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为了确定高钛型钒钛磁铁矿烧结过程中铁酸钙的生成是受TiO2还是TiO2和CaO形成的CaTiO3影响,首先利用Fe2O3和CaO的纯试剂合成了铁酸钙,并研究了TiO2和CaTiO3对钛铁酸钙 (FCT) 形成的影响。在Factsage 7.0软件进行热力学计算的基础上,通过在空气气氛下进行烧结,获得了在1023~1423 K温度范围内、不同烧结时间的不同样品。通过X射线衍射和扫描电镜-能谱分析等表征手段,对烧结样品的物相转变和微观结构变化进行了表征。发现FCT的形成过程主要分为2个阶段:前一阶段为1023~1223 K温度范围内Fe2O3与CaO之间的反应,合成产物为Ca2Fe2O5,反应方程式为“Fe2O3(s)+ 2CaO(s)= Ca2Fe2O5(s)”;后一阶段为1223~1423 K温度范围内Ca2Fe2O5和Fe2O3的反应,主要产物为CaFe2O4,反应为“Ca2Fe2O5(s)+ Fe2O3(s)= 2CaFe2O4(s)”,该阶段尤其是温度为1423 K时,反应速率显著加快,随温度的升高CaTiO3显著增加。然而,Ti元素在铁酸钙中的固溶很难实现,TiO2与铁酸钙之间的反应不是形成FCT的有效途径。随着保温时间的延长,CaTiO3和FCT相界中Fe元素含量增加。FCT主要是通过Fe组分在CaTiO3中固溶形成的,主要反应是“Fe2O3+CaTiO3(s)=FCT(s)”。  相似文献   

采用复合电沉积法在304奥氏体不锈钢表面制备Ni-Al2O3纳米镀层. 研究了Al2O3颗粒在复合镀层中的分布情况, 确定了镀液中颗粒的最佳加入量、最佳电流强度和最佳搅拌速度. 用扫描电镜和能谱仪、X射线衍射仪等设备鉴定镀层显微组织与组成. 结果表明, Ni-Al2O3纳米复合镀层均匀、致密、晶粒细小; 复合镀层结合强度、耐腐蚀性能优良, 抗高温氧化性能优于纯镍镀层.  相似文献   

利用高温固相法制备了蓝色长余辉材料β-Ga2O3: B3+. β-Ga2O3: B3+在 260 nm紫外光辐照5分钟后,撤去紫外光,在380-600nm光谱范围内呈现宽带的蓝色余辉,余辉时间超过0.5小时。通过激发光谱,发射光谱,余辉衰减曲线,热释光谱等实验手段对样品进行表征。实验结果表明,B3+的掺入能够提高β-Ga2O3的发光性质。β-Ga2O3: 80% B3+的热释光谱表明B3+的掺入能够增加陷阱数目及陷阱深度。  相似文献   

选用金属Mo作为红外反射层,Mo-Al_2O_3作为吸收层,Al_2O_3作为减反射层,利用磁控溅射镀膜技术,在抛光的316L不锈钢片上制备具有双吸收层的Mo/Mo-Al_2O_3/Al_2O_3太阳能选择吸收膜系,研究减反射层和高、低金属吸收层的厚度及其金属体积分数对膜系选择吸收性能的影响。结果表明,当减反层厚度为50 nm时,所得膜系的选择吸收性能最佳。高金属吸收层厚度的增加会使薄膜反射率的骤升阈值发生红移,薄膜的发射率升高,但其厚度过高,则会影响薄膜的干涉效应。低金属吸收层厚度的增加会导致可见光波段的吸收率增加,红外波段的发射率上升,薄膜反射率的骤升阈值红移。高金属吸收层中金属体积分数增加会导致它的方块电阻降低,使薄膜的红外发射率下降。低金属吸收层中金属体积分数的增加,会导致薄膜的红外干涉下降,使其发射率升高,获得薄膜的最佳吸收率为0.922,发射率为0.029。  相似文献   

采用简单水热法合成了一系列C3N4/CuGaO2复合材料。采用XRD、SEM、TEM和XPS对制备的样品进行了表征。研究了一系列C3N4/CuGaO2复合材料的气敏性能。结果表明,基于C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料(C3N4与CuGaO2的摩尔比为0.3:1)的气体传感器对甲苯的传感性能优于CuGaO2传感器。相比较于CuGaO2传感器的工作温度(140 ℃),C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料传感器的最佳工作温度仅为25 ℃,对100 μL/L甲苯气体的响应达到28,检出限低至0.01 μL/L。对100 μL/L甲苯气体的响应时间和恢复时间分别为114.2和27.4 s。此外,用于检测甲苯的C3N4/CuGaO2-0.3复合材料传感器还具有优异的长期稳定性、良好的重复性和优异的抗湿性能。  相似文献   

采用固-液相共混法制备了多种BN/Al2O3复合粉末,通过冻融法和表面修饰法对BN进行了改性处理,改变表面修饰剂类型和摩尔比得到了前驱体和烧结态BN/Al2O3复合粉末,并利用机械混合法制备了聚合物基BN/Al2O3复合材料,并测试分析了其导热性能。结果表明,经冻融处理的BN分散性和界面相容性明显优于未经冻融处理的BN。多巴胺对BN的改性效果优于聚乙二醇。采用多巴胺作为表面修饰剂且BN与Al(NO3)3的摩尔比为1:1时,能够得到纳米Al2O3均匀包覆的微米BN粉末,即BN/Al2O3微纳复合粉末,其聚合物基复合材料的导热系数可达0.62 W·m-1·K-1,是纯聚合物导热系数的3倍,是采用纯微米BN粉末制备的聚合物基复合材料导热系数的1.5倍。在BN表面附着的Al2O3可以形成层状热传导通道,能够有效提高聚合物基BN/Al2O3复合材料的热导率。  相似文献   

以SnO2、Bi2Sn2O7为增强相粉体,化学银粉为基体相,采用高能球磨辅助常压烧结工艺制备出系列Bi2Sn2O7改性SnO2增强银基复合材料。考察了Bi2Sn2O7含量、球磨时间、烧结制度对Ag/SnO2-Bi2Sn2O7复合材料物理性能的影响规律。结果表明:随着球磨时间从1h延长至12h,Ag/SnO2-(6 wt.%) Bi2Sn2O7复合粉体从颗粒态向片状结构发生转变,Ag/SnO2-(6 wt.%) Bi2Sn2O7复合材料的电阻率呈逐渐上升趋势而密度呈不断下降趋势。烧结温度的提升和Bi2Sn2O7掺杂量的增加均有助于降低Ag/SnO2-Bi2Sn2O7复合材料的电阻率,且当Bi2Sn2O7掺杂量为12 wt.%、烧结温度900℃时,样品Ag/ (12 wt.%) Bi2Sn2O7的电阻率达到最佳值2.24 μΩ·cm。循环50次的初期电弧烧蚀试验分析可知,相比于纯Ag/SnO2而言,Bi2Sn2O7改性样品表面的烧损面积并未快速扩展至整个表面,且当Bi2Sn2O7含量为6 wt%时,Ag/SnO2-(6 wt.%) Bi2Sn2O7样品表面的烧损面积最小。而当Bi2Sn2O7含量为12 wt.%时, Ag/ (12 wt.%) Bi2Sn2O7表面烧蚀区出现了飞溅现象,这可能归因于其较低的表面硬度(82.38HV0.3)。  相似文献   

本文采用甘氨酸-硝酸盐法(GNP)和溶胶凝胶法分别合成了Sm0.1Nd0.1Ce0.8O1.9(SNDC) 和La2Mo2O9(LAMOX)粉末,并用常压烧结的方法制备了不同比例的SNDC和LAMOX的复合材料,通过XRD和SEM等手段表征了不同复合比例样品的物相和表面形貌并测试了烧结样品的电导率。结果表明,复合样品的电导率在相变点前后随着复合量增加变化趋势相反,其中LAMOX含量为20mol%的样品在550℃时的电导率能达到0.01S/cm,高于同温度下SNDC电导率。  相似文献   

采用高温固相反应制备了CaO-Bi_2O_3-MoO_3-XNb_2O_5(X=0.000%~0.075%,质量分数,步长:0.015%)复合掺杂的高磁导率Mn-Zn铁氧体材料,利用XRD、SEM、四探针电阻测试仪、阻抗分析仪、和软磁测试仪等分析测试手段对材料结构和性能进行表征,研究了复合掺杂剂中Nb_2O_5掺杂量对高磁导率Mn-Zn铁氧体材料的结构和电磁性能的影响。结果表明:当Nb_2O_5少量掺杂时,Nb_2O_5可以改善材料的微观结构,提高其密度、频率稳定性和品质因数,提高其电阻率,降低其体积功耗;当Nb_2O_5过量掺杂时,Nb_2O_5将恶化材料的微观结构,导致材料的电磁性能变差。当Nb2O5掺杂量为0.030%时材料的综合电磁性能最佳。  相似文献   

以La(NO3)2、MnC4H6O2、柠檬酸和乙二醇(EG)为主要原料,NH4VO3为掺杂试剂,采用溶胶凝胶法制备LaMnO3和LaMn1-XVXO3粉体。采用XRD进行晶体结构表征;采用甲基橙(MO)模拟污水,进行光催化降解实验。研究了煅烧温度、催化剂用量和掺杂量对光催化氧化降解率的影响,讨论MO降解的动力学规律。结果表明700-900 ℃煅烧温度不影响LaMnO3晶体结构和光催化氧化降解率;掺杂量影响LaMn1-XVXO3晶体结构,光催化氧化降解率随着掺杂量增加而呈下降趋势;光催化氧化实验中,LaMn1-XVXO3粉体效果高于LaMnO3,两者均符合一级动力学方程。  相似文献   

江浩  杨继涛  胡国新  黄浩 《表面技术》2014,43(4):115-118,134
目的在较为温和的条件下制备氧化铁/碳纳米复合材料。方法以纳米Fe3O4粉体为催化剂,水热催化纤维素碳化,并借助扫描电镜、透射电镜、X射线光电子能谱仪和X射线衍射仪对碳化产物进行表征分析。结果获得了粒径约为150 nm的枣核形氧化铁/碳纳米复合材料。结论通过相对温和的水热反应,纤维素被碳化形成了壳核结构的纳米产物,Fe3O4催化剂在反应过程中被氧化并成为壳核结构产物的核心。  相似文献   

Glasses with different Bi2O3 contents (37-42 mol%) have been prepared by conventional melt quench technique. The IR and Raman studies indicate that these glasses are made up of [BiO6], [BiO3], [BO3] and [BO4] basic structural units. The vibrations of [BiO3] and [BO3] become stronger as the content of Bi2O3 increases, which makes glass structure loosened. Viscosity of the glasses was measured by using a Rheotronic III paralleled plate rheometry, which shows that the viscosity of glass samples decreased when the content of Bi2O3 increased at the same temperature (400-460 °C). The temperature range which suits for glasses sealing was calculated by using the approximation of Arrhenian behaviour. The wetting performance of Bi2O3-ZnO-B2O3 glasses was described by using high-temperature microscope, which also proves that the structure of investigated Bi2O3-ZnO-B2O3 glasses become loosened due to the increasing of the content of Bi2O3.  相似文献   

The hydrophilic phenol formaldehyde resin coated Fe3O4 nanocrystals are prepared via a novel one-step solvothermal approach at 160 °C for 6-9 h without inert gas protection. Water-glycol mixture is used as solvent in common air surrounding. FeSO4·7H2O, hexamethylenetetramine and phenol are used as resource materials without any others additives or surfactants. The transmission electronic microscope images show the samples are composed of sphere-like particles with sizes about 10-20 nm. The X-ray diffraction data indicate cube-phase Fe3O4 nanocrystals are obtained at given conditions. Fourier transform infrared spectra further reveal the samples are consisted of Fe3O4 and PFR. Without modified pH and added surfactants, the solubility of the obtained sample is over 1% in water, which is far more than its solubility in toluene. Room-temperature hysteresis loop indicate that the as-obtained nano-crystals possess soft magnetic properties with high saturated mass magnetization (50.6 emu/g) and negligible coercivity.  相似文献   

Li Fang  Tingyang Dai  Yun Lu   《Synthetic Metals》2009,159(19-20):2101-2107
The preparation of free-standing electromagnetic composite films based on conductive polypyrrole (PPy) hydro-sponge and the Fe3O4 ferrofluid have been successfully accomplished via self-assembly in the presence of β-cyclodextrin sulfate and under static condition. Transmission electron microscope (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are used to study the morphology of the PPy-Fe3O4 composite. Structural characterizations by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) have proved the interactions between Fe3O4 and PPy chains. As-prepared films possess high electrical conductivity, remarkable magnetic response as well as appropriate flexility. Both the conductivity and magnetization of the composite, the latter in particular, depend strongly on the Fe3O4 content and thus can be optimized by adjusting the relative content of Fe3O4 in the composite. The combination of both magnetic and conducting activities of the resulting composite makes it be a potential candidate as functional material in electromagnetic devices, such as magnetic-controlled switches.  相似文献   

A facile direct precipitation method has been developed for the synthesis of bifunctional magnetic-luminescent nanocomposites with Fe3O4 nanoparticles as the core and YVO4:Eu3+ as the shell. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images revealed that the obtained bifunctional nanocomposites had a core-shell structure and a spherical morphology. The average size was ∼150 nm, and the thickness of the shell was ∼15 nm. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns showed that a cubic spinel structure of Fe3O4 core and a tetragonal phase of YVO4 shell were obtained. Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra confirmed that the YVO4:Eu3+ had been successfully deposited on the surface of Fe3O4 nanoparticles. Photoluminescence (PL) spectra indicated that the nanocomposites displayed a strong red characteristic emission of Eu3+. Magnetic measurements showed that the obtained bifunctional nanocomposites exhibited superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature. Therefore, the bifunctional nanocomposites are expected to develop many potential applications in biomedical fields.  相似文献   

The effects of K2O and Li2O-doping (0.5, 0.75 and 1.5 mol%) of Fe2O3/Cr2O3 system on its surface and the catalytic properties were investigated. Pure and differently doped solids were calcined in air at 400-600 °C. The formula of the un-doped calcined solid was 0.85Fe2O3:0.15Cr2O3. The techniques employed were TGA, DTA, XRD, N2 adsorption at −196 °C and catalytic oxidation of CO oxidation by O2 at 200-300 °C. The results revealed that DTA curves of pure mixed solids consisted of one endothermic peak and two exothermic peaks. Pure and doped mixed solids calcined at 400 °C are amorphous in nature and turned to α-Fe2O3 upon heating at 500 and 600 °C. K2O and Li2O doping conducted at 500 or 600 °C modified the degree of crystallinity and crystallite size of all phases present which consisted of a mixture of nanocrystalline α- and γ-Fe2O3 together with K2FeO4 and LiFe5O8 phases. However, the heavily Li2O-doped sample consisted only of LiFe5O8 phase. The specific surface area of the system investigated decreased to an extent proportional to the amount of K2O and Li2O added. On the other hand, the catalytic activity was found to increase by increasing the amount of K2O and Li2O added. The maximum increase in the catalytic activity, expressed as the reaction rate constant (k) measured at 200 °C, attained 30.8% and 26.5% for K2O and Li2O doping, respectively. The doping process did not modify the activation energy of the catalyzed reaction but rather increased the concentration of the active sites without changing their energetic nature.  相似文献   

Nano-particles of homogeneous solid solution between TiO2 and Fe2O3 (up to 10 mol%) have been prepared by mechanochemical milling of TiO2 and yellow Fe2O3/red Fe2O3/precipitated Fe (OH)3 using a planetary ball mill. Such novel solid solution cannot be prepared by conventional co-precipitation technique. A preliminary investigation of photocatalytic activity of mixed oxide (TiO2/Fe2O3) on photo-oxidation of different organic dyes like Rhodamine B (RB), Methyl orange (MO), Thymol blue (TB) and Bromocresol green (BG) under visible light (300-W Xe lamp; λ > 420 nm) showed that TiO2 having 5 mol% of Fe2O3 (YFT1) is 3-5 times higher photoactive than that of P25 TiO2. The XRD result did not show the peaks assigned to the Fe components (for example Fe2O3, Fe3O4, FeO3, and Fe metal) on the external surface of the anatase structure in the Fe2O3/TiO2 attained through mechanochemical treatment. This meant that Fe components were well incorporated into the TiO2 anatase structure. The average crystallite size and particle size of YFT1 were found to be 12 nm and 30 ± 5 nm respectively measured from XRD and TEM conforming to nanodimensions. Together with the Fe component, they absorbed wavelength of above 387 nm. The band slightly shifted to the right without tail broadness, which was the UV absorption of Fe oxide in the Fe2O3/TiO2 particle attained through mechanochemical method. This meant that Fe components were well inserted into the framework of the TiO2 anatase structure. EPR and magnetic susceptibility show that Fe3+ is in low spin state corresponding to μB = 1.8 BM. The temperature variation of μB shows that Fe3+ is well separated from each other and does not have any antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic interaction. The evidence of Fe3+ in TiO2/Fe2O3 alloy is also proved by a new method that is redox titration which is again support by the XPS spectrum.  相似文献   

Fe3O4 micro-spheres with nanoparticles close-packed architectures were synthesized via a simple chemical method using (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2·6H2O, hexamethylenetetramine, and NaF as reaction materials. This chemical synthesis took place in a vitreous jar under low temperature (90 °C) and atmospheric pressure. The morphology and structure of the as-synthesized products were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Raman spectrum. Electrochemical properties of the as-synthesized Fe3O4 micro-spheres as anode electrode of lithium ion batteries were studied by conventional charge/discharge tests, which exhibit steady charge/discharge platforms at different current densities. The as-prepared Fe3O4 electrode shows high initial discharge capacity of 1166 and 1082 mAh g−1 at current density of 0.05 and 0.1 mA cm−2, respectively.  相似文献   

Ni/Al2O3 composite coatings were prepared by a novel method from a modified Watt's type electrolyte containing nano-Al2O3 particles, where a high magnetic field was imposed in the direction parallel to an electrolytic current instead of mechanical agitation. Effects of magnetic field on the content of particles, surface morphology, microhardness and wear resistance of plating layer were investigated. It was found that the high magnetic field played an important role in the formation of composite coatings. The amounts of nano-Al2O3 particles in the composite coating increased with increasing of magnetic flux density and reached a maximum value at 8 T, then reduced slightly. The microhardness and wear resistance of the nanocomposite coatings also enhanced with increasing of magnetic flux density as compared to that of pure Ni coating fabricated in the absence of magnetic field. That was because the co-deposited nano-Al2O3 particles were uniformly distributed in the Ni matrix and contributed to greatly increase the microhardness and wear resistance of the composite coatings. Moreover, the mechanism of action of high magnetic field was discussed preliminarily.  相似文献   

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