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协作通信作为一种新颖的无线通信技术,它的主要思想是通过中继节点参与协作传输,在目的端获得两个或者多个在空间上独立的信号样本,实现空间分集,获得分集增益.因此如何合理选择中继节点成为协作通信的关键问题之一.本文在协作通信模型及原理的基础上,对基于信道状态信息的中继选择算法进行了介绍,并对具体的选择算法的性能进行了仿真. 相似文献
Hee‐Nam Cho Jin‐Woo Lee Yong‐Hwan Lee 《International Journal of Communication Systems》2011,24(5):586-606
This paper considers cooperative power allocation with the use of partial channel state information (CSI) in a multi‐user dual‐hop relay system with multiple antennas. The end‐to‐end capacity can be improved by dynamically allocating the transmit power of the base station and relay according to co‐channel interference caused by the adjacent relays. The proposed scheme allocates the transmit power in association with the eigenvalues and angle difference between the eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel. It is shown by means of upper‐bound analysis that the end‐to‐end capacity of the proposed scheme can be maximized in highly correlated channel environments when the principal eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel are orthogonal to each other. It is also shown that the proposed scheme is robust to the channel estimation error. Finally, the performance of the proposed scheme is verified by the computer simulation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
针对放大转发的瑞利双向中继信道的节点选择问题,提出了基于部分信道信息的分布式双向中继选择算法。算法通过计算双向链路的接收信噪比,推导出满足目标接收信噪比的转发阈值,各中继节点根据该阈值决定是否参与转发,从而实现分布式选择。此外,考虑用户总功率受限的情况,在分布式中继选择基础上提出了优化功率分配策略,使双向信道的接收信噪比更加接近。仿真结果表明,分布式中继选择算法与最优多中继算法的系统传输速率相似,计算复杂度大大降低,尤其是在中继数目增大的情况下更加明显。优化功率分配策略能进一步提高系统能量效率,在相同性能下可节省7%左右的功率。 相似文献
Cooperative relaying is emerging as an effective technology to fulfill requirements on high data rate coverage in next-generation cellular networks,like long term evolution-advanced (LTE-Advanced).In this paper,we propose a distributed joint relay node (RN) selection and power allocation scheme over multihop relaying cellular networks toward LTE-Advanced,taking both the wireless channel state and RNs’ residual energy into consideration.We formulate the multihop relaying cellular network as a restless bandit system.The first-order finite-state Markov chain is used to characterize the time-varying channel and residual energy state transitions.With this stochastic optimization formulation,the optimal policy has indexability property that dramatically reduces the computational complexity.Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can efficiently enhance the expected system reward,compared with other existing algorithms. 相似文献
协同分集中的中继选择方法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
协同分集是一种新颖的分集技术。在协同通信中合理地选择中继能给系统带来更大的增益。在介绍协同分集原理和模型的基础上,引出了基于协作区域与基于及时信道状况和计时策略的两种中继选择方法,并对这两种方法进行了分析和比较。 相似文献
ZHANG Jing-mei SHAO Chun-ju WANG Ying ZHANG PingWireless Technology Innovation Institute Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications Beijing P.R. China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2005,12(4)
1IntroductionWireless communications have rapidly evolved in therecent decades[1]. An architecture based on introducingcooperative relayingtechnologiesintothe cellular infras-tructure[2 ~5],seems a solution which addresses futuretoughened requirements with respect to particular datarate and range by alleviating some of the shortcomingsof today s cellular concept .Repeateris asi mple coopera-tive relaying scheme with low complexity[6 ~7], whichcan be the Non-Regenerative Relaying Station (NR… 相似文献
This paper considers a coded cooperative relaying scheme in which all successfully decoded signals from multiple sources are simultaneously forwarded by a multi‐antenna relay to a common multi‐antenna destination to increase bandwidth efficiency. Iterative decoding with hard interference cancellation is used at destination to recover user information. By using orthogonal transmission from sources to avoid their mutual interference, the multi‐antenna relay offers receive space diversity that greatly enhances the decoding performance at the relay. This makes the source‐relay transmission more robust, less sensitive to the source‐relay link SNR, and hence increases the contribution of the relay in cooperative transmission. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme significantly outperforms direct transmission under the same transmit power and bandwidth efficiency. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, the performance of variable‐rate adaptive modulation schemes in the amplify‐and‐forward cooperative systems with relay selection is analyzed over Rayleigh fading channels. We consider constant power and discrete‐rate adaptive multi‐level modulation techniques. The switching levels required for discrete‐rate adaptive modulation have been determined for two schemes, namely fixed switching levels and optimum switching levels, both respecting a target bit error rate requirements, where in the later scheme, the switching levels are optimally determined in a way that the average spectral efficiency of the system is maximized. Two M‐ary modulation schemes, namely quadrature amplitude modulation and phase shift keying, are considered. Closed‐form expressions are derived for three performance metrics, namely average spectral efficiency, outage probability, and average bit error rate, for two cases: independent and identically distributed fading relay links and independent and non‐identically distributed links. It is shown that, compared with using fixed switching levels, employing optimum switching levels provides a slight improvement in the spectral efficiency and moderate improvements in the signal‐to‐noise ratio gain and in the outage probability of the system. It is also shown that compared with the independent and identically distributed links, independent and non‐identically distributed relay links yield a slight increase in the signal‐to‐noise ratio gain and a slight decrease in the diversity order of the system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
LI Yong HOU Yi-bin HUANG Zhang-qin WEI Yi-fei . Embedded Software Systems Institute Beijing University of Technology Beijing China . School of Electronic Engineering Beijing University of Posts Telecommunications Beijing China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2011,(4):1-6
This paper proposes a distributed relay and modulation and coding scheme (MCS) selection in wireless cooperative relaying networks where the adaptive modulation and coding (AMC) scheme is applied. First-order finite-state Markov channels (FSMCs) are used to model the wireless channels and make prediction. The objective of the relay policy is to select one relay and MCS among different alternatives in each time-slot according to their channel state information (CSI) with the goal of maximizing the throughput of the whole transmission period. The procedure of relay and MCS selection can be formulated as a discounted Markov decision chain, and the relay policy can be obtained with recent advances in stochastic control algorithms. Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. 相似文献
Petros Bithas Athanasios Rontogiannis 《Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing》2016,16(16):2700-2713
A new user selection strategy is investigated and analyzed in a multiuser relaying environment in the presence of co‐channel interference. The proposed selection scheme aims at avoiding unnecessary feedback load processing, in cases where a target threshold, in the received instantaneous signal‐to‐noise ratio, is exceeded. Assuming that perfect channel state information is available, closed‐form lower bound expressions are derived for the cumulative distribution function of the output signal to interference plus noise ratio. Moreover, the impact of outdated channel state information on the system's performance is also investigated. In addition, under the assumption of high signal‐to‐noise ratio conditions, simplified approximated expressions are also provided for the cumulative distribution functions of the output signal to interference plus noise ratio, which are employed to study the outage probability and bit error probability performance of the system. It is shown that with the proposed approach, a significant reduction in feedback load processing is achieved, with only a slight loss in performance. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, an opportunistic relaying‐based incremental hybrid decode‐amplify‐forward (OR‐IHDAF) scheme that combines robust protocol switch with efficient relay selection is proposed in multi‐relay scenario to cope with the complex and variable channel environments. The proposed OR‐IHDAF scheme can improve the system performance significantly compared with the incremental hybrid decode‐amplify‐forward protocol with the increase of the possible candidate relay nodes and opportunistic relay selection. The analytical expression of the system outage probability of the OR‐IHDAF scheme is presented based on the probability density function and cumulative distribution function, which might be useful to avoid lengthy simulations. Numerical results show the correctness of our theoretical analysis and the performance improvement of the OR‐IHDAF scheme compared with the other current hybrid cooperative protocols and OR‐based cooperative schemes. The effects of the power allocation schemes on the outage probability are also provided. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This article addresses the design problem of selecting an appropriate relay in amplify-and-forward(AF) cooperative diversity systems.In this regard,this article focuses on relay selection based on partial channel knowledge only across the source and relay links.In particular,the two fundamental questions will be answered,that is,whether to cooperate and whom to cooperate with.Through answering these two questions,an improved relay selection strategy based on partial relay link,which emphasizes that cooperat... 相似文献
随着设备小型化的发展趋势,天线间距较小,信道具有相关性;且假设发射端处于高速移动状态,无法获得完全信道状态信息,只能根据部分信道状态信息设计发射端波束形成方案。针对发射端和接收端配置多天线的固定增益放大转发无线中继系统,以最大化接收端信噪比为准则,设计了基于部分信道状态信息的波束形成方案,推导了系统中断概率和平均误符号率的闭合表达式,通过仿真验证了性能分析的有效性和所设计方案的优越性。在平均误符号率为10-2、相关系数为0.8时,所提方案比反馈信道状态信息的方案节约1.6 dB的信噪比。 相似文献
提出了一种放大转发网络中的中继选择方案,假设目的节点配置多个天线,源节点和所有中继节点都配置单个天线,方案选择一组中继同时在相同的频带上放大转发接收到的源节点信息以最大化接收信噪比。与只择一个最优中继的方案相比,方案在保持满分集阶数的情况下获得了更高的中断容量和更优的误符号率性能。与只选择一个最优中继的方案相比,在0.000 01的误符号率水平上,少需要发射功率1.6 dB。 相似文献
Capacity of a Class of Dirty-Tape Gaussian Orthogonal Relay Channel with State Information at the Source and Relay

A Gaussian channel with additive interference that is causally known to the tra- nsmitter is called a Dirty-Tape Channel (DTC). In this paper, we consider a state-dependent dirty-tape Gaussian relay channel with orth- ogonal channels from the source to the relay and from the source and relay to the destina- tion. The orthogonal channels are corrupted by two independent additive interferences causally known to both the source and relay. The lower and upper bounds of the channel capacity are established. The lower bound is obtained by employing superposition coding at the source, Partial Decode-and-Forward (PDF) relaying at the relay, and a strategy similar to that used by Shannon at the source and relay. The explicit capacity is characterised when the power of the relay is sufficiently large. Finally, several numerical examples are provided to illustrate the impact of additive interferences and the role of the relay in information transmission and in removing the interference. 相似文献