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一种CMOS静态双沿触发器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种CMOS静态双沿触发器结构,以单个锁存器构成记忆单元,而由一特殊的时钟模块产生控制信号,使锁存器在时钟上升和下降沿处瞬时导通,从而形成双沿触发的功能,最小的实现方案只用14个管子,模拟证明其工作频率可达300MHz以上。  相似文献   

一种单锁存器CMOS静态D触发器的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫凡  俞军  章倩苓 《半导体学报》1999,20(12):1081-1086
提出了一种只使用单锁存器的CMOS静态D触发器结构.由于它比普通的主从型D触发器少一个锁存器,故所需的管子数少,从而节省了面积.该单锁存器型D触发器还具有对时钟上升时间不敏感的优点  相似文献   

CMOS可预置双边沿触发器的设计及其应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文从消除时钟信号冗余跳变而致的无效功耗的要求出发,提出一种基于CMOS传输门的双边沿触发器设计,并设置了它的直接预置控制端以使达到实用的要求。该触发器已用PSPICE程序模拟验证了具有完整的功能。使用该触发器设计时序系统的实例被演示。对模拟所得数据的计算结果表明,与采用相同功能的单边沿触发器的系统比较,由于工作频率减半可使采用双边沿触发器的系统功耗明显降低。  相似文献   

双端置数技术与高值CMOS触发器设计   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
在分析以往高值触发器困难的基础上本文提出了双端予置的逻辑设计方案。应用传输函数理论对四值CMOS触发器进行了电路设计。结果表明,与存贮相同信息量的二个二值触发器相比,它有较简单的结构与较快的工作速度。  相似文献   

在分析以往高值触发器困难的基础上本文提出了双端予置的逻辑设计方案。应用传输函数理论对四值CMOS触发器进行了电路设计。结果表明,与存贮相同信息量的二个二值触发器相比,它有较简单的结构与较快的工作速度。  相似文献   

一种单锁存器CMOS三值D型边沿触发器设计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
杭国强  吴训威 《电子学报》2002,30(5):760-762
提出了一种只使用单个锁存器的CMOS三值D型边沿触发器设计.该电路是通过时钟信号的上升沿后产生的窄脉冲使锁存器瞬时导通完成取样求值.所提出的电路较之以往设计具有更为简单的结构,三值双轨输出时仅需24个MOS管.计算机模拟结果验证了所提出的触发器具有正确的逻辑功能、良好的瞬态特性和更低的功耗.此外,该设计结构极易推广至基值更高的多值边沿触发器的设计.  相似文献   

该文以双反相器闩锁电路为基本存贮单元,采用开关级设计方法设计出一种新型的CMOS JK触发器。与传统设计相比,新设计具有较简单的结构、较少的元件以及较快的工作速度。  相似文献   

根据在保持电路原有性能的前提下可通过降低时钟频率来降低系统功耗的原理和双边沿触发器的设计思想,本文将多值信号信息量大的优点应用于时钟网络上设计了基于三值时钟的四边沿触发器,消除了三值时钟的冗余跳变,从而通过降低时钟频率的方式达到降低功耗的目的。本文设计的四边沿触发器电路结构简单,既可以用于二值时序电路中也可以用于多值时序电路中。模拟结果表明,本文设计的四边沿触发器具有正确的逻辑功能且能有效地降低系统功耗。  相似文献   

提出了几种分别采用两个锁存器和单个锁存器的三值双边沿触发器设计方案,这些方案包括动态、半静态和静态结构。双锁存器三值双边沿触发器是通过将两个透明的三值闩锁并列构成的。单个锁存器的三值双边沿触发器设计是通过时钟信号的上升沿及下降沿后分别产生的窄脉冲使锁存器瞬时导通完成取样求值。三值双边沿触发器具有对时钟信号的两个跳变均敏感的特点,因此可以抑制时钟信号的冗余跳变。较之三值单边沿触发器,在保持相同数据吞吐量的条件下,采用三值双边沿触发器可使时钟信号的频率减半,从而降低系统功耗。最后给出了采用0.25μm CMOS工艺参数的HSPICE模拟结果及其功耗比较。  相似文献   

提出一种基于CMOS技术的静态双沿顺序脉冲发生器结构。他是由以基于CMOS二选一选择器的电平型触发器构成的记忆单元和一个与门阵列组成的转译单元构成的。与门阵列的转译单元使顺序脉冲发生器在时钟上升沿和下降沿处均能输出移位脉冲,从而形成双沿触发的功能。仿真验证其功能正确,且根据分析该结构不仅能够节省芯片面积,还可以大大减小芯片的功耗。  相似文献   

This paper presents a radiation hardened flip-flop with an annular gate and a Muller C-element. The proposed cell has multiple working modes which can be used in different situations. Each part of the cell can be verified easily and completely by using different modes. This cell has been designed under an SMIC 0.13 μm process and 3-D simulated by using Synopsys TCAD. Heavy-ion testing has been done on the cell and its counterparts. The test results demonstrate that the presented cell reduces the cell's saturation cross section by approximately two orders of magnitude with little penalty on performance.  相似文献   

传统的时钟低摆幅触发器由于工作方式和电路结构不够合理,使得电路的结点电容和开关活动性较大,增加了电路的开关功耗.本文通过改进传统的时钟低摆幅触发器的工作方式和电路结构,设计了一种新型的时钟低摆幅双边沿触发器--反馈保持型时钟低摆幅双边沿触发器(Feedback Keeper Low-swing Clock Double-edge-triggered Flip-flop-FK-LSCDFF).模拟结果表明所设计的触发器具有正确的逻辑功能,跟传统的时钟低摆幅双边沿触发器相比,降低近17%的功耗.  相似文献   

通过对三值触发器和绝热多米诺电路的研究,提出一种新颖低功耗多米诺JKL触发器开关级设计方案。该方案首先利用开关—信号理论,根据三值JKL触发器真值表,推导出三值绝热多米诺JKL触发器开关级结构式;然后利用三值JKL触发器实现三值正循环门电路和三值反循环门电路的设计;最后,经Spice软件模拟证明所设计的三值绝热多米诺JKL触发器逻辑功能正确,与常规三值多米诺JKL触发器相比,能耗节省约69%。  相似文献   

Depletion-mode and enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using fluorine plasma treatment were integrated on one wafer. Direct-coupled FET logic circuits, such as an E/D HEMT inverter, NAND gate and D flip-flop, were fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. The D flip-flop and NAND gate are demonstrated in a GaN system for the first time. The dual-gate AlGaN/GaN E-HEMT substitutes two single-gate E-HEMTs for simplifying the NAND gate and shrinking the area, integrating with a conventional AlGaN/GaN D-HEMT and demonstrating a NAND gate. E/D-mode D flip-flop was fabricated by integrating the inverters and the NAND gate on the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. At a supply voltage of 2 V, the E/D inverter shows an output logic swing of 1.7 V, a logic-low noise margin of 0.49 V and a logic-high noise margin of 0.83 V. The NAND gate and D flip-flop showed correct logic function demonstrating promising potential for GaN-based digital ICs.  相似文献   

耗尽型和F等离子体处理增强型高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)被集成在同一圆片上。增强型/耗尽型 HEMT反向器、与非门以及D触发器等直接耦合场效应晶体管逻辑电路被制作在AlGaN/GaN异质结上。D触发器在GaN体系中首次被实现。在电源电压为2伏的条件下,增强型/耗尽型反向器显示输出逻辑摆幅为1.7伏,逻辑低噪声容限为0.49伏,逻辑高噪声容限为0.83伏。与非门和D触发器的功能正确,证实了GaN基数字电路的发展潜力。  相似文献   

In nanoscale technology, transistor aging is one of the most critical problems that impact on the reliability of circuits. Aging sensor is a good online way to detect the circuit aging, which performs during the operating time with no influence of the normal operation of circuits. In this paper, a Double-edge-triggered Detection Sensor for circuit Aging (DSDA) is proposed, which employs data signal of logic circuits as its clock to control the sampling process. The simulation is done by Hspice using 45 nm technology. The results show that this technique is not sensitive to the process variations. The worst case of the detection precision is more than 80% under the different process variations. It can detect aging fault effectively with the 8% power cost and 30% performance cost.  相似文献   

Depletion-mode and enhancement-mode AlGaN/GaN HEMTs using fluorine plasma treatment were integrated on one wafer.Direct-coupled FET logic circuits,such as an E/D HEMT inverter,NAND gate and D flip-flop,were fabricated on an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.The D flip-flop and NAND gate are demonstrated in a GaN system for the first time.The dual-gate AlGaN/GaN E-HEMT substitutes two single-gate E-HEMTs for simplifying the NAND gate and shrinking the area,integrating with a conventional AlGaN/GaN D-HEMT and demonstrating a NAND gate.E/D-mode D flip-flop was fabricated by integrating the inverters and the NAND gate on the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.At a supply voltage of 2 V,the E/D inverter shows an output logic swing of 1.7 V,a logic-low noise margin of 0.49 V and a logic-high noise margin of 0.83 V.The NAND gate and D flip-flop showed correct logic function demonstrating promising potential for GaN-based digital ICs.  相似文献   

A CMOS implementation of a D-type double-edge-triggered flip-flop (DET-FF) is presented. A DET-FF changes its state at both the positive and the negative clock edge transitions. It has advantages with respect to both system speed and power dissipation. The design presented requires little overhead in circuit complexity. This CMOS D-type DET-FF is capable of operating at more than 50 MHz, which gives an equivalent system frequency of 100 MHz  相似文献   

为了提高D触发器的速度、降低功耗、缩小面积,本文对常用D触发器进行分析,综合各自优缺点,优化最高频率,设计出一款新型带清零的半静态D触发器,采用华润上华0.6μmN阱CMOS工艺,版图面积为46.500×40.350(μm)。该触发器的最高频率为356MHz,运用她构成二分频器并仿真成功。  相似文献   

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