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The biological accuracy of a nonlinear compartmental model describing the in vivo kinetics of L-3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]fluorophenylalanine ([18F]FDOPA) metabolism was investigated. Tissue activities for [18F]FDOPA and its labeled metabolites 3-O-methyl-[18F]FDOPA ([18F]OMFD), 6-[18F]fluorodopamine ([18F]FDA), L-3,4-dihydroxy-6-[18F]fluorophenylacetic acid ([18F]FDOPAC), and 6-[18F]fluorohomovanillic acid ([18F]FHVA) were calculated using a plasma [18F]FDOPA input function, and kinetic constants estimated previously by chromatographic fractionation of 18F-labeled compounds in plasma and brain extracts from rat. Present data accurately reflected the measured radiochemical composition in rat brain for tracer circulation times past 10 min. We formulated the hypothesis that the discrepancy between calculated and measured fractions of [18F]FDOPA and the deaminated metabolite [18F]FDOPAC at times earlier than 10 min reflected storage of [18F]FDA in vesicles without monoamine oxidase. This hypothesis explained the initially rapid appearance of [18F]FDOPAC in striatum by delayed transfer of [18F]FDA from cytosol into vesicles. We conclude that the simpler model of [18F]FDOPA compartmentation is accurate when the cytosolic and vesicular fractions of [18F]FDA are at steady-state; the approach to equilibrium has a time constant of 15-30 min. The present model is valid for positron emission tomography studies of [18F]FDOPA metabolism in living brain.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To identify and quantify the factors responsible for the differences in mortality between affluent and deprived areas, the north and the south, and urban and rural areas in England and Wales. DESIGN: A multiple Poisson regression analysis of cause specific mortality in the 403 local authority districts, each classified by deprivation (using the Jarman Index), latitude (from 50 degrees to 55 degrees north) and urbanisation, adjusting for age, sex, and proportion of ethnic minorities. SETTING: England and Wales 1992. MAIN RESULTS: All cause mortality was 15% higher in the districts comprising the most compared with the least deprived tenth of the population, 23% higher in the most northern (55 degrees) than in the most southern (50 degrees) districts, and 4% higher in metropolitan (within large cities) than rural districts. Nationally these differences were associated with 40,000, 65,000, and 15,000 excess deaths respectively. More than two thirds of the overall excess mortality with deprivation, latitude, and urbanisation was from three diseases--ischaemic heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic bronchitis and emphysema. The excess mortality from these and other diseases closely matched that predicted from differences according to deprivation and latitude in smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, Helicobacter pylori infection, and temperature, and thus could be attributed to these causes. About 85% of the overall excess mortality with deprivation was attributable to heavier smoking and 6% to heavier alcohol consumption, but diet varied little. Deaths more directly related to deprivation (such as those caused by H pylori infection, drug misuse, psychoses) accounted for an estimated 12% of the excess deaths, but variation in provision and uptake of healthcare services only 1%. The direct effects of deprivation are more strongly related to morbidity than mortality. Of the difference in mortality with latitude, about 45% was attributable to differences in smoking, and 25% to climate (mainly the association of cardiovascular and respiratory disease with cold). The differences with urbanisation were mainly because of smoking. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in the prevalence of smoking account for much of the variation in mortality between areas. Alcohol accounts for some, diet little. The more direct material effect of deprivation contributes to the variation in mortality but is particularly important with respect to differences in morbidity.  相似文献   

Six hundred sixty-three Medieval individuals from Wharram Percy, a rural settlement in the Yorkshire Wolds, and 1,042 individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls, a poor parish in the Medieval city of York, were examined in order to test the hypothesis that maxillary sinusitis would be more prevalent in an urban population due to social and environmental conditions characteristic of an industrialized settlement. The results showed that the individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls, living in the urban environment, had a greater prevalence of maxillary sinusitis than the rural population; 39% (106) of the individuals from Wharram Percy had evidence of sinusitis compared to 55% (134) of the individuals from St. Helen-on-the-Walls. It is suggested that this pattern may be attributed to occupation and industrial air pollution in the Medieval city of York.  相似文献   

The incidence of ovarian, cervical, lung and prostatic cancer was higher in second-generation Irish living in England and Wales than in all other persons in England and Wales. A higher incidence of ovarian cancer was not found in first-generation Irish. Differences in socioeconomic status did not explain these patterns.  相似文献   

The number of laboratory confirmed cases of meningococcal infection in England and Wales rose in 1995 for the first time since 1990. Culture confirmed cases rose to 1459, an increase of 29% over the 1994 total, due largely to increased disease activity in the last quarter of 1995. Cases diagnosed by non-culture methods totalled 431, giving a total of 1890 laboratory confirmed cases. Notifications reported to the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys also increased to a similar extent. Northern regions generally had higher rates of disease activity and greater increases in rates. Meningococcal disease caused by serogroup C strains accounted for the main increase in culture confirmed cases and made up 32% of the total in 1995. Disease caused by C2a strains showed a particularly large increase. A change in the age distribution was noted with a greater proportion of patients in older age groups. Among group B isolates, B4 P1.4 strains continued to be identified most commonly.  相似文献   

Tuberculosis (TB) is the most important cause of infectious disease in the world, with eight million new cases and three million deaths each year. The increasing incidence of TB in the developed and the developing world, increasing drug resistance, and the occurrence of nosocomial outbreaks of drug sensitive as well as drug resistant TB has led the PHLS to establish TB as a priority area. This article reviews the enhanced reference services for mycobacteriology provided by the PHLS in England and Wales. These include microscopy and culture on solid and liquid media, rapid culture systems, identification of mycobacteria using macroscopic, microscopic, growth, and biochemical characteristics, and molecular DNA analysis. The Mycobacterium Reference Unit (MRU) provides rapid molecular DNA amplification techniques to identify Mycobacterium tuberculosis in specimens. All four PHLS Regional Centres test isolates for drug susceptibility. This work is quality controlled by MRU, which is one of the World Health Organisation's reference centres for global surveillance on drug resistance in tuberculosis. National data on drug resistance are collated through 'Mycobnet', a surveillance scheme run through the collaboration of PHLS and other UK reference centres and the PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Following the introduction of Helicopter Emergency Ambulance Services (HEAS) in the United Kingdom in the last ten years this paper examines the costs and benefits of three contrasting services in Cornwall, London and Sussex. METHODS: Pre-hospital processes of care were compared between helicopter attended patients and land ambulance patients in all three studies, and health outcomes were compared between helicopter and land ambulance patients in the Cornwall and London studies. A review of the literature on the benefits of HEAS has also been undertaken. RESULTS: There were no improvements in response times and the time on scene was longer for helicopter attended patients. Survival of trauma or cardiac patients attended by helicopter was not improved. In London there was some evidence of worse residual disability in helicopter attended survivors, but in Cornwall residual disability was better in helicopter attended patients. There was no improvement in general health status or aspects of daily living in the helicopter attended patients. The overall total operational costs for these services were [symbol: see text] 55 000 p.a. in Sussex, [symbol: see text] 600 000 in Cornwall and [symbol: see text] 1.2 million in London. CONCLUSION: The analysis suggests that Helicopter Emergency Ambulance Services are costly, the health benefits are small, and there are limited circumstances in which the pre-hospital performance of an ambulance service in England and Wales can be improved.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the patterns of mortality among Bangladeshis living in England and Wales. METHODS: An analysis of national mortality data, classified by country of birth, for the latest period (1988-1992), using the method of indirect standardization for deriving standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) with the age- and sex-specific rates for England and Wales as the standard (= 100). The SMRs were derived for Bangladeshi-born men and women aged 20-69 years for major disease entities. RESULTS: The mortality among Bangladeshi men was significantly higher (SMR 118 and 95% CI 111-126) than the levels prevalent in England and Wales. In contrast, the mortality among Bangladeshi women was significantly lower (SMR 71 and 95% CI 61-82). The cancer mortality overall was lower than expected in both sexes, with the exception of cancer of the liver and gall bladder. The mortality from breast cancer (SMR 16 and 95% CI 6-34) and cervical cancer (SMR 51 and 95% CI 14-131) was lower than expected. Bangladeshi men experienced high mortality from diabetes (SMR 685 and 95% CI 529-874), coronary heart disease (SMR 148 and 95% CI 134-163) and cerebrovascular disease (SMR 267 and 95% CI 222-319); they also experienced excess deaths from cirrhosis of the liver (SMR 254 and 95% CI 175-357). CONCLUSIONS: The findings establish significant variations in the recent health experiences of Bangladeshi men living in England and Wales, posing a major challenge for purchasers of care. If the Health of the Nation strategy is to ensure that equity in health and health care is to apply to all those living in this country, the Bangladeshi population needs special targeting.  相似文献   

Notifications of pertussis in England and Wales have fallen dramatically from 65 810 during the epidemic year of 1982 to 3963 cases during the epidemic year of 1994, as vaccine coverage has risen. The incidence of pertussis has declined in all ages, including babies under 3 months of age who would have been at risk of disease from older siblings vaccinated under the accelerated schedule introduced in 1990 if immunity induced as result of this schedule had been short lived. To document the efficacy of the current whole cell vaccine under the accelerated schedule an enhanced surveillance scheme based on laboratory confirmed cases of pertussis was set up in 1994. Three deaths occurred in infants with confirmed pertussis, all of whom were under 8 weeks of age and unvaccinated. The overall vaccine efficacy for those over 6 months and under 5 years of age was 94%. This estimate may be inflated, as a number of biases could lead to the underascertainment of cases in vaccinated children, but it is similar to previous estimates obtained for children of the same age vaccinated under the 3, 5, and 10 month schedule. Vaccine efficacy was 89% for children aged over 5 and under 15 years. The enhanced surveillance scheme will enable us to monitor the duration of protection under the accelerated schedule and evaluate the continuing impact of pertussis infection.  相似文献   

This article summarises recent trends in birth statistics in England and Wales. Particular attention is given to the characteristics of conceptions in 1996 and births in 1997, the latest years for which figures are available. The article examines changes in the number of births outside marriage, the age women become mothers and the number of women expected to remain childless throughout their lives. It also analyses differences in the timing of childbearing between women from different social classes or living in different regions of the UK. Finally it describes changes in the overall and underage conception rates between 1995 and 1996.  相似文献   

A profile of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and HIV infections among teenagers in England and Wales was obtained from reports of newly diagnosed STDs among teenagers attending genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics in 1995, laboratory reports of newly diagnosed HIV infections between 1985 when reporting began and the end of 1995, and the prevalence of HIV (unlinked anonymous programme) among teenagers attending genitourinary medicine clinics and antenatal clinics in 1994 and 1995. STD reports were analysed by sex, age group, and place of residence of patients--whether in the NHS Thames regions or elsewhere in England and Wales. High rates of STDs were reported in teenagers, particularly in girls. The incidences of gonorrhoea, chlamydia infection, and first attack genital wart infections were higher in teenage girls than in any other age group. Boys under 16 years of age had substantially higher rates of infection with all STDs in the Thames regions than elsewhere. Rates of gonorrhoea in teenagers of both sexes in the Thames regions were more than twice those in the rest of the country. Infection rates for genital herpes, and chlamydia in girls, were also higher in the Thames regions, although the geographical differences were less marked. The seroprevalence of HIV among heterosexual teenagers was very low. In contrast, 226 HIV infections among teenage boys had probably been acquired through sexual intercourse with other males. Unlinked anonymous testing revealed HIV antibody in 7.5% of routinely collected serology specimens taken from teenage homosexual or bisexual males attending GUM clinics in London. The high rates of STDs among teenage girls and all teenagers in the Thames regions make these groups a high priority for sexual health promotion, with special consideration given to homo/bisexual male teenagers. Detailed surveillance of risk factors for STDs, and further studies of teenage sexual behaviour will help to effectively target resources to improve the sexual health of teenagers in England and Wales.  相似文献   

A key issue in metapopulation dynamics is the relative impact of internal patch dynamics and coupling between patches. This problem can be addressed by analysing large spatiotemporal data sets, recording the local and global dynamics of metapopulations. In this paper, we analyse the dynamics of measles meta-populations in a large spatiotemporal case notification data set, collected during the pre-vaccination era in England and Wales. Specifically, we use generalized linear statistical models to quantify the relative importance of local influences (birth rate and population size) and regional coupling on local epidemic dynamics. Apart from the proportional effect of local population size on case totals, the models indicate patterns of local and regional dynamic influences which depend on the current state of epidemics. Birth rate and geographic coupling are not associated with the size of major epidemics. By contrast, minor epidemics--and especially the incidence of local extinction of infection--are influenced both by birth rate and geographical coupling. Birth rate at a lag of four years provides the best fit, reflecting the delayed recruitment of susceptibles to school cohorts. A hierarchical index of spatial coupling to large centres provides the best spatial model. The model also indicates that minor epidemics and extinction patterns are more strongly influenced by this regional effect than the local impact of birth rate.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus causes illness through primary infection but also remains latent within the host and may be reactivated, especially if immunity is impaired. We have examined reports of cytomegalovirus infection from laboratories in England and Wales received by the PHLS Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre in 1992 and 1993. A total of 2938 reports were received, and 103 people had recurrent infections within the study period. The age distribution had peaks in infants (< 1 year of age) and in people aged 25 to 34 years. In almost a half of the patients (1371; 49%) factors were reported that indicated impaired immunity. Eighty-three of the 103 with recurrent infection (81%) were also reported to have impaired immunity. Children under 5 years accounted for 18% (543/2938) of reports. There were 930 reports of infections in people over 5 years of age who were not reported as immunocompromised. The data presented confirm that cytomegalovirus causes substantial morbidity in young children and people with impaired immunity. Cytomegalovirus infection causes considerable morbidity, especially hepatic, in patients whose immunity is thought to be normal.  相似文献   

This article, the first of two, updates previous analyses of suicides published in Population Trends. Suicide trends in England and Wales are analysed by age and sex. Analyses by method and occupation suggest a link between suicide rates and easy access to effective means of committing suicide. The steadily growing number of cars with catalytic converters may go some way to explain the decreasing suicide rates from 'other gas poisoning' for both men and women since the early 1990s. Indeed, it may also explain to some extent the decline in overall suicide rates for men since this time.  相似文献   

Equid herpesviruses 1 or 4 (EHV-1 or -4) were isolated by cocultivation from 60% of 40 horses examined at slaughter. The lymph nodes draining the respiratory tract were the most common source of virus. EHV-1 or EHV-4 was never isolated from the trigeminal ganglia (SLG). The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detected virus in 87.5% of bronchial lymph nodes and a similar level in the trigeminal ganglia that were examined. By both assays approximately one third of the positive animals harboured both viruses. Equid herpesvirus 2 (EHV-2) was isolated from all but one of the horses and from > 75% of the lymph nodes draining the respiratory tract; alpha viruses were isolated only in the presence of EHV-2. The results indicate that latent EHV-1 and EHV-4 are widespread in the equine population and that the primary site of latency is the lymph nodes of the respiratory tract.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to determine the susceptibility or resistance of 9 outbred experimental or commercial poultry lines to Salmonella enteritidis PT4. Young chicks were inoculated either intramuscularly or orally just after hatching. After intramuscular challenge the lines could be divided into susceptible lines (LD 50% < or = 10(2) Salmonella per animal), intermediate lines (LD 50% about 10(4) Salmonella) and resistant lines (LD 50% > 10(5) Salmonella). The results obtained after oral challenge confirmed these 3 groups for both mortality rates and the probability of the presence of salmonellae in the spleen and liver. There was no difference between lines concerning caecal carriage.  相似文献   

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