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A thermodynamic study was made on the MnO‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2‐Al2O3 slags that are typical of the production of ferromanganese in submerged arc furnaces. The Al2O3 content of the slags was kept constant at 5 per cent by mass. The activity‐composition relationship in Pt‐Mn binary alloys were re‐determined for calibration purposes at 1300, 1400 and 1500°C and po2 values between 5.40×10?6 and 4.54×10?13 atm. A linear regression equation was derived to predict the activity coefficients of manganese, in Pt‐Mn alloys at 1500°C. The effect of concentration, basicity ratio and CaO‐to‐MgO ratio on MnO activities in above mentioned complex slags was investigated at 1500 °C and at two different po2 values of 4.76×10?7 and 5.80×10?8 atm. It was found that aMno values increase with increasing MnO, and tend to increase with an increasing CaO‐to‐MgO ratio. The aMnO values also increase with increasing basicity ratio. The activity coefficient of MnO increases with an increase in its mole fraction in the slag. Quadratic multivariable regression model equations which represent the activity data successfully and which can be used to predict the MnO activities in the compositional range of this study were developed. The MnO activity data was interpreted in terms of a slag model which describes the thermodynamic properties of the slag successfully.  相似文献   

The solubility of chlorine in CaO‐SiO2‐Al2O3‐MgO(‐CaF2) slag was measured at 1673 ‐1823 K. By estimating the chloride capacity of slags, thermodynamic behaviour of chlorine in the molten slag was investigated. Chloride capacity increased with increasing CaO / SiO2 ratio (C/S). An increase in MgO content decreased chloride capacity at C/S≥1.0 because it lowered the activity of Ca2+ which seemed to have strong affinity with Cl? in molten slag. Also, the chloride capacity decreased with increasing Al2O3 content. The affinity between the Ca2+ and Cl? ions was confirmed by measuring the infrared spectra of slags. The dissolution reaction of chlorine into slag was exothermic and its molar enthalpy was evaluated from the experimental results at 1673 ‐ 1823 K. Based on the result obtained in the present study, the quantitative prediction of chlorine distribution during the blast furnace process was performed. It was estimated that almost all chlorine in the blast furnace would be absorbed into molten slag even if the PCI ratio was increased or low quality coal with chlorine content less than 1.0 mass% was injected.  相似文献   

Viscosities of some quaternary slags in the Al2O3‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2 system were measured using the rotating cylinder method. Eight different slag compositions were selected. These slag compositions ranging in the high basicity region were directly related to the secondary steel making operations. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range of 1720 to 1910 K. Viscosities in this system and its sub‐systems were expressed as a function of temperature and composition based on the viscosity model developed earlier at KTH. The iso‐viscosity contours in the Al2O3‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2 system relevant to ladle slags were calculated at 1823 K and 1873 K for 5 mass% MgO and 10 mass% MgO sections. The predicted results showed good agreement with experimental values and the literature data.  相似文献   

The focus of the present work was to develop a water capacity model for the quaternary slag system Al2O3‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2. In the model, a silicate melt was considered to consist of two ion groupings, viz. cation grouping and oxygen ion. The water capacity of a melt is supposed to depend on the interactions between the cations in the presence of oxygen ions. These interactions were determined on the basis of the experimentally measured water solubility data. Only binary interactions were employed in the model. For the system CaO‐SiO2, disagreement in the literature data was found. Since the interaction between Ca2+ and Si4+ would play an important role, experiments were carried out to determine the water capacities of some CaO‐SiO2 slags. For this purpose a thermogravimetric method was employed. Iso‐lines of water capacities at constant MgO contents were predicted by the model and compared with the experimental data from literature. The model calculations agreed well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

The effect of oxide component content on the low melting point zone (simplified as LMP) in the CaO‐MnO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system has been analysed by FactSage. The contents of [Si], [Mn], [O] and [Al] in liquid steel which are in equilibrium with the LMP inclusions in the CaO‐MnO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system have been calculated. The results show that the CaO‐MnO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system has the largest LMP zone (below 1400°C) when the Al2O3 content is 20% or the CaO content is 15%, and that the LMP zone becomes wider with increase in SiO2 and MnO contents (within the range of 0~25%). To obtain LMP inclusions (below 1400°C), [Si] and [Mn] can be controlled within a wide range, but [Al] and [O] must be controlled within the range of 0.5~5 ppm and 50~120 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of high manganese hot metal is suggested to produce hot metal suitable for further processing to steel in conventional LD converter and rich manganese slags satisfy the requirements for the production of silicomanganese alloys. Manganese distribution between slag and iron represents the efficiency of manganese oxidation from hot metal. The present study has been done to investigate the effect of temperature, slag basicity and composition of oxidizer mixture on the distribution coefficient of manganese between slag and iron. Ferrous oxide activity was determined in molten synthetic slag mixtures of FeO‐MnO‐SiO2–CaO–MgO‐Al2O3. The investigated slags had chemical compositions similar to either oxidizer mixture or slags expected to result from the treatment of high manganese hot metal. The technique used to measure the ferrous oxide activity in the investigated slag systems was the well established one of gas‐slag‐metal equilibration in which molten slags contained in armco iron crucibles are exposed to a flowing gas mixture with a known oxygen potential until equilibrium has been attained. After equilibration, the final chemical analysis of the slags gave compositions having a particular ferrous oxide activity corresponding to the oxygen potential of the gas mixture. The determined values of ferrous oxide activity were used to calculate the equilibrium distribution of manganese between slag and iron. Higher manganese distribution between slag and iron was found to be obtained by using oxidizer containing high active iron oxide under acidic slag and relatively low temperature of about 1350°C.  相似文献   

Oxidation state of titanium was determined in CaO‐SiO2‐TiOx slags in the composition range 25‐53 percent CaO, 27‐46 percent SiO2, 10‐55 percent TiOx at 1873K using gas equilibration method. In the experiments, slags with different titanium oxide contents were equilibrated with a known carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide ratio. The results were used to determine the Ti3+ and Ti4+ contents as well as the activity coefficient ratio of corresponding oxides in the slag. The dependence of the activity coefficient ratio as a function of oxygen partial pressure was determined.  相似文献   

In Japanese steelworks, hot metal is now produced by scrap melting process. With this process removal of sulphur is very much handicapped because of very high sulphur levels (0.04 to 0.09 pct by weight) and relatively low tapping temperatures (1623 to 1723 K). In order to overcome such disadvantages, the authors explored on the phase diagrams of {CaO‐SiO2‐Al2O3‐MgO} slags, and this research revealed that those slags at 35 wt%‐Al2O3 would be good candidates as reagents for the removal of sulphur from high sulphur hot metal at relatively low temperatures. For better understanding of the thermodynamic properties of the candidate slags, in this study, activities of FexO were determined by using solid‐state electrochemical cells incorporating MgO‐stabilized zirconia and Mo + MoO2 reference electrode.  相似文献   

The slag system of CaO‐SiO2‐Al2O3‐MgO‐Cr2O3‐MnO‐FetO relevant to refining chromium‐containing steels such as bearing steel is thermodynamically assessed at 1873 K. The activity coefficient of FetO shows an initially rapid increment followed by a gradual reduction according to Cr2O3 content at a constant basicity, and decreases with increasing slag basicity. γMnO is decreased abruptly by increasing Cr2O3 content and thereafter, maintains a nearly constant level. From the standpoint of inclusion control, the Cr2O3 presence in ladle refining slags is thermodynamically harmful in that it minimizes the inclusion level by inducing the increment of γFetO even though Cr2O3 exists in extremely small amounts. However, it is beneficial in that it diminishes AI reoxidation by decreasing γMnO. The presence of carbon in slag decreases γFetO and γMnO, which turns out to be favourable for the reduction of Al reoxidation. The thermodynamic equilibria of chromium and manganese are quantified in terms of FetO and Cr2O3 content as well as slag basicity by using multiple regression analysis. LCr and LMn are increased by the presence of Cr2O3, indicating a low recovery efficiency of Cr and Mn in the treatment of ferroalloy addition. In determining LS values, Cr2O3 is not so important as the basicity of slags.  相似文献   

A model for viscosity estimation of molten slags in the Al2O2‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2 system is presented in this work. The model is an extension to the viscosity estimation model of molten slags in the CaO‐FeO‐MgO‐MnO‐SiO2 system developed before by the present author. The present model has explicitly taken charge compensation into consideration. It is postulated that Al exists in a structural unit MAl2O4 when MO/ Al2O3 >1 for the Al2O3‐MO‐SiO2 system (MO=CaO, MgO). MAl2O4 has a similar behaviour as SiO2, i.e. it can form an Al‐O‐Al network and be depolymerised by network modifying oxides (CaO, MgO). The present model is applied in viscosity estimation of some slags within the Al2O3‐CaO‐MgO‐SiO2 system. A mean deviation of less than 25% is achieved for the present model.  相似文献   

In the present work, the gas‐slag equilibration technique was employed for the measurement of the thermodynamic activity of vanadium oxide. The vanadium‐containing slag kept in a platinum crucible was equilibrated with a gas mixture of CO, CO2 and Ar, with well‐defined oxygen partial pressure at a pre‐determined temperature. The slag sample was quenched and the composition of the final slag was determined by chemical analysis. From the value of the oxygen partial pressure, the thermodynamic activity of VO1.5 could be calculated using the value for the activity of vanadium in V‐Pt alloy. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range 1823~1923K and the oxygen partial pressures employed were 10‐3, 10‐4, 10‐5 Pa. The present results show that the activity of vanadium(III) oxide in slag exhibits a negative deviation from ideality in the present composition range. With increasing basicity of the slag, the final content of vanadium oxide in the slag was found to show an initial increase followed by a constant content. The activities of vanadium(III) oxide did not exhibit any significant change with increasing temperature. The activity coefficient of vanadium(III) oxide decreased sharply with slag basicity approximately up to a basicity of 1, beyond which it showed a near–constant value. Increase in basicity was found to cause a change in the distribution of vanadium between the slag and the alloy phases even though this effect was less pronounced. From the present results, a mathematical relationship for estimating the vanadium content in slag for a given activity of vanadium in the molten metal phase was developed.  相似文献   

The dissolution of alumina inclusions in CaO‐SiO2‐Al2O3 based slags have been measured using laser scanning confocal microscopy (LSCM). Experiments were carried out over a temperature range of 1477 to 1577°C. It was found that diffusion coefficients calculated from the experimental results showed a dependence on the slag viscosity. This is considered strong evidence that the dissolution process is at least in part controlled by mass transfer in the slag phase. The diffusion coefficients for the alumina particles are estimated to be in the range 10?11 to 10?10 m2/s.  相似文献   

The Al2O3‐CaO‐CaF2 slag system is used in making special quality steels by the electro‐slag re‐melting process (ESR). The purpose of our investigation was to analyse ESR slag that contained SiO2. The slag samples with different SiO2 fractions (0 ‐ 20 mass %) were examined by chemical analysis, differential thermal analysis, simultaneous thermal analysis, X‐ray diffraction, electron microscopy and wetting angle measurement. With addition of SiO2 the polymerization of slags was increased due to the formation of new silicate complex compounds that influenced their melting points and wetting angles.  相似文献   

杨叠  邓小旋  王新华  钱龙 《钢铁》2013,48(1):37-41
 对薄板坯连铸连轧生产低碳铝镇静钢浇次第一炉开浇初期的中间包钢水取样,运用ASPEX扫描电镜分析了钢中夹杂物数量、尺寸及成分的变化规律。结果表明,二次氧化主要有2种:大气氧化和中间包耐火材料及卷渣造成的氧化。夹杂物的变化受二次氧化方式主次不同影响较大,在本研究的2个浇次中,中间包耐火材料及卷渣造成的二次氧化持续时间较大气氧化长,造成夹杂物数量较多和大量高熔点Al2O3夹杂的持续存在,其平均尺寸也较大,对钢水洁净度影响更大,可见在工业实践中,耐材和卷渣引起的二次氧化也值得高度重视。  相似文献   

In Japanese steelworks, hot metal is now being produced by a scrap melting process. With this process, removals of sulphur is very much handicapped because of very high sulphur levels (0.04‐ to 0.09‐ pct by weight) and relatively low tapping temperatures (1623 to 1723 K). In order to overcome such handicaps, the authors explored on the respective phase diagrams. These explorations revealed that {CaO‐SiO2‐Al2O3‐MgO} slags with Al2O3 contents of 30‐ to 35‐pct by weight would be good candidates as reagents for sulphur removal from high sulphur hot metal at relatively low temperatures. For better understanding of the thermodynamic properties of the candidate slags, in this study, sulphide capacities were determined through gas/slag equilibrium technique. The experimental results suggest that there would be, at least, a “window” to remove sulphur from high sulphur hot metal as relatively low temperatures.  相似文献   

In the present work, reoxidation of Al‐killed steel by Ca(OH)2 in high basicity slag was investigated by using laboratory experiments at 1873 K in MgO crucibles with various amount of Ca(OH)2 addition into slag. The CaO–SiO2–Al2O3–MgO–Ca(OH)2 slags were used to study the effect of Ca(OH)2 on total oxygen content, aluminum loss, and FeO content in the slag. It was shown that total oxygen content decreased with the time when no Ca(OH)2 was added into the slag, but it first increased and then decreased with the time when the addition of Ca(OH)2 was made. Moreover, aluminum loss and FeO content in the slag increased with increasing Ca(OH)2 content.  相似文献   

The effect of oxide component content on the low melting point zone (LMP) in the CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system has been analysed using FactSage software. The contents of dissolved elements [Si], [Mg], [O] and [Al] in liquid steel in equilibrium with the LMP inclusions in the CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system have been calculated. The results show that the CaO‐MgO‐Al2O3‐SiO2 system has the largest LMP zone (below 1400°C) when the Al2O3 content is 20% or the MgO content is 10%. The LMP zone becomes wide with the increase in CaO content (within the range of 0~30 mass%) and the decrease in SiO2 (from 25 to 5 mass%). To obtain the LMP (below 1400°C) inclusions, the [Mg], [Al] and [O] contents must be controlled within the range of 0.2~2 ppm, 1.0~2.0 ppm and 60~100 ppm, respectively.  相似文献   

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