始终是难点.随着无人机和人工智能技术的发展,将图像采集与识别技术应用到建筑施工安全防治领域是当前的研究热点之一.高空坠落事故是施工安全事故占比最大的事故类型,临边防护的缺失是导致高空坠落事故频发的主要原因之一.本文利用深度学习框架搭建了5种主流卷积神经网络...  相似文献   

临边防护栏杆是建筑施工现场非常普遍的一种安全防护设施,也是安全投入费用支出的重要组成部分。传统的安全防护栏杆采用钢管扣件搭设,但在施工及管理过程中首先存在安全稳定性和外观效果较差的情况;其次因其安装使用时,由于施工工序改变后反复拆除安装,导致安全费用投入加大等问题。研制一种新型的装配式安全防护栏杆就应运而生,这种新型的装配式安全防护栏杆安装拆卸方便,装卸速度快,节约材料重复使用,经济效益可观,外观美观大方,文明施工好。本文结合河南金山生物医药创新园项目,介绍这种新型的装配式安全防护栏杆的研制以及使用过程。  相似文献   

第三章 临边与洞口作业的安全防护 第一节 临边作业 第3.1.1条 对临边高处作业,必须设置防护措施,并符合下列规定: 一、基坑周边,尚未安装栏杆或栏板的阳台、料台与挑平台周边,雨篷与挑檐边,无外脚手的屋面与楼层周边及水箱与水塔周边等处,都必须设置防护栏杆。 二、头层墙高度超过3.2m的二层楼面周边,以及无外脚手的高度超过3.2m的楼层周边,必须在外围架设安全平网一道。 三、分层施工的楼梯口和梯段边,必须安装临时  相似文献   

正在现场安全管理上,楼层临边是坠落事故的多发点,也是施工现场安全管理的重点。在工程项目施工中,常见的楼层临边防护方式为钢管栏杆,上杆距地面高度为1.0~1.2m,下杆距地面高度为0.5~0.6m,栏杆长度大于2m时,要求加设栏杆柱,防护栏杆应能承受任何方向1 kN的外力,且防护栏杆杆件连接方式宜采用定型化、工具式的防护设施。目前,传统做法有两种:一是将4mm  相似文献   

针对建筑安全现状进行了分析,指出加强施工现场的安全管理,防止高空坠落事故的发生是确保施工安全的重要环节,并从安全管理、"三保"管理、洞口防护、临边防护等方面提出了具体措施.  相似文献   

王普兵 《建筑安全》1997,12(2):13-15
框架结构的临边防护王普兵(北京市政五公司)目前建筑物越来越普遍采用框架结构,而如何做好施工的临边防护,确保施工人员的安全,最大限度地防止高处坠落事故的发生,则是安全管理工作的一个重要课题。在框架结构工程的施工方法上,有的采用组合拼装模板、钢模支柱,有...  相似文献   

浅析幕墙装饰施工中的安全防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐文 《建筑安全》1999,14(1):33-33
幕墙装饰工程施工,绝大多数都属于临边的高处作业,而且贯穿于幕墙施工的全过程。如何防止高处坠落和物体打击是幕墙装饰施工中的安全防护重点。根据幕墙装饰施工的阶段特点,制定出安全防护重点,是防止事故,确保施工安全的有效措施。幕墙装饰工程大致可分为(1)预埋...  相似文献   

The construction industry has one of the highest frequencies of work-related accidents. We examined whether construction workers predominantly identify themselves in terms of their workgroup or in terms of the construction site. In addition, we examined the associations between social identity and safety climate, and how these constructs are associated with work-related accidents. The analyses were based on questionnaire responses from 478 construction workers from two large construction sites, and the methods involved structural equation modeling. Results showed that the workers identified themselves primarily with their workgroup, and to a lesser degree with the construction site. Social identity and safety climate were related both at the workgroup and construction site levels, meaning that social identity may be an antecedent for safety climate. The association between social identity and safety climate was stronger at the workgroup level than at the construction site level. Finally, safety climate at both levels was inversely associated with self-reported accidents, with the strongest association at the workgroup level. A focus on improving safety climate, particularly by integrating initiatives at both the workgroup and management level, may have the potential to improve safety performance and thus decrease the risk of accidents and injuries on construction sites.  相似文献   

本文介绍了日本公路工程利用预应力混凝土预制件修建防灾构筑物的情况。防灾构筑物可分为:防雪灾和防落石、塌方两种。也可分为预防工程和防护工程构筑物,如防风雪掩道、防雪崩栅栏、防雪崩安全隧道、防雪崩栏杆、防落石、防塌方安全隧道和防落石栏杆,以及用FRP的吊栅栏、用泡沫苯乙烯的悬臂梁防落石栏杆等。  相似文献   

目前,我国生产安全事故的总量非常庞大,且建筑工人相比其他行业人员事故发生率更高,而大多安全事故只有死亡相关统计数据,相关研究也都以死亡事故为重点,工人受伤数据统计和相关研究相对匮乏。为了研究建筑工人受伤事故的成因,探讨其规律,进而提出有效的预防、控制对策,运用描述统计、卡方检验和关联规则的方法对澳大利 2009~2016 年的5056 个建筑伤残事故案例进行了分析。结果表明,事故的受伤程度受建筑工人的个人特征、事故情况和工作种类等的影响。并针对国内现有施工方式的局限,提出了未来研究的建议,对建筑施工的安全管理具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

It has been widely accepted that reported accidents on construction sites are just the tip of the iceberg representing the safety challenge because a very large number of near-miss accidents exist and constitute the portion of under-water surface. Undoubtedly, near-miss accidents provide insights into possible accidents and provide a great opportunity to further improve safety margins. It is possible to significantly improve the safety performance by learning from previous near-miss accidents and tracking near-miss accidents in real time leading to taking appropriate action before a potential up-coming accident. However, little research has been done in both autonomous data requirement analysis of near-miss accidents and technological solutions to track near-miss accidents based on real-time information on construction sites. The objective of this paper is to analyze and verify the autonomous information requirement of near-miss accidents and investigate the feasibility and performance of using a Zigbee RFID sensor network to fulfil these requirements. First, the autonomous data requirement of near-miss accidents is systematically analyzed based on typical historical accident cases. Then, considering the features of construction sites and characteristics of near-miss accidents, an autonomous real-time tracking system of near-miss accidents (ARTTS-NMA) on construction sites is proposed, which employs ultrasonic for outdoor and indoor real-time location tracking, adopts sensors for environment surveillance, RFID for access control as well as storage of safety information about workers, equipment and materials, and wireless sensor networks for data transmission. All system components are integrated into a Zigbee RFID sensor network architecture that features a relatively low cost and fast implementation with a pure wireless network backbone. The demonstration system based on the hybrid RFID sensor network architecture is fully working in a laboratory environment and for safety reasons we have chosen to evaluate it in a warehouse, which is considered as the main scenario of a construction site containing both multi-storey structure and open area, to evaluate the complexity of implementation.  相似文献   

施工人员安全能力包括感知能力、判断能力和响应能力。地铁施工中当危险迫近时,施工人员只有正确感知危险、判断危险以及采取正确措施响应危险,才能安全的完成施工。地铁施工人员的感知能力,是判断能力和响应能力的前提。在安全感知能力和项目反应理论(IRT)研究的基础上,通过问卷调查对施工人员安全感知能力进行测定与评价,并对调查问卷的问题进行区分度和难度参数分析。这将有助于提高地铁施工人员安全能力,促进安全管理水平,避免事故发生。  相似文献   

我国工程建设领域的安全形势依旧严峻,建筑工人的不安全行为是导致安全事故发生的重要原因,研究建筑工人的 不安全行为对遏制安全事故发生显得尤为重要。基于 CNKI 数据库资源对近年来国内有关建筑工人不安全行为的研究成果进 行了系统梳理,阐述了相关文献的发表数量、发表期刊和发表机构,重点从相关研究理论、研究方法和研究内容等方面进行 了系统归纳和深入分析,并提出了未来可能的研究方向。研究结果可以为学术界和企业界进一步从建筑工人不安全行为视角 研究解决工程安全问题提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

基于江苏省建筑工程安全生产事故统计数据(2016年9月~2019年8月),从工程事故的数量、时间段、类型、地区几方面着手,分析建筑业安全生产事故发生率居高不下的原因,提出了工程安全事故负向循环形成机理,并从人员激励与管理、机械设备管控、材料质量把关、安全的施工方法、改变安全生产投入方式等方面提出相应对策,以期为工程项目...  相似文献   

探究影响建筑工人安全意识的因素对提高安全管理水平、减少建筑工地安全事故发生频率具有一定的参考意义。运用定性比较分析方法选取建筑工人安全技能知识、企业安全态度、员工心理安全及安全管理这4 个因素为解释变量,以天津市4 个项目的32 名工人作为研究案例,对工人安全意识的影响因素进行分析。研究表明,技能熟练度、同伴安全倾向、安全教育培训频次这3 个变量都是建筑工人安全意识的必要条件,其他指标变量则是充分条件,并对此提出了提高建筑工人安全意识的可行性建议。  相似文献   

The use of Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology in reporting the real-time location of resources (workers and equipment) is shown to be effective in improving the current safety monitoring practices. Since many site accidents occur when workers are struck by moving equipment or enter hazard-prone areas, it is important to evaluate the accuracy of the UWB RTLS in estimating the location of dynamic resources on construction sites. In this paper, the effects of variables, such as “speed” and “heading”, on the accuracy of the estimated location of dynamic tags are investigated. It is shown that the accuracy is inversely proportionate to the speed of the tag, the number of tags being tracked and the complexity of the path on which the tag is moving. A novel approach to defining “danger zones” on construction sites is also proposed through which the feasibility of using static tags to define the boundaries of forbidden areas on site is validated. The findings of this study indicate the applicability of UWB in locating dynamic resources on construction sites.  相似文献   

自2004年《危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查办法》颁布以来,近两年建筑工地上安全事故的发生有下降的趋势,但危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制处于刚刚起步阶段,许多事故的发生仍与安全专项施工方案的编制水平较低有关,所以对危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制探讨显得十分迫切。  相似文献   

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