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To identify the instability on large scale underground mined-out area in the metal mine effectively, the parameters of radial basis function were determined through clustering method and the improved fuzzy radial basis function neural network (FRBFNN) model of instability identification model about large scale underground mined-out area in the metal mine was built. The improved FRBFNN model was trained and tested. The results show that the improved FRBFNN model has high training accuracy and generalization ability. Parameters such as pillar area ratio, filling level and the value of rock quality designation have strong influence on instability of large scale underground mined-out area. Correctness of analysis about the improved FRBFNN model was proved by the practical application results about instability discrimination of surrounding rock in large-scale underground mined-out area of a metal mine in south China.  相似文献   

采空区的治理在国内外都是一件比较棘手的事情,通过对国内外采空区处理及抗变形建筑研究现状的分析,总结各行各业的采空区地基处理经验,提出采空区的抗变形措施,结合线路的特点,探讨可行的地基处理方案,并对处理效果进行了初步评价,以指导类似工程.  相似文献   

为了建设环境友好型矿区,实现局地生态效益最大化与可持续发展,以平顶山煤矿塌陷区为例,分析了矿藏开采给生态环境带来的破坏,结合矿区自然、经济和社会特点,对不同条件下的煤矿塌陷区进行分类研究,做出科学评价后,分别建立了相应的开发模式.这些开发模式可以使被破坏的土层适宜于作物生长和生态建设,并产生较大的经济效益和社会效益.  相似文献   

金属矿山地下开采引起地表塌陷已经成为一种主要的矿山地质环境问题.地面塌陷受多方面因素影响,各因素相互作用使得金属矿山地表塌陷形成机理复杂.本文以大冶铁矿东露天采场地面塌陷为例,从采场地质环境、矿体特征、采矿方法、崩落角、地面塌陷的形式等方面,综述了地面塌陷的特征,并探讨了地面塌陷的形成规律,该研究为矿山地面塌陷的成因及控制对策研究提供了帮助.  相似文献   

渭北采动沉陷区地表裂缝规律及村镇抗变形民宅设计分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以蒲白矿务局南井头矿4501工作面为例,介绍了地表裂缝的形成过程,分析了地表裂缝规律及其对面建筑物的影响,在此基础上,通过对12501面上试验房屋抗变形设计的研究,探讨了厚黄土覆盖抗变形设计技术措施,并对村镇抗变形建筑物的适用性进行了分析和总结,为渭北煤田的“三下”开采工作创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

The subsidence of the mining area was monitored by analyzing the phase of permanent scatters (PS) which maintained high coherence in magnitude of SAR images.A hew method of spatial unwrapping was presented which used the subsidence rates calculated on comer reflector (CR) points as constraints for PS network to perform the spatial unwrapping using the parametric adjustment method.The algorithm achieved the integration of CR data and PSInSAR algorithm.The colliery dense distributed area around Baisha reservoir was chosen as the study area in the experiment.The time series of subsidence from February in 2007 to February in 2010 is successfully inversed by using the periodic function to simulate the linear and nonlinear components of the deformation.The simulation results show that the accuracy can be ± 2.1 mm with the leveling data being used as the external validation data.  相似文献   

煤炭资源型城市采煤塌陷区面积的不断扩大,使生态环境遭到破坏,并且严重制约着资源型城市的可持续发展。针对塌陷区的现状和特点,从城市景观更新的角度,探讨其规划设计的综合效应和技术方法,以促进城市向宜居生态城市转变,实现城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

煤矿塌陷区地基稳定性与承载力研究现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
煤矿塌陷区在我国分布较广泛,为了保证国家建设的需要和节约耕地,就必须对塌陷区土地进行科学开发和利用,使其恢复为建设用地.在综合分析大量文献的基础上,从老采空区的活化机理、地表沉陷与变形规律等方面,分析了煤矿塌陷区地基稳定性和承载力的研究现状.分析研究表明,提高塌陷区土地利用率的关键是需要准确分析和计算出地基的承载力.煤矿塌陷区地基稳定性和承载力研究,对于提高土地的利用率、保护耕地,促进我国经济和社会的协调和可持续发展等,具有十分重要的理论价值和现实意义.  相似文献   

为了研究大连地铁202标段促进路站—春光街站暗挖区间人工素填土地段单双线隧道施工地表沉降规律,通过现场实测和数据分析整理的方法,在地铁隧道开挖期间建立了地表沉降监控量测测站,运用精密水准仪进行3个月的监测,监测结果表明浅埋暗挖隧道在开挖期间地表沉降最大位置处于隧道中心线的正上方,沉降量约为25.66~31.82 mm.提出了距跨比β的概念,距跨比β的有效工程取值范围-4<β<4,地表沉降与距跨比β密切相关,其中-2<β<2地表沉降剧烈阶段,约占整体变形的67.5~77.6%,沉降速率约达0.84~0.93 mm/d.建议应加强监测频率,增加现场巡视.现场测试结果与文克尔地表沉降计算模型相吻合,监测成果对大连地铁及类似的浅埋暗挖隧道建设有借鉴作用.  相似文献   

Harris角点检测在彩色图像中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
角点提取是图像特征提取的一种重要方法,本文分析了Harris角点检测算法并利用Matlab语言实现了该算法。由于原算法角点响应函数在高分辨率图像检测中存在聚簇现象,本文通过新角点响应函数的使用对算法进行了改进并实现了该算法在彩色图像角点检测中的应用。实验结果表明,改进后的算法极大提高了高分辨率图像角点检测准确度。  相似文献   

The distribution of the final surface subsidence basin induced by longwall operations in inclined coal seam could be significantly different from that in flat coal seam and demands special prediction methods. Though many empirical prediction methods have been developed, these methods are inflexible for varying geological and mining conditions. An influence function method has been developed to take the advantage of its fundamentally sound nature and flexibility. In developing this method, significant modifications have been made to the original Knothe function to produce an asymmetrical influence function. The empirical equations for final subsidence parameters derived from US subsidence data and Chinese empirical values have been incorporated into the mathematical models to improve the prediction accuracy. A corresponding computer program is developed. A number of subsidence cases for longwall mining operations in coal seams with varying inclination angles have been used to demonstrate the applicability of the developed subsidence prediction model.  相似文献   

以安徽淮南顾桥采煤沉陷积水区水体为研究对象,利用综合水质标识指数法进行综合水质评价和综合营养状态指数法进行水质富营养化状况评价,结果表明:分析样本中64%达到Ⅱ类或Ⅲ类水质,水质总体较好;该沉陷积水区总体不存在重金属污染,有机物指标对该区域水体污染贡献率较大;该沉陷积水区富营养化状况不容乐观,应加强重视;超标采样点及重度富营养化采样点多集中在村庄相对密集的南部沉陷区域;农村面源污染是该积水区富营养化的主要来源。  相似文献   

This study is focused on the prediction of mining subsidence and its impact on the environment in the Hongqi mining area.The study was carried out by means of a probability integral model based,in firs...  相似文献   

大采深巨厚砾岩综放开采地表沉陷规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以常村煤矿工程地质资料和地表移动观测站资料为依据,详细分析了2113工作面地表终态下沉、动态下沉和终态水平移动的特征,从机理上研究了大采深巨厚砾岩开采条件下地表形变异常的原因.通过走向方向最大下沉点下沉速度的变化规律和工程实测资料,得出了地表形变与井下冲击地压的关系,确定了地表移动与变形的角量参数.结果表明,受关键层的控制,在整个观测过程中,地表始终处于缓慢下沉状态,且在沉降过程中不存在下沉突变点;下沉速度的反弹可以作为冲击地压危险的预报信息,巨厚砾岩层的运动是发生矿震的主要力源之一.  相似文献   

矿区塌陷塘水体主要营养盐的调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨矿区塌陷塘水体营养状况的时空变化特征,从中找出其主要营养盐的内在演替规律,采用紫外分光光度法、气象色谱法等对随机抽样所得样品检测、分析,研究其主要指标的内在变化规律.结果表明:TN、TP的变化与叶绿素a(Chl.a)的变化并非完全正相关,TN的含量随塌陷时序有一定的累积效应,而TN、TP与Chl.a的时空变化又有各自的特点,其水体生态环境也有明显特殊性.塌陷塘的营养状况演替变化不同于一般的内陆湖泊及海洋,有较明显的特殊性.  相似文献   

基于澳大利亚West Cilff煤矿开采期间获取的差分干涉合成孔径雷达(DInSAR)数据,以动态开采过程中超前影响角为例,研究对比实际超前影响距与DInSAR实测超前影响距的偏差,提出采用距离影响系数修正沉陷区DInSAR超前影响角的计算方法,实现直接利用DInSAR获取数据,研究沉陷区变形规律.  相似文献   

基于高光谱遥感技术的积水沉陷区水深反演模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高光谱遥感是当前内陆水监测的一个重要发展趋势,是有效地捕捉这些水体光谱信息的必要手段.在遥感空间信息技术支持下对内陆积水沉陷区的水体特征进行分析,研究叶绿素a及总悬浮物浓度随着水体深度变化的特征,分析不同叶绿素a浓度、悬浮物浓度以及悬浮物粒径对水体光谱特性的影响特点;同时还对底质对水深信息遥感提取的影响特点进行分析.在...  相似文献   

There were differences between real boundary and blast hole controlling boundary of irregular mined-out area in underground metal mines. There were errors in numerical analysis of stability for goaf, if it was analyzed as regular 3D mined-out area and the influence of coupling stress-seepage-disturbance was not considered adequately. Taking a lead zinc mine as the background, the model was built by the coupling of Surpac and Midas-Gts based on the goaf model precisely measured by CMS.According to seepage stress fundamental equations based on the equivalent continuum mechanical and the theory about equivalent load of dynamic disturbance in deep-hole blasting, the stability of mined-out area under multi-field coupling of stress-seepage-dynamic disturbance was numerically analyzed. The results show that it is more consistent between the numerical analysis model based on the real model of irregular 3D shape goaf and the real situation, which could faithfully reappear the change rule of stress–strain about the surrounding rock under synthetic action of blasting dynamic loading and the seepage pressure. The mined-out area multi-field coupling formed by blasting excavation is stable. Based on combination of the advantages of the CMS,Surpac and Midas-Gts, and fully consideration of the effects of multi-field coupling, the accurate and effective way could be provided for numerical analysis of stability for mined-out area.  相似文献   

Extracting mining subsidence land from RS images is one of important research contents for environment monitoring in mining area. The accuracy of traditional extracting models based on spectral features is low. In order to extract subsidence land from RS images with high accuracy, some domain knowledge should be imported and new models should be proposed. This paper, in terms of the disadvantage of traditional extracting models, imports domain knowledge from practice and experience, converts semantic knowledge into digital information, and proposes a new model for the specific task. By selecting Luan mining area as study area, this new model is tested based on GIS and related knowledge. The result shows that the proposed method is more pre- cise than traditional methods and can satisfy the demands of land subsidence monitoring in mining area.  相似文献   

以延安市雷谷川山地型聚落为例,选取庭院为研究对象,宏观分析了黄土高原中、小流域集聚的大量村镇人口在城市化进程中,在流域内部和之间迁徙的规律,探索了小流域聚落在动态整合过程中的空间形态,结果提出依托流域的串珠式结构、复合经济和能源利用的庭院规模以及依存山地自然生态的住宅密度等方面聚落生态安全发展的模式.  相似文献   

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