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水平管内空气-水两相流流型的混沌特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在内径26 mm、长2 000 mm的水平管内,用差压变送器测量气液两相流不同流型下的压差波动信号,通过小波变换对信号进行除噪后,运用确定性混沌分析技术对信号进行分析,研究两相流系统分层流、泡状流、间歇流和环状流压差波动信号的混沌动力学行为.结果表明,气液两相流动系统为混沌动力系统,吸引子可用来表征气液两相流系统的动力学行为,混沌特征参数关联维D2和K熵可用来定量识别以上4种流型.  相似文献   

伊春市南部“96.7”暴雨洪水   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对1996年7月发生在伊春市南部的暴雨洪水进行雨情、水情和灾情的分析。  相似文献   

The Westwood Mine aims to reuse the tailings storage facility #1(TSF #1) for solid waste storage, but,downstream of the Northwest dike is considered critical in terms of stability. This paper uses numerical modeling along with geophysical monitoring for assessing the Northwest dike stability during the restoration phase. The impact of waste rock deposition in the upstream TSF #1 is considered. The geophysical monitoring is based on electrical resistivity methods and was used to investigate the internal structure of the dike embankment in different deposition stages. The numerical simulations were performed with SLOPE/W code. The results show a factor of safety well above the minimum recommended value of 1.5. Geophysical monitoring revealed a vertical variation in the electrical resistivity across the dike, which indicates a multilayer structure of the embankment. Without any current in situ data, the geophysical monitoring helped estimating the nature of the materials used and the internal structure of the embankment. These interpretations were validated by geological observation of geotechnical log of the embankment. Based on this study, it is recommended that the water polishing pond be partly filled before waste rock is deposited in TSF #1. In addition, to ensure the stability of the dike, the piezometric head monitoring prior to and during waste rock deposition is recommended.  相似文献   

This paper numerically investigates particle saltation in a turbulent channel flow having a rough bed consisting of 2–3 layers of densely packed spheres.In this study,we combined three the state-of-the-art technologies,i.e.,the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow,the combined finite-discrete element modelling of the deformation,movement and collision of the particles,and the immersed boundary method for the fluid-solid interaction.Here we verify our code by comparing the flow and particle statistical features with the published data and then present the hydrodynamic forces acting on a particle together with the particle coordinates and velocities,during a typical saltation.We found strong correlation between the abruptly decreasing particle stream-wise velocity and the increasing vertical velocity at collision,which indicates that the continuous saltation of large grain-size particles is controlled by collision parameters such as particle incident angle,local rough bed packing arrangement,and particle density,etc.This physical process is different from that of particle entrainment in which turbulence coherence structures play an important role.Probability distribution functions of several important saltation parameters and the relationships between them are presented.The results show that the saltating particles hitting the windward side of the bed particles are more likely to bounce off the rough bed than those hitting the leeside.Based on the above findings,saltation mechanisms of large grain-size particles in turbulent channel flow are presented.  相似文献   

本文针对天线极轴式调整机构进行了理论分析,严格推证出完整、准确的理论计算公式。并运用计算机进行了大量的误差分析计算,给出了在不同纬度上最佳偏置角ψ的数值和天线最佳极轴角的数值。按这些数据调整天线指向,天线的极轴不再平行于地轴,与目前国外资料中给出的天线极轴必须平行地轴的理论相比,本文的方法可以实现更高的跟踪精度和更大的跟踪范围,给实际使用提供了重要数据。  相似文献   

Draft tube vortex is one of the main causes of hydraulic instability in hydraulic reaction turbines, in particular Francis turbines. A method of cavitation calculations was proposed to predict the pressure fluctuations induced by draft tube vortices in a model Francis turbine, by solving RANS equations with RNG k-turbulence model and ZGB cavitation model, with modified turbulence viscosity. Three cases with different flow rates at high head were studied. In the study case of part load, two modes of revolutions with the same rotating direction, revolution around the axis of the draft tube cone, and revolution around the core of the vortex rope, can be recognized. The elliptical shaped vortex rope causes anisotropic characteristics of pressure fluctuations around the centerline of the draft tube cone. By analyzing the phase angles of the pressure fluctuations, the role of the vortex rope as an exciter in the oscillating case can be recognized. An analysis of Batchelor instability, i.e. instability in q-vortex like flow structure, has been carried out on the draft tube vortices in these three cases. It can be concluded that the trajectory for study case with part load lies in the region of absolute instability (AI), and it lies in the region of convective instability (CI) for study case with design flow rate. Trajectory for study case with over load lies in the AI region at the inlet of the draft tube, and enters CI region near the end of the elbow.  相似文献   

In order to research the influence of coal-rock mass morphology of mining space on the flow law of gas, the laboratory physical model and numerical computation methods were adopted to simulate coal mining activities. The simulation results indicate that, after coal seam mining, the loose rock accumulation body of free caving, ordered rock arrangement body of plate damage rich in longitudinal and transverse fractures and horizontal fissure body formed by rock mass deformation imbalance are formed from bottom to top in the mining space. For these three types of accumulation bodies, there are essential differences in the accumulation state, rock size and gas breakover characteristics. According to this, the coal-rock mass in the mining space is classified into gas turbulence channel area, gas transitional flow channel area and gas seepage channel area. In the turbulence channel area, the gas is distributed transversely and longitudinally and gas diffuses in the form of convection with Reynolds number Re more than 100; in the transitional flow channel area, one-way or two-way gas channels are crisscross and gas is of transitional flow regime with Re between 10 and 100. In the seepage channel area, there are a few vertical gas channels with Re less than 10. In this paper, the researches on the gas orientation method in different partitions were further carried out, gas orientation methods of low-level pipe burying, middle-level interception and high-level extraction were determined and an on-site industrial test was conducted, achieving the effective diversion of gas and verifying the reasonableness of gas channel partition.  相似文献   

通过建立含不同夹层厚度的圆柱形储库单腔三维模型,考虑不同恒压作用下长期蠕变,从腔体收缩率,围岩塑性区及位移矢量分布角度,分析运行内压对含软泥夹层盐岩腔体稳定性的影响。结果表明,腔体维持较高的运行压力,能有效减少腔体收缩,腔周塑性区及位移矢量发展,有利于腔体稳定。另外软泥夹层厚度在一定范围内增长对腔体的稳定性影响不太,在高内压作用下甚至可以忽略,这一结果对含软弱夹层层状盐岩腔体模型简化具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to determine the rates of vertically and horizontally oriented drilling processes in marble quarries and to observe the factors affecting the drilling rates in terms of physical and mechanical properties of the rocks. In situ drilling tests were performed in different marble quarries with different marble types and drilling times and penetration rates for a series of successive depth-increments were trying to be determined under vertically and horizontally oriented conditions. In order to understand the relation between the parameters that are investigated within the scope of this research, uniaxial compressive strength, Brazilian tensile strength, impact strength, Bohme abrasion strength, P-wave velocity, porosity, unit volume weight, Schmidt hardness index and brittleness index values were correlated with the drilling rates. It was noticed that the porosity and unit volume weight could be taken as the key parameters among them for obtaining meaningful correlation with drilling performance. It was also observed that the physical and mechanical rock properties are more relevant in vertical drilling than horizontal drilling.  相似文献   

To solve the problem of water seepage of vertical feeding borehole for solid materials, we established the fluid-solid coupling dynamic model of groundwater flowing in rock mass adjacent to the vertical feeding borehole. Combining with the engineering geological conditions, we built a numeral model to study the influence rule of the aquifer hydraulic pressure and seepage location of feeding borehole on the amount of seepage with finite element numerical method. The results show that the nonlinear relationship is presented among the amount of seepage, the seepage location and aquifer hydraulic pressure. The higher the aquifer hydraulic pressure is, the closer the distance between seepage location and aquifer is, and the faster the harmful levels of aquifer will grow. In practice, we calculated the allowable seepage of feeding borehole by the optimum moisture content and natural moisture content of backfilling materials, and then determined the protection zone of feeding borehole, so the moisture content of backfilling materials can be controlled within the scope of optimum moisture content.  相似文献   

竖向及水平荷载共同作用下框支连续墙梁受力性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过按正交设计的8榀框支连续墙梁有限元数值计算,分析了这种结构在竖向及水平荷载作用下的应力分布特点及受力性能,这对了解这种结构的抗震性能,进行试验模型设计及建立内力计算公式,均有重要意义。  相似文献   

竖向及水平荷载作用下带洞框支连续墙梁的受力性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按正交设计法设计了8榀两跨带洞框支墙梁结构并进行了有限元数值计算,对其在竖向及水平荷载共同作用下的应力分布规律和受力性能进行了分析。  相似文献   

密肋壁板结构中复合墙体的竖向承载力及稳定性研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对1/2模型密肋复合墙体在单调竖向荷载作用下试验研究,探讨墙体在竖向荷载作用下的受力特点及简化计算模型;分析墙体竖向受压承载力计算公式;考虑到密肋复合墙体自身支撑情况的特点,给出墙体计算高度的理论公式;提出外框柱对高厚比的影响系数,并对墙体高厚比限值进行了修正;最后得出墙体的高厚比验算公式.理论与试验表明:考虑梁的刚度及房屋高度的影响的计算模型更接近试验结果;提出的高厚比验算公式可满足密肋壁板结构中复合墙体的稳定性要求,具有一定的实际工程意义.  相似文献   

采用数值仿真的方法研究了水下航行体垂直发射出筒过程多相流场和流体动力特性演化规律.结 合动网格技术,采用多相流Mixture模型、Singhal空化模型及标准的A—s湍流模型,对混合流场的RANS方 程进行求解,进而求解了水下航行体运动的固体边界与运动流场相互作用形成了流一固耦合问题,使用此方 法,实现了在重力影响下水下航行体垂直发射出筒过程和流体动力特性进行数值模拟研究,分析了高压气团 对航行体出筒过程中的水弹道及其流体动力特性的影响,分析了航行体压差系数、粘性系数和总力系数波动 的原因  相似文献   

根据海底电缆多波勘探中压力检波器和垂直方向速度检波器产生相同极性的上行波信号和相 反极性下行波信号的原理,通过将压力分量数据和垂直分量数据匹配后进行相加合并,可以消除水层鸣 震。从理论上分析了速度检波器和压力检波器对上、下行波场以及水层鸣震的响应特点,得到在理想情 况下消除水层鸣震的两种数据振幅匹配系数,用该匹配系数对理论模型模拟的两种数据进行相加处理, 并在分析实际数据振幅、频率、波形和初至特征的基础上,对实际资料进行了试算,验证了该方法的有 效性。  相似文献   

汽轮机低压内缸中分面的漏汽降低了机组的出力及效率,利用ANSYS软件分析了国产引进型300 MW、600 MW机组低压内缸在变工况下因温差产生的热应力,分析了法兰螺栓的预紧力,从而得出低压内缸漏汽的原因,并提出了防止低压内缸中分面漏汽的措施.  相似文献   

The influences of pulling speed V and temperature gradient G on morphology evolution, concentration distribution, solute trapping and interface stability during directional solidification of binary alloys have been studied with the B-S phase field model. Simulated results reproduced the morphology transitions of deep cell to shallow cell and shallow cell to plane front. The primary cellular spacing, depth of groove and effective solute redistribution coefficient for different V and G are compared. The absolute stability under high pulling speed and high temperature gradient has also been predicted, which is in agreement with the Mullins-Sekerka (M-S) stability theory. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 50401013)  相似文献   

为了研究壁面温度和来流速度对边界层特性的影响,采用计算流体动力学(computational fluid dynamics,CFD)软件对空气流过竖直加热平板的对流边界层特性进行数值模拟.采用k-ε模型和SIMPLE算法分别对不同壁面温度的自然对流和不同来流速度的混合对流进行模拟计算,得到温度分布和速度分布,通过分析结果表明:高温对边界层特性的影响很小,而随着空气来流速度的增大,速度边界层和热边界层的厚度减小,最大速度增大.  相似文献   

气液两相流压差波动信号的Hurst指数计算与分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
传统的流型识别方法对流型的特征缺乏一个量化的评价标准,只能由识别者采用模糊的语言来描述特征,在很大程度上依赖于识别者的主观判断。为了克服传统流型识别方法的缺点,对水平管内气液两相流进行测量,得到了反映两相流波动特性的压差波动信号,采用 Hurst 分析描述了水平管内气液两相流不同流型的压差波动特征,发现压差波动信号中存在着不同程度的周期成分。通过对不同流型的压差波动信号的 Hurst 指数 H 进行计算,发现不同流型的 H 值有很大差别,可根据 Hurst 指数 H 值的大小来识别流型,从而为流型识别提供了一种有效方法。  相似文献   

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