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In this paper, we investigate two incremental amplify-and-forward relaying protocols in cognitive underlay networks. In the proposed protocols, whenever the secondary destination cannot receive the secondary source’s signal successfully, it requests a retransmission from one of M secondary relays. In the first protocol, we assume that a secondary relay with the Nth best channel gain to the secondary source is used to forward the received signal to the secondary destination. In the second protocol, relying on the quality of channels between the secondary relay and secondary destination and between the secondary relay and primary user, the Nth best relay is chosen for the retransmission. We derive exact closed-form expressions of the outage probability and average number of time slots for both protocols over Rayleigh fading channel. Finally, these mathematical expressions are then verified by Monte Carlo simulations.  相似文献   

When the sizes of terminals are limited, cooperative relay networks are recommended as promising virtual MIMO systems to improve the performances of wireless communication systems in literature. Accordingly, some comparisons on the performances of different systems are useful to guide the selection and deployment of cooperative relay systems in field applications. In this paper, we compare the outage probabilities of cooperative relay networks of different topologies (different numbers of antennas used at a transmitter and relays used in a system), as well as the outage probabilities of the MISO systems. We propose an aggregated channel mode, which combines the power gain obtained from the reduction of path loss through the deployment of relays, and the flat fading caused by multi-path propagation. During the evaluation of the performances of different systems, we apply information theory in the calculation of ergodic capacities and consider the requirement on wireless resources in the estimation of outage probabilities. Numerical simulation shows that (1) cooperative networks with multiple relays outperform those with multiple antennas; (2) only when the power gain is included, the performances of cooperative relay networks are comparable with their counterparts in direct transmission; (3) the performances are significantly affected by the locations of relays.  相似文献   

In wireless relay networks, noise at the relays can be correlated possibly due to common interference or noise propagation from preceding hops. A parallel relay network with noise correlation is considered in this network. For the relay strategy of amplify and forward (AF), the optimal rate maximizing relay gains when correlation knowledge is available at the relays are determined. Interestingly, it is shown that, on average, noise correlation is beneficial regardless of whether the relays know the noise covariance matrix. However, the knowledge of correlation can greatly improve the performance. Typically, the performance improvement from correlation knowledge increases with the relay power and the number of relays. With perfect correlation knowledge the system is capable of canceling interference if the number of interferers is less than the number of relays. For a two-hop multiple-access parallel network, closed-form expressions for the maximum sum rate and the optimal relay strategy are determined. Relay optimization for networks with three hops is also considered. Based on the result of two-hop network with noise correlation, an iterative algorithm is proposed for solving the relay optimization problem for three-hop networks.   相似文献   

聂志巧  赵睿  方嘉佳  袁毅 《信号处理》2017,33(4):641-648
针对三节点放大转发中继系统,研究了基于功率分配能量采集的全双工中继传输方案。在中继配置大规模天线的情况下,提出了三种天线选择方法,并通过合理的假设分别推导了三种天线选择方法的速率的近似闭合表达式,并设计了天线选择模式切换方案。基于三种不同的天线选择方法,该文分析了基于功率分配采集协议中的最优功率分配因子以及不同方案的算法复杂度。最后,通过蒙特卡洛仿真证明了闭合表达式的准确性,并基于发射功率和信道增益分析了三种方案的优缺点。其中在大发射功率的情况下,方案一的性能最优;在小发射功率的情况下,方案二的性能最优;在中等发射功率的情况下,折中的方案三的性能最优。   相似文献   

Power Allocation Schemes for Amplify-and-Forward MIMO-OFDM Relay Links   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We consider a two-hop MIMO-OFDM communication scheme with a source, an amplify-and-forward relay, and a destination. We examine the possibilities of power allocation (PA) over the subchannels in frequency and space domains to maximize the instantaneous rate of this link if channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) is available. We consider two approaches: (i) separate optimization of the source or the relay PA with individual per node transmit power constraints and (ii) joint optimization of the source and the relay PA with joint transmit power constraint. We provide the optimal PA at the source (or the relay) with a node transmit power constraint that maximizes the instantaneous rate for a given relay (or source) PA. Furthermore, we show that repeating this separate optimization of the source and the relay PA alternately converges and improves the achievable rate of the considered link. Since the joint optimization of the source and the relay PA is analytically not tractable we use a high SNR approximation of the SNR at the destination. This approximation leads to rates which are quite tight to the optimum.  相似文献   

A performance analysis is presented for amplify-and-forward (AF) cooperative relay networks employing transmit antenna diversity with orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs), where multiple antennas are equipped at the transmitter. We develop a symbol-error-rate (SER) and outage performance analysis for OSTBC transmissions with and without cooperative diversity over flat Rayleigh fading channels. We first derive exact probability density functions (pdf's) and cumulative distribution functions (cdf's) for the system SNR without direct transmission with an arbitrary number of transmit antennas and then present the exact closed-form SER and outage probability expressions. Next, we derive the moment-generating function (MGF) for the overall system SNR with direct transmission and present the exact SER and outage probability with joint transmit antenna diversity and cooperative diversity. The theoretical analysis is validated by simulations, which indicate an exact match between them. The results also show how the transmit antenna diversity and the cooperative diversity affect the overall system performance.   相似文献   

王俊波  曹哲  陈明  焦媛 《电子学报》2011,39(7):1663-1667
在无线通信网中,高效的功率分配可显著降低资源消耗、获得更好的服务质量、并减少网络内干扰.本文以无线并行中继协作通信系统为背景,在目的节点目标信噪比的约束条件下,对如何最小化中继链路中各通信节点的发射功率进行了研究.文章首先建立了无线中继协作通信系统模型,推导出了无线中继协作通信系统中信噪比的表达式.接着,文章将功率分配...  相似文献   

A wireless network with fading and a single source-destination pair is considered. The information reaches the destination via multiple hops through a sequence of layers of single-antenna relays. At high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), the simple amplify-and-forward strategy is shown to be optimal in terms of degrees of freedom, because it achieves the degrees of freedom equal to a point-to-point multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system. Hence, the lack of coordination in relay nodes does not reduce the achievable degrees of freedom. The performance of this amplify-and-forward strategy degrades with increasing network size. This phenomenon is analyzed by finding the tradeoffs between network size, rate, and diversity. A lower bound on the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for concatenation of multiple random Gaussian matrices is obtained. Also, it is shown that achievable network size in the outage formulation (short codes) is a lot smaller than the ergodic formulation (long codes).  相似文献   

Wireless Personal Communications - This study addresses the transceiver design method for multiple-input multiple-output multisource multidestination amplify-and-forward relay systems. The source,...  相似文献   

文章研究了多中继放大转发协作分集系统中的功率分配和中继位置联合优化问题。利用信道的统计状态信息,在总功率一定的条件下,以最大化系统的信道容量为目标,推导了多中继和选择中继两种模型下基于高信噪比近似的联合优化算法的闭式解。理论分析和仿真验证表明,提出的算法大大提高了传统的等功率分配方案下系统的性能。  相似文献   

In wireless communications, power allocation plays a paramount role in sustainable network lifetime prolongation with quality-of-service and network interference reduction. This paper investigates a distributed power allocation problem in wireless parallel amplify-and-forward (AF) relay transmissions. Particularly, the objective is set to minimize the total transmit power while guaranteeing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) requirement at the destination node. The distributed SNR-based power allocation problem is formulated and modeled as a Cournot game. Moreover, a distributed SNR-based power allocation algorithm is proposed to solve the Cournot game. The proposed distributed SNR-based power allocation algorithm is proved to converge to a unique equilibrium. To evaluate the distributed method, a centralized optimal SNR-based power allocation algorithm is also proposed. Numerical results show that the proposed distributed SNR-based power allocation algorithm can achieve comparable performance to the centralized optimal SNR-based power allocation algorithm.  相似文献   

张伟  芮贤义 《信号处理》2018,34(1):114-118
传统的最佳中继选择方案仅参考了合法用户的信道状态信息,在实际的通信系统中由于存在窃听用户而无法保证信息的可靠传输。现有的最佳中继选择方案将窃听用户的信道状态信息纳入考虑后,系统的安全性能得到了一定改善,但是依然采用的是等功率分配。针对放大转发协议,本文在现有最佳中继选择方案的基础上,以降低系统安全中断概率为目标,在系统总功率受限的前提下,根据源节点和中继节点以及中继节点和目的节点间的信道参数引出功率分配因子,对源节点和中继节点间的功率进行适当分配。通过仿真对比,可以发现功率分配能够降低系统的安全中断概率,从而改善系统的安全性能。   相似文献   

Three Scheduling Schemes for Amplify-and-Forward Relay Environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This letter deals with the scheduling in basic amplify-and-forward relay environments, which are characterized by one source and two destinations. The scheduling strategy is required in order to decide which node will be used as a relay. The proposed schemes are the classical Round Robin, and a channel-based scheduling policy which requires a partial feedback from the channel. This scheme is implemented in a centralized and a distributed version. Simulations and analytical results show that the distributed algorithm outperforms the Round Robin and is 3 dB worse than the centralized algorithm, due to possible collisions or outage scheduling. This algorithm provides the best trade-off between performance and complexity and is attractive for practical implementations  相似文献   

We consider half-duplex amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying for increasing network coverage and spectrum efficiency of an OFDM-based cellular system. Due to the fact that OFDM symbols are transmitted over two serial multipath channels (i.e., the source-relay link and the relay-destination link) via AF relaying, the time spread of the received signal at destination nodes is introduced by both source-relay and relay-destination channels. Consequently, cyclic prefix (CP) added at the source node should have a much longer length than that of one-hop OFDM transmission to avoid inter-symbol interference. However, the increased CP length leads to the reduced spectrum efficiency of OFDM communications. In this paper, we propose a novel CP update scheme for achieving efficient and reliable multi-hop transmission in OFDM-based AF relay systems. By enabling the additional CP discarding and CP re-adding functionalities to relay nodes, the proposed scheme significantly reduces the required CP length without causing extra loss in the bit error rate performance, and therefore improves achievable end-to-end throughput and spectrum utilization efficiency. Simulation results confirm the theoretical analysis and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the wireless medium create difficulty to shield the data transmission from unauthorized recipients. In this paper, power optimization in an amplify-and-forward untrusted relay network is presented, using cooperative jamming transmission to prevent the untrusted relay from intercepting the confidential signals. Considering imperfect channel estimation error at the destination, an optimal power allocation (OPA) is designed to maximize the achievable secrecy rate for the network. Simplified OPA is derived for high signal-to-noise ratio regime with imperfect CSI and the ergodic secrecy rate is also analyzed to evaluate the achievable average secrecy rate for different scenarios as a common performance metric. The numerical results show that when the error of CSI is considered, the proposed OPA generates limited and acceptable degradation on the secrecy rate.  相似文献   

汪烈军 《通信技术》2010,43(12):94-96
提出了一种放大转发网络中的中继选择方案,假设目的节点配置多个天线,源节点和所有中继节点都配置单个天线,方案选择一组中继同时在相同的频带上放大转发接收到的源节点信息以最大化接收信噪比。与只择一个最优中继的方案相比,方案在保持满分集阶数的情况下获得了更高的中断容量和更优的误符号率性能。与只选择一个最优中继的方案相比,在0.000 01的误符号率水平上,少需要发射功率1.6 dB。  相似文献   

放大转发MIMO中继系统中的快速天线选择算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 本文研究放大转发MIMO中继系统的天线选择,目标是最大化系统容量.针对最优天线选择算法的高复杂度,本文提出了低复杂度且性能逼近最优的快速天线选择算法.首先对MIMO中继系统容量进行了分析和仿真,结果表明:若源的天线数为M、目标的天线数为N,中继从K根天线中选择min(M,N)根就可保证系统达到近似最优的性能.在此基础上,本文以优化容量下界为目标,利用分块矩阵的性质,推导出快速天线选择算法,并分析了算法的复杂度.研究结果表明本文提出的快速天线选择算法的性能与最优算法非常接近,并且有更低的复杂度.  相似文献   

In this letter, we have derived more accurate average symbol error rate (ASER) for opportunistic amplify-and-forward (OAF) relay systems with for M-phase shift keying (M-PSK) over rayleigh fading channels. At first, the exact ASER is expressed without any approximation. In addition, we have derived the modified moment generating function (MGF) by extension of the probability density function (PDF) of the order statistic to the given relay’s selection probability for OAF relay system. Then, the ASER bound to be more accurate and another ASER form of previous researches are respectively derived by utilizing the modified MGF. Furthermore, the accuracy of derived ASER bound is analytically confirmed by comparison with each other. Simulation results are finally presented to validate the analysis.  相似文献   

Distributed Adaptive Power Allocation for Wireless Relay Networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper, we consider a 2-hop wireless diversity relay network. We explore transmit power allocation among the source and relays to maximize the received signal to noise ratio (SNR) at the destination. We consider two relay protocols, "amplify and forward" (AAF) and "decode and forward" (DAF) and design the respective power allocations for both uneeded and coded systems. For a 2-hop relay system with one relay node, we derive a closed-form power allocation solution and, based on it, we propose a relay activation condition. If and only if the fading channel coefficients satisfy this condition, the relay transmits the signals to the destination; otherwise, the relay will stay in the idle state. For a system with more than one relay node, general closed-form power allocation solutions based on an exact SNR expression are difficult to derive; we hence, calculate a SNR upper bound and derive a sub-optimum power allocation solution based on this bound. The simulation results show that for a 2-hop diversity relay channel with one relay node the proposed adaptive power allocation (APA) scheme yields about 1- 2 dB SNR gains compared to the equal power allocation. This SNR gain increases monotonically as the number of relays increases  相似文献   

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