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This paper examines the ability of the H design methodology to provide a solution to a gas- or oil-fired boiler control problem, and addresses the nontrivial application issues of the H design. The H methodology is applied to an experimentally verified heating-cogeneration boiler model which exhibits nonlinearities, instability, time delays, non-minimum phase behaviour, and coloured noise disturbances with sensor noise in the frequency range of the significant plant dynamics. The design shows that, to satisfy performance criteria, a high order controller is needed. The paper also demonstrates a trade-off between the reduction of controller order and the loss of controller performance.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of H estimation of nonlinear processes. An estimator, which may be nonlinear, is looked for so that a given bound on the ratio between the energy of the estimation error and the energy of the oxogeneous inputs to the estimated process is achieved. Conditions for the existence of such an estimator and formulas for its derivation are obtained using both the game theory approach and the theory of dissipative systems. The results of the paper extend the recent results on H nonlinear control. They are demonstrated by a simple example of a linear system with a nonlinear measurement rule and compared with corresponding results that are obtained by the extended Kalman filter.  相似文献   

A redesign method for discretizing a continuous-time controller is proposed. The resulting hybrid control system, for example with continuous-time plant and discrete-time controller, is stable, and performance including the system's inter-sampling behaviour can be optimized by approximating some chosen reference transfer function of the continuous-time control system. In order to obtain a tractable problem, the continuous-time part of the hybrid system and the reference transfer function are approximated by a discrete-time system with arbitrary fast sampling. After lifting the resulting periodic system, the approximation problem can be formulated as a standard H-problem which is solved using standard software for H-controller design.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of finite-time-horizon robust H control via measurement feedback, for affine nonlinear systems with nonlinear time-varying parameter uncertainty. The problem addressed is the design of a control law, which processes the measured output and guarantees a prescribed level of closed-loop disturbance attenuation. Conditions for the existence of such a controller are obtained by solving an auxiliary control problem for a related system which is obtained from the original one by converting the parameter uncertainty into exogenous bounded energy signals. This approach allows us to apply the recently developed H nonlinear control techniques to solve the robust control problem. The problem is investigated in both the continuous- and discrete-time cases. The results are demonstrated by a simple example. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In previously obtained balancing methods for nonlinear systems a past and a future energy function are used to bring the nonlinear system in balanced form. By considering a different pair of past and future energy functions that are related to the H control problem for nonlinear systems we define H balancing. Furthermore, we investigate the monotonicity of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations that appear in this balancing method. The method is used as a tool for model reduction.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes some recent results on the problem of disturbance attenuation via measurement feedback, with internal stability, for an affine nonlinear system. The solution of the problem is shown to be related to the existence of solutions of a pair of Hamilton-Jacobi inequalities in n independent variables, associated with state feedback and, respectively, output-injection design.  相似文献   

This paper presents a solution to the singular H control problem via state feedback for a class of nonlinear systems. It is shown that the problem of almost disturbance decoupling with stability plays a fundamental role in the solution of the considered problem. We also point out when the singular problem can be reduced to a regular one or solved via standard H technique. We must stress that the solution of the singular problem is obtained without making any approximation of it by means of regular problems. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method to construct a decentralized nonlinear robust H controller for a class of large‐scale nonlinear uncertain systems. The admissible uncertainties and nonlinearities in the system satisfy integral quadratic constraints and global Lipschitz conditions, respectively. The decentralized controller, which is required to be stable, is capable of exploiting known nonlinearities and interconnections between subsystems without treating them as uncertainties. Instead, additional uncertainties are introduced because of the discrepancies between nondecentralized and decentralized nonlinear output feedback controllers. The H control objective is to achieve an absolutely stable closed‐loop system with a specified disturbance attenuation level. A solution to this control problem involves stabilizing solutions to algebraic Riccati equations parametrized by scaling constants corresponding to the uncertainties and nonlinearities. This formulation is nonconvex; hence, an evolutionary optimization method is applied to solve the control problem considered. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new multirate nonlinear controller for robot manipulators is described. The algorithm stems from the computed torque method, but has several modifications on its structure, resulting in a more robust controller. The main philosophy behind those improvements resides on a sound engineering and management of the system resources. Consequently, the use of multirate sampling, memory tables, and predictive action arises naturally from that methodology. The resulting controller is easy to tune using standard industrial engineering practice; moreover, by alleviating the computational burden its implementation is feasible with present day microprocessors.  相似文献   

The problem of H control for a class of linear systems with state saturation nonlinearities is considered in this paper. By introducing a row diagonally dominant matrix with negative diagonal elements and a diagonal matrix with positive elements, the H control problem is reduced to a matrix inequality feasibility problem that can be solved by the proposed iterative linear matrix inequality algorithm. The effectiveness of the presented method is demonstrated by a numerical example. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

In this paper, we study a polynomial static output feedback (SOF) stabilization problem with H performance via a homogeneous polynomial Lyapunov function (HPLF). It is shown that the quadratic stability ascertaining the existence of a single constant Lyapunov function becomes a special case. With the HPLF, the proposal is based on a relaxed two‐step sum of square (SOS) construction where a stabilizing polynomial state feedback gain K(x) is returned at the first stage and then the obtained K(x) gain is fed back to the second stage, achieving the SOF closed‐loop stabilization of the underlying polynomial fuzzy control systems. The SOS equations obtained thus effectively serve as a sufficient condition for synthesizing the SOF controllers that guarantee polynomial fuzzy systems stabilization. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed polynomial fuzzy SOF H control, benchmark examples are provided for the new approach.  相似文献   

The theory of nonlinear H of optimal control for affine nonlinear systems is extended to the more general context of singular H optimal control of nonlinear systems using ideas from the linear H theory. Our approach yields under certain assumptions a necessary and sufficient condition for solvability of the state feedback singular H control problem. The resulting state feedback is then used to construct a dynamic compensator solving the nonlinear output feedback H control problem by applying the certainty equivalence principle.  相似文献   

The constraints on the PID gains, which are derived from the H norm performance index by discretization of the frequency, are convex or concave depending on frequencies. This problem is a non‐convex problem, and a new method of approximating these constraints as adequate linear inequalities is proposed. Then, the optimal solution can be efficiently and successfully searched for by applying linear programming iteratively. This method is compared with methods based on barrier function and linear matrix inequality. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the H control problem for a class of cascade switched nonlinear systems consisting of two nonlinear parts which are also switched systems using the multiple Lyapunov function method. Firstly, we design the state feedback controller and the switching law, which guarantees that the corresponding closed‐loop system is globally asymptotically stable and has a prescribed H performance level. This method is suitable for a case where none of the switched subsystems is asymptotically stable. Then, as an application, we study the hybrid H control problem for a class of nonlinear cascade systems. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the feasibility of our results. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

Following recent works on continuous-time nonlinear H-control, where connections with game theory and passivity conditions have been set, the present paper studies the corresponding problem for discrete-time systems. The paper describes sufficient conditions for the existence and the construction of a feedback law which imposes a prescribed level of disturbance attenuation with internal stability. Both cases of state feedback and measurement feedback are considered.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical algorithm for MIMO controller design with multiple H norm constraints. The plant is described by its sampled-data impulse response matrix, which could be determined directly from measurements; the controller design parameters are the tap weights of an FIR discretization of the Q-(or Youla-) parameter. We approximate the H norm by the maximum transfer matrix 2-norm on an even frequency sampling over θ = [0, π]. The control design algorithm uses the Newton method to minimize two cost functions sequentially: the first determines multiple H feasibility, and the second minimizes a generalized entropy. As a design example, we control the acoustic radiation from a (mathematically modelled) submerged spherical shell. The plant-model impulse response matrix has McMillan degree 8 800. We specify and synthesize a controller that simultaneously achieves ten H constraints: one on the radiation reduction, one for stability robustness, and eight on actuator authority.  相似文献   

A systematic procedure for design of nonlinear H controllers for amplitude‐dependent nonlinear plants is presented. The procedure is based on describing function concepts involving sinusoidal input describing function models of the nonlinear plant followed by application of an inverse describing function technique to arrive at nonlinear gains of the H controller. The procedure is applied to a servomechanism problem to demonstrate the typical results that may be achieved. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley and Sons Asia Pte Ltd and Chinese Automatic Control Society  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new scheme for designing a H stabilizing controller for discrete‐time Takagi‐Sugeno fuzzy systems with actuator saturation and external disturbances. The weighting‐dependent Lyapunov functions approach is used to design a robust static output‐feedback controller. To address the input saturation problem, both constrained and saturated control input cases are considered. In both cases, stabilization conditions of the fuzzy system are formulated as a convex optimization problem in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Two simulation examples are included to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design methods. A comparison with the results given in recent literature on the subject is also presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel three‐dimensional missile guidance law design based on nonlinear H control. The complete nonlinear kinematics of pursuit–evasion motion is considered in the three‐dimensional spherical co‐ordinates system; neither linearization nor small angle assumption is made here. The nonlinear H guidance law is expressed in a simple form by solving the associated Hamilton–Jacobi partial differential inequality analytically. Unlike adaptive guidance laws, the implement of the proposed robust H guidance law does not require the information of target acceleration, while ensuring acceptable interceptive performance for arbitrary target with finite acceleration. The resulting pursuit–evasion trajectories for both the H‐guided missile and the worst‐case target are determined in closed form, and the performance robustness against variations in target acceleration, in engagement condition, and in control loop gain, is verified by numerical simulations. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper formulates and solves the robust H control problem for discrete‐time nonlinear switching systems. The H control problem is interpreted as the l2 finite gain control problem and is studied using a dissipative systems theory for switched systems. Both state and measurement feedback control problems are formulated as dynamic games and solved using dynamic programming. The partially observed dynamic game corresponding to the measurement feedback control problem is solved by transforming into a completely observed, full state infinite‐dimensional game problem using information states. Our results are illustrated with an example. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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