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针对梅山铁矿深部采矿设计中的采场结构参数,提出了在-330m~-420m采用18m×20m采场结构参数的设想,论证了加大分段高度的可行性,已在矿山二期延深工程中采纳实施,并对优化结构参数后的效果进行了预测.  相似文献   

为了寻求某矿-340m以下矿体回采的合理结构参数,采用FLAC3D有限差分软件,建立采场结构模型,对矿体的回采进行模拟。运用正交试验的特性分析了不同尺寸的矿房宽度、间柱宽度、顶柱厚度、分层高度在矿房回采后对矿柱安全系数与位移的影响,并最终确定最佳的采场结构参数为阶段高度70m,矿房宽度8m,间柱宽度8m,顶柱厚度8m,底柱厚度6m,分层高度4m。  相似文献   

采场稳定性研究及采场结构尺寸优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用数值分析方法对铜录山矿露天转地下开采时的矿岩稳定性进行了研究,并对地下采场结构尺寸进行了优化,为安全高效地回采地下矿产资源提供了保证。  相似文献   

采场稳定性及结构参数的有限元数值模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据鸡笼山金矿设计的盘区机械化分层充填采矿法以及工程地质与环境条件,采用有限元方法研究了矿区大面积开采和盘区开采时的地面、采空区、采场的稳定性状态,在确保地面工业设施有效保护和采场安全开采的条件下,根据有限元分析计算结果实现了对尾砂胶结充填体配比的选择以及采场矿房矿柱尺寸的优化确定.  相似文献   

微小流体控制阀是微流体控制系统的关键部件之一,是微流量系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分,它的性能直接影响着整个微流体控制系统的工作状况。本文设计了一适用于在较低的工作压力下满足流量要求的以步进电机致动的可控微型阀门。并利用ANSYS软件进行了阀门内部流场的模拟,根据模拟结果,提出了阀门的结构优化方案。  相似文献   

针对白石峰钼矿的矿体赋存特点,通过对采矿工艺的采场结构参数等问题进行系统的研究,对矿山采场结构参数进行了优化,从而大幅度减少了各分段采准工程量,新参数已在矿山生产中得到了全面应用.  相似文献   

闫月娟  曹宇航  桑小娜  李默  李森 《化工机械》2021,48(1):89-93,118
井下泡沫发生器的应用可以避免泡沫从地面注入井下过程中的消泡问题,改善泡沫驱油的效果.但是由于井下径向空间有限,其内部泡沫发生结构的设计受到诸多因素的限制.应用Fluent软件,对射流挡板式、螺旋挡板式和螺旋搅拌式3种不同的井下泡沫发生结构进行了内部流场的数值模拟,对比分析了流场的迹线、速度分布、气液相分布和压力分布情况...  相似文献   

沙坪场气田石炭系气藏上报探明储量382.54×10^8m^3,动态储量269.10×10^8m^3,完钻井17口,获气井15口,已生产井12口,出水气井2口(天东90井、月东1—1井)。气藏1998年3月投产,由于天东90井出水,存在特殊工艺如封堵天东90井下段产层的矛盾问题。本次运用数值模拟技术研究并建立适合该气藏地质和开采特征、特殊工艺等的三维模型,并对气藏储量、生产动态(如天东90井产水)、特殊工艺(如封堵天东90下段产层)等进行模拟研究,分析天东90和月东1—1井出水原因、外围水体大小及对气藏开发的影响、特殊工艺效果,提出气藏未来开发建议,指导气藏未来的开发。  相似文献   

瓮福磷矿对某矿体采用房柱法回采工艺,为了控制采空区的地压,在收集整理采场原始观测数据基础上,对采空区暴露面积与地压活动规律进行了探索,在此基础上调整了相应的回采参数,以期保证回采作业期间的生产安全及回采完成后地压及时释放,避免大规模地压的发生。  相似文献   

提升管反应器存在典型的颗粒聚团介尺度结构,其分布特性对气固流动、反应有重要影响,对介尺度结构影响规律进行分析有助于为反应器的设计与优化操作提供基础信息。采用基于能量最小多尺度(EMMS)方法的曳力模型建立了提升管气固两相流动模型,考虑了颗粒聚团对气固相间动量传递的影响。此外,进一步通过考虑颗粒聚团的存在以及颗粒聚团的非均匀性对化学反应的影响,提出了描述介尺度结构对反应速率影响的修正因子,与气固流动模型进行耦合,建立了基于介尺度结构的流动-反应综合数学模型,并进行了模型验证。进一步应用该模型,对工业催化裂化提升管反应器的流动-反应特性进行了模拟分析。结果表明,该模型可以合理描述提升管气固相互作用,能够预测出壁面附近存在较多介尺度结构的分布特性,由于聚团的存在使得重油组分难以与催化剂充分接触,生成汽柴油的反应速率较低,转化较慢,聚团的分布特性导致靠近边壁处的重油组分浓度较高,汽柴油组分浓度较低;汽柴油在聚团内部的流动阻力较大,在聚团内发生过量的二次反应生成较多焦炭,导致壁面处焦炭浓度较高。与传统基于平均化而未考虑聚团影响的模型相比,基于介尺度结构的模型所预测的汽油收率最佳值与工业实际相接近。因此,基于介尺度结构的流动-反应综合数学模型可以合理描述提升管内进行的流动-反应耦合特性,并能揭示介尺度结构对催化裂化反应过程的影响,有望为工业提升管装置反应终止剂技术的开发提供重要的基础信息。  相似文献   

为了简化发动机加力燃烧室的结构和减少零件数量以达到减轻发动机重量的目的;减少气流在加力燃烧室中在非加力状态下的流体损失,提高发动机的燃烧效率和工作稳定性,在额定工况下对A、B、C、D四种特定的一体化加力燃烧室的结构设计的气动性能进行了数值仿真研究,以寻求找到一个合理的一体化结构参数。计算结果表明,该新型一体化加力燃烧室均有稳定的流场结构,并在支板下方的凹腔区形成低速回流区,可以用来组织火焰和稳定燃烧,在四种方案中,B方案的总压恢复能力较强,流体损失小,流场特性最佳,燃烧性能最好。  相似文献   

Due to its low volatile characteristics of lean coal, it is difficult to catch fire and burn out. Therefore, high temperature is needed to maintain combustion efficiency, while, this leads to high nitrogen oxide emission. For power plant boilers burning lean coal, stable combustion with lower nitrogen oxide emission is a challenging task. This study applied the 3D numerical simulation on the analysis of a novel de-coupling burner for low-volatile coal and its structure and operation parameters optimization. Results indicate that although it was more difficult for lean coal decoupling burner to ignite lean coal than high volatile coal, the burner formed a stepwise ignition trend, which promoted the rapid ignition of lean coal. Comparison of three central partition plate structure shows that in terms of characteristics of the flow field distribution, rich and lean separation and combustion, the structure with an inclination of 0° showed good performance, with its rich-lean air ratio being 0.85 and concentration ratio being 22.94, and there was an apparent decoupling combustion characteristic. Finally, the structure of the selected burner was optimized for its operational conditions. The optimal operating parameters was determined as the primary air velocity of 24.9 m·s−1 and the mass flow rate of pulverized coal of 2.5 kg·s−1, in which the pyrolysis products were utilized as reductive agent more fully. Eventually, the nitrogen oxide was efficiently reduced to nitrogen, which emission concentration was 61.88% lower than that in the design condition.  相似文献   

Due to its low volatile characteristics of lean coal, it is difficult to catch fire and burn out. Therefore, high temperature is needed to maintain combustion efficiency, while, this leads to high nitrogen oxide emission. For power plant boilers burning lean coal, stable combustion with lower nitrogen oxide emission is a challenging task. This study applied the 3D numerical simulation on the analysis of a novel de-coupling burner for low-volatile coal and its structure and operation parameters optimization. Results indicate that although it was more difficult for lean coal decoupling burner to ignite lean coal than high volatile coal, the burner formed a stepwise ignition trend, which promoted the rapid ignition of lean coal. Comparison of three central partition plate structure shows that in terms of characteristics of the flow field distribution, rich and lean separation and combustion, the structure with an inclination of 0° showed good performance, with its rich-lean air ratio being 0.85 and concentration ratio being 22.94, and there was an apparent decoupling combustion characteristic. Finally, the structure of the selected burner was optimized for its operational conditions. The optimal operating parameters was determined as the primary air velocity of 24.9 m·s-1 and the mass flow rate of pulverized coal of 2.5 kg·s-1, in which the pyrolysis products were utilized as reductive agent more fully. Eventually, the nitrogen oxide was efficiently reduced to nitrogen, which emission concentration was 61.88% lower than that in the design condition.  相似文献   

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