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It is a visible fact that the growth of mobile devices is enormous. More computations are required to be carried out for various applications in these mobile devices. But the drawback of the mobile devices is less computation power and low available energy. The mobile cloud computing helps in resolving these issues by integrating the mobile devices with cloud technology. Again, the issue is increased in the latency as the task and data to be offloaded to the cloud environment uses WAN. Hence, to decrease the latency, this paper proposes cloudlet‐based dynamic task offloading (CDTO) algorithm where the task can be executed in device environment, cloudlet environment, cloud server environment, and integrated environment. The proposed algorithm, CDTO, is tested in terms of energy consumption and completion time. 相似文献
There is a good opportunity for enlightening the services of the mobile devices by introducing computational offloading using cloud technology. Offloading is a process for managing the complexity of the mobile environment by migrating computational load to the cloud. The mobile devices oblige the quick response for the offloading requests; it is dependent on network connectivity. The cloud services take long set‐up time irrespective of network connectivity. In this paper, new system architecture for the dynamic task offloading in the mobile cloud environment is proposed. The architecture includes the offloading algorithm that concentrates on energy consumption of the tasks both in the local and remote environment. The proposed algorithm formulates a collective task execution model for minimizing the energy consumption. The architecture concentrates on the network model by considering the task completion time in three different network scenarios. The experimental results show the efficiency of the suggested architecture in reducing the energy consumption and completion time of the tasks. 相似文献
Computation Partitioning in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Survey 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mobile devices are increasingly interacting with clouds,and mobile cloud computing has emerged as a new paradigm.An central topic in mobile cloud computing is computation partitioning,which involves partitioning the execution of applications between the mobile side and cloud side so that execution cost is minimized.This paper discusses computation partitioning in mobile cloud computing.We first present the background and system models of mobile cloud computation partitioning systems.We then describe and compare state-of-the-art mobile computation partitioning in terms of application modeling,profiling,optimization,and implementation.We point out the main research issues and directions and summarize our own works. 相似文献
Hoang T. Dinh Chonho Lee Dusit Niyato Ping Wang 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2013,13(18):1587-1611
Together with an explosive growth of the mobile applications and emerging of cloud computing concept, mobile cloud computing (MCC) has been introduced to be a potential technology for mobile services. MCC integrates the cloud computing into the mobile environment and overcomes obstacles related to the performance (e.g., battery life, storage, and bandwidth), environment (e.g., heterogeneity, scalability, and availability), and security (e.g., reliability and privacy) discussed in mobile computing. This paper gives a survey of MCC, which helps general readers have an overview of the MCC including the definition, architecture, and applications. The issues, existing solutions, and approaches are presented. In addition, the future research directions of MCC are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
随着智能交通的快速发展和车联网中数据流量爆炸式的增长,汽车终端请求卸载的任务对时延和带宽有了更加严苛的要求。在现有的云计算服务模式中,车辆可以访问云服务器来获得强大的计算、存储和网络资源,但缺点是通信传输时延较大,仅依靠云计算可能会导致过度的延迟。为了更加合理利用资源、减小时延、优化卸载策略,提出了一种基于粒子群优化算法的“车-边-云”协同卸载方案。首先通过接入点附近的软件定义网络(Software Define Network,SDN)控制器根据终端用户附近边缘节点、本地终端和云计算节点的计算资源和容量情况得出最优的卸载策略,充分利用本地、移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC)设备、云端的计算资源,然后通过粒子群优化算法得出“车-边-云”各计算节点的卸载系数,即最优卸载策略。实验结果表明,相比于其他卸载策略,所提的卸载机制对时延优化效果明显,提高了计算资源的利用率。 相似文献
孟敏 《太赫兹科学与电子信息学报》2018,16(6):1080-1086
主要研究移动用户均有多个独立任务的多用户移动云计算系统,这些移动用户将任务卸载到云端时共享通信资源。如何对所有用户的任务卸载决策和通信资源分配进行联合优化,以便使所有用户的能耗、计算量和延时降到最低是目前研究的难点。将该问题建模为NP难度的非凸的具有二次约束的二次规划(QCQP)问题,提出一种高效的近似算法进行求解,通过单独的半正定松驰(SDR)处理后,确定二元卸载决策和通信资源最优分配。采用代表最小系统成本的性能下界作为性能基准进行仿真实验,结果表明,本文算法在多种参数配置下的性能均接近最优性能。 相似文献
Mobile cloud computing is a promising approach to improve the mobile device's efficiency in terms of energy consumption and execution time. In this context, mobile devices can offload the computation‐intensive parts of their applications to powerful cloud servers. However, they should decide what computation‐intensive parts are appropriate for offloading to be beneficial instead of local execution on the mobile device. Moreover, in the real world, different types of clouds/servers with heterogeneous processing speeds are available that should be considered for offloading. Because making offloading decision in multisite context is an NP‐complete, obtaining an optimal solution is time consuming. Hence, we use a near optimal decision algorithm to find the best‐possible partitioning for offloading to multisite clouds/servers. We use a genetic algorithm and adjust it for multisite offloading problem. Also, genetic operators are modified to reduce the ineffective solutions and hence obtain the best‐possible solutions in a reasonable time. We evaluated the efficiency of the proposed method using graphs of real mobile applications in simulation experiments. The evaluation results demonstrate that our proposal outperforms other counterparts in terms of energy consumption, execution time, and weighted cost model. 相似文献
Ibrar Yaqoob Ejaz Ahmed Abdullah Gani Salimah Mokhtar Muhammad Imran Sghaier Guizani 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2016,16(16):2572-2589
The unabated flurry of research activities to augment various mobile devices in terms of compute‐intensive task execution by leveraging heterogeneous resources of available devices in the local vicinity has created a new research domain called mobile ad hoc cloud (MAC) or mobile cloud. It is a new type of mobile cloud computing (MCC). MAC is deemed to be a candidate blueprint for future compute‐intensive applications with the aim of delivering high functionalities and rich impressive experience to mobile users. However, MAC is yet in its infancy, and a comprehensive survey of the domain is still lacking. In this paper, we survey the state‐of‐the‐art research efforts carried out in the MAC domain. We analyze several problems inhibiting the adoption of MAC and review corresponding solutions by devising a taxonomy. Moreover, MAC roots are analyzed and taxonomized as architectural components, applications, objectives, characteristics, execution model, scheduling type, formation technologies, and node types. The similarities and differences among existing proposed solutions by highlighting the advantages and disadvantages are also investigated. We also compare the literature based on objectives. Furthermore, our study advocates that the problems stem from the intrinsic characteristics of MAC by identifying several new principles. Lastly, several open research challenges such as incentives, heterogeneity‐ware task allocation, mobility, minimal data exchange, and security and privacy are presented as future research directions. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
相对于传统的应用部署方式,云计算是基于互联网的一种并行处理技术,提供了一个高度可扩展和按需处理的服务。任务调度一直是云计算环境中的研究热点,在云计算环境中具有重要作用。能否合理分配任务到虚拟机资源上是重要问题之一。本文通过对任务请求的资源进行分析,对不同类型的任务进行聚类,将不同类型任务通过改进贪心调度算法合理分配到虚拟机资源上。通过Cloudsim平台模拟实验表明,该算法相对于Min-Min算法在节省能耗方面有较好的效果。 相似文献
An ad hoc mobile cloud had been proposed to offload workload to neighboring mobile devices for resource sharing.The issues that whether to offload or not was addressed,how to select the suitable mobile device to offload,and how to assign workload.Game theoretic approach was used to formulate this problem,and then,a distributed scheme was designed to achieve the optimal solution.The experimental results validate the rightness and effectiveness of proposed scheme. 相似文献
Shanthi Thangam Manukumar Vijayalakshmi Muthuswamy 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2023,36(2):e5378
Mobile device users are involved in social networking, gaming, learning, and even some office work, so the end users expect mobile devices with high-response computing capacities, storage, and high battery power consumption. The data-intensive applications, such as text search, online gaming, and face recognition usage, have tremendously increased. With such high complex applications, there are many issues in mobile devices, namely, fast battery draining, limited power, low storage capacity, and increased energy consumption. The novelty of this work is to strike a balance between time and energy consumption of mobile devices while using data-intensive applications by finding the optimal offloading decisions. This paper proposes a novel efficient Data Size-Aware Offloading Model (DSAOM) for data-intensive applications and to predict the appropriate resource provider for dynamic resource allocation in mobile cloud computing. Based on the data size, the tasks are separated and gradually allocated to the appropriate resource providers for execution. The task is placed into the appropriate resource provider by considering the availability services in the fog nodes or the cloud. The tasks are split into smaller portions for execution in the neighbor fog nodes. To execute the task in the remote side, the offloading decision is made by using the min-cut algorithm by considering the monetary cost of the mobile device. This proposed system achieves low-latency time 13.2% and low response time 14.1% and minimizes 24% of the energy consumption over the existing model. Finally, according to experimental findings, this framework efficiently lowers energy use and improves performance for data-intensive demanding application activities, and the task offloading strategy is effective for intensive offloading requests. 相似文献
A Survey of Mobile Cloud Computing 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) is emerging as one of the most important branches of cloud computing. In this paper, MCC is defined as cloud computing extended by mobility, and a new ad-hoc infrastructure based on mobile devices. It provides mobile users with data storage and processing services on a cloud computing platform. Because mobile cloud computing is still in its infancy, we aim to clarify confusion that has arisen from different views. Existing works are reviewed, and an overview of recent advances in mobile cloud computing is provided. We investigate representative infrastructures of mobile cloud computing and analyze key components. Moreover, emerging MCC models and services are discussed, and challenging issues are identified that will need to be addressed in future work. 相似文献
针对电力物联网中(PIoT)海量智能设备接入导致的流量激增问题,提出一种时延能耗均衡的边缘计算(MEC)资源调度策略。综合考虑信道条件、电力设备安全温度保护机制和设备能耗等因素,以兰道尔(Landaer)原理为基础构建设备侧的能耗模型和热功耗约束。在保证队列稳定性的前提下,通过联合优化任务卸载决策、传输功率和计算资源分配,最小化系统长期平均时间能耗。为解决随机优化问题,引入李雅普诺夫(Lyapunov)理论,将问题转化为每个时隙的确定性优化问题。仿真结果表明,该策略相对于基准方案能够降低系统能耗,并实现能耗与时延之间的均衡。 相似文献