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This paper uses a material testing system (MTS) and a compressive split-Hopkinson bar to investigate the impact behaviour of sintered 316L stainless steel at strain rates ranging from 10−3 s−1 to 7.5 × 103 s−1. It is found that the true stress, the rate of work hardening and the strain rate sensitivity vary significantly as the strain rate increases. The flow behaviour of the sintered 316L stainless steel can be accurately predicted using a constitutive law based on Gurson’s yield criterion and the flow rule proposed by Khan, Huang and Liang (KHL). Microstructural observations reveal that the degree of localized grain deformation increases, but the pore density and the grain size decrease, with increasing strain rate. Adiabatic shear bands associated with cracking are developed at strain rates higher than 5.6 × 103 s−1. The fracture surfaces exhibit ductile dimples. The depth and density of these dimples decrease with increasing strain rate. 相似文献
运用穆斯堡尔效应和X射线衍射方法对辐照前后的316L不锈钢样品中的穆斯堡尔参数和相变进行了研究。实验表明316L不锈钢经能量为54MeV的碳离子辐照后,在结构和微观参数上都发生了重大变化。同时也对样品中碳的分布和相变的类型进行了探讨。 相似文献
Stress was found to increase the magnitude of irradiation-induced swelling in 316 stainless steel. Measurement of the densities of pressurized tube specimens, irradiated at temperatures of ~ 430–475°C to peak fluences of () in EBR-II, has indicated increased swelling in both the annealed and 20% cold worked conditions of this alloy. Swelling in the annealed specimens was observed to increase linearly with hoop stress up to ~ 20 ksi (130 MPa), whereupon further increases in stress resulted in reduced swelling. Swelling in the cold worked material was linear with stress up to levels of ~ 28 ksi (193 MPa). 相似文献
The boronizing effect on the radiation shielding and magnetization properties of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The boronizing effect on the radiation shielding properties and magnetization of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel has been investigated. For this purpose the linear attenuation coefficients of steel have been measured at the photon energies of 662, 1170 and 1332 keV and the results were compared with the calculation at the photon energy of 1-108 keV. It was clearly seen from this work that both the magnetization and radiation shielding properties of the steel have been improved by boronizing process. 相似文献
The simultaneous action of cathodic hydrogen charging and slow mechanical loading on precracked samples of 316L stainless steel is examined in order to assess the flaw tolerance of this steel, which has been included in the group of possible structural materials for the first wall of the future fusion reactors. The steel is shown to retain a significant part of its flaw tolerance even in the most severe test conditions, but the loading rate is found to change the damage phenomenology of hydrogen from bifurcated crack extension to multi-cracking and enlargement of the blunted crack tip. This change is explained on the basis of a competition mechanism between hydrogen action and mechanical deformation. 相似文献
Stainless steels are widely used in nuclear power plant due to their good corrosion resistance, but their wear resistance is relatively low. Therefore, it is very important to improve this property by surface treatment. This paper investigates cladding Colmonoy 6 powder on AISI316L austenitic stainless steel by CO2 laser. It is found that preheating is necessary for preventing cracking in the laser cladding procedure and 450 °C is the proper preheating temperature. The effects of laser power, traveling speed, defocusing distance, powder feed rate on the bead height, bead width, penetration depth and dilution are investigated. The friction and wear test results show that the friction coefficient of specimens with laser cladding is lower than that of specimens without laser cladding, and the wear resistance of specimens has been increased 53 times after laser cladding, which reveals that laser cladding layer plays roles on wear resistance. The microstructures of laser cladding layer are composed of Ni-rich austenitic, boride and carbide. 相似文献
The effects of fast reactor neutron irradiation on the tensile properties of annealed Type 316 stainless steel were determined over a wide range of irradiation temperatures and reactor fluences. These effects are described as a function fluence and temperature to () at 430 to 820 °C. The usual flow stress increase and ductility decrease were observed with increasing neutron fluence. Strengthening decreases continuously from 480 °C to ≈ 700 °C with no hardening at or above 760 °C. Elongation values increase with temperature in the 430–540 °C range and generally decrease with temperature above 540 °C. 相似文献
I. Sato M. TakakiT. Arima H. FuruyaK. Idemitsu Y. InagakiM. Momoda T. Namekawa 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2002,304(1):21-28
Oxidation behaviors of modified SUS316 (PNC316) and SUS316 stainless steels were investigated under the low oxygen partial pressure of 10−31−10−22 atm at 600-800 °C. Oxygen uptake by these materials parabolically increased with time, and the kinetic rate constants depended on both oxygen partial pressure and temperature. Thus, semi-empirical equations of the parabolic rate constants were obtained to be 2.70×104exp(−109/RT)PO20.279 for PNC316 and 9.23×104exp(−98/RT)PO20.313 for SUS316. For the duplex layer formed under the low oxygen partial pressure, the inner layer consisted of such oxides as Cr2O3 and FeCr2O4, while the outer layer consisted of non-oxidized α-Fe. Furthermore, oxidation along the grain boundaries was observed for samples oxidized for a long time. From the point of view of fuel cladding chemical interaction evaluation at high burn-up fuel for fast reactors, it is interesting that formation of non-oxidized α-Fe was observed under the low oxygen partial pressure. 相似文献
The passivity of Type 316 SS in borate buffer solution (pH 8.35), in the steady-state, has been explored using a variety of electrochemical techniques, including potentiostatic polarization, Mott Schottky analysis, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The study shows that the passive film is an n-type semiconductor with a donor density that is essentially independent of voltage across the passive state. The passive current density is also found to be voltage-independent, but the thickness of the barrier layer depends linearly on the applied voltage. These observations are consistent with the predictions of the Point Defect Model, noting that the point defects within the barrier layer of the passive film are metal interstitials or oxygen vacancies, or both. No evidence for p-type behavior was obtained, indicating that cation vacancies do not have a significant population density in the film compared with the two donors (cation interstitials and oxygen vacancies). 相似文献
《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2001,288(2-3):179-186
Tests on irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC) were carried out by using cold-worked (CW) 316 stainless steel (SS) in-core flux thimble tubes which were irradiated up to 5×1026 n/m2 (E>0.1 MeV) at 310°C in a Japanese PWR. Unirradiated thimble tube was also tested for comparison with irradiated tubes. Mechanical tests such as the tensile, hardness tests and metallographic observations were performed. The susceptibility to SCC was examined by the slow strain rate test (SSRT) under PWR primary water chemistry condition and compositional analysis on the grain boundary segregation was made. Significant changes in the mechanical properties due to irradiation such as a remarkable increase of strength and hardness, and a considerable reduction of elongation were seen. SSRT results revealed that the intergranular fracture ratio (%IGSCC) increased as dissolved hydrogen (DH) increased. In addition, SSRT results in argon gas atmosphere showed a small amount of intergranular cracking. The depletion of Fe, Cr, Mo and the enrichment of Ni and Si were observed in microchemical analyses on the grain boundary. 相似文献
O. Öztürk S. Okur J.P. Riviere 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2009,267(8-9):1540-1545
In this study, an FeCrNi alloy (316L stainless steel disc) was nitrided in a low-pressure R.F. plasma at 430 °C for 72 min under a gas mixture of 60% N2–40% H2. Structural, compositional and magnetic properties of the plasma nitrided layer was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The magnetic behaviour of the nitrided layer was also investigated with a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). Combined X-ray diffraction, cross-sectional SEM, AFM and MFM, as well as VSM analyses provide strong evidence for the formation of the γN phase, [γN-(Fe, Cr, Ni)], with mainly ferromagnetic characteristics. The uniform nature of the γN layer is clearly demonstrated by the XRD, cross-sectional SEM and AFM analyses. Based on the AFM and SEM data, the thickness of the γN layer is found to be ~6 μm. According to the MFM and VSM analyses, ferromagnetism in the γN layer is revealed by the observation of stripe domain structures and the hysteresis loops. The cross-sectional MFM results demonstrate the ferromagnetic γN phase distributed across the plasma nitrided layer. The MFM images show variation in the size and form of the magnetic domains from one grain to another. 相似文献
水作为反应堆的主要冷却剂之一,在经过堆芯的辐照区时会产生辐解,生成具有强氧化性的O_2、H_2O_2等产物,这些产物会对材料的腐蚀速率造成影响,进而影响反应堆的活化腐蚀产物源项。在已有理论和模型的基础上,将水辐照分解计算和材料腐蚀速率计算结合起来,以评估水辐照分解对反应堆材料腐蚀速率的影响。根据反应堆的运行工况,计算出冷却回路中水辐解的主要产物O_2和H_2O_2的产额在0.1~10μmol·L~(-1)之间,结合电化学中的混合电位理论,进一步计算得出SS316材料的电化学腐蚀速率在0.012~0.026 g·m~(-2)·h~(-1)范围内。 相似文献
Effects of inert-gas dilution on hydrogen permeation have been investigated in 316L stainless steel, Inconel 600, Inconel 750, Nimonic 80A and Hastelloy X at 1173 K and 1073 K, by employing a gas-flow system. We used gas mixtures of hydrogen and helium, whose hydrogen concentration ranged from 10?5 to 10?1. For the steady-state permeation, the dilution of hydrogen caused no anomalous effects and the permeation rate conformed to Sieverts' law. However, for the transient state, the hydrogen permeation was retarded by the dilution with helium. The retardation effect is discussed in terms of an adsorption model and explained by a decrease in sticking probability at the alloy surface with the dissociative adsorption of hydrogen. 相似文献
Dissimilar metal bonds between CuCrZr and 316L stainless steel were prepared using two different solid state joining techniques. In the first instance, hot isostatic pressing, a high temperature diffusion bonding process was used to join the copper alloy to the stainless steel substrate at temperatures near 1000 °C. In the second instance, explosion bonding at ambient temperature was employed. These two techniques both yielded mechanically robust joints, where the strength of the interface exceeded that of the copper alloy, the weaker of the two substrates. However, the two bonding techniques produced near-joint microstructures that were very different. The microstructure and mechanical performance of CuCrZr/316L stainless steel joints prepared via both techniques are compared. Microstructural analysis of the joints included scanning electron microscopy, electron microprobe analysis and Auger spectroscopy techniques. The bulk mechanical properties of the substrate alloys were very different as well and are described. Particular emphasis is placed on the residual mechanical properties of the CuCrZr after thermal processing that simulate beryllium tile bonding since once the Be tiles are in place, the copper alloy cannot be solutionized and age-hardened to return it to full strength. 相似文献
Masayasu Sugisaki Hirotaka Furuya Kiyoshi Ono Kazuya Idemitsu 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》1984,120(1):36-40
Tritium solubility in SUS-316 stainless steel was determined with a gas absorption method, in which tritium gas diluted by protium was used. The tritium absorption experiments were carried out at temperatures of 703, 804 and 903 K under pressures of 10, 30, 50 and 100 torr of tritiated hydrogen gas. The radioactivity of tritium dissolved in the specimen was measured by the method of liquid scintillation counting.The tritium solubility was derived from the experimental data by taking into consideration of isotopic equilibrium among H2, T2 and HT molecules. The determined tritium solubility can be expressed by the equation: 相似文献
T. Sakthivel M. Vasudevan K. Laha P. Parameswaran K.S. Chandravathi M.D. Mathew A.K. Bhaduri 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2011,413(1):36-40
316L(N) stainless steel plates were joined using activated-tungsten inert gas (A-TIG) welding and conventional TIG welding process. Creep rupture behavior of 316L(N) base metal, and weld joints made by A-TIG and conventional TIG welding process were investigated at 923 K over a stress range of 160-280 MPa. Creep test results showed that the enhancement in creep rupture strength of weld joint fabricated by A-TIG welding process over conventional TIG welding process. Both the weld joints fractured in the weld metal. Microstructural observation showed lower δ-ferrite content, alignment of columnar grain with δ-ferrite along applied stress direction and less strength disparity between columnar and equiaxed grains of weld metal in A-TIG joint than in MP-TIG joint. These had been attributed to initiate less creep cavitation in weld metal of A-TIG joint leading to improvement in creep rupture strength. 相似文献
Banded structure and its distribution in friction stir processing of 316L austenitic stainless steel
Y.C. Chen H. Fujii T. Tsumura Y. Kitagawa K. Nakata K. Ikeuchi K. Matsubayashi Y. Michishita Y. Fujiya J. Katoh 《Journal of Nuclear Materials》2012,420(1-3):497-500
Banded structures, which vary with welding parameters, were observed in friction stir processing of 316L austenite stainless steel. Sigma phase precipitation was detected in banded structures by transmission electron microscopy. The amount of banded structure had direct ratio relations with heat input. The higher the heat input, the larger the area of banded structures. This is attributable to slower cooling rate at high heat input, which results in longer exposure to the temperature range for precipitation. The formation of sigma phase produced Cr depletion, which resulted in largely degraded corrosion resistance. The present study suggests that low heat input (i.e. low rotation speeds, low working loads and high welding speed) contributes to restrain sigma phase precipitation. 相似文献