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Abstract— In this research project, the influence of different monocular near‐to‐eye display (NED) positions on user comfort has been investigated. In total, 43 subjects participated in tests; 22 used above and 21 below NED positions during dual‐task performance for 40 minutes. SSQ and VSQ questionnaires were used to compare the eyestrain and other sickness symptoms before and after the task performance for both display positions. According to the subjective test results, the NED position above the eye causes more symptoms than the position below the eye.  相似文献   

The arrival of near‐eye displays has challenged the traditional methods that have been used to measure the optical properties of displays. Near‐eye displays typically create virtual images and are designed for the relatively small entrance pupil of the human eye. These two attributes result in optical measurement requirements that are substantially different from traditional flat panel displays. This paper discusses the optical system requirements needed to make absolute radiometric and photometric measurements of near‐eye displays. These guidelines are contrasted with the performance of current optical measurement instruments. An initial study was conducted using traditional and modified instruments and exhibited a significant variance in the results with different near‐eye display designs. The study demonstrated that some traditional optical instruments can yield erroneous results when used to measure near‐eye displays. Generic optical system design concepts were used to interpret the experimental results and helped to identify how current commercial designs could be modified to properly measure near‐eye displays.  相似文献   

Abstract— The observers' 3‐D viewing experience when the way the content is created and shown on an autostereoscopic 3‐D display alternate is evaluated. The observer's depth impression, and the perceived contour accuracy and image naturalness or peskiness of the content shown on a 3‐D display, has been investigated. In addition, the consequences of the way the content is created to the results from the optical characterization for the same display have been studied. The alternation of the content was realized in two different ways. Firstly, the number of views for creating the image was varied. Two, five, and 14 views were used; the main focus being on testing the same display and treating it as an ordinary two‐view and a 14‐view display with inter‐sub‐view crosstalk. Also, the intermediate condition where five views with non‐uniform view‐specific crosstalk were used has been investigated. Secondly, the way the content is created was varied by using images with computer‐generated content and photos. The effect of these parameters on viewing experience as such and especially the effect of 3‐D crosstalk on the viewing experience were studied.  相似文献   

Abstract— Virtual‐image (near‐to‐eye) and two‐view autostereoscopic (3‐D) displays share similar optical properties in the comfortable user position for viewing. In this paper, the definitions and criteria of qualified viewing space (QVS) and qualified stereoscopic viewing space (QSVS) are discussed. Due to the complex nature of these viewing spaces, the related presumptions and the required optical characteristics and their measurements are specified. The effects of different display and observer parameters, such as interpupillary distance, to the resulting viewing spaces are discussed. Finally, real measurement data of two autostereoscopic display devices are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract— Active‐matrix electroluminescent (AMEL) microdisplays have been known for their numerous beneficial characteristics such as low weight, compactness, high brightness, and high contrast ratio. Beside these desirable characteristics, some of their drawbacks include difficulty in obtaining a high number of gray‐scale levels or a large number of colors, and interface‐electronics complexity. To address these drawbacks, AMEL displays using an analog addressing architecture have been developed. Utilizing this new driving scheme, 256 monochrome levels or 16 million colors are obtainable. Gray shade is proportional to an analog voltage stored on the hold node of each pixel. For color displays, each pixel is comprised of red, green, and blue subpixels arranged in vertical stripes, and can be sized independently to achieve the appropriate white balance. With the integration of control‐signal circuit blocks on the same substrate as the microdisplay, the number of input control signals is minimized and the display can be driven with very simple interface electronics. This results in low overall system cost, compact electronic packaging, and low power consumption. To accommodate most optical orientations, the display has built‐in modes to flip the image both vertically and horizontally. Additionally, the display supports multiple interlace addressing modes.  相似文献   

Abstract— Display‐measurement methods different from conventional 2‐D display measurements are needed for verifying the optical characteristics of autostereoscopic (3‐D) displays and for comparing different 3‐D display technologies. Industry is lacking standardized measurement methods, and the reported results can not always be compared. The selected set of characteristics discussed in this paper and partly defining the quality of the 3‐D experience are crosstalk, viewing freedom, and optimum viewing distance. Also, more conventional display characteristics such as luminance are discussed, since the definitions for these characteristics in 3‐D mode usually differ from those used for the 2D displays. We have investigated how these chosen 3‐D display characteristics can be objectively measured from transmissive two‐view and multiview 3‐D displays. The scope of this article is to generally define those basic characteristics as well as the different measurement methods. Most of the 3‐D characteristics can be derived from the luminance and colors versus the viewing angle. Either a conoscopic or a goniometric measurement system can be used, as long as the angular and stray‐light properties are suitable and known. The characteristics and methods are currently discussed in the display‐quality standardization forums.  相似文献   

Abstract— Multi‐view displays employ an optical layer which distributes the light of an underlying TFT‐LCD panel in different directions. Certain properties of the layer create specific artifacts, such as ghost images, moiré patterns, and masking. The layer was modeled as an image‐processing channel, and the display parameters related with the model were identified, which are importantfor the design of image‐processing algorithms for artifact mitigation. The identified parameters are interleaving pattern, angular visibility, and frequency throughput of the display. A methodology for deriving these parameters for an arbitrary LCD‐based multi‐view display are presented, which does not require precisely positioned measurement equipment. As a case study, measurement and modeling results for a particular multi‐view display are also presented.  相似文献   

Abstract— Binocular head‐mounted displays (HMDs) that could be used non‐immersively produced substantial interruption of the visual field. Monocular HMDs designed to be used non‐immersively created minimal interruption of the visual fields. The scotomata are small enough to allow the HMD to be worn in mobile situations, but inattention associated with use of the HMD may cause safety concerns for some mobile situations. A small opaque display can be positioned to provide a see‐through functionality.  相似文献   

In this paper, an active‐matrix organic light‐emitting diode pixel circuit is proposed to improve the image quality of 5.87‐in. mobile displays with 1000 ppi resolution in augmented and virtual reality applications. The proposed pixel circuit consisting of three thin‐film transistors (TFTs) and two capacitors (3T2C) employs a simultaneous emission driving method to reduce the number of TFTs and the emission current error caused by variations in threshold voltage (Vth) and subthreshold slope (SS) of the low‐temperature polycrystalline silicon TFTs. Using the simultaneous emission driving method, the compensation time is increased to 90 μs from 6.5 μs achieved in the conventional six TFTs and one capacitor (6T1C) pixel circuit. Consequently, the emission current error of the proposed 3T2C pixel circuit was reduced to ±3 least significant bit (LSB) from ±12 LSB at the 32nd gray level when the variations in both the Vth and SS are ±4σ. Moreover, both the crosstalk errors due to the parasitic capacitances between the adjacent pixel circuits and due to the leakage current were achieved to be less than ±1 LSB over the entire gray level. Therefore, the proposed pixel circuit is very suitable for active‐matrix organic light‐emitting diode displays requiring high image quality.  相似文献   

A peer‐to‐peer (P2P) characterization model is proposed in this paper. The purposes of this model are (a) to describe through abstraction the behavior and capability of P2P computing independent of any specific application, and (b) to lead to a cost model of P2P computing. Our approach is based on abstracting the service driven nature of P2P computing separate and distinct from its implementation. This supports the first purpose. Next, we consider the integration of the two aspects. This supports the second purpose. A secondary contribution of our work is a cost model. The cost model is applied to indexing, discovery and resource utilization services. In addition, the characterization model and cost model are applied to a JXTA‐based P2P application. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract— This paper provides a selected review of a number of important perceptual and human‐factors issues that arise when 3‐D displays are designed and used. This review and analysis draws heavily from the basic vision literature in order to help provide insight for future design solutions for 3‐D displays. Issues discussed include (1) the basics of human stereopsis, (2) interocular crosstalk, (3) oculomotor responding and distance scaling of binocular disparity information, (4) accommodative‐vergence mismatch, and (5) stereoanomly. The paper concludes with a presentation of several recommendations for the design of 3‐D displays.  相似文献   

Near‐eye light field displays based on integral imaging through a microlens array provide attractive features like ultra‐compact volume and freedom of the vergence‐accommodation conflict to head‐mounted displays with virtual or augmented reality functions. To enable optimal design and analysis of such systems, it is desirable to have a physical model that incorporates all factors that affect the image formation, including diffraction, aberration, defocusing, and pixel size. Therefore, in this study, using the fundamental Huygens‐Fresnel principle and the Arizona eye model with adjustable accommodation, we develop an image formation model that can numerically calculate the retinal light field image with near‐perfect accuracy, and experimentally verify it with a prototype system. Next, based on this model, the visual resolution is analyzed for different field of views (FOVs). As a result, a rapid resolution decay with respect to FOV caused by off‐axis aberration is demonstrated. Finally, resolution variations as a function of image depth are analyzed based on systems with different central depth planes. Significantly, the resolution decay is revealed to plateau when the image depth is large enough, which is different from real‐image type light field displays.  相似文献   

We have developed head‐mounted displays with high transmittance and luminance, which could be utilized outside safely without dimming glasses. We first specified required optical performance specifications by considering user's safety and usability. In order to ensure that the user is able to recognize both surrounding environment and the image of the head‐mounted display, we set the target specification that the transmittance is higher than or equal to 85%, and the luminance contrast ratio is larger than or equal to 1.15 with display image of white solid pattern. We then developed the beam‐splitter‐array waveguide to achieve the requirements. It has advantages in high efficiency and high see‐through property. In order to determine configuration of the waveguide, we have performed optical ray trace simulation. We also established versatile waveguide measurement method applicable to different‐type waveguides. By utilizing the waveguide we have developed, we made a prototype of a head‐mounted display (HMD) with high transmittance 94% and high luminance 4.8 × 103 cd/m2 and thus luminance contrast ratio 1.25 under the sun. With these advantages, our HMD is suitable for usage outside including applications of work support systems where dimming effect is not preferred, and the HMD is used under the sun.  相似文献   

We used perceptual and oculomotor measures to understand the negative impacts of low (phantom array) and high (motion blur) duty cycles with a high‐speed, AR‐likehead‐mounted display prototype. We observed large intersubject variability for the detection of phantom array artifacts but a highly consistent and systematic effect on saccadic eye movement targeting during low duty cycle presentations. This adverse effect on saccade endpoints was also related to an increased error rate in a perceptual discrimination task, showing a direct effect of display duty cycle on the perceptual quality. For high duty cycles, the probability of detecting motion blur increased during head movements, and this effect was elevated at lower refresh rates. We did not find an impact of the temporal display characteristics on compensatory eye movements during head motion (e.g., VOR). Together, our results allow us to quantify the tradeoff of different negative spatiotemporal impacts of user movements and make subsequent recommendations for optimized temporal HMD parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, the applicability of a zero‐polarizer reflective display (PNLC) and a single‐polarizer reflective display (Heilmeier guest host) for direct‐view applications is analyzed. A measurement set‐up is designed to analyze the applicability of all types of reflective displays. Simulation of the different types of illumination caused by the environmental light is essential for this set‐up. The measurements indicate that the contrast ratio and reflectance greatly depend on the type of illumination. It is demonstrated that the worst‐case illumination for one display technology may be the best‐case illumination for another one and vice versa.  相似文献   

Based on the recent development of Pancharatnam–Berry deflectors and lenses, we propose a compact and lightweight near‐eye display system with depth adaption. The compact design results from the polarization selectivity of Pancharatnam–Berry deflector waveguide coupler, and the fast‐switching Pancharatnam–Berry lenses can be exploited for generating correct light fields.  相似文献   

Abstract— Color breakup is an artifact perceivable on field‐sequential‐color (FSC) displays, both in stationary and in moving images. In this work, a unique device and a method for measuring color breakup on stationary images is proposed. Rotating the field of view of a high‐speed measurement camera in milliseconds simulates saccadic behavior. The target can be a virtual display, a direct‐view display or a projector image. Captured images can be used for quantifying the color breakup of a target display. The results along with an exploration of their application to breakup characterization will be presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a simple and efficient method for correcting the asymmetric and nonlinear geometrical distortion of a head‐mounted display (HMD). The method divides the object space into a number of quadratic triangular elements and applies a quadratic predistortion for each image section so that it can handle the distortion with any complex shapes caused by the decentering and tilted optics and improve the calibration accuracy. The errors introduced in the process of fabricating and assembling can also be eliminated. We investigated the use of a quadratic division model and two types of linear division models on an off‐axis HMD to correct the optical distortion. Experimental results demonstrated that the quadratic division model converged at a faster rate and produced higher accuracy over the typical linear model. The average root of mean square error (RMSE) after distortion correction was one pixel, and the maximum standard deviations in all rows and columns were 0.67 pixel and 0.57 pixel. In addition, the deformation continuity is maintained by using the quadratic element with connected midside nodes.  相似文献   

Abstract— The necessary processes to use random carbon‐nanotube networks as transparent conductors in twisted‐nematic liquid‐crystal displays have been developed, replacing indium tin oxide. Because the nanotubes are deposited vacuum‐free from suspension, the potential advantages are lower costs for material, equipment, and production. Nanotube networks are also much better suited for flexible displays than the commonly used metal oxides. With the developed processes, the world's first full‐color active‐matrix LCDs as well as directly addressed flexible displays on plastic substrates with carbon‐nanotube pixel electrodes, have been realized.  相似文献   

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