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Of 66 24–58 yr old smokers in 2 worksites, 67% participated in a smoking cessation program. 55% completed the program. Of those, 29% had quit smoking by posttest, and 17% were abstinent at the 6-mo follow-up. Different variables predicted participation, attrition, and outcome. Significant predictors of smokers who participated were length of cessation in previous abstinence attempts, number of years they smoked, and belief regarding personal vulnerability in contracting a smoking-related disease. Levels of pretest carbon monoxide and attitudes regarding adoption of smoking restrictions in the worksite predicted attrition. Posttest cessation was related to nicotine levels of cigarette brand smoked at pretest and pretest beliefs regarding postcessation weight gain. Abstinence at the 6-mo follow-up was predicted by number of co-workers who smoked and pretest concerns related to postcessation weight gain. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hospitalization may be an opportune time to change smoking behavior because it requires smokers to abstain from tobacco at the same time that illness can motivate them to quit. A hospital-based intervention may promote smoking cessation after discharge. METHODS: We tested the efficacy of a brief bedside smoking counseling program in a randomized controlled trial at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston. The 650 adult smokers admitted to the medical and surgical services were randomly assigned to receive usual care or a hospital-based smoking intervention consisting of (1) a 15-minute bedside counseling session, (2) written self-help material, (3) a chart prompt reminding physicians to advise smoking cessation, and (4) up to 3 weekly counseling telephone calls after discharge. Smoking status was assessed 1 and 6 months after hospital discharge by self-report and validated at 6 months by measurement of saliva cotinine levels. RESULTS: One month after discharge, more intervention than control patients were not smoking (28.9% vs 18.9%; P=.003). The effect persisted after multiple logistic regression analyses adjusted for baseline group differences, length of stay, postdischarge smoking treatment, and hospital readmission (adjusted odds ratio, 2.19; 95% confidence interval, 1.34-3.57). At 6 months, the intervention and control groups did not differ in smoking cessation rate by self-report (17.3% vs 14.0%; P=.26) or biochemical validation (8.1% vs 8.7%; P=.72), although the program appeared to be effective among the 167 patients who had not previously tried to quit smoking (15.3% vs 3.7%; P=.01). CONCLUSIONS: A low-intensity, hospital-based smoking cessation program increased smoking cessation rates for 1 month after discharge but did not lead to long-term tobacco abstinence. A longer period of telephone contact after discharge might build on this initial success to produce permanent smoking cessation among hospitalized smokers.  相似文献   

1. A program evaluation was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the smoking cessation program. Substantiating data enhances the value of health promotion programs as key components of the health care delivery system. 2. Persons enrolled in the 8 week smoking cessation program and members of a comparison group were administered an evaluation tool prior to participating in the program, with a second evaluation tool upon completion of the program. Afterward, the smoking status of the members of both groups was evaluated at 3 month intervals for a period of 1 year. 3. Of the participants, 26.7% were not smoking 12 months after the program, compared to 6.9% of the comparison group. Of those participants who resumed smoking, 64% smoked less than half the amount they smoked before taking the class.  相似文献   

This study examined 2 expectancies to explain smoking under stress: smokers' expectations about their ability to cope with stress while remaining abstinent and their expectations about the stress-ameliorating and coping benefits of smoking under stress. The interaction of the expectancies concurrently predicted smoking urge under stress, which, in turn, predicted subsequent smoking. The interaction of posttreatment expectancies prospectively predicted smoking status 3 months after treatment, although the coping benefits of smoking expectancy effect was reversed. Expectations about coping ability increased and expectations about the coping benefits of smoking decreased as a function of participating in a smoking cessation program. The discrepant concurrent and prospective findings, reasons that coping expectancies are associated with smoking under stress, and treatment implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluated the relative effectiveness of 3 versions of a controlled smoking program conducted in the worksite: abrupt reduction, gradual reduction, or gradual reduction plus feedback on nicotine consumption. 36 employees (mean age 37 yrs) served as Ss. All conditions were effective in producing reductions in each of 3 target behaviors (nicotine content, percentage of the cigarette smoked, and number). These reductions, as well as carbon monoxide changes, were maintained fairly well at a 6-mo follow-up. There was some indication that the gradual reduction condition was more effective than the abrupt condition. The addition of feedback on nicotine intake did not affect outcome. (2 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Most cessation studies assume that dropouts are smokers. Instead, the authors analyzed these outcomes separately using multinomial regression to model the relative risk of quitting versus continued smoking and dropping out. Female (N = 281) smokers were randomly assigned to a 12-week smoking cessation program plus either a 3-times-per-week exercise program or a contact control wellness program. Higher body mass index and longer prior quit attempts predicted cessation. Self-efficacy was associated with a lower likelihood of dropout. Greater nicotine dependence and lower education predicted continued smoking or dropout versus quitting among exercisers. Patterns of smoking, dropping out, and quitting between Weeks 5 and 12 were different between exercisers and controls. Dropouts should be considered as a separate category from smokers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We have previously reported that Vicia graminea lectin (VGA)- and Vicia unijuga lectin (VUA)-binding glycoproteins (Vgu glycoproteins), malignant tumor-associated antigens, exist in human meconium and amniotic fluid. To examine the origin of Vgu glycoprotein, their presence, some of their chemical and serological properties and their biosynthesis in the human fetal membrane, amnion and chorion laeve and accompanying membrane cells were examined. Perchloric acid-soluble fractions were prepared from human amnion and chorion laeve, after which VUA-binding components (Vgu glycoproteins) were separated by HPLC and affinity chromatography using immobilized VUA. Biosynthesis of the antigens in primary cultured cells prepared from the amnion and chorion laeve were examined by pulse-labeling and immunoprecipitation using immobilized VUA and compared with those in cultured human cancer cells. The results indicated that the serological properties of VUA-binding components in fetal membranes were similar to those of meconium and amniotic fluid, that many molecular species of VUA-binding components were synthesized in amnion and chorion laeve cells and that about 40-50% of antigens synthesized are secreted from cells while antigens synthesized in cultured cancer cells human were hardly secreted with more than 95% of the antigens remaining in the cells. From these results, we concluded that a large part of Vgu glycoproteins found in amniotic fluid is synthesized in cells of the amnion and chorion laeve and secreted into the fluid, and that Vgu glycoproteins synthesized in cancer cells were not secreted, rather they were retained in the cells.  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the effectiveness of a computer-delivered smoking cessation program for the worksite. 58 VA Medical Center employees were randomly assigned to a computer group (computerized nicotine fading and stop-smoking contest) or a contest-only group. In comparison with the contest-only group, the computer group had nonsignificantly higher abstinence rates across follow-up, had marginally lower CO levels at the 3- and 6-month follow-ups, and smoked cigarettes with lower nicotine levels at the 10-day and 6-month follow-ups. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: Most smoking cessation studies have used long-term abstinence as their primary outcome measure. Recent research has suggested that long-term abstinence may be an insensitive index of important smoking cessation mechanisms. The goal of the current study was to examine the effects of 5 smoking cessation pharmacotherapies using Shiffman et al.'s (2006) approach of examining the effect of smoking cessation medications on 3 process markers of cessation or smoking cessation milestones: initial abstinence, lapse, and the lapse–relapse transition. Method: The current study (N = 1,504; 58.2% female and 41.8% male; 83.9% Caucasian, 13.6% African American, 2.5% other races) examined the effect of 5 smoking cessation pharmacotherapy treatments versus placebo (bupropion, nicotine lozenge, nicotine patch, bupropion + lozenge, patch + lozenge) on Shiffman et al.'s smoking cessation milestones over 8 weeks following a quit attempt. Results: Results show that all 5 medication conditions decreased rates of failure to achieve initial abstinence and most (with the exception of the nicotine lozenge) decreased lapse risk; however, only the nicotine patch and bupropion + lozenge conditions affected the lapse–relapse transition. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that medications are effective at aiding initial abstinence and decreasing lapse risk but that they generally do not decrease relapse risk following a lapse. The analysis of cessation milestones sheds light on important impediments to long-term smoking abstinence, suggests potential mechanisms of action of smoking cessation pharmacotherapies, and identifies targets for future treatment development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The transplant community attempts to maximize overall renal graft survival rates through nationwide sharing of perfectly-matched cadaveric kidneys. Although the number of such transplants is determined annually, the number available but not transplanted has never been assessed. There has also been no verification of the widespread claim that kidneys transplanted as paybacks for perfect matches are inferior. STUDY DESIGN: From records of the United Network for Organ Sharing, a complete accounting of six-antigen-matched kidney disposition was obtained, including a frequency distribution of reasons for refusal given when kidneys were refused for matched patients. Actuarial graft survival (GS) rates for matched, payback, and other cadaveric renal transplants were determined. RESULTS: Of the six-antigen-matched kidneys available, 97 percent were transplanted; 71 percent of those were accepted for matched patients. The two-year GS rate for matched patients was 84 percent, significantly higher than that for kidneys available for matched patients but transplanted into other patients (71.3 percent) and that for all other cadaveric kidneys (75.5 percent). Most reasons for refusal were related to donor quality. Kidneys refused for such reasons showed a 67.7 percent two-year GS rate in nonmatched patients and the highest rates of acute and chronic rejection and primary failure. The two-year GS rate for kidneys accepted as paybacks for matched kidneys (75.7 percent) was equivalent to that for all non-matched cadaveric kidneys (75.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: If all normal-quality grafts refused for perfectly matched patients during 1990 through 1992 had been accepted for those patients, the number of transplants with typically superior survival rates could have increased by 25 percent, from 1,365 to 1,704. The payback requirement of the United Network for Organ Sharing does not seem to reduce the overall benefits of sharing perfectly matched kidneys nationwide.  相似文献   

Conducted analyses of product involvement, a motivational construct discussed in consumer research literature. Data are presented on the relationships among cessation program involvement, stage of quitting, and cessation program attribute preferences associated with extrinsic motivation. Results from 218 smokers suggest that smokers have a strong but not exclusive preference for program features associated with extrinsic motivation, even in later stages of quitting. A preference for these features was more pronounced in smokers with lower levels of cessation program involvement. Smokers in the contemplator stage were the most likely to show higher levels of involvement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Viral infections may induce an acquired form of immunodeficiency, generally lasting a few weeks. In the more severe form, such as HIV infection, the immunodeficiency is permanent. Programmed death of T cells represents one of the mechanisms by which HIV determines the T cell functional impairment, finally resulting in the destruction of T cells. In this study, we evaluated whether an altered regulation of apoptosis was also implicated in the anergy associated with the common measles or varicella-zoster virus (VZV) infections in infancy. A spontaneous apoptosis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells was observed in children who had suffered from these infections as long as 6 mo after the acute disease. Apoptosis was demonstrated through analysis of cellular DNA content, morphologic evidence of cell nuclei shrinkage, and by analysis of DNA degradation. Stimulation of T cells through anti-CD4 MAb increased the number of apoptotic cells with a maximal effect 72 h after the stimulation. Our results suggest that apoptosis may account for the anergy that follows acute viral infections in infancy.  相似文献   

Smoking is the cause of many diseases and one of the most serious risk factors in our country. Despite of this fact smoking habits of clients visiting during surgery hours are only occasionally taken into consideration and documented in the patient records. The Finnish Heart Association started a project in spring 1996 which aims at reducing smoking of patients with coronary artery disease. The aim is to create an individual guidance model for giving up smoking--the model will be a part of daily nursing practice. The model is based on a transition phase model which is now applied for the first time in the Finnish health care. The core of the model is that when a smoker visits during surgery hours his preparedness to give up smoking is defined and guidance is directed according to that level. Also smokers who do not wish to give up smoking are included in the guidance. The guidance model is currently tested at the hospitals, health centres and occupational health care in the area of the towns of Imatra and Lappeenranta. Personnel of test sites was trained in using the model before the intervention was implemented. The intervention ends in spring 1998 and the first results of applicability and effectiveness of the model are received.  相似文献   

Gender differences in smoking quit rates are frequently reported and are the subject of much speculation. This study examined the generalizability of gender differences in abstinence across study sites, treatments, and time of relapse, as well as potential mediators and moderators of gender effects. Participants were smokers who participated in 3 randomized clinical trials of the nicotine patch (N?=?632). Men had higher cessation rates than women at all follow-ups. The impact of gender on abstinence was unaffected by controlling for study site, treatment. or time of relapse. There was little evidence for mediation or moderation of this relation by any of a host of predictor variables. The magnitude and consistency of the gender differential, coupled with an inability to account for it, highlights a compelling need for additional research specifically aimed at elucidating the relation between gender and abstinence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nicotine replacement therapy has been shown to improve success rates in smoking cessation treatment. However, the available products cause adverse effects, which prevent some smokers from using them. A new method of delivering nicotine via inhaler supplies nicotine orally through inhalation from a plastic tube. This mode of delivering nicotine resembles smoking, as it includes handling and active inhalation. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy and safety of the nicotine inhaler as an aid in smoking cessation. METHODS: A 1-year, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted in a smoking cessation clinic. Two hundred forty-seven smokers who smoked at least 10 cigarettes per day and who had previously made a serious attempt to stop smoking using nicotine chewing gum were recruited through advertisements. Randomization to treatment or control conditions were made at the first group session, with 123 participants receiving nicotine inhalers and 124 receiving placebo inhalers. The inhalers were distributed at the second session and participants were allowed to use the inhalers for 6 months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Biochemically verified continuous abstinence from smoking after 2 and 6 weeks and at 3, 6, and 12 months. RESULTS: Significantly more participants who had used the nicotine inhalers were continuously abstinent compared with those who had used the placebo inhalers. The respective success rates after 12 months were 28% and 18% (P = .046). At 6 months, 20 participants (16%) in the nicotine group were still using the inhaler, compared with 4 (3%) in the control group (P < .001). CONCLUSION: The nicotine inhaler was an effective smoking cessation aid that produced a few mild and transient adverse effects.  相似文献   

Restrictions on smoking in the Victorian workplace have been measured since 1988. This paper investigates whether the trend of increasing prevalence of total bans found between 1988 and 1992 has continued. Estimates are based on workers' reports of the restrictions on smoking that apply at their workplaces. For indoor workers a total ban on smoking restrictions in the workplace has increased from 58% in 1992 to 66% in 1995. White collar workers continue to enjoy a higher rate of protection than blue collar workers. Factories, warehouses, hotels and restaurants are the worksites least likely to have restrictions. Bans result in considerable exiled smoking: half the smokers reported going out to smoke during working hours on their last work day.  相似文献   

This study examined the process of change in pregnancy smoking cessation, using the stages and processes of change from the Transtheoretical Model, to compare women who stopped smoking during pregnancy with women who were in the process of smoking cessation, but were not pregnant. Differences in smoking cessation process activity and abstinence self-efficacy were hypothesized between the pregnant and nonpregnant groups of women. Study participants were 89 pregnant women who quit smoking, 28 nonpregnant women in the action stage of smoking cessation, and 92 nonpregnant women in the preparation stage. The Smoking Cessation Processes of Change Scale and the Smoking Abstinence Self-Efficacy Scale served as dependent measures. One-way MANOVA and follow-up Newman-Keuls comparisons indicated significant differences between pregnant and nonpregnant women in their levels of process activity and self-efficacy. Pregnancy smoking cessation differed dramatically from the process of nonpregnancy smoking cessation. Pregnant quitters were not engaging in experiential and behavioral processes at levels associated with the action stage of change. Low levels of process use and high efficacy indicated an externally (for the baby) motivated stopping rather than an internal, intentional process of change, which may account for high relapse rates postpartum.  相似文献   

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