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铝合金表面特性对其胶接性能影响的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
不同的表面处理方法会导致铝合金表面的表面理化特性发生改变,从而对铝合金板材与胶黏剂的界面结合强度以及胶接接头的耐腐蚀性能有很大的影响。本文从铝合金表面粗糙度、微观织构、表面氧化层和涂层化学特性等方面入手,对铝合金胶接接头的界面强度和耐腐蚀性能影响的研究现状进行了综述。探讨了铝合金胶接研究发展趋势,并认为铝合金表面理化特性的参数化表征以及表面特性与胶接性能的关系模型建立等方面是今后研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

本文从环境暴露时腐蚀介质的传输规律研究、环境暴露对汽车车身金属胶接接头力学性能影响及其降级机理、金属被粘物表面处理技术几个方面对其胶接接头腐蚀方面的研究现状进行了综述,并探讨了金属胶接接头环境抗腐蚀性能研究的发展趋势,认为腐蚀介质在胶接接头界面的扩散规律、接头金属表面的电化学反应破坏其界面结合性能的机理及规律、金属接头中的电化学腐蚀规律及电化学反应对黏合性能和接头强度影响等方面是今后的主要研究重点.  相似文献   

基于理论解的三种胶接接头简化有限元单元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了非对称胶接接头位移理论,它能严格满足包括胶层端头剪应力为零在内的所有边界条件。由于上被粘物、下被粘物具有不同材料和厚度,研究非对称胶接接头更具一般性。以位移理论解为基础,通过一组特定位移约束条件确立了被粘物纵向和横向位移函数,获得了非对称T形、L形和单搭接接头简化有限元单元的单元刚度矩阵。这些胶接接头简化单元能大幅降低整体有限元模型的自由度数量,避免以往胶层单元胶层厚度估计过大的不足,并考虑了被粘物间连续传力的特性,更适于大型有限元模型中对胶接接头的简化建模。精细有限元模型的数值验证表明,三种胶接接头简化有限元单元精度很好,使其应用到诸如汽车白车身、飞机等大型有限元模型中成为可能。  相似文献   

硅烷处理对有机涂层/金属胶接接头力学性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了硅烷处理的胶接接头的力学性能,分析了硅烷处理对涂层/金属界面力学性能的影响.对碳钢表面进行硅烷处理,用环氧树脂胶黏剂粘接.对疲劳后的胶接接头施加静态载荷,通过分析硅烷处理胶接接头的应力-应变曲线及接头破坏形式,得出疲劳破坏与静载破坏的区别.结果表明:硅烷处理的胶接接头经一定周次疲劳后能提高接头的粘接强度,接头的破坏形式虽然为界面断裂但却为韧性断裂;接头静拉破坏形式为界面破坏和内聚破坏的混和破坏.  相似文献   

主要研究了环氧胶接接头在不同温度水中的老化行为,并用扫描电镜(SEM)和傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)分析了其失效的机理.结果表明,提高温度可以加速环氧胶接接头在水中的老化;环氧胶接接头在水中破坏失效的原因主要是渗入到胶接层的水分子取代了胶粘剂分子在金属表面的粘附.  相似文献   

钛合金胶接表面处理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钛合金表面处理方法是影响钛合金胶接耐久性的重要因素。本文介绍了各种钛合金胶接表面处理方法及其表面分析技术,评述了各种表面处理方法对胶接耐久性的贡献。以湿热耐久性为考核点的研究结果显示:电化学方法优于化学方法,化学方法优于机械方法。另外,处于研究阶段的等离子体、激光等物理方法因具有较好的耐久性和低污染特性,有望用于钛合金胶接的工业领域。  相似文献   

利用Baker模型和弹塑性有限元方法研究了胶接接头搭接区残余应力的分布.结果表明,因胶粘荆的线膨胀系数比被粘物高得多,胶层固化时被粘物阻碍了胶层的收缩,故胶层中为残余拉伸应力,被粘物中为残余压缩应力,胶层中的残余应力远大于被粘物中的残余应力.利用Baker模型和有限元计算远离自由端的胶层中的残余应力,两者吻合.被粘物中的残余应力呈中心对称,等效应力经多项式拟合后呈抛物线分布.  相似文献   

周森  何晓聪  王玉奇  曾凯  丁燕芳 《材料导报》2013,27(18):104-107
运用实验方法研究了胶接接头的静强度及其疲劳性能。对胶接接头进行静力学实验,并在此基础上选用6种不同载荷水平对胶接接头进行疲劳实验,获得了接头的载荷-寿命(F-N)曲线。试验结果表明:胶接接头静强度为同尺寸铝合金板静强度的77.5%,说明胶接接头有较高的静强度。当疲劳载荷水平大于最大静载荷平均值的50%时,接头F-N曲线呈线性趋势变化;随着疲劳载荷水平的不断提高,接头失效形式更多地表现为混合破坏。通过分析疲劳失效接头刚度变化可知:在各疲劳载荷水平下,接头刚度的线性趋势变化在整个疲劳周期内占很大比例,疲劳载荷水平越低,接头刚度降低越慢;接头刚度的变化表明在接头内产生了裂纹并逐步扩展。  相似文献   

以α-氰基丙烯酸酯类瞬干胶为胶粘剂,采用剪切试验、接触角试验和扫描电镜观察系统研究了丙酮简单清洗、喷砂处理、阳极氧化处理以及偶联剂处理对5083铝合金板胶接接头剪切强度的影响。结果表明:经简单清洗后,所得胶接接头的剪切强度最低;在附着力和机械啮合的共同作用下,喷砂处理和阳极氧化处理胶接接头的强度得到了提高,其中阳极氧化处理的效果最为明显,与简单清洗胶接接头相比,剪切强度提高了223.1%;胶接前适当使用偶联剂可以使简单清洗和喷砂处理胶接接头的剪切强度提高,在该试验条件下,KH-550偶联剂体积分数为5%时,胶接接头的剪切强度均达到了最大值;但偶联剂使阳极氧化处理形成的纳米小孔不能发挥机械啮合作用,所得胶接接头的剪切强度相比未使用偶联剂的反而降低。  相似文献   

本文对两种钢板单搭胶接接头在不同的拉伸速率下(准静态、10m/s、20m/s)实验研究了不同拉伸速率对两种钢板接头力学性能的影响。结果表明钢板胶接接头在高速拉伸(10m/s、20m/s)时的强度相对于准静态(13mm/min)有明显提高,并且随着拉伸速率的增加而增大。这是由于在高速拉伸时接头及胶层高速形变,应变率大大增大,胶层粘性因素所产生的应力大大增加,使得接头强度提升。失效模式也随着发生改变,呈现出脆性断裂模式。被粘物材料性能的不同也会对接头强度产生影响,且这种影响随着拉伸速率的增加逐渐减小。  相似文献   

In this paper, the effects of bolt torque tightening on the fatigue strength of double‐lap simple bolted and hybrid (bolted/bonded) joints have been studied experimentally. To do so, two types of joints, that is, double‐lap simple and hybrid (bolted/bonded) joints, were studied. For each type of joints, three sets of specimens were prepared and subjected to the tightening torque of 1, 2.5 and 5 Nm, and then, fatigue tests were carried out at different cyclic longitudinal load levels. Experimental tests results showed that the hybrid joints have better fatigue performance in comparison with the simple bolted joints. In addition, the investigation revealed the positive role of tightening torque on the fatigue life of both simple and hybrid joints.  相似文献   

Abstract: We present the results of investigations into the strain distributions in the adhesive layers of epoxy‐bonded aluminium–aluminium and aluminium–carbon fibre reinforced polymer (Al/CFRP) double‐lap shear joints. The area of the adhesive at the end of the overlap region, where high stresses are predicted and failure generally initiates, has been studied at high magnification. 2‐D maps of the longitudinal and engineering shear strains in this region have been obtained experimentally by using high magnification moiré interferometry (HMMI). These results have been compared with the strain maps predicted by 3D elastic and elasto‐plastic finite element (FE) modelling. Excellent agreement is seen between the experimentally measured and FE‐predicted strain distributions, thus validating both methods. In some cases, quantitative comparison of the strains along certain profiles is compromised by noise in the measurements, especially for the Al/CFRP joints, which experienced lower overall strains. The source of such errors is discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

混凝土后锚钢筋又称植筋。在工程实际中,后锚钢筋能有效地解决新老混凝土连接、钢筋漏埋、错埋等钢筋生根问题,被广泛应用于结构加固改造中。结合单锚钢筋、群锚钢筋的粘结锚固性能试验和极限承载能力分析,研究了后锚钢筋与混凝土的粘结机理、粘结破坏形态与静力承载能力计算方法,并讨论了胶层厚度,植筋深度与直径等对静力承载能力的影响;结合植筋钢筋混凝土受弯构件和压弯构件在低周反复周期荷载作用下的滞回特性,分析研究了植筋混凝土构件的延性和抗震性能,并与常规整体浇注构件的特性进行了对比分析,验证了在植筋锚固长度大于20D的情况下,植筋构件的极限承载能力、极限变形能力和延性等主要力学指标都与整浇构件相当,植筋构件的抗震性能是可靠的。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionRecently,progress of vapour phasegrowth of diamond fihn under non-equilib-rium reaction condition has shown theprospect of its commercial production in re-spect of effectiveness and economy.Theprocess proceeds in the thermodynamical  相似文献   

This paper deals with the derivation of a finite element (FE) method for an adhesively bonded joint which consists of two relatively thin bodies, joined by an even thinner adhesive layer. It is based on a model of the compound joint where the three bodies involved are described as material surfaces. A geometrically two‐dimensional model, where the middle surfaces of the upper and lower body are represented as geometrically coinciding surfaces, is obtained. An elastic–plastic material model with damage is used for the adhesive layer, and an important implication is that the (quasi‐static) propagation of the local failure zone in the adhesive layer in a structure can be simulated. Consequently, the failure load is obtained as a computational result and no failure criterion is needed. The problem is discretized, and a surface model, where only a single surface needs to be FE‐meshed, is obtained. A single‐lap joint is analysed and good agreement is obtained when compared to an analysis using a fine mesh with brick element. Furthermore, the failure load is computed and compared with experiments. The derived FE method opens up the possibility to efficiently model and analyse the mechanical behaviour of large bonded structures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用弹塑性有限元方法研究了钢嵌块长度对单搭接接头应力分布的影响,结果表明,采用钢嵌块形成混合连接接头后,接头上的应力流线分布发生了变化,钢嵌块中存在的压缩轴向应力和负值剥离应力有利于提高接头的承载能力;嵌块长度的增加使胶层和被粘物中界面处的峰值应力显著增大,而嵌块中的应力变化不大,嵌块长度超过4mm后,胶层中的应力峰值急剧上升;在需用嵌块增强胶接接头时应注意采用适宜的嵌块长度.  相似文献   

The structural applications of adhesively bonded joints on transportation industries have been increasing, and it is expected that this rising trend persists in the future. The appropriate design of these joints should address two main issues: fatigue behaviour and environmental effects. Environmental effects consist of the degradation of the bonded joints by means of harmful influence of temperature, moisture or both simultaneously. These effects can have an impact on the fatigue behaviour of bonded joints because they influence the quality of the bonding. The combination of environmental effects and fatigue lead to synergetic consequences resulting in premature and unpredictable rupture, which transforms these issues into relevant and actual research topics. The present paper describes the most recent works addressing the referred subjects. Experimental works and analytical/numerical approaches are also described aiming to give a picture of the real state‐of‐the‐art. Actual limitations and perspectives of future evolution are also discussed.  相似文献   

The solution of the plane elasticity problem of two bonded isotropic linearly elastic half-planes of different elastic properties having a crack L along the interface as well as a crack S in one of the half planes which intersects the interface crack, is given by using the Muskhelishvili's complex variable method with sectionally holomorphic functions. The initial problem is reduced to a Hilbert problem, the solution of which in the case of a dislocation existing in either half-planes constitutes the Green's functions of the problem. Finally, a singular integral equation is derived for the problem only along the crack S. The singular integral equation is solved numerically and results are presented for the stress intensity factors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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