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阐述了超纯铁素体不锈钢的超低碳氮的特点及其熔体降碳去氮困难的原因,利用真空降碳去氮的理论结合这方面的研究成果分析和讨论了影响VOD脱碳脱氮的影响因素,并利用VOD现场冶炼的具体数据进行了这些因素的统计分析,在此基础上提出了提高真空度、加强底吹氩搅拌强度、提高入炉钢液温度、提高人炉碳含量和降低人炉氮含量、增加VOD吹氧脱碳时的供氧量、高真空吹氩纯沸腾工艺、选用无碳、或低碳还原料等工艺技术措施,最后介绍了太钢这几年在VOD冶炼超纯铁素体不锈钢采取上述措施后所取得的效果。  相似文献   

Designing of alloy concept and process for DP,TRIP and TWIP steels stressing at martensite transformation are analyzed.For DP steel,austenite volume percent and its carbon content at different intercritical temperatures are calculated as well as the tensile strength of the steel,which meet well with the experimental result.The condition for dissolution of carbide is discussed by experiments and predicted by kinetic estimation.Several sample TRIP steels are prepared and their concentration profiles are calculated showing different diffusion characteristics of elements.Calculation also shows carbon enrichment is successful in this stage through the quick diffusion of carbon from ferrite to austenie.In order to maintain the austenite stability or to prevent precipitation of cementite,minimum cooling rate from the intercritical zone to over aging stage is obtained through kinetic simulation.Bainite transformation is estimated,which indicates the carbon rerichment from ferrite of bainite structure to austenite in this stage is also successful.Thermal HCP martensite transformation and the strain induced martensite transformation in TWIP steel is introduced.Relationship between transformation and mechanical properties in the steel is also mentioned.  相似文献   

High-strength interstitial-free steel sheets have very good deep drawability when processed to have {111} recrystallization texture. The microtexture evolution and grain boundary character distribution of interstitial-free steels as a function of moderate levels of cold rolling reductions were investigated by the metallographic microscopy and electron backscatter diffraction technique. The results showed that there was a close relationship between microtexture and grain boundary character distribution for interstitial-free steel, especially the distribution and features of some specific types of coincident-site lattice boundaries. In addition, α-fiber texture was weakened to vanish while γ-fiber texture strengthened gradually as cold rolling reduction was increased from 20% to 75% for cold rolled and annealed samples. Accordingly, increasing the rolling reduction from 20% to 75% would lead to a significant increase in the proportion of Σ3 boundaries. Also, it was found that the microtexture of 20% cold rolled sample would induce a high frequency of Σ11 grain boundaries, but the microtexture of 75% cold rolled sample would produce more Σ7 and Σ17 grain boundaries. It was suggested that texture played a significant role in the formation of grain boundary character distribution.  相似文献   

 研究了Cr17铁素体不锈钢铸轧薄带凝固组织对其冷轧退火带晶粒簇、成形性和皱折特性的影响。利用电子背散射衍射技术对Cr17铁素体不锈钢铸轧薄带及相应的冷轧退火带进行了显微织构分析。结果表明:①Cr17铁素体不锈钢铸轧薄带冷轧退火带的晶粒簇依赖于初始铸轧薄带的凝固组织类型;②柱状晶组织的铸轧薄带具有显著的{001}∥ND晶体取向特征,而等轴晶组织的铸轧薄带晶体取向随机、分散;③等轴晶组织铸轧薄带比柱状晶组织铸轧薄带的冷轧退火带具有更少的{001}<110>晶粒簇和更多的{111}<112>、{111}<110>晶粒簇;④铸轧薄带的等轴晶组织比柱状晶组织有利于提高冷轧退火带的成形和抗皱性能。  相似文献   

A metallurgical model concerning the co-effect of the Nb solute drag and the complex carbonitride precipitates pinning is proposed to predict the recrystallization austenite grain growth of low carbon Nb-containing microalloyed steels.The analysis,both predicted and experimental,reveals the precipitate pinning plays a dominate role in suppressing the austenite grain growth with less Nb solute drag effect in high temperature region whereas the Nb solute drag predominates in relatively low temperature region.A factor p is suggested to assess the effectiveness of drag and pinning.The pinning and the drag are more effective in restraining grain growth as p>0 and p<0,respectively.A low carbon Nb microalloyed steel and a kind of Ti-modified low carbon Nb steel by Ti substituting for part of Nb are employed to validate the modeling results.The theoretical calculations show a good agreement with experimental results.  相似文献   

The surface segregation on the Fe‐3wt.%Si alloy was studied using X‐ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) with synchrotron radiation at 150 eV photon beam energy (Si 2p). A silicon oxide layer and also segregation of Si atoms in three clearly resolved phases occurred during heat treatment. A formation of silicides mainly with the Fe3Si superstructure was observed. A silicon nitride layer was created by nitrogen ion implantation. The structure and atomic ordering in a surface layer of the samples (approx. 300 nm thick) was checked by Conversion Electron Mössbauer Spectroscopy (CEMS). Simultaneously emission Mössbauer spectroscopy was used for the investigation of the Si concentration and atomic ordering at grain boundaries.  相似文献   

 利用电子背散射衍射技术,研究了冷轧后亚稳态奥氏体不锈钢301L的退火织构和晶界特征,分析了不同冷轧退火温度对织构和晶界特征的影响。结果表明,冷轧退火后奥氏体不锈钢301L的织构主要由Copper{112}<111>,Brass{110}<112>,Goss{110}<001>和S{123}<634>组成,并且随着退火温度的升高,织构强度逐渐减弱,重位点阵晶界Σ3晶界含量明显增加,其他重位点阵晶界含量没有明显变化。  相似文献   

粗晶硬质合金的研究现状及其发展前景   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
粗晶硬质合金具有特殊性能和用途,尤其是高温粗晶硬质合金具有结构缺陷少、显微硬度高、微观应变小等一系列优点,因此被广泛应用于矿山工具、冲压模具、石油钻采、硬面材料等领域。综述了国内外粗晶硬质合金的研究进展。介绍了其增韧耐磨机理和制备粗晶WC粉末的主要方法。  相似文献   

Two plain carbon steels with varying manganese content (0.87 wt pct and 1.63 wt pct) were refined to approximately 1 μm by large strain warm deformation and subsequently subjected to intercritical annealing to produce an ultrafine grained ferrite/martensite dual-phase steel. The influence of the Mn content on microstructure evolution is studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Mn distribution in ferrite and martensite is analyzed by high-resolution electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) combined with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The experimental findings are supported by the calculated phase diagrams, equilibrium phase compositions, and the estimated diffusion distances using Thermo-Calc (Thermo-Calc Software, McMurray, PA) and Dictra (Thermo-Calc Software). Mn substantially enhances the grain size stability during intercritical annealing and the ability of austenite to undergo martensitic phase transformation. The first observation is explained in terms of the alteration of the phase transformation temperatures and the grain boundary mobility, while the second is a result of the Mn enrichment in cementite during large strain warm deformation, which is inherited by the newly formed austenite and increases its hardenability. The latter is the main reason why the ultrafine-grained material exhibits a hardenability that is comparable with the hardenability of the coarse-grained reference material.  相似文献   

金属多晶体三维晶粒尺寸分布常近似呈Gamma分布或Lognormal分布.基于这2种分布函数,导出了体积权重与个数权重的晶粒体积分布特征多量的相互关系,并利用一种低碳钢奥氏体晶粒组织的实验数据及文献数据对其进行了验证.利用该关系,通过对多晶材料晶粒组织二维截面的标准金相测量,即可计算个数权重的三维晶粒体积分布的特征参量.  相似文献   

The requirements of the automotive industry for materials exhibiting increased structural performances are continuously increasing. These materials must remain ductile during the forming operations while also exhibiting improved strength and energy absorption capacities. New highly alloyed steel grades have been studied for a few years now, due to their exceptional mechanical properties resulting from interactions between dislocation plasticity, transformation plasticity and mechanical twinning. This study deals with the mechanical properties of steel grades presenting high manganese compositions. At room temperature, several phase transformations (γ→α', γ→? and ?→α′) were found to occur when the samples are deformed. The effect of different annealing conditions on the mechanical properties and the transformation sequence is analysed. The evolution of the work‐hardening of the samples is interpreted in connection with the kinetics of the phase transformations.  相似文献   

对6炉微合金化高氮L45钢进行了长时间(1800s)加热时和快速(50℃/s)短时间(5s)加热时奥氏体晶粒长大试验。测定了奥氏体晶粒平均截线长度。在萃取复型透射电镜照片上利用图象分析仪测定了1#、3#和6#钢样中微细析出相的尺寸分布。利用透射电镜能谱仪分析了微细析出相的化学成分。还探讨了铝及微合金化元素钛、钒和铌与加热温度对高氮中碳钢奥氏体晶粒度的影响机制。  相似文献   

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