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生物质等离子体气化研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在热等离子体提供的高温、高能量反应环境中,进行生物质的快速热解气化研究。生物质的等离子体热解气化产物由固体残渣和气体组成,无焦油存在。气体产物中主要以化学合成气(H2和CO为主。增加水蒸气流量,H2和CO含量之和均在96%以上,且V(H2)/V(CO)比率为0.90~1.15,气体产率达到2.0L/g,碳的气相转化率很高。  相似文献   

等离子体脱硫脱硝研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
文中综述了等离子体脱硫脱硝的重要成果,总结了国内外应用等离子体技术脱硫脱硝的反应机理,特性及其发展,最后对该技术的前景作一展望。  相似文献   

在等离子体点火煤粉燃烧试验台上,通过向等离子体燃烧器内喷水引起水煤气生成反应来再造挥发分,以提高煤粉气流的点火特性.通过试验得到了喷水量对再造挥发分的影响规律,并在本次试验工况下得到了点火和再造挥发分的最佳喷水量.结果表明:随着喷水量的增加,反应室出口的CO浓度、反应室内的温度和出口火焰温度均先上升,后下降;反应室没有喷水时,测得反应室喷口处的CO浓度为1 332.3 mg/m3;当反应室喷水量为20 mL/min时,测得反应室喷口处的CO浓度为2 977.2 mg/m3;向反应室喷水后,反应室喷口处的CO浓度可以提高1倍以上.通过水煤气生成反应再造挥发分,方法简便,适用性强,效果明显,对今后低挥发分煤的点火具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

等离子体脱碳氢研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述了等离子体技术在脱除汽车尾气上的应用,主要总结了国内外用等离子体技术处理HC化合物的反应原理和装置,最后对该技术的前景和应用作总结。  相似文献   

通过自行设计等离子体反应器,并采用模拟气对其进行了初步研究,得到添加溶液,放电间隙,脉冲频率,NOx的初始浓度,脉冲宽度等参数对NOx转化效率的影响.发现添加溶液、选择适当的阳极针尖到水面的距离、脉冲频率,以及采用上升沿陡峭的窄脉冲可以提高NOx的转化效率,而阴极不锈钢板到水面的距离,以及NOx初始浓度对NOx的转化效率影响不大.本研究为高效等离子体反应器的设计以及进一步的模拟提供了依据.  相似文献   

冷等离子体冶金效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实验表明,辉光放电产生的等离子体对硅、TiN,SiC等材料具有明显的提纯效果,对其进行了讨论,并指出应用前景。  相似文献   

采用H2、NH3和H2 NH3等离子体在沉积氮化硅薄膜之前对多晶硅片进行预处理,采用等离子增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)制备氮化硅薄膜,然后印刷烧结.利用准稳态光电导衰减法(QSSPCD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FT-IR)和紫外可见近红外分光光度计(UV-VIS)等手段研究了等离子体预处理对多晶硅少子寿命的影响以及等离子体预处理对氮化硅薄膜FTIR光谱的影响和多晶电池性能的影响.结果表明:经等离子体预处理后多晶硅的少子寿命有所提高,使用H2 NH3混合等离子体预处理后,制备的多晶电池的性能有明显提高,短路电流能提高约7%.  相似文献   

针对内蒙多晶硅项目,在等离子体发生器对还原炉内部进行加热的条件下,对炉内温度场进行了试验测试,同时采用FLUENT软件对其进行了数值模拟。理论和计算的综合结果表明,等离子体加热技术在多晶硅还原炉中有着良好的加热应用效果。与同类型加热设备卤素灯相比,等离子发生器不仅加热效率高且运行成本相对较低,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

直流双阳极等离子体特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高性能数字示波器、发射光谱法以及热力学方法,对直流双阳极等离子体发生器的伏安特性、射流的温度与射流的比焓特性进行了实验研究.结果表明,当等离子体的工作气体为纯氩气时,其弧压随电流的增加显著升高,且不随气体流量的增加而单调地变化;当工作气体为氩氮混合气体时,弧压随氮气的比例增加而急剧增大;氩等离子体射流的比焓随着电流的增大而增大,随着氩气流量的增加而减少;在相近的条件下氩氮等离子体射流的比焓远大于纯氩等离子体射流的比焓;氩等离子体射流在出口处的温度超过10000 K.  相似文献   

In order to improve the quality of bio-oil and reduce the coking and deactivation of HZSM-5 molecular sieve catalyst in the catalytic cracking of bio-oil upgrading process, Non-Thermal Plasma (NTP) assisted HZSM-5 technical scheme was proposed, online upgrading of rape straw vacuum pyrolytic vapors were conducted in a fixed bed reactor to verify the effectiveness of the technology. In the research, the influence of catalyzing temperature, catalyst bed height, discharge power on the physicochemical properties of refined bio-oil were studied, and the yield of refined bio-oil was regarded as evaluation index, response surface methodology was adopted to optimize upgrading processing parameters. Chemical composition of the refined bio-oil which was obtained under optimized parameters was analyzed by GC–MS, and using thermogravimetric analysis, the impact of NTP on catalyst anti-coking property was evaluated. Research results indicates that catalyzing temperature, catalyst bed height and discharge power have significance effect on yield and physicochemical properties of refined bio-oil. With the optimized processing parameters of 392 °C catalyzing temperature, 34 mm catalyst bed height and 23.7 W discharge power, the oxygen content, high heating value and pH of refined bio-oil were respectively 19.79%, 33.14 MJ/kg and 4.98. Compared with original HZSM-5 catalytic upgrading method, the quality of refined bio-oil was improved obviously, and the amount of catalyst coke deposit reduced from 5.88% to 2.14%, the feasibility of NTP assisted HZSM-5 online upgrading bio-oil was confirmed.  相似文献   

汽轮机是21世纪乃至更长时期内广泛应用于国民经济各个领域的关键核心动力设备,随着汽轮机成套装置往大型化、超大型化方向发展,对其运行稳定性和可靠性方面提出了更高的要求.汽轮机视情维修中MPT光谱仪技术能很好监测汽轮机零部件的磨损程度和健康状况,对提高其运行稳定性和可靠性具有重要意义.汽轮机视情维修主要从MPT光谱仪应用原理、实施技术方案和需注意的问题等方面进行了研究和讨论,为后续工作的开展奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Plasma sheath theory is applied to understand the plasma behavior in electric field modified flames. This paper presents a set of 1D plasma sheath equations with approximated analytical solutions to calculate the sheath thickness for given applied voltages and plasma properties. The results show that the anode sheath is ten of microns thick, less than 1 V, and largely independent of the applied voltage. The cathode sheath grows with the applied voltage to centimeters thick. The limited extent of the anode and cathode sheaths, which limits the reach of the electric field, in part explains the different flame behaviors reported in the literature. The ionic wind body force is also calculated based on ion energy losses due to collisions. The sheath analysis provides a possible explanation for reported flame behavior under a DC field modified such as saturation current and diode-like behavior.  相似文献   

分别研究了遗体火化过程中的燃油、遗体和随葬品燃烧需要的理论与实际空气消耗量,建立了燃烧产生的烟气量模型,获得了烟气中各成分含量。发现了:1燃油在燃烧过程中消耗的空气量接近1/3;2燃油产生的烟气排放量及各成分含量是烟气总排放量的主体。在此基础上,开发了利用电能取代燃油的等离子遗体火化装置,进行了遗体火化装置的总体结构设计,分别优化了主燃室、再燃室及等离子炬位置。研究结果可为遗体火化技术及装置设计提供理论与现实依据。  相似文献   

概要论述了目前全国电子固体废弃物的生产情况,并大致介绍了目前固废处理的几种方法,介绍了等离子熔融气化处理技术的设计与特点、工艺路线和具体实施过程,并对熔融气化处理后产生的合成气净化处理进行了说明,并就现阶段如何对固废处理提出了建议。  相似文献   

目前很多电厂的煤粉锅炉使用等离子点火,但部分电厂因为燃用煤种等原因,导致等离子点火器不能点火及稳燃。本文分析了影响煤粉点燃的因素,及出现点火困难时应采取哪些措施。  相似文献   

The effects of ethane plasma annealing on grain boundary barrier heights, minority carrier lifetimes and capture cross-sections and trap energy levels have been observed through measurements of photoconductance voltage and decay time on p-type Wacker polycrystalline silicon samples, of mm grain-size. It has been found that ethane plasma annealing significantly reduces the grain boundary heights, increases the minority carrier lifetimes and reduces minority carrier capture cross-sections by filling the deep trap levels in the band gap. It is suggested that ethane and other saturated hydrocarbons may prove useful for passivation of grain boundaries in polycrystalline solar cells and other electronic devices.  相似文献   

采用等离子点火技术,煤质越容易点燃,节油率越高。文中结合等离子点火装置在某600MW褐煤锅炉点火初期投运效果不理想,造成锅炉尾部积存大量未燃尽煤粉,发生二次尾部烟道再燃烧事故,威胁锅炉设备的运行安全。通过试验研究,得到了等离子装置应用在褐煤锅炉上的参数特性,为等离子应用在高水分褐煤上摸索出了宝贵的经验。  相似文献   

In terms of infection control in hospitals, especially the Covid-19 pandemic that we are living in, it has revealed the necessity of proper disposal of medical waste. The increasing amount of medical waste with the pandemic is straining the capacity of incineration facilities or storage areas. Converting this waste to energy with gasification technologies instead of incineration is also important for sustainability. This study investigates the gasification characteristics of the medical waste in a novel updraft plasma gasifier with numerical simulations in the presence of the plasma reactions. Three different medical waste samples, chosen according to the carbon content and five different equivalence ratios (ER) ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 are considered in the simulations to compare the effects of different chemical compositions and waste feeding rates on hydrogen (H2) content and syngas production. The outlet properties of a 10 kW microwave air plasma generator are used to define the plasma inlet in the numerical model and the air flow rate is held constant for all cases. Results showed that the maximum H2 production can be obtained with ER = 0.1 for all waste samples.  相似文献   

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