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This paper briefly reviews research studies of interest to environmental ergonomists. It includes some recent work on the health effects of office lighting, especially the effects of daylighting, fluorescent lighting and full-spectrum lighting. It also covers studies of indoor air quality in offices, especially investigations of localized air filtration and the sick building syndrome. It argues the value of a systematic, ergonomics approach to designing the built environment.  相似文献   

Hedge A 《Ergonomics》2000,43(7):1019-1029
This paper briefly reviews research studies of interest to environmental ergonomists. It includes some recent work on the health effects of office lighting, especially the effects of daylighting, fluorescent lighting and full-spectrum lighting. It also covers studies of indoor air quality in offices, especially investigations of localized air filtration and the sick building syndrome. It argues the value of a systematic, ergonomics approach to designing the built environment.  相似文献   

There have been few experience reports from industry on how Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is applied and what the benefits are. This paper summarizes the experiences of three large industrial participants in a European research project with the objective of developing techniques and tools for applying MDE on the development of large and complex software systems. The participants had varying degrees of previous experience with MDE. They found MDE to be particularly useful for providing abstractions of complex systems at multiple levels or from different viewpoints, for the development of domain-specific models that facilitate communication with non-technical experts, for the purposes of simulation and testing, and for the consumption of models for analysis, such as performance-related decision support and system design improvements. From the industrial perspective, a methodology is considered to be useful and cost-efficient if it is possible to reuse solutions in multiple projects or products. However, developing reusable solutions required extra effort and sometimes had a negative impact on the performance of tools. While the companies identified several benefits of MDE, merging different tools with one another in a seamless development environment required several transformations, which increased the required implementation effort and complexity. Additionally, user-friendliness of tools and the provision of features for managing models of complex systems were identified as crucial for a wider industrial adoption of MDE.  相似文献   

While the potential of hypertext as an information presentation medium is undeniable, its acceptance by users will be determined largely by its usability. The present paper highlights four issues of relevance: reading from screens as opposed to reading from paper; reader behaviour, particularly how and why different texts are read; interface design variables such as display size and manipulation facilities; and user navigation. Existing research is reviewed and implications for the design of hypertext systems are discussed. Suggestions for future work are presented.  相似文献   

Many universities are applying computers to English literature, but find it difficult to integrate the machine into actual teaching. The difficulties of using hypertext in critical reading arc outlined in the article, and several examples of its use appraised, including Brown University's Intermedia. There are several dangers in the 'open field? approach, however, which the article outlines. The possibilities of hypertext for representing the foregrounded features of a literary text are then described, as well as its capacity to mimic or at least draw attention to the reading process itself. The author outlines in detail his own attempts to program in HyperCard: first, two Katherine Mansfield short stories; second, Blake's poem 'The Tyger?. He concludes that teacher-programmers in the Humanities should focus on solving the pedagogical issues involved in using hypertext by exploring its graphic resources to produce programs which can be genuinely useful adjuncts to classroom teaching.  相似文献   

1IntroductionSoftwaredistributedsharedmemory(DSM)system,orsharedvirtualmemory(SVM)system,providesanabstractionofsinglesharedspaceontopofthephysicallydistributedmemoriespresentedonnetworkofworkstations.Ithasbeenextensivelystudiedinthepastdecadesinceitcombinestheprogrammabilityofsharedmemorysystemsandscalabilityofdistributedsystems[1].However,theperformancegapbetweensoftwareDSMsystemsandmessagepajssingplatformsremainsexisting,whichpreventstheprevalenceofthesoftwareDSMsystemsgreatly.Ingenera…  相似文献   

A key word with regard to a sub-corpus is a word of which the frequency in that sub-corpus is significantly higher than expected under the hypothesis that its use and the variable part of the corpus are mutually independent. A study in literary statistics almost invariably includes a chapter devoted to key words. However, a strong attack has been recently launched upon the way stylometry has been modelling texts since the classical works of Herdan, Guiraud or Muller. In fact statistical modelling seems as valid in stylistics as in any other field of the humanities and social sciences. What is questionable is the fact that many studies in literary statistics are more satisfied with the easy identification of monsters, i.e. literary phenomena unexplained by wrong models, than with the laborious research of models fitting the textual data well. A short examination of the mentioned controversy and the quantitative analysis of an example provided by Laclos' novelLes Liaisons dangereuses endeavour to support this argument.Christian Delcourt is a senior lecturer in the Department of Romance Philology at the University of Liége.  相似文献   

It is shown that the compressed word problem for an HNN-extension ??H,t?Ot ?1 at=?(a) (a??A)?? with A finite is polynomial time Turing-reducible to the compressed word problem for the base group H. An analogous result for amalgamated free products is shown as well.  相似文献   

This paper aims to compare and contrast the perceived psychological experience of the traditional versus gig mobility service workers with respect to their human needs structure. Gig mobility service here refers to on-demand transportation service enabled by an online platform. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used. Using the perspective of ERG (Existence, Relatedness and Growth) theory, we first explored the field using in-depth interviews and observations of both worker groups. Based on the qualitative findings, we formulated the quantitative measures for the corresponding constructs. The constructs’ relationship and paths differences between the two groups were analyzed statistically using partial least square path modeling (PLS-PM) method. The differences between the two groups were categorized into four quadrants, highlighting what both groups have and do not have, as well as what one group has but not the other. It was found that the gig mobility service resulted in not only more relationships among the constructs, but also generally higher perceived well-being for the workers. It seems that the gig mobility service has so far been promising in meeting workers human needs despite its long-term uncertainty. This study is among the few studies on understanding in which way the technology has changed the mobility service actors seen as workers, rather than sellers or users.  相似文献   

This study examined how desktop virtual reality (VR) enhances learning and not merely does desktop VR influence learning. Various relevant constructs and their measurement factors were identified to examine how desktop VR enhances learning and the fit of the hypothesized model was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results supported the indirect effect of VR features to the learning outcomes, which was mediated by the interaction experience and the learning experience. Learning experience which was individually measured by the psychological factors, that is, presence, motivation, cognitive benefits, control and active learning, and reflective thinking took central stage in affecting the learning outcomes in the desktop VR-based learning environment. The moderating effect of student characteristics such as spatial ability and learning style was also examined. The results show instructional designers and VR software developers how to improve the learning effectiveness and further strengthen their desktop VR-based learning implementation. Through this research, an initial theoretical model of the determinants of learning effectiveness in a desktop VR-based learning environment is contributed.  相似文献   

Extant literature offers two mostly distinct perspectives on enterprise systems assimilation – driven either by internal expertise and learning capability or by external institutional pressures. This study combines the two perspectives and subscribes to the view that organisations’ learning capability moderates their acquiescence to institutional pressures. The study then anchors organisational learning capability to the concept of absorptive capacity and proposes that its two dimensions – potential absorptive capacity (PACAP) and realised absorptive capacity (RACAP) – affect enterprise systems assimilation through different pathways. Our survey‐based empirical study of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in the post‐implementation stage reveals that while both PACAP and RACAP have a positive direct impact on assimilation, PACAP positively moderates the impact of mimetic (institutional) pressures, but not normative (institutional) pressures, on assimilation; whereas RACAP positively moderates the impact of normative pressures, but not mimetic pressures, on assimilation. Thus, our theoretical contribution lies in understanding the distinct ways in which PACAP and RACAP moderate the influence of external institutional pressures on enterprise systems assimilation.  相似文献   

Why do people hesitate—to do something, or not to do something—even when the data available to them remain constant? The neural model of human working memory (WM) we present in this paper explains hesitation as an emergent property of a complex dynamic structure of stored/processed information. WM is considered as a geometric space inhabited by a “society” of memes, i.e., complex informational structures. A large population of identical memes can cause a feeling, judgment, or intention in an individual. The memes navigate all over WM and interact with one another in a way resembling genetic cross-over; hence, new memes are born at several places in WM. Since the birth of contradictory memes is possible, populations of memes contributing to contradictory feelings, judgments, and plans grow in WM and fight for domination. A computer simulation of the process showed that WM's state sometimes goes to a two-focal “strange” attractor. Hence, sudden mental shifts, as, say, from love to hate and back from hate to love, may be caused by minute fluctuations in the densities of meme streams entering WM. The complex system theory calls this phenomenon the “butterfly effect”. We argue that this effect takes place in the human mind and also can take place in an advanced robot.  相似文献   

The term Classroom Proxemics refers to how teachers and students use classroom space, and the impact of this and the spatial design on learning and teaching. This study addresses the divide between, on the one hand, substantial work on proxemics based on classroom observations and, on the other hand, emerging work to design automated feedback that helps teachers identify salient patterns in their use of the classroom space. This study documents how digital analytics were designed in service of a senior teacher's practice-based inquiry into classroom proxemics. Indoor positioning data from four teachers were analysed, visualized and used as evidence to compare three distinct learning designs enacted in a physics classroom. This study demonstrates how teachers can make effective use of such visualizations, to gain insight into their classroom practice. This is evidenced by (a) documenting teachers' reflections on visualizations of positioning data, both their own and that of peers and (b) identifying the types of indicator (operationalized as analytical metrics) that foreground the most useful information for teachers to gain insight into their practice.  相似文献   

Our research goal is to support designers with interactive systems by exploring the relationship among representations, their meanings, and their effects. This paper first outlines amplifying representational talkback (ART), a prototype system which we have developed to instantiate our research framework. We then reinterpret the essence of the ART system by illustrating the ART approach with other people's work in Semiotic Approaches to User Interface Design presented at the ACM CHI 2000 workshop. We identify critical aspects of the system from four points: (1) interactions with representations ‘I’ produced; (2) representations as indices for thoughts; (3) hands-on representations; and (4) limiting the automation. By having the ART system as an object-to-thing-with, we argue that communication with interactive computational tools had better been regarded as interaction with representations.  相似文献   

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