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Fatigue cracks are prone to develop around the fasteners found in multilayer aluminum structures such as ageing aircraft. The determination of their probability of detection (POD) using eddy current techniques is critical for risk assessments used in evaluating serviceability. Normally, a large number of samples of both fatigue cracks and electric discharge machined notches are required for such a study. In this study, the use of quantitative fractography (QF) to efficiently gather POD data for bolt hole eddy current is demonstrated. The technique can be readily automated, significantly reducing man-hour requirements. The method is applied to mid-bore cracks, grown without starter notches, in order to simulate naturally occurring fatigue cracks. POD of the mid-bore cracks is examined using a probit analysis. An a 90/95 is the probability that 90% of the cracks of size a or larger will be detected 95% of the time. An a 90/95 of 0.34 mm was obtained for mid-bore crack depth. This value is consistent with skin depth considerations at the 1.6 MHz inspection frequency. An examination of the POD based on crack length found that it was related to that of depth according to the average length-to-depth aspect ratio of 2 to 1.  相似文献   

Fatigue cracks are prone to develop around fasteners found in multilayer aluminum structures on aging aircraft. Probability of detection (POD) studies using eddy current techniques within the bolt holes contribute to risk assessments used in evaluating the serviceability of these aircraft. Signal response to corner and mid-bore cracks by eddy current testing using standard split-D differential probes has been examined for in-service material from the horizontal stabilizer of a Hercules aircraft. Results are compared to data obtained from laboratory samples with drilled holes. Based on a logistic regression analysis, the results show no significant difference for a90/95 (90% of the cracks of size a will be detected 95% of the time) for mid-bore crack length of 0.60 mm in this study compared to 0.62 mm in earlier work on drilled holes. However, there was a substantial loss of sensitivity for corner cracks. In this study on in-service material, the a90/95 for corner cracks was 0.82 mm compared to 0.31 mm obtained from drilled holes. Decrease in sensitivity was attributed to damage at the hole’s corners of the in-service material, including rounding, folded metal, and burrs. Hole damage also significantly increased the risk of a false call.  相似文献   

Time-Frequency Analysis of Pulsed Eddy Current Signals   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Detection and measurement of the material loss due to corrosion in aircraft fuselage lap splices are of great importance to life management of ageing aircraft. Pulsed eddy current (PEC) techniques have shown the potential to fully characterise these structures. However, variations in the probe lift-off, the interlayer gaps and material thinning produce similar PEC signals, making signal interpretation very difficult. This paper describes time-frequency analysis algorithms applied to pulsed-eddy current signals from lap-joint specimens containing simulated flaws. The effect of probe lift-off, interlayer gap, and material thinning on PEC signals is examined in three-dimensional space (amplitude-time-frequency). This study shows that the time-frequency analysis of PEC signals provides specific visual patterns that can be related to the interlayer gap, lift-off, and material loss.  相似文献   

基于电涡流原理提出一种新型的可用于航天器振动被动抑制的电涡流阻尼器。首先,依托数值仿真建立阻尼器的磁场和力学有限元分析模型,对阻尼器的性能进行分析计算。其次,在振动测试实验台上进行阻尼特性测试,获得了小位移0.1 mm、大位移1 mm下的1 Hz~50 Hz频率范围内正弦激励作用工况下的阻尼系数。然后根据Bouc-Wen滞回模型建立了阻尼器的力学模型,研究了负载、阻尼器结构、交变洛仑兹力之间的关系。研究结果表明这种新型的电涡流阻尼器在外载激励作用下能够输出与仿真结果较为接近的阻尼力,且阻尼系数随激励频率变化具有明显的规律性,根据仿真和实验结果建立的阻尼力力学模型可以很好地用于电涡流阻尼器的力学特性仿真分析。  相似文献   

传统的圆柱形传感器在涡流检测中穿透深度较浅,同时检测灵敏度较低.本文采用矩形传感器进行了检测.在分析矩形涡流传感器榆测原理的基础上,采用大型电磁仿真软件ANsYS建立了脉冲涡流榆测模型,通过改变矩形传感器的尺寸参数和时间常数,研究了参数变化对铝板表面涡流分布以及铝板内涡流衰减的影响,仿真结果表明,铝板表丽均匀涡流区域的...  相似文献   

A complete, computer based design methodology is described, aiming to develop an eddy current sensor with increased sensitivity to flaws, and reduced sensitivity to probe lift-off. The first part of the paper contains an analysis performed in order to establish detailed criteria for an effective design. Numerical investigations have been carried out and their results are discussed, regarding various problems of detectability and lift-off noise level. Based on these results, in the second part two probe arrangements are proposed, and it is shown how their performance parameters could be further improved.  相似文献   

In this article, the nondestructive eddy current (EC) method was used for microstructural evaluation of Ni-hard4 cast iron (NiHCI). Different destabilizing heat treatments were used to produce different microstructures and hardness. The microstructural analysis and hardness measurement were done for conventional characterization of the reference blocks. Then, the EC techniques were applied to evaluate the hardness and microstructural changes by the detection of EC parameters at different frequencies. Metallurgical investigations showed that increasing the destabilizing soaking time and temperature decreases the amount of retained austenite in NiHCIs. The nondestructive evaluation method (NDT) revealed that it can be good correlated between retained austenite amount and hardness with EC parameters. This shows that the EC technique can detect NiHCIs products according to the metallurgical characterization with good accuracy.  相似文献   

对汽车轮辐上螺栓孔的挤压成形工艺进行了分析,并以微型车12×4.00B轮辐上的螺母座孔为例,介绍了挤压时预制孔径的确定办法、挤压力的计算及设备选择,是对有径向挤压的混合挤压的工艺计算的有益尝试.也对模具选材、结构及设计中应注意的主要问题作了详细介绍,对同类或相似零件的成形模具设计有较大的参考价值.  相似文献   


In this paper we develop a procedure to avoid the autocorrelation central hole that appears in clipped photon-counting detection. This method can be understood as a higher order approximation than the Hofmann procedure. It can be applied in combination with any of the alternative methods to evaluate the autocorrelation function in clipped conditions proposed up until the present. We especially analyse that based on the zero-count probability measurement. Fairly good autocorrelation estimates are obtained for low intensity signals.  相似文献   

铁磁性管道腐蚀远场涡流检测性能的改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
远场涡流检测由于信号微弱、探头过长等缺点限制了其进一步应用.本文结合有限元仿真和实验方法,研究了改进远场涡流技术性能的几种方法,即: 采用电磁屏蔽、磁路进行传感器优化设计以缩短探头长度、增大信号强度;改进信号调理电路以提高细微缺陷检出能力;利用同态滤波、小波变换以及误差修正等数字信号处理技术确保检测结果的可靠性.实验结果表明,采用上述方法后系统性能得到很大提高,可以有效检测出管道外壁的细微缺陷.  相似文献   

基于最小二乘法的多频涡流检测信号参数分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
多频涡流检测技术是一种广泛应用的电磁无损检测技术.在检测过程中,微弱多频涡流信号的分析是检测系统的关键.本文提出了一种基于最小二乘法的涡流检测微弱信号参数分析方法.依据最小二乘法的求解原理,以双频涡流信号分析为例,建立了涡流信号参数分析数学模型,估计出各频率成分的时域特征参数,为涡流检测信号应用提供了依据,并对该算法进行了仿真和检测实验验证.实验结果表明:该方法效果良好,硬件成本低,具有较高的灵敏度,满足多频涡流检测信号参数分析的需要.  相似文献   

飞机结构腐蚀检测中的脉冲涡流无损检测技术   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对脉冲涡流无损检测技术的工作原理进行了分析,建立了脉冲涡流的检测系统对加工的模拟飞机多层结构的试件进行了测试,提取其时域瞬态感应信号的峰值和过零时间作为特征量,对出现在飞机多层结构第二层中的腐蚀缺陷进行了定量检测,试验结果和理论分析相一致,证明了脉冲涡流检测方法的有效性,由于其具有快速和定量化的优点,因而在飞机结构的腐蚀检测中具有广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   

Recent work on reliably detecting and characterizing cracks in multi-layer airframe structures has used modeling and simulation to extract features from raw eddy current data, and to assist in the evaluation of probability of detection (POD). This paper focuses on the statistical analysis of the data from these studies. Hit/miss, linear, and physics-inspired methods are employed to evaluate POD. The Box-Cox transformation is used as a remedy for violations of the constant variance assumption. In addition, a bootstrapping method is introduced for confidence bound calculation on a 2nd order linear model. The objective of this work is to provide on insight how different models and assumptions impact POD evaluation.  相似文献   

为了研究电磁涡流无损检测技术在金属板损伤探测上的应用,根据电涡流检测原理,设计了基于电磁差动传感器和FPGA的检测系统,实现对涡流传感器的正弦激励和阻抗分析.对不同长度、深度和材质的缺陷金属板进行了实验探测.通过对采集信号的相敏解调发现了阻抗变化的特征值与金属缺陷特征的对应关系.理论分析和实验测试表明该系统能较准确地检测出金属表面及内部的损伤.  相似文献   

横向电涡流阻尼器阻尼力的计算分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电涡流阻尼器具有非接触、无机械磨损等优点,在振动控制领域中有着广泛的应用前景。将一种新型横向电涡流阻尼器用于旋转圆盘的横向振动抑制,基于电磁场理论建立电涡流阻尼器的电学模型,并结合圆盘结构参数,推导出径向和轴向阻尼力的计算公式,仿真分析了阻尼力与通电电流、间隙(阻尼器线圈端面和圆盘的距离)以及圆盘转速等参数的关系。为振动控制的实施和横向电涡流阻尼器的实际应用奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Eddy currents induced in steel are analyzed by the boundary element method. As the periodic electromagnetic quantities in the steel are distorted due to the nonlinear magnetization property, they are expressed by a Fourier series, whose fundamental and harmonic waves are determined by solving the corresponding integral equations with the surface magnetic fields given as the boundary values. In this paper, we introduce a new combined integration scheme that enables efficient, volume-mesh-less treatment of the practical problems typically characterized by the geometrical singularities like edges and corners. Using this procedure, the internal and surface electromagnetic fields are obtained numerically one after another by applying an adaptive equation technique to obtain the boundary values.   相似文献   

The nondestructive method to detect subsurface defects is limited because conventional eddy current are concentrated near to the surfaces adjacent to the excitation coil. The PEC technique enables detection of cracks buried deeper under the surface with relatively small current density. In the present study, an attempt has been made to investigate detection of subsurface cracks using a specially designed double-D differential probe. The tested sample is a SS304 with a thickness of 5 mm; small EDM notches were machined in the test sample at different depths from the surface to simulate the sub surface cracks in a pipe. The designed PEC probe has two excitation coils and two detecting Hall-sensors. The difference between two sensors is the resultant PEC signal. The cracks under the surface were detected using peak amplitude of the detected pulse; in addition, for a clear understanding of the crack depth, the Fourier transform is applied. In time domain, the peak amplitude of the detected pulse is decreased, and in the frequency domain, the magnitude of the lower frequency component has been increased with an increase in the crack depth. The experimental results have indicated that the proposed differential probe has the potential to detect the sub surface cracks in a stainless steel structure.  相似文献   


Magnetic saturation is applied to ferromagnetic tubes inspected by the encircling or inner coil because suppressing magnetic noise is important for the eddy current testing technique. Eddy current signal characteristics in magnetically saturated tubes are different from those in nonmagnetic tubes. In ferromagnetic tubes, defect signal phase angle is not useful for estimating defect depth because it does not depend on the defect depth. In this paper, numerical eddy current analysis has been done in order to explain the relationship between the defect depth and the phase angle in magnetically saturated tubes. This analysis is performed as follows: 1) The magnetic permeability near the defect is calculated as the non-linear magnetostatic problem. 2) The eddy current distribution is calculated as the linear magnetodynamic problem using the incremental permeability value calculated in step 1. The numerical analysis results reveal that the permeability around the defect remains inhomogeneous and it causes the unique eddy current characteristics. Based on these calculated results, a quantitative evaluation method of determining defect depth is proposed. After determining the defect shape by using signal characteristics obtained from the strongly magnetizing state, the defect depth can be estimated by using the signal amplitude.  相似文献   

The capability of eddy current thermography in detecting cracks is investigated numerically and experimentally in relation to the crack orientation, the heating rate and the excitation period. The numerical investigation shows that, for cracks parallel to the heat flow the detection region increases with the increase of the heating rate, while for cracks perpendicular to the heat flow, it increases with the increase of the excitation period. The experimental results confirm that the detection of cracks parallel or perpendicular to the heat flow is improved by increasing the heating rate or the excitation period, respectively. The optimum time period for the detection of a crack depends on the crack orientation: For cracks parallel to the heat flow (i.e. perpendicular to the current flow), the best results are obtained at the beginning of the heating period. For cracks perpendicular to the heat flow, the optimum detection period is delayed with the distance of the crack from the heated area. If the crack is very close to the edge of the plate, both the detection period and the sharpness of the crack are reduced. The experimental results are compared to data obtained by identical experiments, where the use of a lower performance camera was combined with data processing techniques. The comparison indicates that a higher performance camera is more effective and may compensate for the improvements achieved in the detection of a crack through data processing techniques.  相似文献   

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