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Consider a set P of points in the plane sorted by the x-coordinate. A point p in P is said to be a proximate point if there exists a point q on the x-axis such that p is the closest point to q over all points in P. The proximate point problem is to determine all the proximate points in P. Our main contribution is to propose optimal parallel algorithms for solving instances of size n of the proximate points problem. We begin by developing a work-time optimal algorithm running in O(log log n) time and using n/loglogn Common-CRCW processors. We then go on to show that this algorithm can be implemented to run in O(log n) time using n/logn EREW processors. In addition to being work-time optimal, our EREW algorithm turns out to also be time-optimal. Our second main contribution is to show that the proximate points problem finds interesting, and quite unexpected, applications to digital geometry and image processing. As a first application, we present a work-time optimal parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a set of n points in the plane sorted by x-coordinate; this algorithm runs in O(log log n) time using n/logn Common-CRCW processors. We then show that this algorithm can be implemented to run in O(log n) time using n/logn EREW processors. Next, we show that the proximate points algorithms afford us work-time optimal (resp, time-optimal) parallel algorithms for various fundamental digital geometry and image processing problems  相似文献   

Given a set of n intervals representing an interval graph, the problem of finding a maximum matching between pairs of disjoint (nonintersecting) intervals has been considered in the sequential model. In this paper we present parallel algorithms for computing maximum cardinality matchings among pairs of disjoint intervals in interval graphs in the EREW PRAM and hypercube models. For the general case of the problem, our algorithms compute a maximum matching in O( log 3 n) time using O(n/ log 2 n) processors on the EREW PRAM and using n processors on the hypercubes. For the case of proper interval graphs, our algorithm runs in O( log n ) time using O(n) processors if the input intervals are not given already sorted and using O(n/ log n ) processors otherwise, on the EREW PRAM. On n -processor hypercubes, our algorithm for the proper interval case takes O( log n log log n ) time for unsorted input and O( log n ) time for sorted input. Our parallel results also lead to optimal sequential algorithms for computing maximum matchings among disjoint intervals. In addition, we present an improved parallel algorithm for maximum matching between overlapping intervals in proper interval graphs. Received November 20, 1995; revised September 3, 1998.  相似文献   

In the literature, there are quite a few sequential and parallel algorithms for solving problems on distance-hereditary graphs. With an n-vertex and m-edge distance-hereditary graph G, we show that the efficient domination problem on G can be solved in O(log/sup 2/ n) time using O(n + m) processors on a CREW PRAM. Moreover, if a binary tree representation of G is given, the problem can be optimally solved in O(log n) time using O(n/log n) processors on an EREW PRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem of computing the connected components of the complement of a given graph. We describe a simple sequential algorithm for this problem, which works on the input graph and not on its complement, and which for a graph on n vertices and m edges runs in optimal O(n+m) time. Moreover, unlike previous linear co-connectivity algorithms, this algorithm admits efficient parallelization, leading to an optimal O(log n)-time and O((n+m)log n)-processor algorithm on the EREW PRAM model of computation. It is worth noting that, for the related problem of computing the connected components of a graph, no optimal deterministic parallel algorithm is currently available. The co-connectivity algorithms find applications in a number of problems. In fact, we also include a parallel recognition algorithm for weakly triangulated graphs, which takes advantage of the parallel co-connectivity algorithm and achieves an O(log2 n) time complexity using O((n+m2) log n) processors on the EREW PRAM model of computation.  相似文献   

Let A be a sorted array of n numbers and B a sorted array of m numbers, both in nondecreasing order, with n⩽m. We consider the problem of determining, for each element A(j), j=1, 2, …, n, the unique element B(i), 0⩽i⩽m, such that B(i)⩽A(j)相似文献   

平面线段集三角剖分的算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出了计算平面线段集三角剖分的两种算法,第一个算法是利用平面扫描的思想,当扫描线达到事件点时,处理事件点,即将事件点与已被扫描的某些点连接,这样便将已扫描的区域三角剖分,当扫描线达到最左边的事件点时,处理该事件点,就完成了平面线段集的三角剖分,第二个算法基于逐层计算凸壳,并将凸壳改变为多边形,这样便便形成嵌套的多边形层,这些多边形覆盖线段集凸壳内的区域,然后三角剖分每个多边形,即完成平面线段集的三角剖分,两个算法的时间复杂性分别为O(nlogn),O(mnlogn),其中n为线段集中线估的数目,m为凸壳的层数。  相似文献   

In this paper we give parallel algorithms for a number of problems defined on point sets and polygons. All our algorithms have optimalT(n) * P(n) products, whereT(n) is the time complexity andP(n) is the number of processors used, and are for the EREW PRAM or CREW PRAM models. Our algorithms provide parallel analogues to well-known phenomena from sequential computational geometry, such as the fact that problems for polygons can oftentimes be solved more efficiently than point-set problems, and that nearest-neighbor problems can be solved without explicitly constructing a Voronoi diagram.  相似文献   

The problem of computing the convex hull of a set of n sorted points in the plane is one of the fundamental tasks in image processing, pattern recognition, cellular network design, and robotics, among many others. Somewhat surprisingly, in spite of a great deal of effort, the best previously known algorithm to solve this problem on a reconfigurable mesh of size √n×√n was running in O(log2 n) time. It was open for more than ten years to obtain an algorithm for this important problem running in sublogarithmic time. Our main contribution is to provide the first breakthrough: we propose an almost optimal convex hull algorithm running in O((log log n)2) time on a reconfigurable mesh of size √n×√n. With slight modifications, this algorithm can be implemented to run in O((log log n)2) time on a reconfigurable mesh of size √n/loglogn×√n/loglogn. Clearly, the latter algorithm is work-optimal. We also show that any algorithm that computes the convex hull of a set of n sorted points on an n-processor reconfigurable mesh must take Ω(log log n) time. Our result opens the door to an entire slew of efficient convex-hull-based algorithms on reconfigurable meshes  相似文献   

We present a parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a sorted planar point set. Our algorithm runs in O(log n) time using O(n/log n) processors in the CREW PRAM computational model, which is optimal. One of the techniques we use to achieve these optimal bounds is the use of a parallel data structure which we call the hull tree.  相似文献   

This paper describes a parallel algorithm for computing the visible portion of a simple planar polygon with N vertices from a given point on or inside the polygon. The algorithm accomplishes this in O(k log N) time using O(N/log N) processors, where k is the link-diameter of the polygon in consideration. The link-diameter of a polygon is the maximum number of straight line segments needed to connect any two points within the polygon, where all line segments lie completely within the polygon. The algorithm can also be used to compute the visible portion of the plane given a point outside of the polygon. Except in this case, the parameter k in the asymptotic bounds would be the link diameter of a different polygon. The algorithm is optimal for sets of polygons that have a constant link diameter. It is a rather simple algorithm, and has a very small run time constant, making it fast and practical to implement. The interprocessor communication needed involves only local neighbor communication and scan operations (i.e., parallel prefix operations). Thus the algorithm can be implemented not only on an EREW PRAM, but also on a variety of other more practical machine architectures, such as hypercubes, trees, butterflies, and shuffle exchange networks. The algorithm was implemented on the Connection Machine as well as the MasPar MP- 1, and various performance tests were conducted.  相似文献   

Recently it has been noticed that for semigroup computations and for selection, rectangular meshes with multiple broadcasting yield faster algorithms than their square counterparts. The contribution of the paper is to provide yet another example of a fundamental problem for which this phenomenon occurs. Specifically, we show that the problem of computing the convex hull of a set of n sorted points in the plane can be solved in O(n1/8 log 3/4) time on a rectangular mesh with multiple broadcasting of size n3/8 log1/4 n×n5/8/log1/4n. The fastest previously known algorithms on a square mesh of size √n×√n run in O(n1/6) time in case the n points are pixels in a binary image, and in O(n1/6log3/2 n) time for sorted points in the plane  相似文献   

We consider the problem of generating random permutations with uniform distribution. That is, we require that for an arbitrary permutation π of n elements, with probability 1/n! the machine halts with the i th output cell containing π(i) , for 1 ≤ i ≤ n . We study this problem on two models of parallel computations: the CREW PRAM and the EREW PRAM. The main result of the paper is an algorithm for generating random permutations that runs in O(log log n) time and uses O(n 1+o(1) ) processors on the CREW PRAM. This is the first o(log n) -time CREW PRAM algorithm for this problem. On the EREW PRAM we present a simple algorithm that generates a random permutation in time O(log n) using n processors and O(n) space. This algorithm outperforms each of the previously known algorithms for the exclusive write PRAMs. The common and novel feature of both our algorithms is first to design a suitable random switching network generating a permutation and then to simulate this network on the PRAM model in a fast way. Received November 1996; revised March 1997.  相似文献   

We study problems in computational geometry on PRAMs under the assumption that input objects are specified by points withO(logn)-bit coordinates, or, equivalently, with polynomially bounded integer coordinates. We show that in this setting many geometric problems can be solved in time O(log logn). The following five specific problems are investigated:closest pair of points, intersection of convex polygons, intersection of manhattan line segments, dominating set, andlargest empty square. Algorithms solving them are developed which operate in time O(log logn) on the arbitrary CRCW PRAM. The number of processors used is eitherO(n) orO(n logn).This research was supported in part by Grants KBN 2-2044-92-03, KBN 2-2043-92-03, and KBN 2-1190-91-01.  相似文献   

In this paper, a parallel algorithm is presented to find all cut-vertices and blocks of an interval graph. If the list of sorted end points of the intervals of an interval graph is given then the proposed algorithm takes O(log n) time and O(n/log n) processors on an EREW PRAM, if the sorted list is not given then the time and processors complexities are respectively O(log n) and O(n).  相似文献   

We present parallel algorithms for computing all pair shortest paths in directed graphs. Our algorithm has time complexityO(f(n)/p+I(n)logn) on the PRAM usingp processors, whereI(n) is logn on the EREW PRAM, log logn on the CCRW PRAM,f(n) iso(n 3). On the randomized CRCW PRAM we are able to achieve time complexityO(n 3/p+logn) usingp processors. A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 4th Annual ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, June 1992. Support by NSF Grant CCR 90-20690 and PSC CUNY Awards #661340 and #662478.  相似文献   

Efficient parallel processing of image contours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Describes two parallel algorithms for ranking the pixels on a curve in O (log N) time using either an EREW or CREW PRAM model. The algorithms accomplish this with N processors for a √N×√N image. After applying such an algorithm to an image, it is possible to move the pixels from a curve into processors having consecutive addresses. This is important because one can subsequently apply many algorithms to the curve (such as piecewise linear approximation algorithms or point in polygon tests) using segmented scan operations (i.e. parallel prefix operations). Scan operations can be executed in logarithmic time on many interconnection networks, such as hypercube, tree, butterfly, and shuffle exchange machines as well as on the EREW PRAM. The algorithms were implemented on the hypercube structured Connection Machine, and various performance tests were conducted  相似文献   

This paper focuses on BSR (Broadcasting with Selective Reduction) implementation of algorithms solving basic convex polygon problems. More precisely, constant time solutions on a linear number, max(N, M) (where N and M are the number of edges of the two considered polygons), of processors for computing the maximum distance between two convex polygons, finding critical support lines of two convex polygons, computing the diameter, the width of a convex polygon and the vector sum of two convex polygons are described. These solutions are based on the merging slopes technique using one criterion BSR operations.  相似文献   

The convex differences tree (CDT) representation of a simple polygon is useful in computer graphics, computer vision, computer aided design and robotics. The root of the tree contains the convex hull of the polygon and there is a child node recursively representing every connectivity component of the set difference between the convex hull and the polygon. We give an O(n log K + K log2 n) time algorithm for constructing the CDT, where n is the number of polygon vertices and K is the number of nodes in the CDT. The algorithm is adaptive to a complexity measure defined on its output while still being worst case efficient. For simply shaped polygons, where K is a constant, the algorithm is linear. In the worst case K = O(n) and the complexity is O(n log2 n). We also give an O(n log n) algorithm which is an application of the recently introduced compact interval tree data structure.  相似文献   

Recently ElGindy and Avis (EA) presented anO(n) algorithm for solving the two-dimensional hidden-line problem in ann-sided simple polygon. In this paper we show that their algorithm can be used to solve other geometric problems. In particular, triangulating anL-convex polygon and finding the convex hull of a simple polygon can be accomplished inO(n) time, whereas testing a simple polygon forL-convexity can be done inO(n 2) time.  相似文献   


This paper presents an optimal sequential and an optimal parallel algorithm to compute a minimum cardinality Steiner set and a Steiner tree. The sequential algorithm takes O ( n ) time and parallel algorithm takes O (log n ) time and O ( n /log n ) processors on an EREW PRAM model.  相似文献   

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