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The effects of glycoinositolphospholipid (GIPL), from the pathogenic protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi, and its isolated glycan and lipid (dihydroceramide) components, were investigated in J774 cells and primary macrophages. Isolated GIPL ceramide, but not intact GIPL or its glycan, induced intense fluid phase endocytosis when added exogenously. In the presence of the cytokine IFN-gamma, GIPL ceramide induced marked apoptosis in J774 cells and macrophages, independent of nitric oxide secretion. When cells were preincubated with the GIPL-derived glycan chain, addition of intact GIPL induced macrophage apoptosis in the presence of IFN-gamma. Synthetic C2-dihydroceramide also induced apoptosis in the presence of IFN-gamma. Induction of apoptosis in T. cruzi-infected macrophages by GIPL ceramide plus IFN-gamma led to increased parasite release compared with IFN-gamma treatment alone. Viable parasites released comprised both infective trypomastigote and spheromastigote forms. These results identify a novel pathway by which T. cruzi glycosylphosphatidylinositol family molecules affect host macrophages, with implications for the infectious process.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Salmonella species initiate infection of a host by inducing their own uptake into intestinal epithelial cells. An invasive phenotype is conferred to this pathogen by a number of proteins that are components of a type III secretion system. During the invasion process, the bacteria utilize this secretion system to release proteins that enter the host cell and apparently interact with unknown host cell components that induce alterations in the actin cytoskeleton. To investigate the role of secreted proteins as direct modulators of invasion, we have evaluated the ability of Salmonella typhimurium to enter mammalian cells that express portions of the Salmonella invasion proteins SipB and SipC. Plasma membrane localization of SipB and SipC was achieved by fusing carboxyl- and amino-terminal portions of each invasion protein to the intracellular carboxyl-terminal tail of a membrane-bound eukaryotic receptor. Expression of receptor chimeras possessing the carboxyl terminus of SipB or the amino terminus of SipC blocked Salmonella invasion, whereas expression of their chimeric counterparts had no effect on invasion. The effect on invasion was specific for Salmonella since the perturbation of uptake was not extended to other invasive bacterial species. These results suggest that Salmonella invasion can be competitively inhibited by preventing the intracellular effects of SipB or SipC. In addition, these experiments provide a model for examining interactions between bacterial invasion proteins and their host cell targets.  相似文献   

Although a number of immunological anomalies have been shown to occur during the acute period of Trypanosoma cruzi infection, the contribution of the parasite has not been clarified. In this work, we co-cultured activated splenic mononuclear cells (SMC) from normal outbred (CD1) or inbred (CBA/J) mice with purified T. cruzi trypomastigotes and studied ensuing T- and B-lymphocyte alterations. In the presence of parasites, phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated SMC from either mouse background manifested a marked reduction in both lymphoproliferative capacity (i.e., 3H-thymidine incorporation) and cell membrane level of interleukin-2 receptors (IL-2R; determined by flow cytometry) relative to SMC from parasite-free cultures. Thus, substantial proportions of activated SMC either became unable to express detectable levels of IL-2R or expressed this receptor in significantly lower numbers than control SMC. Supernatants from T. cruzi suspensions reproduced these suppressive effects on phytohaemagglutinin-stimulated SMC from normal or chronically infected CD1 or CBA/J mice. Similar results were obtained with SMC activated with a bacterial lipopolysaccharide. Since IL-2R expression is required for activated lymphocytes to progress through the cell cycle and multiply to mount effective immune responses, impaired IL-2R expression by T. cruzi provides a plausible hypothesis for the wide-ranged immunosuppression that occurs in the infected host.  相似文献   

We studied the intracellular pH of Vero cells parasitised by Trypanosoma cruzi, using different methods: fluorimetric measurement after labelling the cells with the pH-sensitive intracellular fluorescent dye 2',7',-bis-(2-carboxyethyl)-5-(and-6)-carboxyfluorescein, acetoxymethyl ester; flow cytometry; and image analysis after staining the cells with neutral-red vital stain. The results show that the intracellular pH of the parasitised cells rose in comparison with that of the uninfected control cells. A study of the population of parasitised cells made by flow cytometry allowed us to subdivide the cells from the infected cultures into two populations according to their pH as obtained by fluorimetric measurements. Image analysis showed that the cell cytoplasm was more alkaline in the vicinity of the sites containing parasites. Treatment of the parasitised cells with amiloride, ouabain, or with 4.4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbene disulphate consistently lowered the pH values of the parasitised cells, but not sufficiently to return to the values of the non-parasitised control cells. When the control cells were subject to similar treatments with the inhibitors, only amiloride acidified the cytoplasm to any extent. The basification undergone by the parasitised cells was independent of the transport systems and may be a consequence of the release of NH4+ by the intracellular amastigotes.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii provides a model system for studying invasion by intracellular parasites belonging to the phylum Apicomplexa. Taking advantage of the versatility of T. gondii for genetic and cell biological studies, we have shown that parasite motility and cell invasion are powered by an actin-myosin based motor in the parasite. Unlike bacterial cell uptake, parasite invasion does not involve significant alterations in the host cell cytoskeleton. Instead, invasion is an active process of penetration into the host cell by the parasite. The force for cell penetration is provided by a unique form of substrate-dependent motility termed gliding. Gliding motility is characterized by the rearward capping of surface membrane proteins that propels the parasite forward in a helical spiral. Both actin and myosin are localized beneath the plasma membrane in the parasite where they presumably combine to produce the force necessary for motility. During cell invasion, the rearward capping of cell surface receptors envelopes the parasite in a unique vacuole derived from the host cell plasma membrane. This system offers insights into force generation and motility in a simple organism that is also an important human pathogen.  相似文献   

The retrograde tracer 1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) was used to label sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPN) and motoneurons (MN) in postmortem human spinal cord. Seven months after microinjection of DiI into the ventral part of spinal thoracic segments T4 and T8, DiI-labelled neurons were identified and analyzed. Cryostat sections of spinal cord were prepared for light microscopy, while vibratome sections were analyzed using confocal microscopy. The majority of retrogradely labelled SPNs were located within the intermediolateral nucleus, with a few labelled dendrites having a mediolateral orientation. SPNs were also located within the nucleus intercalatus, around the central canal and in the lateral funiculus. Cell bodies of retrogradely labelled IML neurons were oval, kite- or spindle-shaped. The soma area of SPNs in T4 was approximately 422.9 +/- 20.9 microm2 with a median diameter of 14 +/- 0.6 microm. MNs in the ventral horn were round or oval in shape and often appeared with a few labelled neurites. The soma area of the MNs in T4 was approximately 842.3 +/- 35.1 microm2, with a median diameter of 18.3 +/- 0.1 microm. The mean values for MN soma area and diameter measurements were significantly greater compared to SPNs. However, no difference was observed between MNs in different segments or between SPNs in the same segments. No retrogradely labelled cells were observed within the dorsal horn. These findings indicate that DiI is a useful method for studying fixed human central nervous system tissue.  相似文献   

Male CF1 mice were more susceptible to acute infections of Trypanosoma cruzi than female mice as evidenced by significantly greater maximum mean parasitemia of approximately 8.9 times 10-6 per ml in males as compared to 1.5 times 10-6 per ml in females. Mortality was also greater in males (80 to 90% as compared to 28% in females). Ovariectomy of female mice made them more susceptible than unoperated female of similar age and stock to the Brazil strain of T. cruzi as indicated by maximum mean parasitemia of 10.9 times 10-6 per ml in the former and 7.5 times 10-6 in the latter. Mortality of the ovariectomized mice was as great as 90% in some experiments while that of unoperated controls nerve exceeded 30%. Parasitemia and mortality is castrated male mice were not significantly different from unoperated male mice infected with T. cruzi.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that immunization of mice with the paraflagellar rod proteins (PAR) of Trypanosoma cruzi induces an immune response capable of protecting mice against an otherwise lethal challenge with this parasite. Herein, we define immunologic responses that do or do not play a critical role in PAR-mediated protection. Firstly, PAR-immunized Ab-deficient (muMT) strain mice survived an otherwise lethal T. cruzi challenge, indicating that a B cell response is not required for PAR-induced immunity. However, beta2m -/- mice, which are severely deficient in MHC class I and TCR alphabeta+ CD8+ CD4- T cells, did not survive challenge infection following PAR immunization, indicating that MHC class I/CD8+ T cell function is necessary for protection induced by PAR immunization. Surprisingly, PAR-immunized mice depleted of CD4+ T cells survived a T. cruzi challenge for >84 days postinfection while maintaining a parasitemia that is generally thought to be lethal (i.e., >10(6) trypomastigotes/ml), thus associating CD4+ T cell function with the process of parasite clearance. Consistent with this association, CD4+ T cells from PAR-immunized mice released INF-gamma and stimulated T. cruzi-infected macrophages to release nitric oxide. The importance of IFN-gamma in PAR-induced protective immunity is further indicated by the observation that PAR-immunized INF-gamma knockout mice developed an extremely high parasitemia and did not survive a challenge infection. Thus, while Ab-mediated immune mechanisms are not required for protection induced by PAR immunization, T cell responses are necessary for both elimination of bloodstream parasites and survival.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi associated myocardiopathy, or Chagas disease, continues to be a serious problem in Venezuela, for which there is neither a vaccine nor a cure. In order to learn more about the humoral immune response to trypanosomal antigens, and to try to identify dominant antigens, we used ELISA and immunoblotting to study the reactivity of sera from patients with chagasic and non-chagasic myocardiopathies, against surface and secreted proteins from T. cruzi and T. rangeli. Both species are found in the same insect vector, but only T. cruzi is thought to be pathogenic in vertebrates. The ELISA results fell into three patterns: (1) high reactivity values with both T. cruzi and T. rangeli surface and secreted proteins; (2) high values to T. cruzi but low values with T. rangeli; and (3) high values to T. rangeli and low values with T. cruzi. This finding that some chagasic sera react more strongly against T. rangeli than against T. cruzi is intriguing, and warrants further investigation. When chagasic sera were tested on Western blots of total extracts of T. cruzi and T. rangeli, the pattern of reactive bands was similar against both parasites, but no two sera showed an identical pattern. Furthermore, there was no correlation between a particular immunoblotting pattern and either the antibody titer, or the severity of the disease. Several T. cruzi and T. rangeli antigens were recognized by sera from healthy controls as well as from patients with other tropical diseases endemic in Venezuela. Overall, our results suggest that the humoral immune response to trypanosomal antigens is complex, and no single antigen may be the determining factor in the pathogenesis of chagasic myocardiopathy.  相似文献   

If the H-2 congenic mouse strains A.SW (H-2n) and A.CA (H-2f), are infected with Trypanosoma cruzi, a 45 kDa protein (Tc45), present in cultured epimastigotes and blood trypomastigotes, is recognized only by the A.SW strain sera. In order to explore the possibility that among seropositive humans the response to Tc45 is also highly variable, 81 chagasic human sera (as defined by the HemAve agglutination test, Polychaco S.A.I.C., Buenos Aires, Argentina) were tested in a direct (epimastigote antigenic complex directly bound to the solid phase) and indirect immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) (Tc45, from a partially purified preparation, bound to the solid phase, by means of a monoclonal antibody). Sixty nine of these sera reacted in both the direct and indirect assays, 11 were negative in both assays (these samples may correspond to false positives detected by the commercial agglutination test) and only one reacted with the antigenic complex but not with Tc45. Reactivity of the human sera with the epimastigote antigenic extract was relatively homogenous, while reactivity with Tc45 was extremely variable. No statistical correlation was determined between the two variables. Given the high variability of the human response to Tc45, ranging from negative to highly positive, together with the immunogenetic restriction previously described in the murine model, we speculate that human MHC may also modulate the response to this molecule.  相似文献   

HeLa cells have been previously used to demonstrate that virulent strains of Legionella pneumophila (but not salt-tolerant avirulent strains) efficiently invade nonphagocytic cells. Hsp60, a member of the GroEL family of chaperonins, is displayed on the surface of virulent L. pneumophila (R. A. Gardu?o et al., J. Bacteriol. 180:505-513, 1988). Because Hsp60 is largely involved in protein-protein interactions, we investigated its role in adherence-invasion in the HeLa cell model. Hsp60-specific antibodies inhibited the adherence and invasiveness of two virulent L. pneumophila strains in a dose-dependent manner but had no effect on the association of their salt-tolerant avirulent derivatives with HeLa cells. A monospecific anti-OmpS (major outer membrane protein) serum inhibited the association of both virulent and avirulent strains of L. pneumophila to HeLa cells, suggesting that while both Hsp60 and OmpS may mediate bacterial association to HeLa cells, only virulent strains selectively displayed Hsp60 on their surfaces. Furthermore, the surface-associated Hsp60 of virulent bacterial cells was susceptible to the action of trypsin, which rendered the bacteria noninvasive. Additionally, pretreatment of HeLa cells with purified Hsp60 or precoating of the plastic surface where HeLa cells attached with Hsp60 reduced the adherence and invasiveness of the two virulent strains. Finally, recombinant Hsp60 covalently bound to latex beads promoted the early association of beads with HeLa cells by a factor of 20 over bovine serum albumin (BSA)-coated beads and competed with virulent strains for association with HeLa cells. Hsp60-coated beads were internalized in large numbers by HeLa cells and remained in tight endosomes that did not fuse with other vesicles, whereas internalized BSA-coated beads, for which endocytic trafficking is well established, resided in more loose or elongated endosomes. Mature intracellular forms of L. pneumophila, which were up to 100-fold more efficient than agar-grown bacteria at associating with HeLa cells, were enriched for Hsp60 on the bacterial surface, as determined by immunolocalization techniques. Collectively, these results establish a role for surface-exposed Hsp60 in invasion of HeLa cells by L. pneumophila.  相似文献   

The role of Triatoma sordida in the domestic transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi was assessed in 7 rural localities in Velasco Province, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. Tri. sordida, the only triatomine species identified in these localities, was found inside 58.0% of houses but not in large numbers (3.1 bugs per infested house on average). A total of 220 faecal samples from domiciliary bugs was examined microscopically and by the polymerase chain reaction for the presence of trypanosomes: 21.4% were infected. Analysis of blood meals of domiciliary Tri. sordida showed that humans were the commonest host (70.4%), followed by chickens and dogs. Four of 418 persons tested were seropositive for Tryp. cruzi. Only 2 of a second group of 62 persons living in dwellings infested by Tri. sordida were seropositive. Tryp. cruzi infection was demonstrated in dogs and domestic rats. Three other species of small mammals were found to be infected with trypanosomes. In our study area, domestic Tri. sordida are mainly incriminated in the transmission of Tryp. cruzi to synanthropic animals, whereas transmission to humans is very rare. The presence in houses of small populations of Tri. sordida infected with Tryp. cruzi is therefore currently insufficient for this insect to constitute a major epidemiological risk factor.  相似文献   

Here we demonstrate that T. cruzi antigen molecule SAPA (shed acute phase antigen) with neuraminidase-trans sialidase activity triggers down-regulation of T lymphocyte proliferation by interacting with T lymphocyte muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR). SAPA attachment to mAChR from Lyt 2.2+ T cells resulted in synthesis of cyclic GMP (cGMP) and secretion of PGE2, an immunoregulator effector substance. These T suppressor cell signals were blunted by atropine and by indomethacin. Cell sorter analysis showed that the interaction of SAPA with purified T cells, affected the ratio of L3T4+/Lyt 2.2+ T cells increasing the percentage of Lyt 2.2+ T cells, effect that was inhibited by the mAChR antagonist, atropine. The interaction between SAPA and mAChR from Lyt 2.2+ T cells may result, therefore, in the down-regulation of the host immune response as consequence of T suppressor/cytotoxic cells activation and PGE2 release as they were observed. These results support the theory of an immunosuppressive state that contribute to the chronic course of Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi is the causative parasite of Chagas' disease, while the closely related T. rangeli is non-pathogenic in humans. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) of a portion of the cysteine proteinase gene were used to distinguish T. cruzi from T. rangeli. This procedure was very sensitive, with a single cell of either species being sufficient for the PCR. The sensitivity and clear ability to distinguish between T. cruzi and T. rangeli suggest that this procedure may be easily applied in the field.  相似文献   

Tiam1 encodes an exchange factor for the Rho-like guanosine triphosphatase Rac. Both Tiam1 and activated RacV12 promote invasiveness of T lymphoma cells. In epithelial Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, Tiam1 localized to adherens junctions. Ectopic expression of Tiam1 or RacV12 inhibited hepatocyte growth factor-induced scattering by increasing E-cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion accompanied by actin polymerization at cell-cell contacts. In Ras-transformed MDCK cells, expression of Tiam1 or RacV12 restored E-cadherin-mediated adhesion, resulting in phenotypic reversion and loss of invasiveness. These data suggest an invasion-suppressor role for Tiam1 and Rac in epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The flagellar fraction (FF) of Trypanosoma cruzi can be separated by immunoaffinity chromatography in two fractions with balanced but opposite immunological effects. The immunoaffinity purified fraction has immunosuppressive activity mediated at least partially by TGF-beta (Hansen et al., submitted). Here we report that the fraction depleted of immunosuppresive antigens (FT) administered with iscom-matrix as adjuvant provides enhanced protection to an infection challenge in immunized mice. In vitro, the FT but not the FF stimulated resident peritoneal cells to produce IL-1 and IL-6. In immunized mice, the FT elicited higher levels of antigen-specific IgG2a than the FF as well as broader recognition of T. cruzi antigens. Splenocytes from mice immunized with FT proliferated spontaneously in vitro and secreted TH1 and TH2 cytokines. The protection provided by FT correlates with its capacity to enhance the secretion of IFN-gamma. We postulate that immunosuppressive antigens present in the FF prevent the development of memory cells secreting IFN-gamma through a TGF-beta dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

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