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本文在建立建筑工程质量评价指标的基础上,构建了DEA的C2R的对偶模型,给出评价方法和标准,从整体上对建筑工程质量进行了实例评价,对工程质量水平进行了从优到劣的排序,并对非DEA有效的决策单元进行分析,提出了改进措施。通过DEA的评价与分析,可以总结出在建筑工程质量管理过程中的经验与教训,为以后的工程质量管理提供科学的依据。  相似文献   

在供应商全部输入输出值中,模糊数出现比例不大的情况下,提出首先将个别出现的模糊数进行去模糊化处理,然后基于DEA博弈交叉效率模型对供应商进行评价。所提出方法不仅克服了已有相关文献解不唯一的问题,考虑了供应商之间的竞争,还能处理非准确值,因此与已有文献相比,结果更具有说服力。所提出方法最后被应用于一个第三方物流服务供应商评价实例。  相似文献   

DEA及其在企业物流系统评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了便于制造企业正确判断所建立的物流系统的相对有效性程度,为进一步完善企业物流系统提供决策依据,针对制造企业物流系统的组成特点,设计了由采购物流子系统、生产物流子系统、销售物流子系统和物流信息系统构成的企业物流系统评价指标体系。该体系以投入和产出作为变量,重点考察投入与产出的匹配性以及各个子系统之间的协调性和平衡性,以判断物流系统是否处于最佳规模状态。在此基础上,运用建立的数据包络分析法评价模型,通过一个实际算例进行了实证分析,提出了改进对策。分析结果表明:DEA方法由于具有权重是以变量的形式给出的,也无需考虑指标量纲等特点,评价结果比较客观、准确。  相似文献   

马贤娣  庄宇  安会刚 《工业工程》2007,10(6):109-113
在对企业技术创新能力评价方法评述的基础上,通过分析和比较不同的指标,建立了具有可操作性的评价指标体系.利用带偏好的数据包络分析方法建立了企业技术创新能力评价模型,并进行了实例验算,结果表明偏好型数据包络分析方法直观性好、可比性强,不仅可以科学地评价企业的技术创新状态,而且可以通过投影分析进行原因诊断,有利于企业管理者制定有效的技术创新战略.  相似文献   

结合数据包络分析(DEA)方法和相对势模型,提出了一种评价多个电能计量装置改造项目综合效益的方法.该方法在建立好评价指标体系的基础上,利用DEA模型对待评项目的有效性进行初步评价,并对无效率的改造项目作投影分析;运用相对势模型对各电力部门未实施计量装置改造项目时的状态进行二次评价,分别计算出综合相对势并排序比较;通过对两次评价结果的评判和分析找出真正效率低下的改造项目,提出相应的改进方向和途径.实例的评价过程及结果证明了该方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于Zadeh模糊优越集定义,应用模糊权重约束DEA模型对医院服务效率进行评价.通过最大化模糊隶属函数来确定投入与产出权重的上限和下限,以避免传统DEA模型中权重为0的缺陷.实例选取期末实有床位数和医护人员数为两个投入变量,总诊疗人次和总出院人次为两个产出变量,评价广州市15所医院的相对服务效率.评价结果对医院管理决策更具客观性和实用性.  相似文献   

基于数据包络分析方法的数据中心能效评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据中心面临能源消耗量急剧上升的问题,需要研究绿色节能的能效评价方法。首先探讨数据包络分析方法在数据中心能效评价中可行性、应用方式与建模方法,进一步提出基于数据包络分析的数据中心能效评价方法,并通过对该分析方法的应用,获得不同数据中心能效结果。研究结果表明:数据包络分析方法可克服目前数据中心机房通常采用单一指标参数的局限性,不用对输入元素权重进行主观分析,可推广到其他多因素的性能测试与评价方法中。  相似文献   

王秋莲  黄愿 《工业工程》2019,22(5):19-24
针对目前机械加工车间制造系统能源效率评价需要基于大量的机械加工试验来分析能量消耗,需要基于经验公式来获得能源效率指标,以及没有实现基于能效评价后的能效优化等问题,基于生产管理信息系统监测数据,提出一种制造系统全要素能源效率评价指标。用数据包络分析方法对机械加工车间制造系统全要素能源效率进行评价,使用能源效率优化分析方法构建能源效率函数关系,从而提出降低能耗和提高能源利用率的定量科学方法。最后以某变速箱装配车间为例,通过实例分析,验证该评价及优化方法的理论及应用价值。  相似文献   

基于DEA的电子废弃物回收点选址   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
逆向物流网络设计中的回收点选址决策是一个多目标决策问题,涉及成本和回收率等多种目标.现有研究大都基于距离或成本等单一目标,以回收点为研究对象,建立非线性的混合整数规划模型,设计复杂的算法完成相应的选址决策.从实际问题出发,基于DEA理论,改变现有研究方法中以回收点为研究对象的传统思维,以决策方案为决策单元建立相应的回收点选址决策的DEA模型,大大简化了计算的复杂性.最后,采用一个算例分析说明了所提方法的合理性和优越性.  相似文献   

谢彩虹 《包装学报》2018,10(5):65-70
针对中国包装行业的资源配置效率,运用数据包络分析(DEA)方法构建评价模型,并以2005—2016年包装行业的投入产出数据为依据,通过DEAP软件进行评价分析。研究结果表明:技术是造成包装行业资源配置无效的主要原因;产出要素中的专利授权数出现产出不足现象,投入各要素出现了不同程度的冗余。针对研究结果,提出了一些相应的改进建议。  相似文献   

Evaluating and selecting suppliers is an essential part of effectively managing today's dynamic and global supply chains. In this paper, we propose a supplier evaluation and selection methodology based on an extension of data envelopment analysis (DEA) that can evaluate suppliers in an efficient manner. Through the incorporations of a range of virtual standards, the proposed methodology termed augmented DEA, has enhanced discriminatory power over basic DEA models to rank suppliers. In addition, weight constraints are introduced to reduce the possibility of having inappropriate input and output factor weights. We demonstrate the application of augmented DEA with comparison experiments and find that the augmented DEA model has advantages over the basic DEA model as well as the cross-efficiency and super-efficiency models. Finally, we present a case application with data obtained from a communication and aviation electronics company to demonstrate the applicability and use of augmented DEA.  相似文献   

针对信息无法充分利用的缺陷,提出了一种基于理想点的DEA交叉效率评价方法。首先,分别求出各决策单元的交叉效率值;其次,利用所有信息,求出集结交叉效率值的基于数据驱动的客观权重系数;最后,对集结后的交叉效率值进行排序。结果显示:基于理想点的DEA交叉效率评价方法,得到的评价结果较为客观、公平,较好地解决了决策单元的交叉效率评价问题。  相似文献   

供电企业的安全投入产出是一个多投入多产出的复杂系统,有必要对安全投入产出效益进行分析以制定改进措施提高安全投资管理水平。在对供电企业安全投入与安全效益界定的基础上,选取7个输入指标及2个输出指标,建了基于DEA的供电企业安全投入产出模型,并进行了实例分析,发现部分供电企业安全投入产出效率较低,需要对现有投资进行优化。结果表明,DEA法可以对供电企业的安全投入产出效益进行有效评价,从而发现不足优化安全投入成本。  相似文献   

Existing approaches for DEA cross-efficiency evaluation are mainly focused on the calculation of cross-efficiency matrix but pay little attention to the aggregation of the efficiencies in the cross-efficiency matrix. The most widely used approach is to aggregate the efficiencies in each row or column in the cross-efficiency matrix with equal weights into an average cross-efficiency score for each Decision Making Unit (DMU) and view it as the overall performance measurement of the DMU. This paper focuses on the aggregation process of the efficiencies in the cross-efficiency matrix and proposes the use of Shannon entropy for cross-efficiency aggregation. In the study, we propose an entropy model to generate a set of weights for aggregating and determining the ultimate cross-efficiency instead of the traditional average cross-efficiency. We prove that the set of weight is a unique global optimal solution which can reflect the goodness of this method. Finally, two examples of a flexible manufacturing system and 27 industrial robots are illustrated to examine the validity of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Complex mechanical products involve many specialized fields such as machinery, electronics, hydraulics, and computers, so their initial cost is usually higher. In addition, regular and irregular maintenance are also needed to extend their service life, so that the cost of the product in its life cycle will be increased. Therefore, for the manufacturing enterprises of complex mechanical products, it is very important to achieve the best matching between reliability and economy. In order to survive in the fierce market competition, it is necessary to compare with other similar products in the market, so as to clearly understand the level of their products, find out the gap, and improve it. However, the existing product reliability assessment methods based on probability and statistics theory cannot provide such help for them to solve this problem. Therefore, this paper puts forward a method to evaluate and improve complex mechanical products by using a data envelopment analysis (DEA) model considering the reliability and economy of product comprehensively. Through the relative effectiveness of DEA, the same type of products on the market can be compared, providing specific method for enterprises to evaluate and improve their own product level to achieve the best matching of economy and reliability. This paper introduces the principle and steps of this method and takes the hydraulic component manufacturing enterprise as an example to carry out practical research, which verifies the feasibility and effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

基于DEA的供应商选择方法研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
考虑到现有方法的局限性,本文通过应用锥比率的C^2WH模型给出了不需要预先给定权重但可以体现决策者偏好的供应商选择方法。并应用这种方法对某型号零件的供应商的选择问题进行了研究。最后给出了在应用该方法进行供应商选择时,一些特殊情形的处理方法。  相似文献   

Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been extended to cross-efficiency evaluation to provide better discrimination and ranking of decision-making units (DMUs). However, the non-uniqueness of optimal weights in the traditional DEA models (CCR and BCC models) has reduced the usefulness of the DEA cross-efficiency evaluation method. To solve this problem, we introduce the concept of the satisfaction degree of a DMU towards a set of optimal weights for another DMU. Then, a new DEA cross-efficiency evaluation approach, which contains a maxmin model and two algorithms, is proposed based on the satisfaction degrees of the DMUs. Our maxmin model and algorithm 1 can obtain for each DMU an optimal set of weights that maximises the least satisfaction degrees among all the other DMUs. Further, our algorithm 2 can then be used to guarantee the uniqueness of the optimal weights for each DMU. Finally, our approach is applied to a real-world case study of technology selection.  相似文献   

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