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针对三维(3D)视频系统中深度视频的安全问题,利 用一种全新的信息嵌入载体,提出 一种基于单深度帧内模式(single depth intra mode)的3D高效视频编码(3D-HEVC)深度视 频信息隐藏算法。首先,对采用单深度帧内模式编码的编码单元(CU)根据 相邻块重建像素构建像素候选列表,并比较候选列表中的两个像素值;然后,为增加算法的 安全性、保证 视频的质量,在像素值相等和不相等的情况下分别根据密钥和后续块的预测模式范围选择嵌 入块;最后, 根据隐秘信息对嵌入块候选列表所选像素的索引值进行LSB调制。实验结果表明,本文算 法平均每帧嵌入容 量为244bit,编码重建深度视频绘制视点质量的峰值 信噪比(PSNR)值和结构相似度(SSIM)值仅分别平均下降1.41×10-3 dB和6×10-6,码率平均增长0.12%,可见本文算法对3D视频的主观感知质量及码率影响很小。  相似文献   

3D-HEVC将HEVC先进的编码工具充分应用到3D视频,随之带来的主要问题是编码的高复杂度.针对3D-HEVC的帧间编码提出了两点改进以降低其编码复杂度.首先,根据相邻帧相关性自适应确定编码单元的划分深度,然后通过判断编码单元的运动活跃度来限定预测单元的类型选择.提出的算法经仿真实验证明,在保持码率、PSNR基本不变的情况下,其编码时间平均可减少30%.  相似文献   

为了更安全地传输秘密信息和保护3D视频,提 出基于多视点视频特征的3D-HEVC深度视频信息隐 藏算法。首先结合彩色视频的纹理特征,考虑深度视频不同区域对绘制视点的质量和编码效 率的影响,对 深度视频进行区域分割。然后针对不同的区域,采用不同的方式调制最大编码单元(LCU) 的QP值嵌入 秘密信息。最后,用修改后的QP值进行编码压缩,传输视频信息。实验仿真结果表明,相 比于原始HTM13.0, 本算法编码重建深度视频绘制视点质量的PSNR平均下降0.0015dB, 码率平均增加0.035%。本文算法 能较好地保证绘制视点的质量,对视频流的码率影响较小,且能实现秘密信息的盲提取。  相似文献   

廖洁  陈婧  曾焕强  蔡灿辉 《信号处理》2017,33(3):444-451
针对3D视频的3D-HEVC编码标准以多视点纹理视频和深度视频格式进行编码,其深度图编码仍延续纹理视频编码的模式和编码尺寸遍历选择,使得3D-HEVC的编码复杂度居高不下。本文针对深度图帧内预测编码,采用灰度共生矩阵对深度图中的CTU进行计算,统计并分析其矩阵中非零值个数与CTU分割深度的关系,根据非零值个数分布规律,设定阈值,使得帧内编码时可以预判编码模块的分割深度,从而选择性跳过部分不同深度CU的帧内预测过程。经过HTM16.0测试平台的检验,本算法在全帧内编码模式下,测试序列合成视点比特率仅增加0.08%的同时,平均节省了16.8%的编码时间,与其他同类较新算法在HTM16.0平台上的性能比较也有一定的优势。   相似文献   

林其伟  李学 《通信技术》2011,44(12):114-116
数字视频通信在多媒体通信系统中占据重要的地位,但视频帧传输错误将导致接收视频质量的下降.视频帧传输错误不仅会破坏当前的解码帧,还会在时间上扩散造成对后续帧的预测错误.为减少视频帧传输错误对视频质量的影响,设计了一种基于运动矢量自适应选取的错误隐藏算法,算法充分利用相邻宏块间运动矢量的空间相关性来自适应地恢复受损宏块的运动矢量.仿真实验结果表明,相对于典型的错误隐藏算法,所述算法在主观视觉质量和客观评价指标上都有一定的提高.  相似文献   

栗晨阳  陈婧 《信号处理》2022,38(10):2180-2191
随着立体及3D视频需求的日益增多,针对3D视频编码方法的研究受到越来越多的关注。3D-HEVC编码标准对采用纹理和深度图格式融合的3D视频进行编码,由于加入了深度图编码,因此新增了深度图编码模式、组件间预测和分段直流编码等技术,使其编码复杂度急剧升高。为了减少3D-HEVC的编码时间,本文提出了针对纹理图和深度图的编码单元(Coding Unit,CU)尺寸提前决策快速算法。利用梯度矩阵和作为当前CU和子CU复杂度的判断依据,将CU分为三类:不划分CU(Non-Split Coding Unit,NSCU)、直接划分CU(Split Coding Unit,SCU)以及普通CU。对NSCU,跳过小尺寸的帧内预测过程;对SCU,直接跳过当前CU的帧内预测过程;对普通CU,执行原平台操作。实验结果表明,与原始平台相比,本文算法在合成视点质量基本不变的情况下,平均减少40.92%的编码时间;与最新的联合纹理-深度图优化的3D-HEVC快速算法相比,可以在质量相当的情况下减少更多的编码时间。  相似文献   

针对分层B帧(HBP)编码格式的立体视频B帧整帧丢失的问题,该文分析了双视点视频中存在的视点间运动矢量相关性,提出一种分层错误隐藏算法。该算法与当前主流的方法有两大不同:一是该算法采用分级隐藏,根据B帧的重要性等级不同采用不同的错误隐藏方法;二是该算法考虑了相邻视点序列之间的宏块运动矢量相关性。实验表明,该算法的性能优于当前常用的H.264多视点视频整帧丢失错误隐藏方法。  相似文献   

针对立体视频的安全性,该文提出一种基于熵编码的立体视频加密与信息隐藏算法。首先,结合立体视频编码结构,分析误差漂移的物理机制,并根据立体视觉掩蔽效应,确定左右视点的加密帧和隐秘信息待嵌入帧。其次,在基于上下文自适应二进制算术编码(CABAC)的熵编码中,通过等长码字替换技术,实现立体视频的加密和信息隐藏。实验结果表明,视频码流经加密与信息隐藏之后格式兼容、比特率不变,视频感知质量无明显下降,在计算复杂度和码率增加率上有显著优势。  相似文献   

周刚  吴蒙 《电信快报》2014,(5):44-47
根据H.264标准编码的特点,提出一种较高性能的信息隐藏方案。文章分析H.264中I4×4亮度块的9种帧内预测模式,以及最优模式的选择策略,将I4×4亮度块的9种帧内预测模式作为备选宿主,利用信息嵌入算法将信息嵌入到视频中。这样降低了信息隐藏过程中预测模式调整对视频质量的影响,并能提高嵌入信息数据量。  相似文献   

韩雪  冯桂  曹海燕 《信号处理》2018,34(6):680-687
编码3D视频的3D-HEVC编码标准采用多视点加深度图的编码格式,新增的深度信息使编码复杂度剧增。本文针对编码块(Coding Unit,CU)的四叉树分割模型和帧内预测模式,提出了深度图帧内编码的快速算法。用Otsu’s算子计算当前CU的最大类间方差值,判断当前CU是否平坦,对平坦CU终止四叉树分割和减少帧内模式的遍历数目。根据子CU与上一层CU的相似性,利用已编码的上一层CU对提前终止CU分割算法做优化。本算法与原始3D-HEVC算法相比减少40.1%的编码时间,而合成视点的质量几乎无变化。   相似文献   

The 3D extension of high efficiency video coding (3D-HEVC) adopts a view synthesis optimization (VSO) technique to improve the quality of synthesized views for depth map coding. The exact synthesized view distortion change (SVDC) is calculated in VSO which in turn brings huge coding complexity to the 3D-HEVC encoder due to the real view synthesis process. This work presents a scheme aimed at reducing coding complexity of the SVDC calculating process in the 3D-HEVC encoder. It skips line segments of pixels with variable lengths based on information from both of the textures and depth maps in the SVDC calculation. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme can reduce the coding complexity without any significant loss in rate distortion performance for the synthesized views.  相似文献   

针对当前HEVC视频信息隐藏算法对视频码率和质 量影响较大等问题,结合HEVC编码标准中 帧内预测模式的特点,提出一种基于帧内预测模式差值的HEVC视频信息隐藏算法。对于连续 两个帧内4×4亮度块预测编码过程中具有方向性的33种预测模式,建立隐秘信息与 预测模式差值的映射关系,根据拉格 朗日率失真模型调制预测模式完成隐秘信息的嵌入。为了保证隐秘信息的嵌入容量,对于连 续两个无方向 性的planar模式或DC模式,根据隐秘信息修改其值实现隐秘信息的嵌入。信息的提取过程, 只需对码流中 的预测模式解码即可。实验结果表明,隐秘信息的嵌入对视频序列的影响较小,亮度分量的 峰值信噪比 (PSNR)值平均下降约0.05dB,对码率 影响仅在1.1%以下,隐秘信息嵌入前后的结构相似度(SSIM)值均 在0.94以上。因此,本文算法能很好保证视频的主客观质量。  相似文献   

多视点彩色加深度(MVD)视频是三维(3D)视频的 主流格式。在3D高效视频编码中,深度视频帧内编码 具有较高的编码复杂度;深度估计软件获取的深度视频由于不够准确会使深度图平坦 区域纹理增加, 从而进一步增加帧内编码复杂度。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种联合深度处理的深度视频 帧内低复杂度 编码算法。首先,在编码前对深度视频进行预处理,减少由于深度图不准确而出现的纹理信 息;其次,运 用反向传播神经网络(BPNN,backpropagation neural network)预测最大编码单元 (LCU,la rgest coding unit)的最大划分深度;最后联合深度视频的边缘信 息及对应的彩色LCU最大划分深度进行CU提前终止划分和快速模式选取。实验结果表明, 本文算法在保证 虚拟视点质量的前提下,BDBR下降0.33% ,深度视频编码时间平均节省50.63%。  相似文献   

3D-high efficiency video coding (3D-HEVC) standard is an extension of HEVC.Though 3D-HEVC effectively improves the compression efficiency of 3D video,it also brings huge computational complexity.To greatly reduce the 3D-HEVC coding complexity,an early Merge mode decision approach was proposed.The residual signal that encoded by the Merge mode was firstly extracted as feature information.A learning model was established in terms of the residual signals of the coding unit (CU) in current frame that used early Merge mode as the optimal mode.Finally,the residual signal was extracted for the Merge mode of current CU,and the learning model was used to predict whether the Merge mode was the optimal mode or not.Experimental results show that the proposed early Merge mode decision approach reduces the coding times of 3D-HEVC texture views and depth maps about 41.9% and 24.3%,respectively,and the coding performance degradation is almost negligible.Compared with existing early Merge mode decision approaches,the proposed approach further reduces the coding time,and can be easily integrated into the 3D-HEVC test model due to its design simplicity.  相似文献   

As a 3D extension of the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) standard, 3D-HEVC is developed to improve the coding efficiency of multi-view video. However, the improvement of the coding efficiency is obtained at the expense of a computational complexity increase. How to relieve the computational burden of the encoder is becoming a critical problem in applications. In this paper, a fast encoder decision algorithm to encode the dependent texture views is proposed, where two strategies to accelerate encoder decision by exploiting inter-view correlations are utilized. The first one is an early merge mode decision algorithm, and the second one is an early CU splitting termination algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can achieve 47.1% encoding time saving with overall 0.1% BD-rate reduction compared to HTM (3D-HEVC test model) version 7 under the common test condition (CTC). Both of the two strategies have been adopted into the 3D-HEVC reference software and enabled as a default encoding process under CTC.  相似文献   

陈立全  卢苗  胡爱群  孙晓燕 《通信学报》2013,34(12):120-130
分析了以编码信道为载体的信息隐藏算法及容量,指出现有算法存在的问题,提出了一种结合容量上限判断的基于二级定位的信息隐藏算法。所提算法在秘密信息嵌入前首先计算系统隐藏容量上限,并判断是否超出;接着在嵌入位置选择过程中引入二级定位以及循环移位机制。仿真结果表明,相比已有算法,所提算法能较好地避免因隐藏容量过大而导致秘密通道暴露的风险;同时通过二级定位及循环移位机制提高嵌入位置的随机性,避免秘密信息相互覆盖,提升信息隐藏性能。  相似文献   

Dawen Xu 《ETRI Journal》2020,42(3):446-458
In this study, an efficient scheme for hiding data directly in partially encrypted versions of high efficiency video coding (HEVC) videos is proposed. The content owner uses stream cipher to selectively encrypt some HEVC‐CABAC bin strings in a format‐compliant manner. Then, the data hider embeds the secret message into the encrypted HEVC videos using the specific coefficient modification technique. Consequently, it can be used in third‐party computing environments (more generally, cloud computing). For security and privacy purposes, service providers cannot access the visual content of the host video. As the coefficient is only slightly modified, the quality of the decrypted video is satisfactory. The encrypted and marked bitstreams meet the requirements of format compatibility, and have the same bit rate. At the receiving end, data extraction can be performed in the encrypted domain or decrypted domain that can be adapted to different application scenarios. Several standard video sequences with different resolutions and contents have been used for experimental evaluation.  相似文献   

On the basis of grey system theory, an image information hiding algorithm is proposed in this paper. First, to choose the blocks of rich texture, a method based on two‐dimensional grey relational analysis is designed; making use of the improved GM(1,1) prediction model, the secret image is compressed losslessly, and then scrambled by means of time‐division multiplexing method in communication theory. Block discrete cosine transform is applied to the chosen blocks, and coefficients of mid frequencies are chosen as the embedded data, whereas the embedding intensity is determined on the basis of human visual system, and the embedding capacity of sub‐blocks can be controlled by its two‐dimensional grey relational grade adaptively. The experiment results show that the algorithm cannot only achieve satisfactory invisibility and robustness, but also improve the payload of the cover image, and meanwhile solve the problem that the small capacity of traditional algorithms in transform domain efficiently. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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