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在全国食品工业工作会议上的讲话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 “九五”期间食品工业发展的简要回顾食品工业作为我国国民经济的重要支柱产业 ,“九五”期间实现了持续、快速的发展。 1996年完成的全国第三次工业普查结果表明 ,食品工业总产值在全国工业部门总产值中所占比重首次上升到第一位。1999年全国全部国有及规模以上非国有食品工业企业完成工业总产值 782 8 66亿元 ;全国食品工业创造的利税总额达 12 78 2 1亿元 ;实现海关出口总额达到12 5亿美元。食品工业提供了丰富多彩的新产品、新品种 ,为方便人民生活、提高人民生活质量做出了贡献。食品行业企业规模不断扩大 ,技术装备水平和技术创新…  相似文献   

<正> 春风传捷报,金蛇启千年。2000年我国食品工业总产值达到6,622亿元,完成销售收入7,830亿元,利润总额357亿元,出口创汇131亿美元,实现了“九五”年平均增长9~12%的目标。食品工业,已经名副其实的成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。对于食品工业近20年来的飞速  相似文献   

<正>“十五”期间全国食品工业的发展状况中国食品工业协会第四届理事会期间,正是我国国民经济建设“十五”时期。这期间食品工业各项经济指标完成情况如下。一、全国规模以上食品企业产值总量持续快速增长。2000年完成总产值8368.87亿元,2001年完成总产值9318.09亿元,2002年完成10759.30亿元,同比增长15.83%。2004年完成总产值16163.86亿元,同比增长25.86%;至2005年预计完成总产值  相似文献   

<正> 国家统计局及中国食品工业协会今年初宣布2003年全国食品行业完成工业总产值12390.85亿元,比上年同期增长两成,其中熟肉制品、果汁饮料已成为中国食品工业发展的新方向、新空间。 据了解,去年1~11月全国食品工业各行业实现产品销售收入11007.68亿元。同比增长了20.52%,首次突破1万亿元大关。2003年我国主要  相似文献   

一.食品工业 1.食品工业的概况 民以食为天,改革开放以来,我国食品工业持续高速发展,1988年全国食品工业总产值为1342亿元,1990年上升到2106亿元,1993年3248亿元,1996年4714亿元,1998年5900亿元,2003年达到1239亿元.  相似文献   

春风传捷报,金蛇启千年。2000年我国食品工业总产值达到6.622亿元,完成销售收入7,830亿元,利润总额357亿元,出口创汇131亿美元,实现了“九五”年平均增长9~12%的目标。食品工业,已经名副其实的成为我国国民经济的支柱产业。对于食品工业近20年来的飞速发展,中国食品工业协会功不可没。  相似文献   

改革开放的十几年中,我国食品工业产值每年平均以10%以上的速度递增。到1990年,食品工业总产值达1307.33亿元,比1980年的531.3亿元增长146%,居全国工业部门的第3位,实现利税409.41亿元,为1980年的367.5%,占全国工业企业实现利税的21%。近十几年,全国独立核算的食品工业企业,利  相似文献   

一、前言近几年来,食品工业发展迅速,食品工业产值预计从1980年的600亿元将增加到1990年的1352亿元,2000年约3000亿元。食品防腐剂的发展是与食品工业的发展相辅相成的,食品工业的发展必然会导致食品防腐剂的发展。同时随着食品工业的发展,也增加了对食品保鲜贮存的要求,这便对化学工业提出化学防腐保鲜的问题。广州食品工业发展迅速。因此,食品添加剂之一的食品防腐剂必须得到相应的配套和发展。  相似文献   

正2015年,中国食品工业取得了令人满意的成绩,从中央经济工作会议上提出调整结构转型发展理念,以及食品工业在2015年的表现和政府部门针对食品行业做出的举措可以看出,2016年是中国食品工业由大转强、蓄势待发之年。数字非凡之年的可嘉业绩据国家统计局数据资料,2015年1-9月,全国规模以上食品工业企业(不含烟草)累计完成主营业务收入74620.6亿元,同比增长5.1%;实现利润总额4588.3亿元,同比增长11.9%;税金总额2313.6亿元,同比增长7.1%。2015年1-9月,农副食品加工业、食品制造  相似文献   

<正> 2008年中国食品工业继续保持高速增长从武汉举行的第十七届中国食品博览暨交易会获悉,2007年我国食品工业销售收入达31068.22亿元,同比增长30.1%。2008年前10个月,全国食品工业累计实现工业总产值3.43万亿元,已超过2007年全年水平,同比增长32%,实现销售收入  相似文献   

生物源性食品安全因素浅析与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全是关系到国计民生及社会稳定的大事。食品行业近年来几乎成了质量问题的重灾区。涉及食品安全的众多因素中,生物源性因素所占比重较大、危害严重。建议构建生物源性食品安全的保障体系,从制度与标准等方面入手,全力保证食品安全。  相似文献   

本文从国家食品安全管理体制、食品安全国家标准以及风险分析框架的应用三个方面来回顾中国的食品安全,并展望将来。中国的国家食品安全管理体制从单一部门管理为主,演变为多部门的分段管理,又发展为市场监管总局、海关总署和农业农村部为主。法律层面也从《食品卫生法》发展为遵循风险分析框架的新《食品安全法》(2015年10月实施)。中国的食品安全国家标准也从食品卫生标准发展为食品安全标准,从互不协调、相互矛盾的三套强制性国家标准整合为一套食品安全国家标准,在覆盖面、技术水平、实用性,以及与国际标准接轨方面,都取得了长足的进步。对于国际公认的风险分析框架,从缺乏认识,到增加理解和认真实施,在全面开展风险监测、建立适合国情的风险评估制度、加强风险交流等方面取得了突出的成绩和进步。然而,也应该清醒地看到,中国当前在食品安全方面还存在很多问题。食源性疾病的监测和控制还比较薄弱,食品掺假或欺诈还相当普遍,风险交流面临严峻挑战(消费者对食品安全的过度担心)。为了尽快提升中国食品的质量和安全性,一是要做到从农田到餐桌的全产业链食品安全保障,二是政府要做到全产业链的一体化无缝监管。  相似文献   

Capacity building in food and nutrition aims to enhance knowledge and support infrastructural development in this field. International Network of Food Data Systems (INFOODS) was established on the basis of the recommendations of an international group convened under the auspices of the United Nations University (UNU). The European Food Information Resource Network (EuroFIR, Network of Excellence) aims to develop and integrate food composition data through Europe including CEE countries. EuroFIR, joined forces with the United Nations University/UN System Standing Committee on Nutrition, in capacity building. Inventories have been initiated by EuroFIR on food composition data base status and on capacity development needs. The inventories showed that many activities are already ongoing, providing a good potential for developments needed. Substantial differences exist between the countries, including lack of understanding about the concepts and what quality implies. Assessing the quality, frequency of the capacity development activities and the number of staff trained is needed. Several countries lacked adequate information; 6 of 8 had established Food Composition Databases, but none had electronic versions of the Food Composition Databases. Most had national databases, but needs for additional equipment seems considerable. Education, training, workshops, networking and sharing of experiences were cross-cutting themes for most countries. It is concluded that capacity development is a long-term, continuing process, with policies, plans, and activities and should have national priority. Special attention should be given to the capacity development dimensions generated by global and European strategies. Capacity development networks would be important tools in addressing present and future needs in various countries. The EuroFIR training and exchange program is a valuable tool in achieving this.  相似文献   

食品工业形势分析与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 自1995年以来,食品工业总产值位居全国各工业部门之首。1996年食品工业年实现利税总额突破1,000亿元大关,食品工业在国民经济建设中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用。“九五”期间食品工业对促进农业商品化,拉动农业和农村经济发展以及推动地方经济进步的特殊作用,已经成为社会各界和各级政府的共识,食品工业在整个国民经济和各地经济发展中的支柱产业地位已逐步树立。  相似文献   

Efforts have been made for global harmonization of food safety regulations among countries through international organizations such as WTO and WHO/FAO. Global harmonization of food safety regulations is becoming increasingly important for Korean consumers because more than half of food and agricultural products are imported and consumed. Through recent reorganization of the Korean government, a consolidated national food safety authority—the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS)—has been established for more efficient food safety control and better communication with consumers. The Automatic Sales Blocking System (ASBS), which blocks the sales of the recalled food products at the point of sale, has been implemented at over 40 000 retail food stores around the nation using state‐of‐the art information and communication technology (ICT) for faster recall of adulterated food products, and the e‐Food Safety Control System has been developed for more efficient monitoring of national food safety surveillance situations. The National Food Safety Information Service was also established for monitoring and collecting food safety information and incidents worldwide, and shares relevant information with all stakeholders. The new approaches adopted by the Korean Food Safety Authority are expected to enhance public trust with regard to food safety issues and expedite the recall process of adulterated products from the market. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

油脂食品中丙烯酰胺问题(上)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品安全关系千家万户消费者健康安危。自2002年4月瑞典食品科学家在油炸食物中发现丙烯酰胺问题以来,食品中这种有致癌可能性的丙烯酸胺立即引起世界各国食品管理和研究机构的高度重视;一年来,人们对此问题有了更多更新的认识。  相似文献   

Food composition tables have become important tools to estimate and monitor the nutritional composition of foods next to chemical analysis. However, as analytical methods, calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information. Because calculation methods and obtained results differ significantly within various sources of food composition information, it is indeed a challenge to build, harmonise and compile a food composition database from scattered resources and hard copy tables. This situation has been challenged and addressed in Spain with the support of EuroFIR and governmental bodies (Spanish Food Safety and Nutrition Authority, AESAN), and the Spanish Food Composition Database Network (RedBDECA) has been set up. The proposed aims of the initiative are: to identify and evaluate the main sources of food composition data in Spain; to promote communication within national groups and with EuroFIR; to design and develop a web page for the dissemination of its activities; and to create a consortium to ensure the sustainability of the Spanish Food Composition Database.  相似文献   

Food as Security     
Concerns over food security have emphasized food while appearing to give less attention to the meaning and significance of security. Consequently, the valuation and perceptions of food have not secured its place at the top of a state’s priorities and at the heart of development. Many states have already bargained food production for resource extraction in their quest for revenues and this bargain is now being made in Laos. Observation and analysis of this process reveal why food consistently comes second to resource extraction, leaving people facing the peril of food insecurity. Valuation and perceptions of food often overlook its special significance as the source of life, sustaining society and its security. Food is as critical to national security as resources such as oil, steel and rubber that often pre-empt it. Food security will improve with the recognition of food as security.  相似文献   

食品是否卫生、安全和营养,关系到人们的健康和生命的安全、民族的素质和我国在国际市场的竞争力。改革开放以来,我国加快了食品安全法制的建设,基本上建立了一套与市场经济体制和依法行政相适应且具有中国特色的食品安全监督管理体制。通过卫生监督体制的改革,加大了卫生监督执法工作的力度。  相似文献   

<正>针对全国食品行业发展状况,中国食品工业协会开展了“创建食品名城”活动。此项活动旨在推动全国食品工业快速发展,并带动相关产业及其区域经济的发展,提升城市知名度,提高产业集聚力和综合竞争力,形成品牌效应,提升我国食品工业总体发展水平。活动率先在河南省漯河市(地级市)、吉林省德惠市(县级市)展开,当地政府积极支持配合,企业踊跃参与,为培养和探索本地区新的经济增长点,加快食品工业发展增添了新的活力。作为当地支柱产业的食品工业初步形成了原料基地化,产品系列化,加工多元化,销售网络化,企业集团化发展的格局,有力地推动了农业  相似文献   

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