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Hostility has been studied mainly in relation to coronary heart disease (CHD). However, given the pathways linking hostility to CHD, it might be expected that hostility also relates to non-CHD. Therefore, the relation between the expression and the experience of hostility and various health outcomes was examined in a cross-sectional design. The data were collected among male patients with a myocardial infarction in the age range of 30-70 years (N = 279) and a population sample of men in the same age group (N = 2663). Based on checklist of the most frequent disorders, the subjects from the latter group were divided into subsamples according to their disease status. Three components of hostility, i.e., resentment, suspicion, and aggression, were measured by the Buss Durkee Hostility Inventory (Buss & Durkee, 1957). The overall finding was that all components of hostility were related to non-CHD disease but not to CHD.  相似文献   

AIM: To assess whether the are gender differences in cardiac adaptation to raised blood pressure levels in young subjects with borderline to mild hypertension. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 499 18-45-year-old stage I hypertensive subjects (377 men and 122 women) with a mean age of 33 +/- 9 years and office blood pressure of 146 +/- 11/ 94 +/- 6 mmHg, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in duplicate, echocardiography and 24-h urinary catecholamines measurement were performed. RESULTS: The whole group was divided into quartiles of increasing daytime blood pressure and differences in left ventricular echocardiographic data were analysed in the two sexes separately. In men no left ventricular parameter differed across the quartiles, while in women left ventricular mass, posterior wall thickness and interventricular septum thickness showed a clear tendency to increase with increasing levels of systolic blood pressure. In multiple regression analysis, daytime systolic blood pressure explained only a small fraction of the variance in left ventricular parameters in men, while in women daytime systolic blood pressure was a main determinant of left ventricular mass and posterior wall and septal thicknesses. Body weight explained most of the variance in all dimensional parameters in men. In women weight was an important predictor of left ventricular mass and diameter, but was unrelated to left ventricular posterior wall and septal thicknesses. CONCLUSIONS: Daytime systolic blood pressure is the most important predictor of left ventricular mass and geometry in pre-menopausal women with stage I hypertension, while in men left ventricular dimensional indices are chiefly explained by body weight.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to identify human papillomavirus (HPV) in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) lesions and to evaluate the persistence of viral DNA after diathermic large loop excision (DLLE) treatment. STUDY DESIGN: Biopsies from 36 patients with low- and high-grade CIN lesions were studied before and after DLLE treatment looking for HPV sequences. DNA was extracted to perform a radioactive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using GP 5,6 generic primers. PCR products were analyzed by the single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) which is a simultaneous detection and typing method. Dot-blot hybridization with generic and type-specific biotinylated oligonucleotide probes was applied in some cases. RESULTS: HPV DNA was found in all pretreatment samples, and the viral type was identified in 80% of them, HPV 16 being the most prevalent. The viral type coincided with that detected in the first biopsy in all except one case. Seventy five percent of the patients (27 cases) were negative for CIN at follow up, but 50% of them remained HPV DNA positive. CONCLUSION: DLLE treatment was effective in removing the CIN lesion but not the HPV. This fact points out the need to asses the presence of HPV in DNA during the follow-up, since viral persistence has been considered a high risk factor for recurrence and/or malignant transformation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Patients experiencing temporomandibular disorders (TMD) show greater sensitivity to painful stimuli than age- and gender-matched control subjects. This enhanced pain sensitivity may result, at least in part, from an alteration in pain regulatory systems that are influenced by resting arterial blood pressure. In this study, we examined the relationship between resting systolic blood pressure and pain perception in 64 female TMD and 23 age-matched pain-free female subjects. METHOD: Resting arterial blood pressure and measures of thermal and ischemic pain threshold and tolerance were determined for each participant. Subjective ratings of thermal pain evoked by suprathreshold noxious thermal stimuli (45-49 degrees C) using a magnitude matching procedure were also obtained for both groups. RESULTS: TMD patients had lower thermal and ischemic pain thresholds and tolerances than pain-free subjects (ps < .05). Both groups provided equivalent intensity ratings to suprathreshold noxious thermal stimuli. A median split of each group based on resting systolic blood pressure revealed an influence of blood pressure on both thermal and ischemic pain perception for the Pain-Free group. The Pain-Free high resting blood pressure subgroup had higher thermal pain tolerances, higher ischemic pain thresholds, and provided lower magnitude estimates of the intensity of graded heat pulses compared with the Pain-Free low blood pressure subgroup. A trend toward a significant effect of blood pressure level on ischemic pain tolerance was also observed for the Pain-Free group. In contrast to the Pain-Free group, blood pressure level did not influence ischemic or thermal pain perception for TMD patients. Similar to the lack of effect of resting blood pressure on experimental pain perception in TMD patients, resting blood pressure was not related to measures of clinical orofacial pain in TMD patients. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm our previous findings that TMD patients are more sensitive to noxious stimuli and suggest that painful TMD may result, at least in part, from an impairment in central pain regulatory systems that are influenced by resting arterial blood pressure.  相似文献   

Oncogenic forms of the Abl and Src tyrosine kinases trigger the destruction of the Abi proteins, a family of Abl-interacting proteins that antagonize the oncogenic potential of Abl after overexpression in fibroblasts. The destruction of the Abi proteins requires tyrosine kinase activity and is dependent on the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. We show that degradation of the Abi proteins occurs through a Ras-independent pathway. Significantly, expression of the Abi proteins is lost in cell lines and bone marrow cells isolated from patients with aggressive Bcr-Abl-positive leukemias. These findings suggest that loss of Abi proteins may be a component in the progression of Bcr-Abl-positive leukemias and identify a novel pathway linking activated nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinases to the destruction of specific target proteins through the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

We examined gender differences in EXPLORE scores when taken by gifted 3rd through 6th graders. Boys performed better on Mathematics and Science Reasoning, and girls performed better on Reading, but effect sizes were negligible. In English, boys scored higher in third grade, and girls scored higher in subsequent grades. More boys than girls scored at or above a cutoff of 14 on Mathematics, and more girls than boys scored at this level on English and Reading. Using a cutoff of 25, the male advantage in Mathematics and Science Reasoning increased, but there was no gender difference in English or Reading. These findings parallel those from studies of gifted seventh and eighth graders: Test performance of boys in Mathematics was somewhat stronger than that of girls, regardless of how performance was measured, but results favoring girls in verbal areas were weaker and less consistent. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between plasma insulin level and systolic blood pressure (SBP) was investigated by multiple linear regression procedure in 410 Chinese non-diabetics. The significant positive correlation between SBP and 2-hour plasma insulin (INS 2h) after 75g glucose load was found in the BMI (body mass index) 15.9-27.0 group (n = 287) after the adjustment for age, sex, BMI, smoking and plasma cholesterol (P = 0.01). However, this significant correlation was gradually diminished with the expansion of the BMI range, ie. P = 0.04 in the BMI 15.9-29.0 (n = 356) group, P = 0.07 in the BMI 15.9-31 (n = 389) group, and P = 0.12 in the BMI 15.9-33 (n = 402) group after the same adjustment of variables. Interestingly, the significant inverse correlation between insulin-BMI interaction term (product of BMI and insulin) and SBP was found (P = 0.04) in the presence of the significant positive correlation between 2-hour plasma insulin and SBP (P = 0.02) after adjustment of the above mentioned five factors in the whole group (BMI 15.9-42.2, n = 410). These results indicated that SBP is independently correlated with plasma insulin level in the studied population, and that the severer obesity may interfere the net effects of insulin on the elevating of blood pressure.  相似文献   

NJ Birkett 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,148(3):223-8; discussion 232-3
The role of dietary calcium in the etiology of hypertension is controversial. In 1995, Cappuccio et al. (American Journal of Epidemiology,1995;142:935-45) examined this issue in a meta-analysis of observational studies published between 1983 and 1993. The author of the present paper reviewed the original studies underlying this meta-analysis and discovered that data from one study had been inappropriately extracted and converted, leading to an understatement of the calcium-blood pressure relation by a factor of about 30. This review also raised questions about the extraction and conversion of data from several other studies and about the statistical methods used. The author repeated the meta-analyses and discovered an unadjusted regression slope between dietary calcium and systolic blood pressure of -0.34 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% confidence interval (CI) -0.46 to -0.22) for men, -0.15 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% CI -0.19 to -0.11) for women, and -0.39 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% CI -0.47 to -0.31) for men and women. For diastolic blood pressure, the pooled regression slope for men was -0.22 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% CI -0.32 to -0.13), while for women it was -0.051 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% CI -0.090 to -0.012); for men and women it was -0.35 mmHg/100 mg per day (95% CI -0.67 to -0.02). These slopes are still modest but are larger than those reported in the original analysis. However, since all of these analyses were based on zero-order correlations or regressions, extreme caution must be exercised in interpreting the results.  相似文献   

Subsequent to receiving aversive classical conditioning (which led to a decelerative heart rate [HR] CR and a pressor–depressor blood pressure [BP] CR), 3 groups of restrained male Sprague-Dawley rats received iv infusion of Na nitroprusside (n?=?9; 40 μg/mg/min) to lower baseline BP, phenylephrine (n?=?10; 17 μg/mg/min) to raise baseline BP, or an equivalent volume of saline (n?=?9). Conditioning test trials during infusion revealed that hypotension produced by Na nitroprusside eliminated the HR CR and transformed the BP CR into a pressor-only reaction. Hypertension produced by phenylephrine facilitated the HR CR and changed the BP CR to a pressor-only response on trials in which baseline BP increases and baseline HR decreases were within restricted limits. Following drug withdrawal, the HR CRs of both drug groups and the BP CR of the phenylephrine group were attenuated. The UCRs to the shock UCS under phenylephrine were exaggerated and consisted of tachycardias and depressor BP changes, whereas, under Na nitroprusside, reduced tachycardias and depressor activity occurred. Results suggest that the loss of the vagally medicated HR CR under Na nitroprusside was due to baroreceptor-controlled inhibition of vagal discharge. The enhancement of the HR CR under phenylephrine was due to baroreceptor-influenced facilitation of vagal discharge. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between self-evaluation of movement imagery and performance under the standard format of the water-level (WL) and plumb-line (PL) tasks by evaluating a possible connection between vividness of such imagery and a propensity to spontaneously infer that stimuli are either still or moving when making the drawings. 126 female and 69 male college students (aged 17–45 yrs) were submitted either to the modified, static presentation of the WL task or to the standard, dynamic format using both upright and tilted positions. Ss were also submitted to corresponding PL tasks requiring verticality representation. In addition, they rated the vividness of their movement imagery. Women's proficiency was not higher under the static format of the WL and PL tasks. However, as expected, men's achievement was independent from presentation format. Men surpassed women under both static and dynamic formats. Finally, performance was not correlated with movement imagery. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Simultaneous noninvasive blood pressure measurement were recorded bilaterally in 40 young and 40 elderly subjects. Overall interarm blood pressure (BP) differences for the elderly and young groups were similar, the absolute interarm differences being for systolic blood pressure (SBP) elderly: 4.2 mmHg (95% CI 3.1-5.3 mmHg); young 3.3 mmHg(2.6-4.1 mmHg); diastolic blood pressure (DBP) elderly 3.6 mmHg(2.8-4.4 mmHg), young 2.7 mmHg(2.0-3.3 mmHg). However, the range of interarm BP differences was wide. Four (10%) of the elderly had an interarm SBP difference > 10 mmHg compared to one (3%) of the young group. Interarm DBP differences > 8 mmHg were found in three (8%) of the elderly and in none of the young group. Although age does not affect mean interarm BP differences, clinically important interarm BP differences exist in both young and elderly subjects. Blood pressure should be measured in both arms of all patients at initial assessment to avoid potential problems with misclassification of blood pressure status.  相似文献   

Past estimates of the magnitude of Type A-B differences in cardiovascular reactivity are probably overly conservative. In addition, it is unclear which situations are more likely to elicit excessive reactivity in Type As. The present meta-analysis found that, overall, Type As had greater heart rate (mean d = .22), diastolic blood pressure (d = .22), and especially systolic blood pressure responses (d = .33) than Type Bs; these effect sizes were small but relatively consistent. However, Type As showed especially greater cardiovascular reactivity in situations characterized as having (a) positive or negative feedback evaluation, (b) socially aversive elements such as verbal harassment or criticism, and (c) elements inherent in playing video games. Measures of time urgency, Type A assessment method, and gender were not found to be strongly related to A-B differences in cardiovascular reactivity. Future studies that use more "Type A-relevant" situations will probably find greater effects.  相似文献   

This study (a) tested the effects of hostile attributes on ambulatory blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and mood monitored repeatedly over 3 days in 100 healthy men and women and (b) determined whether the cardiovascular effects of trait hostility were moderated by mood. Multilevel random-coefficients regression analyses showed that hostile individuals exhibited higher systolic and diastolic BP and rated their current moods as more negative and less positive throughout the monitoring. Individuals low in hostility exhibited high BP only during the few occasions when they experienced negative mood. However, these patterns were true only when participants were classified by Potential for Hostility ratings from the Structured Interview (R. H. Rosenman, 1978), not by the Cynical Hostile Attitudes score derived from the Cook-Medley scale. Results provide convergent and ecological validity of interview rating of hostility and illuminate one possible dynamic mechanism by which overt hostile behaviors might contribute to the rates of increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Multiple measures of hostility were administered to middle-aged and older volunteers. There was a positive association between age and self-report measures reflecting hostile beliefs about others, including cynicism and suspiciousness. There was a weak inverse relationship between age and self-report measures of the overt expression of anger and aggression, but no association between age and measures of covert hostility was found. There was a positive relationship between age and an assessment of hostile behavior that was based on the respondent's interaction style during an interview. The magnitude of these age trends did not differ between men (n?=?50) and women (n?=?75). Findings illustrate the multidimensional nature of hostility. They also have practical implications for older people because hostility is associated with psychological well-being and has been shown to have consequences for health and longevity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Bacterial adherence on to several materials with a potential application in reconstructive surgery was studied. Polymer (poly(L-lactide)), composite (hydroxyapatite/poly(L-lactide)) and metal (316L stainless steel) were evaluated both as smooth and sandblasted specimens. All materials were incubated in phosphate-buffered saline, challenged with Staphylococcus aureus or S. epidermidis and evaluated for up to 24 h. S. aureus showed a preference for the metal and composite tested over the polymer used. For S. epidermidis no preference was found for one of the investigated materials. The influence of surface roughness on bacterial growth was demonstrated by increased colonization on the sandblasted specimens.  相似文献   

Black hypertensive persons have been observed to have a greater degree of left ventricular hypertrophy than white hypertensives. However, previous studies have matched groups for blood pressure (BP) measured in the clinic, and it has been demonstrated that black hypertensives have an attenuated nocturnal BP dip. Clinic BPs may thus underestimate mean 24-hour BP in this group. To investigate whether the differences in left ventricular hypertrophy can be accounted for by the greater mean 24-hour BP in black hypertensives, 92 previously untreated hypertensives were studied with 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring and echocardiography. The 46 black hypertensives (24 men and 22 women) were matched with the 46 white hypertensives for age, gender, and mean 24-hour BP. Despite similar mean 24-hour BPs (blacks, 142/93 mm Hg; whites, 145/92 mm Hg; P=.53/.66), the black group had a smaller mean nocturnal dip than the white group (blacks, 8/8 mm Hg; whites, 16/13 mm Hg; P<.01). In addition, mean left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was greater (blacks, 130 g/m2; whites, 107 g/m2; P<.001). Mean 24-hour systolic BP was significantly related to LVMI in both groups (blacks, r=.45, P<.01; whites, r=.56, P<.01). However, systolic BP dip correlated inversely with LVMI only in the black group (blacks, r=-.30, P<.04; whites, r=.05, P=.76). In a multiple regression model, LVMI was independently related to both mean daytime BP and mean nocturnal BP dip in black subjects but only to mean daytime BP in white subjects. In conclusion, the increased left ventricular hypertrophy observed in black hypertensives compared with white hypertensives is not accounted for by differences in mean 24-hour BP. However, LVMI in black hypertensives appears to be more dependent on nocturnal BP than that in white hypertensives; this, coupled with the attenuated BP dip in black hypertensives, suggests that the BP profile rather than 24-hour BP may be important in determining the differences in left ventricular hypertrophy.  相似文献   

Recent work on social support in marriage indicates that the link between marital satisfaction and social support is stronger for wives than husbands (D. Julien and H. J. Markman; see record 1992-08896-001). Hypotheses based on these findings and on studies of interpersonal perception were tested on a sample of 69 older married couples (mean age 74 yrs). The separate effects of giving, receiving, and reciprocity on spouses' marital satisfaction and well-being were examined. Analyzing the data separately for husbands and wives reveals that perceptions of social support in marriage are more strongly related to the marital satisfaction and general well-being of wives than husbands. Methodological and theoretical interpretations are offered that shed light on the differences between men and women in the meaning of social support in marriage. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship among blood pressure reactions to mental stress, cynical hostility, and socioeconomic status (SES) in 1,091 male public servants. Occupational grade served to index SES and cynical hostility was assessed using the Cook-Medley scale. (Cook & Medley, 1954). The magnitude of systolic, but not diastolic, blood pressure change scores to stress was positively associated with occupational grade: the higher the grade, the greater the reactions. Mental stress task performance also varied with occupational grade but was unrelated to reactivity. Ratings of task difficulty did not vary with occupational grade. Cynical hostility was negatively related to occupational grade, and, contrary to previous findings, negatively related to systolic blood pressure reactivity. Cynical hostility was also negatively related to mental stress task performance but unrelated to ratings of task difficulty. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the study was to compare myocardial blood flow (MBF) in hyperlipidemic postmenopausal women and age-matched hyperlipidemic men, and to analyze the relationship between cholesterol subfractions and myocardial blood flow in men and women. BACKGROUND: Women are protected from coronary artery disease (CAD) events until well after menopause, in part due to gender-specific differences in lipid profiles. METHODS: To examine the effect of these influences on coronary microcirculation, MBF was quantitated with N-13 ammonia/PET (positron emission tomography) at rest and during adenosine hyperemia in 15 women and 15 men, all nondiabetic, who were matched for age and total cholesterol levels (53+/-4 vs. 50+/-8 years, p = NS, 6.44+/-1.1 vs. 6.31+/-0.85 mmol/liter, or 249+/-41 vs. 244+/-33 mg/dl, p = NS). RESULTS: Women had significantly higher high density lipoprotein (HDL) and lower triglyceride (Tg) levels than did men, and they showed significantly higher resting MBF and stress MBF levels. Significant correlations were found between resting and hyperemic MBF and HDL and Tg levels (r = 0.44, p < 0.02 for stress MBF vs. HDL; r = 0.48, p < 0.007 for stress MBF vs. Tg). Gender was the strongest predictor of hyperemic MBF in multivariate analysis. Women responded to adenosine hyperemia with a significantly higher heart rate than did men, and hemodynamic factors correlated significantly with blood flow both at rest and during stress. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the favorable lipid profile seen in women may be associated with preserved maximal blood flow in the myocardium.  相似文献   

Objective: An attenuation of the nighttime decline in blood pressure (BP) predicts cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular-related mortality, beyond daytime BP levels. We investigated whether positive and negative psychological attributes were associated with sleep–wake BP ratios and examined sleep parameters as potential mediators of these relationships. Design: Two hundred twenty-four participants (50% men; 43% Black; mean age = 60 years) underwent ambulatory BP monitoring for 2 days and nights. Self-reports of positive and negative psychological attributes were collected. In-home polysomnography was conducted for 2 nights, and a wrist actigraph was worn for 9 nights. Main Outcome Measures: Sleep–wake mean arterial pressure (MAP) ratios. Results: After adjustment for demographics, body mass index, and hypertensive status, low life purpose and high hostility were associated with high sleep–wake MAP ratios. Depression, anxiety, and optimism were not related to MAP ratios. Sleep latency, fragmentation, architecture, and the apnea–hypopnea index were examined as potential mediators between psychological attributes and MAP ratios; only long sleep latency mediated the relationship between hostility and MAP ratios. Conclusion: Low life purpose and high hostility are associated with high sleep–wake BP ratios in Black and White adults, and these relationships are largely independent of sleep. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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