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A non destructive technique for determination of U and Pu content in MOX fuel pins for fast reactors
MOX fuel pins containing both U233O2 and PuO2 have been fabricated for making an experimental subassembly for irradiation in Fast Breeder Test reactor (FBTR) at Kalpakkam, India. This unique composition of the fuel pin is chosen to simulate the thermo-mechanical conditions of the upcoming Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR) in the existing Fast Breeder Test Reactor. Since the fertile matrix is natural UO2, it was difficult to monitor the percentage of U233O2 through chemical methods and neutron assay methods. During the fabrication of MOX fuel pins at Advanced Fuel Fabrication Facility; Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Tarapur, Passive Gamma Scanning (PGS) was employed as one of the characterisation tools for verifying the fuel composition. PGS was found to be effective in estimating the percentage composition of both U233O2 and PuO2 and also in ensuring the uniform distribution of the fissile material in MOX fuel pins. PGS is also found effective in monitoring the correct loading of natural UO2 insulation pellets and MOX fuel pellets in welded MOX pins. 相似文献
Han Soo Kim Chang Yong Joung Byung Ho Lee Jae Yong Oh Yang Hyun Koo Peter Heimgartner 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2008,378(1):98-104
The applicability of cerium oxide, as a surrogate for plutonium oxide, was evaluated for the fabrication process of a MOX (mixed oxide) fuel pellet. Sintering behavior, pore former effect and thermal properties of the Ce–MOX were compared with those of Pu–MOX. Compacting parameters of the Pu–MOX powder were optimized by a simulation using Ce–MOX powder. Sintering behavior of Ce–MOX was very similar to that of Pu–MOX, in particular for the oxidative sintering process. The sintered density of both pellets was decreased with the same slope with an increasing DA (dicarbon amide) content. Both the Ce–MOX and Pu–MOX pellets which were fabricated by an admixing of 0.05 wt% DA and sintering in a CO2 atmosphere had the same average grain size of 11 μm and a density of 95%T.D. The thermal conductivity of the Pu–MOX was a little higher than that of the Ce–MOX at a lower temperature but both conductivities became closer to each other above 900 K. Cerium oxide was found to be a useful surrogate to simulate the Pu behavior in the MOX fuel fabrication. 相似文献
Yuji Kosaka Shigeru Kurematsu Takaaki Kitagawa Akihiro Suzuki Takayuki Terai 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(10):966-974
The temperature measurements of mixed oxide (MOX) and UO2 fuels during irradiation suggested that the thermal conductivity degradation rate of the MOX fuel with burnup should be slower than that of the UO2 fuel. In order to explain the difference of the degradation rates, the quasi-two phase material model is proposed to assess the thermal conductivity degradation of the MIMAS MOX fuel, which takes into account the Pu agglomerate distributions in the MOX fuel matrix as fabricated. As a result, the quasi-two phase model calculation shows the gradual increase of the difference with burnup and may expect more than 10% higher thermal conductivity values around 75 GWd/t. While these results are not fully suitable for thermal conductivity degradation models implemented by some industrial fuel manufacturers, they are consistent with the results from the irradiation tests and indicate that the inhomogeneity of Pu content in the MOX fuel can be one of the major reasons for the moderation of the thermal conductivity degradation of the MOX fuel. 相似文献
A.K. Sengupta K.B. Khan Jose Panakkal H.S. Kamath S. Banerjee 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2009,385(1):173-177
Uranium plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) containing up to 30% plutonia is the conventional fuel for liquid metal cooled fast breeder reactor (LMFBR). Use of high plutonia (>30%) MOX fuel in LMFBR had been of interest but not pursued. Of late, it has regained importance for faster disposition of plutonium and also for making compact fast reactors. Some of the issues of high plutonia MOX fuels which are of concern are its chemical compatibility with liquid sodium coolant, dimensional stability and low thermal conductivity. Available literature information for MOX fuel is limited to a plutonium content of 30%. Thermodynamic assessment of mixed oxide fuels indicate that with increasing plutonia oxygen potential of the fuel increases and the fuel become more prone to chemical attack by liquid sodium coolant in case of a clad breach. In the present investigation, some of these issues of MOX fuel have been studied to evaluate this fuel for its use in fast reactor. Extensive work on the out-of-pile thermo-physical properties and fuel-coolant chemical compatibility under different simulated reactor conditions has been carried out. Results of these studies were compared with the available literature information on low plutonia MOX fuel and critically analyzed to predict in reactor behaviour of this fuel containing 44% PuO2. The results of these out-of-pile studies have been very encouraging and helped in arriving at a suitable and achievable fuel specification for utilization of this fuel in fast breeder test reactor (FBTR). As a first step of test pin irradiation programme in FBTR, eight subassemblies of the MOX fuel are undergoing irradiation in FBTR. 相似文献
Toru Yamamoto Tomohiro Sakai Daiki Iwahashi 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2017,54(3):391-403
Measured isotopic compositions of UO2 and MOX fuel samples taken from irradiated light water reactor fuel assemblies were analyzed by CASMO5 coupled with a JENDL-4.0 base library to assess the uncertainties in the calculated isotopic compositions on heavy and fission product nuclides. The burnup calculations for the analysis were performed based on a single-assembly model taking into account the detail fuel assembly specifications and irradiation histories. For the MOX fuel samples, a multiple-assembly model was also adopted taking into account the effect of the surrounding UO2 fuel assemblies. The average and standard deviation of the biases (C/E ? 1's (here C and E are calculated and measured results, respectively)) were calculated for each nuclide separately on the PWR and BWR UO2 fuel samples. The averaged biases for 235U, 236U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu and 242Pu were 2.7%, ?0.9%, 0.3%, 0.7%, ?2.4% and ?1.7% for PWR UO2 samples, and 6.7%, ?1.5%, 2.5%, ?0.6%, 0.4% and ?0.1% for BWR UO2 samples, respectively. The biases with the single-assembly model on the MOX fuel samples showed large positive values of 239Pu, and application of the multiple-assembly model reduced the biases as reported in our previous studies. 相似文献
Y. TaharaB. Zhu S. KosugiN. Ishikawa Y. OkamotoF. Hori T. MatsuiA. Iwase 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(9):886-889
To simulate the effects of Gd2O3-doping and high-energy fission products in UO2, Gd2O3-doped CeO2 pellets were irradiated with 200-MeV Xe14+ ions. Doping and irradiation effects were analyzed using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). The lattice constant of CeO2 decreases and the local structure is disordered with increased doping levels. However, the irradiation induces an expansion of the lattice and a disordering of atomic arrangement near the Gd atoms. The effects of the irradiation become more pronounced with increasing Gd2O3-dopant levels. Our results are compared with those of a study involving Er2O3-doped CeO2. 相似文献
Numan Salah Zishan H. KhanSami S. Habib 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(4):401-404
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3) doped with proper activators is a highly sensitive phosphor commonly used for radiation dosimetry using thermoluminescence (TL) technique. Nanoparticles of this material activated with Chromium (Cr) have been synthesized using the propellant chemical combustion technique and studied for their TL response. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The synthesized material has spherical nanoparticles with grain size around 25 nm. These nanoparticles were exposed to heavy doses from γ-rays of 137Cs. The TL glow curves show a prominent peak at around 474 K. This peak is found to be sensitive for high exposures of γ-rays and has linear response in the range of 100 Gy-20 kGy without showing saturation. This remarkable result suggests that Al2O3:Cr nanoparticles might be used for the dosimetry of food and seed irradiations. 相似文献
Toru Yamamoto Motomu Suzuki Yoshihira Ando Hiroaki Nagano 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(9):910-925
The measured isotopic compositions of fuel samples taken from high-burnup spent PWR MOX and UO2 assemblies in the MALIBU program has been analyzed by lattice physics codes. The measured isotopes were U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm isotopes and about 30 major fission product nuclides. The codes used in the present study were a continuous-energy Monte Carlo burnup calculation code (MVP-BURN) and a deterministic burnup calculation code (SRAC) based on the collision probability method. A two-dimensional multi-assembly geometrical model (2 × 2 model) was mainly adopted in the analysis in order to include the fuel assemblies adjoining the relevant fuel assembly, from which the samples were taken. For the MOX sample, the 2 × 2 model significantly reduces the deviations of the calculated results from the measurements compared with a single assembly model. The calculation results of MVP-BURN in the 2 × 2 model reproduce the measurements of U, Np, and Pu isotopes within 5% for the MOX sample of 67 GWd/t. The deviations of their calculated results of U, Np, and Pu isotopes from the measurements are less than 7% for the UO2 sample of 72 GWd/t. 相似文献
为研究241Am在La2Zr2O7烧绿石中的固化行为及其对烧绿石晶体结构稳定性的影响,实验选用Nd作为241Am的模拟物,采用Sol-喷雾热解法合成了(La1-yNdy)2Zr2O7(0.0≤y≤1.0)系列样品,并借助X射线衍射和振动光谱手段对样品的晶体结构稳定性进行了研究。实验结果表明:随着Nd掺杂量的增加,O48f位置参数x48f和I(111) /I(222)均呈规律性增大,Raman谱逐渐展宽,IR谱发生蓝移,所有结果均证实用Nd不断替换La将导致烧绿石晶体结构有序化程度逐渐降低。另外,实验发现掺杂量y≈0.8是烧绿石晶体结构发生几何相变的逾渗阈值,超过该阈值有序的烧绿石结构将发生突变进而加速向无序萤石结构转变,该实验结果可为(La1-yAmy)2Zr2O7固溶体的结构稳定性研究提供参考。 相似文献
Masao Hori 《Progress in Nuclear Energy》2011,53(7):1022-1026
By the process of carbonization of biomass a portion of carbon element in biomass is stabilized as solid carbon, and the remaining portion of carbon, which is the volatile product from carbonization, is converted by the subsequent gasification and conversion process to carbon-neutral synthetic fuels, which can replace the fossil derived fuels currently used.In these processes, nuclear energy can effectively be utilized for supplying energy, thus avoiding the CO2 emission from any biomass or fossil combustion. By utilizing nuclear energy, most of the carbons in biomass are converted to either stabilized solid carbon or carbon-neutral fuels.Thus, significant amount of CO2 can efficiently be removed from the atmosphere by processing a part of annual growth of biomass, which leads to the decrease of atmospheric CO2 concentration. 相似文献
采用气相二氧化硅法制备了LaNi4.25Al0.75/SiO2复合材料。研究了该复合材料经不同温度(473~1 073 K)热处理后的相组成、形貌及吸放氢p-C-T曲线、吸氢动力学性能和吸放氢循环性能。结果表明,随着热处理温度的升高,LaNi4.25Al0.75/SiO2复合材料吸氢量减少,平台压升高,平台斜率略有增加,而动力学性能并无显著变化。经60次吸放氢循环后,经不同温度热处理后的样品均未出现粉化现象,且与未循环样品储氢性能基本保持一致。 相似文献
Toru Yamamoto Daiki Iwahashi Tomohiro Sakai 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2013,50(11):1036-1046
Analysis of the three test cores in the VIP-BWR program was performed in a two-dimensional geometrical model with CASMO5 coupled with the JENDL-4.0-based neutron data library, and reported in the previous paper. Following the study, interpretation of the experiments were carried out in a three-dimensional geometrical model with SIMULATE5 for the code validation study. The nuclear libraries for the SIMULATE5 calculations were generated with CASMO5 with the JENDL-4.0-based neutron data library. The effective multiplication factors of the critical cores ranged from 0.9983 to 1.0023 with measurement uncertainties of 0.0003 to 0.0004 (one σ). The root mean squares of (the calculated/the measured-1) for the fission rates at the core-mid plain of all the measured fuel rods were about 3% for the three cores. It was noticed that the calculations underestimated the fission rates of the UO2 fuel rods and overestimated those of the MOX fuel rods for the test cores loaded with MOX fuel rods, which was consistent with trends in the preceding analysis studies of the VIP-BWR program and other MOX core experiments, and the biases were confirmed in the calculation results of power distributions in MOX-fueled light water reactor cores. 相似文献
Jingjing LiuStephen Hull Istaq Ahmed Stephen J. Skinner 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(5):539-543
In-situ neutron diffraction combined with AC impedance spectroscopy was applied successfully to investigate the correlation between crystal structure and electrical properties of the La2Mo2O9 oxide ion conducting electrolyte material. Neutron diffraction patterns were collected as a function of temperature while the AC impedance spectra were recorded simultaneously using a modified sample environment to monitor the conductivity change of the sample. A close relationship between unit cell parameters and the bulk conductivity was observed, confirming that the oxygen transport is dependent on the lattice structure. With the transition from the low temperature alpha to the high temperature beta phase, expansion of the crystal structure makes more space available for oxygen transport, leading to a dramatic increase of the ionic conductivity. The successful application of this technique provides a new method to simultaneously investigate crystal structure and electrical properties in electro-ceramics in the future. 相似文献
The perturbation theory based on the transport calculation has been applied to study sensitivity of neutron multiplication factors (keff's) to neutron cross sections used for the reactivity analysis of UO2 and MOX core physics experiments on light water reactors. The studied cross sections were neutron capture, fission and elastic scattering cross sections, and a number of fission neutrons, ν. The obtained sensitivities were multiplied to relative differences in the cross sections between JENDL-4.0 and JENDL-3.3 in order to estimate the reactivity effects. The results show that the increase in keff, 0.3%Δk/kk′, from JENDL-3.3 to JENDL-4.0 for the UO2 core is mainly attributed to the decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U. On the other hand, there are various contributions from the differences in the cross sections of U, Pu, and Am isotopes for the MOX cores. The major contributions to increase in keff are decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U,238Pu, 239Pu, and those to decrease in keff are decreases in ν of 239Pu and increases in the capture cross sections of241Am. They compensate each other, and the difference in keff between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 is less than 0.1%Δk/kk′ and relatively small. 相似文献
B. Zhu S. Kosugi K. Yasunaga A. Iwase 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(19):3199-889
In order to simulate the effects of burnable poison doping on the fission fragment damage of UO2 nuclear fuels, Er2O3-doped CeO2 pellets were irradiated with 200 MeV Xe14+ ions. The irradiation effect was measured by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD). The expansion of lattice and the disordering of atomic arrangement due to the irradiation become more remarkable with increasing the concentration of the Er2O3 dopant. 相似文献
F.Y. Xi H.P. Liu X.M. Chen 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(13):2292-2294
We made an experimental study on ion guiding through capillaries in uncoated Al2O3 membranes using a variety of ions such as O1+, O3+, and O6+. The incident energy was varied within the range of 30-150 keV. The results were compared with others using coated PET and Al2O3 capillary membranes as well as with the so-called scaling law discovered by Stolterfoht and his co-workers. Good agreement of our results with the scaling law was found. However, our membranes showed extraordinarily strong guiding ability. The reason lies in that our membranes were uncoated. A slower charge drift speed along the insulating capillary wall and a much larger equilibrium charge Q∞ seems to exist in our experiment. 相似文献
International interest in high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) has been increasing in recent years. It is important to study on reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel from HTGR for recovery of nuclear resource and reduction of nuclear waste. Treatment of UO2 pellets used for preparing fuel elements of the 10 MW high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTR-10) followed by supercritical fluid extraction was investigated. When UO2 pellets were dissolved and extracted with tri-n-butyl phosphate (TBP)–HNO3 complex in supercritical CO2 (SC-CO2), the extraction efficiency was less than 7% under experimental conditions. After UO2 pellets were ground into UO2 fine powders, the extraction efficiency of the UO2 fine powders with TBP–HNO3 complex in SC-CO2 could reach 92%. After UO2 pellets broke spontaneously into U3O8 powders under O2 flow and 600 °C, the extraction efficiency of the U3O8 powder with TBP–HNO3 complex in SC-CO2 could reach more than 98%. 相似文献
M. Laitinen T. Sajavaara T. Ishida 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(24):3021-3024
Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is currently a widespread method to grow conformal thin films with a sub-nm thickness control. By using ALD for nanolaminate oxides, it is possible to fine tune the electrical, optical and mechanical properties of thin films. In this study the elemental depth profiles and surface roughnesses were determined for Al2O3 + TiO2 nanolaminates with nominal single-layer thicknesses of 1, 2, 5, 10 and 20 nm and total thickness between 40 nm and 60 nm. The depth profiles were measured by means of a time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (ToF-ERDA) spectrometer recently installed at the University of Jyväskylä. In TOF-E measurements 63Cu, 35Cl, 12C and 4He ions with energies ranging from 0.5 to 10 MeV, were used and depth profiles of the whole nanolaminate film could be analyzed down to 5 nm individual layer thickness. 相似文献