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A study was initiated to amplify by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a short factor VIII gene fragment containing the Bcl I restriction site from hemophilia patients using published primer sequences. Preliminary findings indicated that the resulting fragment is 142 bp long. This fragment, when digested with Bcl I restriction enzyme produced two fragments, 99 bp and 43 bp in length. Polymorphism in the Bcl I region can be used to detect carrier state in the family members of the hemophiliacs.  相似文献   

长期高煤比生产炉缸活跃的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宝钢高炉在长期高煤比生产实践中,通过不断调整高炉操作参数,改善焦炭质量增加鼓风的穿透能力和选择合适的风速与鼓风动能以及相应的上部调剂,确保了炉缸的活跃.同时,开发了定量判断炉缸活跃程度的指标,即炉缸活性指数,为长期高煤比生产下仍然能保持高炉顺行,获得良好的生产操作经济技术指标奠定了基础,同时也解决了长期高煤比生产下实现高炉长寿的问题.宝钢的高煤比已经连续36个月稳定在200 kg/t以上,最高月平均达到了260.64 kg/t.实践表明:长期高煤比生产的高炉要实现稳定顺行、高产低耗、优质长寿,活跃炉缸是一个关键因素.  相似文献   

在环氧铁红和氯化橡胶两种工业防腐底漆中加入不同含量的选矿尾矿中回收的绢云母粉(即绢云母精矿粉),利用绢云母精矿粉部分取代防锈涂料中的滑石粉,采用涂料检测技术、涂膜检测技术、腐蚀电化学测试技术等考察了绢云母精矿粉在防腐蚀涂料中的用量对涂料性能的影响。涂膜物理性能、化学性能和耐腐蚀性能的试验结果表明,在合适含量时所得涂膜的物理机械性能、耐化学介质性能和防腐性能均有一定程度的提高,在环氧铁红防腐底漆中绢云母精矿粉的合适添加量为8%,在氯化橡胶防腐底漆中为6%。采用质优价廉的绢云母精矿粉作为防腐蚀涂料的颜填料部分替代滑石粉,可提高涂料耐蚀性能并节约传统颜填料矿产资源。同时,选矿尾矿中回收绢云母在涂料中的应用拓展了尾矿回收利用的应用范围,有助于解决尾矿的污染和综合利用问题,有助于实现选矿产业的循环经济。  相似文献   

陆岳璋  杜游 《宽厚板》2004,10(1):41-47
为了研究阻止脆性断裂管线材料中扩展的恰当的评价方法,进行了WEST-JEFERSON(威思特-杰弗逊)型全尺寸部分气体爆破试验,而在落锤撕裂试验中,这些高韧性管线材料发生异常断裂现象。通过考虑和不考虑异常断裂现象两种方法得出的落锤撕裂试验(DWTT)的剪切面  相似文献   

高喷煤比操作对焦炭劣化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为考查提高喷煤量对焦炭在炉内劣化的影响,在宝钢高炉上进行了风口取样研究.结果表明,喷煤量达到200 kg/t以上时焦炭劣化严重.高炉生产实绩回归显示,焦炭的热性能对高炉透气性的影响比冷强度显著.分析认为焦炭热性能指标CRI、CSR对高炉高煤比操作更重要.借此还提出了提高喷煤量和改善焦炭质量需加强研究的课题.  相似文献   

赵娟 《山西冶金》2014,(2):72-74
介绍了太钢烧结系统在风机类设备上成功应用高压大功率变频器的实例,在阐述环冷鼓风机和除尘风机变频改造的基础上,重点论述了对太钢大型烧结机主抽风机实施变频运行改造的技术过程。实施风机高压大功率变频器改造后,系统运行稳定,取得了显著的节能效果。  相似文献   

China is quite poor in argent resource. Roughly 80% of this industrial argent is imported every year. In order to improve the situation, we took advantage of rare earth (RE) mineral resource and successfully developed the non-argent Lanthanum-tellurium-copper alloy as a substitute for industry argent-copper. In our research, we were able to successfully apply rare earth lanthanum to copper alloy. The defects as porosity, inclusion, etc. originating from nonvacuum melting processing were controlled. Fine grain was obtained. Meanwhile, the comprehensive properties of the copper alloy, such as strength, conductivity and thermal conductivity were improved. The research results in increasing conductivity and thermal conductivity by 5% and 15%, respectively, while the tensile strength is increased by 6% higher than Ag-Cu alloy. The anti-electric corrosion property is good, and there is no argent-cadmium steam population originating from the electric arc effect. The addition of lanthanum further reduces the content of oxygen and hydrogen.The optimum quantity of the addition of RE lanthanum in the copper alloy is 0.010%~0.020%.  相似文献   

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