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汪宁  张学军  赵阳  甘智华  张春伟  余萌 《化工学报》2020,71(z1):179-186
博物馆文物保存过程中相对湿度对文物的影响尤其重要,因此针对目前小型展柜广泛采用的半导体制冷存在制冷量小的缺点,结合斯特林制冷机制冷量大、寿命长、安全可靠等优点,设计并搭建了一台基于斯特林制冷的文物恒湿展柜装置,实现对微环境中相对湿度的精确调节。将斯特林制冷机的冷头置于优化设计的水槽中用于控制水温,采用空气与水直接接触的方式控制展柜内空气湿度。结果表明:使用散热片以及小型循环水泵可以大幅提升冷头与水之间的换热效率;合理的风机控制策略可以有效提升展柜湿度调节速度,维持湿度稳定,降低系统能耗;展柜内的相对湿度在45.0%~65.0%之间连续可调,并能保持稳定。  相似文献   

王胜楠  陈康  郑旭 《化工进展》2022,41(7):3636-3647
吸附式空气取水技术因其适用环境范围广、低碳环保的特性,被认为是解决全球水资源短缺问题的重要技术之一。吸湿材料的特性决定着该技术的取水性能。本文对吸湿材料的最新研究进行了系统的归纳与总结。重点介绍了吸湿性聚合物和复合吸湿剂(多孔材料-盐、聚合物-盐、聚合物-聚合物和多孔材料-聚合物),并对各类吸湿剂的性能特点以及在吸附式空气取水系统的应用展开详细介绍。发现复合吸湿剂的吸湿性能更强,特别是聚合物类复合吸湿剂,满足宽领域吸附的要求,进而提高了在干旱地区的取水效果,在未来具有很好的应用前景。最后,指出了吸湿材料需要进一步研究和解决的相关问题,以期为推进吸附式空气取水技术早日实现从实验室研究到规模化工业应用提供有价值的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

高效太阳能吸附式空气取水器吸附剂   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
提供一种高效的空气取水器吸附剂,它以超大孔分子筛MCM 41为基质,复合吸湿性无机盐CaCl2而形成复合物。实验表明,该吸附剂最大吸附水能力达175%,比分子筛和硅胶高130%—150%,比硅胶和CaCl2复合物高85%,吸附速度较其也有很大提高;同时,在较低的脱附温度约80℃,可脱附90%以上的总吸附水量,每kg吸附剂可脱附水量高达1.6kg,是理想的空气取水器吸附材料。  相似文献   

在广泛深入了解太阳能吸附式空气取水研究现状的基础上,结合本研究团队近年来的相关研究成果,从太阳能空气取水管、吸附剂以及取水装置三个方面详细地说明了吸附式空气取水的进展。通过综合分析得出,空气取水有为解决淡水匮乏问题提供新思路的潜在可能,虽然空气取水的低取水率在某种程度上限制了其推广应用,但随着吸附剂的吸水量、吸附脱附速率不匹配等关键技术的突破,其单位能耗以及单位质量的产水率也随之提高,在广大干旱地区将会有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

杨杰  林越  陈珍慧  汪新宇 《应用化工》2023,(8):2392-2396
对现有的吸湿材料进行简单总结,同时重点对基于吸附/解吸式太阳能空气取水设备作出归纳分类(被动不连续型、主动准连续型、主动连续型),并从传热和传质角度对其系统性能进行分析评价,最后指出了基于吸附/解吸式太阳能空气取水设备进一步研究和待解决的相关问题,以期为推进吸附/解吸式空气取水技术早日实现从实验室研究到规模化工业应用提供有价值的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

总结了太阳能吸附式空气取水原理、MOFs水吸附机理、单体MOF的制备方法、MOFs及其衍生的复合材料水吸附性能,并与本团队对太阳能吸附式空气取水研究相结合,综合分析表明,国内外学者越来越关注并投入MOFs制备方法、开发具有高吸附性能的单体MOFs及其复合材料等方面的研究,相关的研究成果有望将其推广到实际应用中。将MOFs应用于干旱沙漠地区为人们提供饮用水具有潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于大气中水的吸附与解吸循环,设计出吸附式空气取水装置,并对其进行了实验研究。该装置主要由太阳能集热器、吸附床和冷凝器等组成。晚上吸附剂吸附空气中的水,白天由太阳能提供热量进行解吸。实验制备了硅胶(SC)-CaCl2、SC-LiCl、活性炭纤维毡(ACF)-CaCl2、ACF-LiCl 4种新型复合吸附剂,并对其进行了实验测试。结果表明:由ACF制备的复合吸附剂性能比由SC制备的复合吸附剂性能要好;ACF-LiCl的吸附与解吸性能最好,在吸附床出口温度为90℃时,解吸6 h的产水率是0.412 kg水·(kg吸附剂)-1。  相似文献   

杨凡  张海全 《化工进展》2016,35(Z1):48-52
为提升吸附式空气取水吸附床吸附性能,对套管式吸附床吸附性能的影响因素(风机功率和传质通道直径大小)进行实验分析。利用称重法分别测量不同因素影响下吸附床吸附量随时间变化情况。结果表明,为满足吸附床吸附要求,需对吸附床进行风机送风;吸附床吸附量随着风机功率增加而增加,最大提升约14.5%;随着传质通道直径加大而变大,最低提升约39.66%;相比于提升风机功率,提升传质通道直径能更好地提高吸附量,效果为提升风机功率的3倍以上。  相似文献   

对现行的空气取水方法进行了系统的归纳与总结。重点就复合吸附材料、金属有机骨架材料的特点及应用进行详细的总结。分析表明,改性复合吸附剂、金属有机骨架材料具有较好的空气取水能力,并指出吸附法取水的应用前景及需要解决的问题,以期为推进空气取水技术早日实现从实验室研究到规模化应用提供有价值的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

空气中取水用的新型复合吸附剂的吸附和解吸性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘业凤  王如竹 《化工进展》2002,21(10):733-735,752
介绍了一种便携式吸附空气取水器 ,以及为了改进现有吸附剂的取水性能研制的一种由粗孔球形硅胶和氯化钙组成的新型复合吸附剂SiO2 ·xH2 O·yCaCl2 ,对氯化钙质量分数分别为 34.9%和 4 3.3%的复合吸附剂样品A ,B。在 2 5℃相对湿度 5 0 %空气中 ,对两个样品和常用吸附剂进行了吸附对比实验 ,结果表明 :复合吸附剂B的平衡吸附量xe 可达 0 .4 5 15kg kg ,是粗孔球形硅胶的 4 .9倍、细孔球形硅胶的 2 .0倍、分子筛 13X的2 2倍。吸附曲线和 80℃下的解吸曲线表明复合吸附剂具有更高的吸水量、更快的吸附和解吸速度 ,可用太阳能加热解吸 ,是一种理想的取水用吸附剂。  相似文献   

空气与水逆流直接接触热质交换模型计算及与实验比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋垚臻 《化工学报》2005,56(6):999-100
According to general equations deducted from a model of heat and mass transfer of air and water in direct contact counter flow reported in the author‘s previous work, the outlet parameters of air and water counter flow through a paper wet pad were calculated by using the MATLAB-software. Comparing the calculation results with experiment data of prior researchers, the deviation of calculated outlet air wet bulb temperature from experimental outlet air wet bulb temperature was less than 10%, the deviation of calculated outlet water temperature from experimental outlet water temperature was less thang 9%, and the deviation of calculated outlet air dry bulb temperature from experimental outlet air dry bulb temperature was less than 10% when NTUh was more than 0. 6. The deviation of calculated outlet air dry bulb temperature from experimental outlet air dry bulb temperature was more than 10% when NTUh was less than 0. 6. The model calculations were in good agreement with experiments and the general equations could be used to design evaporation cooling equipment, such as wet pad and so on.  相似文献   

宋垚臻 《化工学报》2005,56(4):614-619
Based on reasonable model hypotheses and the energy analysis of heat and mass transfer of air and water in a direct contact counter flow, a set of general equations that can describe the internal relationship between the state parameters of air and water and dimensionless parameters of transfer process are given. A method utilizing MATLAB to solve these general equations is also proposed. Calculations and analysis with the model of a cooling- dehumidifying process give a consistent result with that of previous experiment. A new method for designing equipment such as evaporating cooler and cooling tower, and for analyzing experiment data of heat and mass transfer of air and water in a direct contact counter flow can be derived from this study.  相似文献   

空冷型氢燃料电池采用开放型阴极,具有自增湿、系统简单轻便等特点。为了揭示空气流量对输出性能的影响机制,对自组装的800 W空冷型燃料电池电堆进行了实验测试和数值分析,对比了不同空气风扇转速下电堆输出电压、净功率以及传质传热特性。结果表明:小电流条件下小空气流量可以保持电堆内较高的温度,减少活化损失,实现高净输出功率。然而,大电流条件下,小空气流量将导致电堆温度过高且分布不均匀。利用数值方法对组分和温度分布进行了可视化分析,结果表明低含水量引起的欧姆损失增加是限制输出功率的关键因素,通过提高风扇转速增加空气流量可以保证较好的冷却效果,从而提高含水量,减少欧姆损失。  相似文献   

空冷型氢燃料电池采用开放型阴极,具有自增湿、系统简单轻便等特点。为了揭示空气流量对输出性能的影响机制,对自组装的800 W空冷型燃料电池电堆进行了实验测试和数值分析,对比了不同空气风扇转速下电堆输出电压、净功率以及传质传热特性。结果表明:小电流条件下小空气流量可以保持电堆内较高的温度,减少活化损失,实现高净输出功率。然而,大电流条件下,小空气流量将导致电堆温度过高且分布不均匀。利用数值方法对组分和温度分布进行了可视化分析,结果表明低含水量引起的欧姆损失增加是限制输出功率的关键因素,通过提高风扇转速增加空气流量可以保证较好的冷却效果,从而提高含水量,减少欧姆损失。  相似文献   

采用新型循环方式的硅胶-水吸附式制冷机   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The paper proposes an adsorption refrigeration system using silica gel and water as working pair with novel design. In this system, the adsorber, condenser and evaporator are housed in one vacuum chamber, forming an adsorption refrigeration unit. Two such units work alternatively to supply cooling continuously. The construction, parameters of the adsorber, condenser and evaporator and characteristics of the cycle are given. The experimental results demonstrate that the mass recovery process can significantly improve the cooling capacity and COP. The effects of evaporating temperature and cooling water inlet temperature on chiller performance are analyzed. Comparison of the novel system and conventional ones demonstrates that the novel system has a higher performance than the conventional ones with heat recovery process if the problem of cooling loss can be resolved.  相似文献   

汪力  武卫东  胡锟 《化工学报》2019,70(1):99-106
提出一种利用蒸气压缩制冷和空气加湿除湿原理相结合的家用纯净水生产系统,基于所搭建的性能测试台,实验研究了系统运行工况参数、制冷量、系统功耗、COP以及单位时间制水量和单位能耗制水量等性能参数随循环风量的变化规律。结果表明:随着循环风量的增大,系统制冷量、功耗及单位时间制水量均呈现上升趋势,COP则存在一个峰值;在实验工况下系统最大制水量达668 g/h,同时该系统存在一个最佳的循环风量为110.2 m3/h,使系统单位能耗制水量达最大,为2067 g/(kW·h)。利用该系统所制取水的卫生指标(TDS < 3 mg/L)和日产水量(> 12 L/d)均可满足一般家庭饮用需求,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

A high pressure condenser is considered to remove water vapor as well as recover heat from the desorbed steam—CO2 gas mixture in a novel sorption enhanced reaction process. It is possible to have water condensation at the gas side as well as water evaporation at the coolant water side because of large temperature difference between the hot and cold side. A model of heat and mass transfer and phase change was developed to understand the complex phenomena associated with the simultaneous condensation and evaporation taking place in the unit. A finite difference method was used to solve the boundary value problem. Additional insight was obtained by describing the operating lines and equilibrium condition in an enthalpy diagram. The model was used to explore the performance in terms of the heat recovery. The heat recovery was best at the beginning of the process when the superheated steam was generated. © 2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 2012  相似文献   

Based on the experiments on freeze-drying carrot and potato slabs, the effects of some parameters, such as heating temperature and pressure on the freeze-drying process are examined. A simple model of freeze-drying is established to predict drying time and the mass variations of materials during the drying. The experimental results agree well with those calculated by the model.  相似文献   

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