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基于Lamb波的复合材料结构损伤成像研究 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
本文基于Lamb波和时频分析方法,提出了一种损伤成像方法,对复合材料结构进行在线的连续监测。首先通过高阶板理论建立了Lamb波在各向异性复合材料层板中随传播角度变化的频散关系,得到Lamb波的理论速度分布,为损伤成像提供基准信息;然后采用小波变换对由压电传感元件激励和接收的Lamb波信号在时频域进行分析,提取特征信息,得到散射波的能量分布;在此基础上通过考虑各向异性对Lamb波传播速度的影响,将散射波的能量分布与各个像素点的对比度关联起来,得到损伤的图像,将损伤的情况可视化。同时建立了原型结构健康监测系统,实验研究表明了本文所提出方法的可应用性和有效性。 相似文献
Effective application of the Lamb waves for structural health monitoring and damage identification intensively relies on the accurate damage-related feature extraction in the received signals. Most of existing signal processing methods extract the damage-related features from the time–frequency joint spectrum which requires a quite amount of effort. In this paper, the soft-thresholding process, based on different signal decomposition methods, is introduced to damage identification so that the damage-related signal features can be manifested more distinctively. By applying two popular signal decomposition methods (i.e., the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and the empirical mode decomposition (EMD)), the signal of interest can be represented by a series of components with different frequencies. Since most noises exist in the high frequency range, it is feasible to alleviate noise by restricting the energy of high-frequency components. Finally, a denoised signal is synthesized using the corresponding reconstruction method. As an application, the soft-thresholding process is performed to detect a small crack on an isotropic aluminum plate under the white Gaussian noise contamination. The results, from both the numerical finite element simulation and experimental test, indicate that the soft-thresholding process is capable of effectively reducing the effect of noise, convincingly improving the sensitivity of damage identification, and discriminating relatively small damage. 相似文献
基于匹配追踪的蜂窝夹层复合材料损伤检测 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
基于Lamb波和匹配追踪时频分析方法,提出一种损伤成像方法,对蜂窝夹层复合材料结构进行损伤监测.首先针对Lamb波传播的特点,提出了匹配追踪方法的快速实现方案,该方法能准确地匹配失真变形的窄带脉冲信号,并识别Lamb波的模态;然后对由压电传感器采集到的Lamb波信号,采用匹配追踪方法提取特征信息,得到Lamb波的能量分布;在此基础上,考虑Lamb波在各向异性结构中传播速度的影响,将损伤处的散射波能量分布和各像素点对比度联系起来,得到损伤图像,将损伤的情况可视化.通过蜂窝夹层复合材料结构实验验证了该方法的可行性和有效性. 相似文献
无基准Lamb波时间反转损伤概率成像监测方法 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
根据损伤散射信息进行结构损伤特征参数提取与损伤监测,是Lamb波结构健康监测研究中的最为有效的方法之一,而目前常用的有基准差信号提取损伤散射信号技术在应用中存在实用性差的问题.采用Lamb波时间反转聚焦原理,结合损伤概率思想,提出了无基准损伤概率成像监测方法.利用信号时间反转处理对波源的自适应聚焦机理,消除Lamb波的频散效应;并根据单模式Lamb波响应信号的各波包在时反聚焦信号中的相对时刻,提取损伤散射信号的传播时间,以此计算出结构中各点出现的损伤概率,从而实现对损伤的成像、定位和监测.在金属铝板结构上的实验表明,该方法可在无需基准信号的情况下,较为清晰地分离出损伤散射信号和信息,得到结构各点的损伤概率图像,有助于结构健康监测的实用化. 相似文献
作为一种快速、高效的无损检测方法,Lamb波技术在结构健康监测领域具有巨大的应用潜力并受到广泛关注。采用线性宽带Chirp信号作为激励信号,替代传统的窄带Tone burst信号。响应信号经过后处理可以解调出其带宽范围内任意中心频率的等效Tone burst响应信号。优化设计一种压电传感器,能够在低频段激励和接收纯净的A0模态。由于A0模态对板中缺陷非常敏感,使信号更便于分析。将这种传感器按照稀疏阵列的形式布置于准各向同性复合材料板上,对模拟缺陷进行检测。通过实验所得Chirp信号的检测数据解调出多个中心频率下的响应信号,结合椭圆成像技术和数据融合方法进行缺陷成像,实现了板中缺陷定位,并且多个频率下响应信号融合后的成像结果具有更高的分辨率、对比度和定位精度。 相似文献
《Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing》2014,42(1-2):137-151
Health monitoring of large structures with embedded, distributed sensor systems is gaining importance. This study proposes a new probabilistic model updating method in order to improve the damage prediction capability of a finite element analysis (FEA) model with experimental observations from a Lamb-wave sensing system. The approach statistically calibrates unknown parameters of the FEA model and estimates a bias-correcting function to achieve a good match between the model predictions and sensor observations. An experimental validation study is presented in which a set of controlled damages are generated on a composite panel. Time-series signals are collected with the damage condition using a Lamb-wave sensing system and a one dimensional FEA model of the panel is constructed to quantify the damages. The damage indices from both the experiments and the computational model are used to calibrate assumed parameters of the FEA model and to estimate a bias-correction function. The updated model is used to predict the size (extent) and location of damage. It is shown that the proposed model updating approach achieves a prediction accuracy that is superior to a purely statistical approach or a deterministic model calibration approach. 相似文献
提出了一种基于模型修正的钢管焊接结构焊缝损伤识别方法.利用从发射台骨架试验模型获取的模态参数,选择识别结果中精度较好的模态参数作为模型修正的基准参数.提出基于柔度的最小二乘目标函数,极小化结构实测模态柔度与分析模态柔度之间的误差,将损伤识别问题转化为二次优化问题,并采用信赖域方法求解该问题.以有限元模型焊接结点单元组弹性模量的降低模拟焊缝损伤,并假定两种损伤工况,通过对发射台骨架模型的数值仿真及试验研究,表明所提出的损伤识别方法识别效果较为理想,为解决这种复杂焊接结构焊缝损伤识别问题提供了新的思路. 相似文献