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How to obtain full privacy in auctions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Privacy has become a factor of increasing importance in auction design. We propose general techniques for cryptographic first-price and (M+1)st-price auction protocols that only yield the winners' identities and the selling price. Moreover, if desired, losing bidders learn no information at all, except that they lost. Our security model is merely based on computational intractability. In particular, our approach does not rely on trusted third parties, e.g., auctioneers. We present an efficient implementation of the proposed techniques based on El Gamal encryption whose security only relies on the intractability of the decisional Diffie—Hellman problem. The resulting protocols require just three rounds of bidder broadcasting in the random oracle model. Communication complexity is linear in the number of possible bids.  相似文献   

The strategic potential of information systems (IS) is widely recognised. However, there is a need to understand better the process leading to strategic IS applications and the way in which it may be affected by the context. This paper presents four case studies of the decision making, design and development, and implementation processes leading to strategic, intra-organizational systems. These cases are used to develop a set of general and contingency propositions about the strategic IS development process. The general propositions represent a longitudinal model of the role of senior management during various phases of the process, while the contingency propositions relate the nature of the process to four contextual factors, namely the organization's size, environmental uncertainty, the sector to which the organization belongs, and the maturity of its IS function. These propositions should serve as a basis for future empirical research on strategic IS development.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to develop a comprehensive information system (IS) evaluation model for IS success linked to organizational performance. The primary focus of this research is to investigate the role of IT investment in business values by means of a group survey of about 300 business executives in Korea. We used the contingency theory to discover the mediation effect of IS investment on strategic alignment and IS success. In contrast to previous research, this study expanded the test scope to IS architecture and organizational structure at the operational level. The results from 273 business executives in Korea indicated that strategy integration with IT is positively related to IT investment, and IT investment is a critical antecedent of IS success. Thus, the implications of the findings are that right-directional IT investment has played an important role in the success of IT companies in Korea.  相似文献   

Computing on graphics processors is maybe one of the most important developments in computational science to happen in decades. Not since the arrival of the Beowulf cluster, which combined open source software with commodity hardware to truly democratize high-performance computing, has the community been so electrified. Like then, the opportunity comes with challenges. The formulation of scientific algorithms to take advantage of the performance offered by the new architecture requires rethinking core methods. Here, we have tackled fast summation algorithms (fast multipole method and fast Gauss transform), and applied algorithmic redesign for attaining performance on gpus. The progression of performance improvements attained illustrates the exercise of formulating algorithms for the massively parallel architecture of the gpu. The end result has been gpu kernels that run at over 500 Gop/s on one nvidiatesla C1060 card, thereby reaching close to practical peak.  相似文献   

Strategic information systems (IS) planning is not an easy task and knowing which critical areas to manage certainly enhances IS planning success. Studies of critical success factors (CSFs) usually dealt with specific systems or management technique implementation, such as manufacturing resource planning (MRP) and total quality management (TQM). There exists little empirical research on CSFs per se in strategic IS planning. This paper is an effort to enhance existing knowledge on how strategic IS planning should be effectively managed. Using data from a survey on IS planning conducted in 1996 by the National University of Singapore, we identified and rank-ordered the CSFs in strategic IS planning in the Singapore context. We also examined the sources of assistance and expertise that companies undertaking IS planning in Singapore can tap.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》1998,34(4):199-208
We present a longitudinal study of the information systems strategic planning process (ISSP) within a large Australian organization and review the changes and developments that have taken place within this organization over a period of four years. We discuss ISSP with regard to its strategic relevance, factors affecting IS strategic planning, key issues in ISSP, the effects of infusion and diffusion levels, together with the effect of IS maturity on ISSP and ISSP on IS maturity. Our study shows that the adoption of ISSP methodologies has had numerous benefits within the organization.  相似文献   

Fueled by the development of Internet-based platforms that provided its technological foundation, and the need for an agile and uniquely skilled workforce, crowdsourcing has grown from the grassroots, with a burgeoning body of research investigating its many aspects. To gain insight into organizational crowdsourcing as a strategic IS sourcing phenomenon, this paper thoroughly reviews the literature to identify both areas of saturation and gaps, with a focus on the strategic organizational context. Pulling together knowledge on specific aspects of crowdsourcing, we first offer a high-level analysis of definitions to reveal rather broad coverage of various activities involving the crowd, many of which do not involve sourcing. We further build on the literature to establish boundary conditions and clarify the focus on crowdsourcing. This is followed by an in-depth critical analysis of selected studies published in top IS and general management journals to date. Through this review, we identify key themes that emerge out of the crowdsourcing literature and synthesize the literature to chart a more focused research path moving forward. Guided by our analysis, we offer a road map for future research that brings together fine-grained insights from existing crowdsourcing studies towards developing a high-level, macro-perspective of the crowdsourcing phenomenon and its strategic impact.  相似文献   

Mutual understanding between the CEO and CIO is thought to facilitate the alignment of an organization's IS with its business strategy, and thereby enhance the contribution of the IS to business performance. A survey of 202 pairs of CEOs and CIOs was taken to investigate the relationships between them. Mutual understanding was measured as the role of IS in the organization, using the perspectives of both executives. Strategic alignment was measured as the fit between the CEO's assessment of eight STROBE dimensions and the CIO's assessment of the analogous STROEPIS dimensions; both the CEO and CIO evaluated IS contribution. Mutual understanding of the role of IT led to seven alignment dimensions whereas six alignment dimensions led to IS contributions. Our study extended the theory of IT strategic alignment and provided direction for CEOs and CIOs interested in improving the IS contribution of their organization.  相似文献   

We propose a new idea, based upon an optimization procedure, for improving three-dimensional finite element meshes. Our method can effectively be coupled with any automatic mesh generator in order to obtain a triangulation without badly distorted elements. In this way, we are able to weaken the requirements on the generator, allowing it to produce singular elements, and post-process the result to obtain a valid mesh. We report some experiments showing how this combination makes the meshing of arbitrary domains much more reliable, as compared to the usual approach of precluding distorted elements during the initial generation stage.  相似文献   

A fundamental tenet of the information systems (IS) discipline holds that: (a) a lack of formal power and influence over the organization targeted for change, (b) weak support from top management, and (c) organizational memories of prior failures are barriers to implementation success. Our research, informed by organization influence, compellingly illustrates that such conditions do not necessarily doom a project to failure. In this paper, we present an analysis of how an IS implementation team designed and enacted a coordinated strategy of organizational influence to achieve implementation success despite these barriers. Our empirical analysis also found that technology implementation and change is largely an organizational influence process (OIP), and thus technical-rational approaches alone are inadequate for achieving success. Our findings offer managers important insights into how they can design and enact OIPs to effectively manage IS implementation. Further, we show how the theory of organizational influence can enhance understanding of IS implementation dynamics and advance the development of a theory of effective IS change agentry.  相似文献   

C/S模式具有较好的可管理性和稳定性,但不能自适应客户数量的变化.P2P模式可自动适应网络规模的变化,但可管理较差.对等服务器网络(P2SP)模式融合了C/S和P2P两者的技术优势,可以提高信息服务的质量,同时控制系统的成本.分析了P2SP的结构和特点,并给出了P2SP目录服务器的结构和信息认证模型.  相似文献   

This paper reviews key concepts from the resource-based theory (RBT) of the firm, including evidence of “empirical support” for RBT. However, the paper then turns the conventional logic of empirical testing of RBT on its head, and argues that all that empirical testing does is to show researchers’ success in identifying valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable (VRIN) resources. Examining the IS literature from this perspective, the paper identifies a number of resources that really do seem to have been sources of competitive advantage. It concludes with recommendations on how RBT should be used in future strategic IS research.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(8):1861-1881
The success of a P2P file-sharing network highly depends on the scalability and versatility of its search mechanism. Two particularly desirable search features are scope (ability to find infrequent items) and support for partial-match queries (queries that contain typos or include a subset of keywords). While centralized-index architectures (such as Napster) can support both these features, existing decentralized architectures seem to support at most one: prevailing unstructured P2P protocols (such as Gnutella and FastTrack) deploy a “blind” search mechanism where the set of peers probed is unrelated to the query; thus they support partial-match queries but have limited scope. On the other extreme, the recently-proposed distributed hash tables (DHTs) such as CAN and CHORD, couple index location with the item’s hash value, and thus have good scope but can not effectively support partial-match queries. Another hurdle to DHTs deployment is their tight control of the overlay structure and the information (part of the index) each peer maintains, which makes them more sensitive to failures and frequent joins and disconnects.We develop a new class of decentralized P2P architectures. Our design is based on unstructured architectures such as Gnutella and FastTrack, and retains many of their appealing properties including support for partial match queries, and relative resilience to peer failures. Yet, we obtain orders of magnitude improvement in the efficiency of locating rare items. Our approach exploits associations inherent in human selections to steer the search process to peers that are more likely to have an answer to the query. We demonstrate the potential of associative search using models, analysis, and simulations.  相似文献   

Human factors and ergonomics methods are needed to redesign healthcare processes and support patient-centered care, in particular for vulnerable patients such as hospitalized children. We implemented and evaluated a stimulated recall methodology for collective confrontation in the context of family-centered rounds. Five parents and five healthcare team members reviewed video records of their bedside rounds, and were then interviewed using the stimulated recall methodology to identify work system barriers and facilitators in family-centered rounds. The evaluation of the methodology was based on a survey of the participants, and a qualitative analysis of interview data in light of the work system model of 30 and 35. Positive survey feedback from the participants was received. The stimulated recall methodology identified barriers and facilitators in all work system elements. Participatory ergonomics methods such as the stimulated recall methodology allow a range of participants, including parents and children, to participate in healthcare process improvement.  相似文献   

A rapidly changing environment requires firms to adopt a customer-driven approach in managing their information systems. Study results indicate that firms with high levels of organizational involvement in IS related activities have higher levels of IS management effectiveness. In turn, these higher levels lead to lower levels of end-user self-reliance in application development and higher levels of end-user dependence on IS expertise. In our study, end-user self-reliance indicated the presence of independent end-users circumventing the IS unit by developing software applications and engaging in traditional IS activities. In contrast, end-user dependence on IS expertise indicated that end-users believed that the IS unit was a valuable and reliable source of technical knowledge and application support. More effective IS management practices, combined with higher end-user dependence on the IS expertise, were found to lead to improved perceptions of IS performance. Data were collected from 265 senior manufacturing managers who were selected because their perspective of IS activities and performance was desired and manufacturing units are an important user of the services. Structural equation modeling was used to test our hypotheses.  相似文献   

针对高码率和实时性要求不高的大规模媒体分发应用,提出一种新的应用层组播PPNCast。PPNCast基于对等交换的思想对应用层组播系统进行了优化,可以支持多种片的分发模型。通过仿真实验与Yoid、NICE应用层组播协议对比,结果显示PPNCast可以明显改善系统的链路压力均衡度和节点公平度。  相似文献   

Information systems (IS) are a key enabler to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the public sector. The realization of large IS projects, however, still remains a challenge in public administrations. One reason is that the complex task of IT governance in federal structures requires contributions from a large number of stakeholders. To address this challenge, we conducted Action Design Research in cooperation with different institutions of the German labor market and developed a requirements engineering process with a corresponding IT governance in the public sector that takes complex federal structures into account. The process was successfully implemented at the German Federal Employment Agency and proved valuable to deal with 146 municipal requirements regarding an IS in the context of unemployment benefits. Moreover, we derived four general success factors with a special attention on the interleaving of requirements engineering process and IT governance.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have appeared that evaluate and rank journal quality and the productivity of IS scholars and their institutions. In this paper, we describe the results of one recent study identifying the ‘Top 30’ IS Researchers, revealing many unexamined assumptions about which IS publication outlets should be included in any definition of high-quality, scholarly IS journals. Drawing from the argument that all categories and classification schemes are grounded in politics, we critique the process by which the recent study in question (and several earlier studies) have derived the set of journals from which they count researcher publications. Based on a critical examination of the widespread inclusion of practitioner outlets, and the consistent exclusion of European scholarly IS journals, we develop our own arguments for which journals should be included in such evaluations of researcher productivity. We conduct our own analysis of IS researcher productivity for the period 1999–2003, based on articles published in a geographically balanced set of 12 IS journals, and then we compare our results with those from the recent study in question and their predecessors. Our results feature a more diverse set of scholars – both in terms of location (specifically, the country and continent in which the researchers are employed) and gender. We urge future studies of IS research productivity to follow our practice of including high-quality European journals, while eschewing practitioner-oriented publications (such as Harvard Business Review and Communications of the ACM). We also advocate that such studies count only research contributions (e.g., research articles), and that other genres of non-research articles – such as book reviews, ‘issues and opinions’ pieces and editorial introductions – not be conflated with counts of research contributions.  相似文献   

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