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In this paper, we develop an interactive analysis and visualization tool for probabilistic segmentation results in medical imaging. We provide a systematic approach to analyze, interact and highlight regions of segmentation uncertainty. We introduce a set of visual analysis widgets integrating different approaches to analyze multivariate probabilistic field data with direct volume rendering. We demonstrate the user's ability to identify suspicious regions (e.g. tumors) and correct the misclassification results using a novel uncertainty‐based segmentation editing technique. We evaluate our system and demonstrate its usefulness in the context of static and time‐varying medical imaging datasets.  相似文献   

Consistent segmentation is to the center of many applications based on dynamic geometric data. Directly segmenting a raw 3D point cloud sequence is a challenging task due to the low data quality and large inter‐frame variation across the whole sequence. We propose a local‐to‐global approach to co‐segment point cloud sequences of articulated objects into near‐rigid moving parts. Our method starts from a per‐frame point clustering, derived from a robust voting‐based trajectory analysis. The local segments are then progressively propagated to the neighboring frames with a cut propagation operation, and further merged through all frames using a novel space‐time segment grouping technqiue, leading to a globally consistent and compact segmentation of the entire articulated point cloud sequence. Such progressive propagating and merging, in both space and time dimensions, makes our co‐segmentation algorithm especially robust in handling noise, occlusions and pose/view variations that are usually associated with raw scan data.  相似文献   

We present a new intuitive UI, which we call cross‐boundary brushes, for interactive mesh decomposition. The user roughly draws one or more strokes across a desired cut and our system automatically returns a best cut running through all the strokes. By the different natures of part components (i.e., semantic parts) and patch components (i.e., flatter surface patches) in general models, we design two corresponding brushes: part‐brush and patch‐brush. These two types of brushes share a common user interface, enabling easy switch between them. The part‐brush executes a cut along an isoline of a harmonic field driven by the user‐specified strokes. We show that the inherent smoothness of the harmonic field together with a carefully designed isoline selection scheme lead to segmentation results that are insensitive to noise, pose, tessellation and variation in user's strokes. Our patch‐brush uses a novel facet‐based surface metric that alleviates sensitivity to noise and fine details common in region‐growing algorithms. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our cutting tools can produce user‐desired segmentations for a wide variety of models even with single strokes. We also show that our tools outperform the state‐of‐art interactive segmentation tools in terms of ease of use and segmentation quality.  相似文献   

Signed distance functions (SDF) to explicit or implicit surface representations are intensively used in various computer graphics and visualization algorithms. Among others, they are applied to optimize collision detection, are used to reconstruct data fields or surfaces, and, in particular, are an obligatory ingredient for most level set methods. Level set methods are common in scientific visualization to extract surfaces from scalar or vector fields. Usual approaches for the construction of an SDF to a surface are either based on iterative solutions of a special partial differential equation or on marching algorithms involving a polygonization of the surface. We propose a novel method for a non‐iterative approximation of an SDF and its derivatives in a vicinity of a manifold. We use a second‐order algebraic fitting scheme to ensure high accuracy of the approximation. The manifold is defined (explicitly or implicitly) as an isosurface of a given volumetric scalar field. The field may be given at a set of irregular and unstructured samples. Stability and reliability of the SDF generation is achieved by a proper scaling of weights for the Moving Least Squares approximation, accurate choice of neighbors, and appropriate handling of degenerate cases. We obtain the solution in an explicit form, such that no iterative solving is necessary, which makes our approach fast.  相似文献   

We propose a lossless, single‐rate triangle mesh topology codec tailored for fast data‐parallel GPU decompression. Our compression scheme coherently orders generalized triangle strips in memory. To unpack generalized triangle strips efficiently, we propose a novel parallel and scalable algorithm. We order vertices coherently to further improve our compression scheme. We use a variable bit‐length code for additional compression benefits, for which we propose a scalable data‐parallel decompression algorithm. For a set of standard benchmark models, we obtain (min: 3.7, med: 4.6, max: 7.6) bits per triangle. Our CUDA decompression requires only about 15% of the time it takes to render the model even with a simple shader.  相似文献   

This paper presents a digital storytelling approach that generates automatic animations for time‐varying data visualization. Our approach simulates the composition and transition of storytelling techniques and synthesizes animations to describe various event features. Specifically, we analyze information related to a given event and abstract it as an event graph, which represents data features as nodes and event relationships as links. This graph embeds a tree‐like hierarchical structure which encodes data features at different scales. Next, narrative structures are built by exploring starting nodes and suitable search strategies in this graph. Different stages of narrative structures are considered in our automatic rendering parameter decision process to generate animations as digital stories. We integrate this animation generation approach into an interactive exploration process of time‐varying data, so that more comprehensive information can be provided in a timely fashion. We demonstrate with a storm surge application that our approach allows semantic visualization of time‐varying data and easy animation generation for users without special knowledge about the underlying visualization techniques.  相似文献   

We present a part‐type segmentation method for articulated voxel‐shapes based on curve skeletons. Shapes are considered to consist of several simpler, intersecting shapes. Our method is based on the junction rule: the observation that two intersecting shapes generate an additional junction in their joined curve‐skeleton near the place of intersection. For each curve‐skeleton point, we construct a piecewise‐geodesic loop on the shape surface. Starting from the junctions, we search along the curve skeleton for points whose associated loops make for suitable part cuts. The segmentations are robust to noise and discretization artifacts, because the curve skeletonization incorporates a single user‐parameter to filter spurious curve‐skeleton branches. Furthermore, segment borders are smooth and minimally twisting by construction. We demonstrate our method on several real‐world examples and compare it to existing part‐type segmentation methods.  相似文献   

Segmentation of volumetric data is an important part of many analysis pipelines, but frequently requires manual inspection and correction. While plenty of volume editing techniques exist, it remains cumbersome and errorprone for the user to find and select appropriate regions for editing. We propose an approach to improve volume editing by detecting potential segmentation defects while considering the underlying structure of the object of interest. Our method is based on a novel histogram dissimilarity measure between individual regions, derived from structural information extracted from the initial segmentation. Based on this information, our interactive system guides the user towards potential defects, provides integrated tools for their inspection, and automatically generates suggestions for their resolution. We demonstrate that our approach can reduce interaction effort and supports the user in a comprehensive investigation for high‐quality segmentations.  相似文献   

We present an approach to improve the search efficiency for near‐optimal motion synthesis using motion graphs. An optimal or near‐optimal path through a motion graph often leads to the most intuitive result. However, finding such a path can be computationally expensive. Our main contribution is a bidirectional search algorithm. We dynamically divide the search space evenly and merge two search trees to obtain the final solution. This cuts the maximum search depth almost in half and leads to significant speedup. To illustrate the benefits of our approach, we present an interactive sketching interface that allows users to specify complex motions quickly and intuitively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a technique to produce artistic strokes in a variety of drawing material based on example images. Our approach is to divide example strokes scanned from images into small pieces along their stroke directions and synthesize a novel stroke by rearranging them along a user specified curve. The visible quality of a synthesized stroke can be maintained by utilizing the connectivity information stored in a directed graph constructed in the preprocessing step. At run‐time, the graph is traversed to find a path best matching the user specification given as a curve and additional information. The results of our experiments shows that visually convincing strokes of various materials can be generated efficiently.  相似文献   

Usually visualization is applied to gain insight into data. Yet consuming the data in form of visual representation is not always enough. Instead, users need to edit the data, preferably through the same means used to visualize them. In this work, we present a semi‐automatic approach to visual editing of graphs. The key idea is to use an interactive EditLens that defines where an edit operation affects an already customized and established graph layout. Locally optimal node positions within the lens and edge routes to connected nodes are calculated according to different criteria. This spares the user much manual work, but still provides sufficient freedom to accommodate application‐dependent layout constraints. Our approach utilizes the advantages of multi‐touch gestures, and is also compatible with classic mouse and keyboard interaction. Preliminary user tests have been conducted with researchers from bio‐informatics who need to manually maintain a slowly, but constantly growing molecular network. As the user feedback indicates, our solution significantly improves the editing procedure applied so far.  相似文献   

The standard C/C++ implementation of a spatial partitioning data structure, such as octree and quadtree, is often inefficient in terms of storage requirements particularly when the memory overhead for maintaining parent‐to‐child pointers is significant with respect to the amount of actual data in each tree node. In this work, we present a novel data structure that implements uniform spatial partitioning without storing explicit parent‐to‐child pointer links. Our linkless tree encodes the storage locations of subdivided nodes using perfect hashing while retaining important properties of uniform spatial partitioning trees, such as coarse‐to‐fine hierarchical representation, efficient storage usage, and efficient random accessibility. We demonstrate the performance of our linkless trees using image compression and path planning examples.  相似文献   

We present GEMSe, an interactive tool for exploring and analyzing the parameter space of multi‐channel segmentation algorithms. Our targeted user group are domain experts who are not necessarily segmentation specialists. GEMSe allows the exploration of the space of possible parameter combinations for a segmentation framework and its ensemble of results. Users start with sampling the parameter space and computing the corresponding segmentations. A hierarchically clustered image tree provides an overview of variations in the resulting space of label images. Details are provided through exemplary images from the selected cluster and histograms visualizing the parameters and the derived output in the selected cluster. The correlation between parameters and derived output as well as the effect of parameter changes can be explored through interactive filtering and scatter plots. We evaluate the usefulness of GEMSe through expert reviews and case studies based on three different kinds of datasets: A synthetic dataset emulating the combination of 3D X‐ray computed tomography with data from K‐Edge spectroscopy, a three‐channel scan of a rock crystal acquired by a Talbot‐Lau grating interferometer X‐ray computed tomography device, as well as a hyperspectral image.  相似文献   

Several applications in shape modeling and exploration require identification and extraction of a 3D shape part matching a 2D sketch. We present CustomCut, an on‐demand part extraction algorithm. Given a sketched query, CustomCut automatically retrieves partially matching shapes from a database, identifies the region optimally matching the query in each shape, and extracts this region to produce a customized part that can be used in various modeling applications. In contrast to earlier work on sketch‐based retrieval of predefined parts, our approach can extract arbitrary parts from input shapes and does not rely on a prior segmentation into semantic components. The method is based on a novel data structure for fast retrieval of partial matches: the randomized compound k‐NN graph built on multi‐view shape projections. We also employ a coarse‐to‐fine strategy to progressively refine part boundaries down to the level of individual faces. Experimental results indicate that our approach provides an intuitive and easy means to extract customized parts from a shape database, and significantly expands the design space for the user. We demonstrate several applications of our method to shape design and exploration.  相似文献   

Segmenting a moving foreground (fg) from its background (bg) is a fundamental step in many Machine Vision and Computer Graphics applications. Nevertheless, hardly any attempts have been made to tackle this problem in dynamic 3D scanned scenes. Scanned dynamic scenes are typically challenging due to noise and large missing parts. Here, we present a novel approach for motion segmentation in dynamic point‐cloud scenes designed to cater to the unique properties of such data. Our key idea is to augment fg/bg classification with an active learning framework by refining the segmentation process in an adaptive manner. Our method initially classifies the scene points as either fg or bg in an un‐supervised manner. This, by training discriminative RBF‐SVM classifiers on automatically labeled, high‐certainty fg/bg points. Next, we adaptively detect unreliable classification regions (i.e. where fg/bg separation is uncertain), locally add more training examples to better capture the motion in these areas, and re‐train the classifiers to fine‐tune the segmentation. This not only improves segmentation accuracy, but also allows our method to perform in a coarse‐to‐fine manner, thereby efficiently process high‐density point‐clouds. Additionally, we present a unique interactive paradigm for enhancing this learning process, by using a manual editing tool. The user explicitly edits the RBF‐SVM decision borders in unreliable regions in order to refine and correct the classification. We provide extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments on both real (scanned) and synthetic dynamic scenes.  相似文献   

Visual representation techniques enable perception and exploration of scientific data. Following the topological landscapes metaphor of Weber et al., we provide a new algorithm for visualizing scalar functions defined on simply connected domains of arbitrary dimension. For a potentially high dimensional scalar field, our algorithm produces a collection of, in some sense complete, two‐dimensional terrain models whose contour trees and corresponding topological persistences are identical to those of the input scalar field. The algorithm exactly preserves the volume of each region corresponding to an arc in the contour tree. We also introduce an efficiently computable metric on terrain models we generate. Based on this metric, we develop a tool that can help the users to explore the space of possible terrain models.  相似文献   

Repeated scene elements are copious and ubiquitous in natural images. Cutout of those repeated elements usually involves tedious and laborious user interaction by previous image segmentation methods. In this paper, we present RepSnapping, a novel method oriented to cutout of repeated scene elements with much less user interaction. By exploring inherent similarity between repeated elements, a new optimization model is introduced to thread correlated elements in the segmentation procedure. The model proposed here enables efficient solution using max‐flow/min cut on an extended graph. Experiments indicate that RepSnapping facilitates cutout of repeated elements better than the state‐of‐the‐art interactive image segmentation and repetition detection methods.  相似文献   

We propose a noise‐adaptive shape reconstruction method specialized to smooth, closed shapes. Our algorithm takes as input a defect‐laden point set with variable noise and outliers, and comprises three main steps. First, we compute a novel noise‐adaptive distance function to the inferred shape, which relies on the assumption that the inferred shape is a smooth submanifold of known dimension. Second, we estimate the sign and confidence of the function at a set of seed points, through minimizing a quadratic energy expressed on the edges of a uniform random graph. Third, we compute a signed implicit function through a random walker approach with soft constraints chosen as the most confident seed points computed in previous step.  相似文献   

Matrix Trees     
We propose a new data representation for octrees and kd‐trees that improves upon memory size and algorithm speed of existing techniques. While pointerless approaches exploit the regular structure of the tree to facilitate efficient data access, their memory footprint becomes prohibitively large as the height of the tree increases. Pointerbased trees require memory consumption proportional to the number of tree nodes, thus exploiting the typical sparsity of large trees. Yet, their traversal is slowed by the need to follow explicit pointers across the different levels. Our solution is a pointerless approach that represents each tree level with its own matrix, as opposed to traditional pointerless trees that use only a single vector. This novel data organization allows us to fully exploit the tree's regular structure and improve the performance of tree operations. By using a sparse matrix data structure we obtain a representation that is suited for sparse and dense trees alike. In particular, it uses less total memory than pointer‐based trees even when the data set is extremely sparse. We show how our approach is easily implemented on the GPU and illustrate its performance in typical visualization scenarios.  相似文献   

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