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用晶内铁素体技术显著改善了X-60钢熔焊热模拟后热影响区的韧性。试验发现:IFP和冲击能密切相关,IFP的体积分数〉70%时,冲击能〉150J,光学金相和SEM检验提示IFP的特征,它是原奥氏体晶粒内出现的大量微细的铁素体片,是在焊后控冷过程中以“形核碚氧产物”为非自发形核核心而生成的。 相似文献
通过对Al,Ti两种脱氧钢母材和焊接热影响区组织和性能的对比分析,研究了两种脱氧方式下焊接热影响区组织转变和性能特点.试验结果表明,两种钢具有相近的常规力学性能和组织结构,但在160 kJ/cm大热输入条件下,Ti脱氧钢焊接热影响区的韧性高于Al脱氧钢.在光学显微镜下,Al脱氧钢热影响区呈现上贝氏体形貌,Ti脱氧钢出现针状铁素体.通过扫描电镜观察,Ti脱氧钢热影响区的针状铁素体以夹杂物为核心形核并向四周扩展.夹杂物为含Ti氧化物及其与MnS的复合物.热影响区中可能存在多种夹杂物诱导铁素体机制. 相似文献
采用Gleeble热模拟方法调查了钛镁钙复合处理与微钛处理两种不同成分的船板钢EH40在不同热输入条件下的粗晶热影响区的组织和冲击性能。结果表明:t8/5时间13 ~ 550 s之间,钛镁钙复合处理的试验钢(A号)模拟粗晶区组织随t8/5增加由粒状贝氏体逐渐转变为晶界铁素体+晶内针状铁素体+晶内多边形铁素体,同时发现大量尺寸在0.2 ~ 3 μm之间的TiOx-MgO-Al2O3复合氧化物夹杂;t8/5≤700 s时,其模拟粗晶区-20 ℃冲击吸收能量≥192 J;微钛处理的试验钢(B号)模拟粗晶区组织随t8/5增加则由粒状贝氏体逐渐转变为晶界铁素体+上贝氏体组织,在t8/5≤300 s时,其模拟粗晶区-20 ℃冲击吸收能量≥196 J。A号试验钢焊接性能优于B号试验钢,其原因在于A号试验钢中大量存在的复合氧化物夹杂促进了晶内铁素体形核,从而提高粗晶区的低温冲击韧性。 相似文献
大热输入焊接高强度低合金钢热影响区的晶粒细化 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
研究了焊接热输入为110 kJ/cm三丝埋弧自动焊F36高强度低合金钢热影响区的晶粒细化行为;用自动图像分析仪测量了焊接热影响区诱导晶内铁素体形核夹杂物的大小、分布;用透射电镜观察了具有自细化行为晶内铁素体的形貌.结果表明,焊接热输入为110 kJ/cm三丝埋弧自动焊,焊接热输入对热影响区夹杂物的直径大小、分布几乎没有影响.E36高强度低合金钢中加入微量的Ti,能形成直径为0.2~0.8μm的MnO,TiO,SiO2,Al2O3与MnS组成的氧硫复合物.大热输入焊接时,氧硫复合物诱导热影响区的晶内铁素体形核,并促进晶内铁素体的感生形核,晶内铁素体及其感生晶内铁素体使热影响区粗晶区的晶粒细化,确保焊接热影响区粗晶区的强度与韧性不降低. 相似文献
Effects of Zirconium on the chemical component and size distribution of Ti-bearing inclusions, favored the grain refinement of the welding reduced, coarse-grained heat affected zone (CGHAZ) with enhanced impact toughness in Ti-killed steels, which were examined based on experimental observations and thermodynamic calculations. It indicated that the chemical constituents of inclusions gradually varied from the TiO oxide to the Ti-O+Zr-O compound oxide and a single phase of the ZrO2 oxide, as the Zr content increased from zero to 0.0100%. A trace of Zr (0.0030%-0.0080%, depending on the oxygen content in liquid steel) provided a large amount of nucleating core for Ti oxide because of the larger specific density of ZrO2 oxide, and produced a small size distribution of the inclusions favorable for acicular ferrite transformation with a high nucleation rate in the CGHAZ, and a high volume fraction of acicular ferrite was obtained in the CGHAZ, with enhanced impact toughness. Otherwise, a high content of Zr (-0.0100%) produced a single phase Zr02, which was impotent to nucleate acicular ferrite, and a microstructure composed of ferrite side plate and grain boundary ferrite developed in the CGHAZ. The experimental results were confirmed by thermodynamic calculations. 相似文献
1. IntroductionA pplication oflargeheatinputw elding techniques, w hich have been developed forlarge engineer-ing structure, e.g., big oiland gas tanks, bridge, pipe-line and architecture constructions etc. usuallycausesdeterioration ofm echanicalproperti… 相似文献
ZOU Zengda WANG Yong REN Dengyi Shandong Polytechnic University Jinan China 《金属学报(英文版)》1991,4(9):191-195
The structural change in heat affected zone(HAZ)and its influence on properties of welded white cast iron have been investigated by means of thermal cycle simulation technique.The structure of the white cast iron at peak temperature 800℃ was examined as cementite in pearlitic matrix,of which the hardness and impact toughness are the lowest,while the struc- ture after cyclic heating at high peak temperature is mainly cementite together with twin martensite,of which the hardness and impact toughness are rather higher.The phase bounda- ries in the structure of low hardness are smooth and regular as well as with fine precipitates. Both the cleavage and interphase fracture were revealed in the structure of low hardness,while the transgranular fracture was found in those areas of higher hardness. 相似文献
Y.T.Chen X.Chen Q.F.Ding J.Zeng 《金属学报(英文版)》2005,18(2):96-106
The microstructure and the characteristics of the inclusions embedded in ferrite matrix in simulated coarse-grain heat affected zone (CGHAZ) of a Ti-Zr-treated high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel have been investigated. The microstructure of the simulated CGHAZ dominantly Consisted of intragranular acicular ferrite (IAF) combining with a small amount of polygonal ferrite (PF), widmanstiitten ferrite (WF), bainite ferrite (BF), pearlite and martensite-austenite (M-A) islands. The PF, WF and BF were generally observed at the prior austenite grain boundaries and the interlocking acicular ferrite was usually found intragranularly. It was found that the inclusions were composed of Ti2O3 ZrO2, Al2O3 locating at the center of the particles and MnS lying on the surface layer of the inclusions. The intragranular complex inclusions prorooted the acicular ferrite formation and the refinement of microstructure whilst those at prior austenite grain boundaries caused PF formation on the inclusions. The simulated CGHAZ consisting of such complicated microstructure exhibited desired mechanical properties. 相似文献
低碳贝氏体钢焊接热影响区中不同亚区的组织特征与韧性 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据焊接热影响区中不同亚区的热循环特征对低碳贝氏体钢进行了焊接热模拟实验.采用示波器载荷冲击试验机检测焊接热模拟试样的冲击韧性,结合OM,SEM,TEM以及EBSD技术对模拟显微组织的观察,分析了不同亚区的显微组织特征与冲击韧性之间的关系.结果表明,当冷却时间t_(8/5)=30 s时,各亚区的裂纹形核功相差并不太大,其值在40—70J之间.细晶区(FGHAZ)具有良好的止裂能力,裂纹扩展功高达122 J;而部分相变区(ICHAZ)和粗晶区(CGHAZ)的裂纹扩展功较小,分别为51.8和17 J.随t_(8/5)的延长,各亚区的裂纹形核功和扩展功均下降,其中CGHAZ的裂纹形核功和FGHAZ的裂纹扩展功的下降最为显著.不同冷却速率下,M-A组元尺寸和形态的变化是影响裂纹形核功的重要因素.对于裂纹扩展功来说,高冷却速率下,具有高密度大角晶界的FGHAZ具有良好的抗裂纹迅速扩展的能力,但当冷却速率降低,由于原始奥氏体晶粒长大而使裂纹扩展功下降.ICHAZ有效晶粒尺寸不均匀,并随冷却速率的降低,晶粒尺寸明显增大,裂纹扩展功下降.而在CGHAZ中原始奥氏体晶粒显著粗化,大角晶界密度的下降导致裂纹扩展功降低;随冷却速率... 相似文献
采用焊接热模拟技术研究了焊接热循环对IONi8CrMoV钢热影响区粗晶区(L为1300℃)组织和性能的影响。结果表明,经历不同冷却速度(t8/5为7-112s)的热循环后,1ONi8CrMoV钢粗晶区低温冲击吸收功较基体冲击吸收功有较大幅度的提高,且随着冷却速度的增加,冲击吸收功降低幅度很小;在不同的冷却速度下,粗晶区组织均为粗大的板条马氏体组织,晶粒尺寸较大,板条马氏体界面上奥氏体薄膜的存在是粗晶区韧性提高的原因。 相似文献
Q. F. Wang J. H. Liu Z. Y. Li P. H. Li G. F. Zhou X. Chen Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech. Wuhan China ) Technology Center of WISCO Wuhan China) 《金属学报(英文版)》2000,13(1):151-156
1.IntroductionbeerbeamweldingilasbeenwidelyusedasanimportantprocessinsheetsteelstrUcture.WiththedevelOPmentofhighpowerlaseranditsincreasingsuccessfalaPPlicationsinindustry,itisbecomingObViousthatthatlaserweldingwillalsohaveanimportantimpactonthemediumandheaVysectionindusalintheneaxfutUre.Theleadingindustryforinboducinghighpowerlaserweldingistheshipbuilding['j.ULCBanisalatelydevelopedsteelinWuhanSteelwithultra--lowcarboncontentanddondnativendcrostructureOfbainite,whichwillbewidelyusedinsh… 相似文献