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Optimization of the process of the fine hydro‐blanking is proposed. In this approach, the V‐ring indenter carved on the work piece substitutes for the guide plate that is used by the conventional fine blanking and is pressurized by hydraulic pressure. In addition, the counter force is also replaced by hydraulic pressure to produce a uniform back‐pressure by acting as the ejector. To find the final optimal solution, the Taguchi‐FE method is adopted to simulate and find the optimal factors according to the Taguchi technology. Once the optimal factors were chosen, a hybrid system that combined the artificial neural network (ANN) with the genetic algorithm (GA) is used to search and find the final optimal solution. It was observed that the V‐ring cavity on the work‐piece has the same efficacy as conventional fine blanking. In addition, the results of the experiment and finite element simulation using the optimal factors were compared. It was found that the study could achieve its stated objectives.  相似文献   

Properties of materials for high‐strength structure components are influenced by production processes. These influences can be augmented by a combination of two presently consecutively executed process steps. The presented work shows first results in the development of novel combined manufacturing technologies, which along with prospective tools use this effect to adjust the material properties locally, adapted to the requirements. The combination consists of a merging of the process steps ‘material separation’ (metal cutting) and ‘changing properties’ (rubbing, rolling) to one single process step. For this purpose novel combined tools have to be developed. For the estimation of the possibilities of properties changes by combined processes at first the influences of single processes have to be determined. This contribution presents results of a “material separation” process. The investigated material is the industrially important aluminium wrought alloy AI7075‐T6, the applied process is orthogonal turning, the process parameters varied are cutting speed and feed as well as the tool geometry. Cutting force and feed force are measured, and the process influences on surface and subsurface properties are determined.  相似文献   

介绍了贵溪冶炼厂阳极泥回转窑蒸硒工艺及存在的问题 ,提出优化方案 ,实践中取得了良好的效果  相似文献   

In order to address the key issues of capital costs and CO2 emissions in ironmaking operations, a new process was proposed combining a Rotary Hearth Furnace (RHF) and a Bath Smelter. This paper describes the construction of a productivity model for the RHF based on previous studies concerning the reduction behaviour of pellets of carbon and iron oxides. The model was used to estimate changes in RHF productivity according to the type of carbon used in the RHF pellets, numbers of layers of pellets, final metallization degree of the direct reduced iron (DRI) produced, and initial sizes of the pellets. The results indicate that productivity gains between 33 and 46% can be achieved replacing coal with wood charcoal, a carbon source virtually free of net CO2 emissions. Also, the productivity of the RHF can be doubled by reducing the charge only up to 70% metallization. The model allows the study of changes in overall energy consumption due to changes in the extent of primary oxidation of the gas at the pellet level showing that the use of wood charcoal increases the total amount of carbon consumed by less than five percent relative to operations with coal.  相似文献   

秦丽娟  赵景富  孙镇  郑鹏 《有色矿冶》2012,28(2):34-36,39
介绍了世界先进的镍红土矿火法冶炼RKEF法,对其工艺流程进行了详细的说明,对电炉和回转窑等主要设备的作用、工作原理进行了分析,以世界范围内先进RKEF法工厂的操作参数为依据对电炉和回转窑的现状和发展进行了分析.还对近年来出现的新熔炼工艺进行了探讨.  相似文献   

One of the most important prerequisites to meet the increasing demand for efficient technologies for micro‐part production is constituted by the ability to overcome existing process limitations by new innovative technological approaches. By the introduction of a new process variant based on a hybrid material condition between solid and liquid state, such an approach is presented. This micro semi‐solid manufacturing technology, so‐called Micro‐Thixoforming, was initiated, on the one hand, by being aware of the technological limits of existing micro‐forming and micro‐casting processes and, on the other hand, by a comprehensive understanding of the special rheological mechanisms of metallic materials in semi‐solid state finally establishing the desired potential to follow the trend towards miniaturisation with drastically reduced process restrictions. However, this promising potential can only be successfully exploited when the initial idea, which is based on phenomenological considerations, can be transferred to a process technology with sufficient practical relevance. Therefore, the presented new integrated process concept for Micro‐Thixoforming is particularly characterised by the application of unconventional solutions for the main process steps: raw material conditioning, thermal pre‐processing, semi‐solid forming and thermal post‐processing. To give an indication of the innovative character of the chosen practical solutions liquid metal jet technology, LASER‐induced plasma shockwaves and high pressure water jet should be mentioned. However, what is even more important in this context is the ability not only to realise a process concept but, beyond that, to recognise the further potential regarding new strategies for material design arising from the availability of this process. Such a strategy e.g. consists of utilising the well‐known segregation effect, which notably often is negatively associated with semi‐solid forming. However, for the envisaged technological approach, controlled segregation aims at a defined adjustment of functionally graded properties for the produced micro part.  相似文献   

结合工程的实际经验数据,给出了在确定危险废物回转窑焚烧炉的主要参数设计时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

结合工程的实际经验数据,给出了在确定危险废物回转窑焚烧炉的主要参数设计时应注意的问题。  相似文献   

秦红星 《工业炉》2012,34(5):42-44
介绍了国内首座20万t/a含锌尘泥转底炉耐火材料砌筑工程中,各关键部位的砌筑新工艺,在充分准备、提前消化、统筹安排、改进工艺的前提下,最终确保了施工一次性通过验收,取得了良好的经济及社会效益。  相似文献   

陈敏杰 《甘肃冶金》2006,28(3):127-128
针对炭素回转窑试生产过程中发现的由于安全系统不完善而出现的故障现象,及时采取了相应处理方法,使重新投入运行的回转窑达到了设计产能,消除了煅烧系统的安全隐患。对以后回转窑的改造和新建提出了更高的设计要求。  相似文献   

闪速炉预分散下料偏析模型实验的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在模型实验台上,选取了河沙和精矿粉对闪速炉预分散部位进行下料模拟实验。使用高速摄影仪拍摄物料在下料溜管与分布器通道内的流动情况,定性地分析了偏析程度;对筛分称重后的数据进行处理,定量地分析了偏析程度。实验结果表明:溜管与分布器通道交角处有很多颗粒,而接近通道外周圆几乎没有颗粒,存在明显的径向偏析和局部偏析;颗粒垂直碰撞通道隔板,存在明显的周向偏析;随着投料量的增大,周向和局部偏析增大,径向偏析的变化不明显。  相似文献   

通过对冲模CAD/CAM特征建模的分析,结合最先进的可视化标准建模语言UML的特点,首次提出了使用可视化标准建模语言UML进行冲压件信息模型集成的思想.阐述了冲压零件集成信息模型的面向对象表达,为在工程领域中使用统一的标准建模语言提供基础.  相似文献   

以新疆磁铁精矿为原料,采用一步法直接还原,研究高强度、高还原性预热球团的制备及煤基直接还原的工艺.研究了实验室转鼓模拟回转窑装置中直接还原铁的生产工艺.讨论了配碳比、反应温度、反应时间等工艺参数对金属化率、脱硫率等回转窑直接还原铁的主要质量指标的影响,提出了本试验原料条件下,回转窑生产直接还原铁的最佳工艺参数.研究结果...  相似文献   

石煤旋窑焙烧工艺研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目前的从石煤中提取钒的工艺普遍存在钒转化率低且不稳定的特点.对不同类型矿石进行了多因素旋窑焙烧条件试验,考察了添加剂的加入对钒焙烧转化率的影响.结果表明,矿石在旋窑中于800 ℃下焙烧2 h后,用4 g/L硫酸溶液在液固体积质量比3∶1条件下浸出,钒浸出率最高可达85%,并且可实现连续作业,烟气集中处理,改变了平窑焙烧不能连续作业及烟气无序排放难于处理的状况,对环境非常有利.  相似文献   

转底炉工艺是直接还原中煤基还原的一种,其内部的热力学反应主要包括含碳球团的自还原反应、含碳球团与氧化性气体间的氧化反应、含碳球团的脱碳反应、含碳球团排出气体的燃烧反应及喷吹焦炉煤气对直接还原的影响等5个部分。对转底炉内部温度、气氛、配煤比的控制,是转底炉直接还原工艺的关键。  相似文献   

针对葫芦岛东方铜业有限公司120吨回转式精炼炉口出现炉口掉砖问题,对耐火材料及其砌筑工艺进行探讨和改进。  相似文献   

脉冲旋转搅拌喷吹铁液脱硫新工艺实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取实验室物理模拟的方法,对新型的脉冲旋转搅拌喷吹与原单向搅拌的效果进行了对比实验。脉冲式旋转搅拌方式分为搅拌器正反双向脉冲式旋转与旋转 停止 旋转脉冲式旋转。研究结果表明,与单向搅拌相比,脉冲式搅拌的熔池混匀时间明显缩短,液体表面卷入的颗粒数量明显增多,喷吹载气气泡在液体中的停留时间延长1倍。  相似文献   

工业生产过程中,回转窑的温度直接影响物料的煅烧质量,选择准确、实用的回转窑实时在线测温方法对保证回转窑正常生产有着重要意义。本文提出一种基于热工及工艺参数的回转窑测温数学建模方法,获得窑内温度。并通过在工业现场的大量实验,验证了模型的正确性及可行性。  相似文献   

自热式回转窑钼精矿焙烧系统中铼走向研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在钼精矿焙烧过程中,伴生的铼易挥发进入到烟气中,采用不同设备进行钼精矿焙烧,对应的铼挥发率也不尽相同。对自热式回转窑钼精矿焙烧系统产生物料中的铼含量进行了检测,包括焙砂、烟尘和废酸等,并对影响铼挥发率的关键性影响因素进行了分析。结果表明,焙烧过程铼平均挥发率为27.3%,布袋尘中铼含量142.4g/t,占总铼量的10.2%,废酸中铼含量7.7mg/L,占总铼量的5.0%。焙砂的氧化程度是影响铼挥发率的关键因素,较低的布袋收尘温度是铼无法大量进入废酸的原因。  相似文献   

因为环保和市场的需要,转底炉处理钢铁厂含铁尘泥及废弃物技术正在国内呈现出蓬勃的生命力。目前,国内已有多条转底炉直接还原生产线投入运行,转底炉技术能直接利用废弃粉尘中的碳还原氧化铁和氧化锌,金属化率达到70%,脱锌率达到80%,有效的解决了钢铁企业含锌粉尘的回收和利用。  相似文献   

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