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Antigen-antibody binding energies derived from equilibrium data are compared with the binding energies resulting from the interfacial free energies obtained from contact angle measurements of antigens and antibodies. From these interfacial free energies two sorts of theoretical antigen-antibody binding energies can be derived, as well as the Hamaker constants for most antigen-antibody systems. For interaction in vacuo the Hamaker constants obtained are between 4 and 6 X 10(-13) ergs, while these constants for hydrated antigen antibody interactions are less than 10(-14) ergs. For interactions in vacuo, interfacial free energies yield binding energies (delta Fa) that lie between -120 and -140 ergs/cm2. For interactions in the aqueous phase (with interstitial water still present), much lower binding energies (delta Fb) are derived, of the order of -.01 and -1 ergs/cm2. In comparison, dextran-anti-dextran interactions show a binding energy derived from equilibrium data (delta Feq) of the order of -10 ergs/cm2. In general the equilibrium binding energies delta Feq of most antigen-antibody systems would vary between -1 and -20 ergs/cm2. The implications of this comparison are discussed in the light of the influence of residual water between antigenic determinant and antibody-active site, as well as in the light of the degree of perfection of fit between these sites.  相似文献   

We have examined the equilibrium binding of a series of synthetic oligoarginines (net charge z = +2 to +6) containing tryptophan to poly(U), poly(A), poly(C), poly(I), and double-stranded (ds) DNA. Equilibrium association constants, K(obs), measured by monitoring tryptophan fluorescence quenching, were examined as functions of monovalent salt (MX) concentration and type, as well as temperature, from which deltaG(standard)obs, deltaH(obs), and deltaS(standard)obs were determined. For each peptide, K(obs) decreases with increasing [K+], and the magnitude of the dependence of K(obs) on [K+], delta log K(obs)/delta log[K+], increases with increasing net peptide charge. In fact, the values of delta log K(obs)/delta log[K+] are equivalent for oligolysines and oligoarginines possessing the same net positive charge. However, the values of K(obs) are systematically greater for oligoarginines binding to all polynucleotides, when compared to oligolysines with the same net charge. The origin of this difference is entirely enthalpic, with deltaH(obs), determined from van't Hoff analysis, being more exothermic for oligoarginine binding. The values of deltaH(obs) are also independent of [K+]; therefore, the salt concentration dependence of deltaG(standard)obs is entirely entropic in origin, reflecting the release of cations from the nucleic acid upon complex formation. These results suggest that hydrogen bonding of arginine to the phosphate backbone of the nucleic acids contributes to the increased stability of these complexes.  相似文献   

HIV infection is characterized by accelerated apoptosis and progressive loss of B cells. To see whether these abnormalities are related to the property of gp120 to act as a superantigen for VH3(+) B cells, we probed the temporal development of VH3(+) antibodies in HIV-1-infected subjects over a 7-year period. We found that VH3(+) antibodies specific for the gp120 superantigen binding site are deficient. Since VH3(+) antibodies impart protective responses to infectious agents, we quantified VH3(+) antibodies in serum samples from HIV-seropositive slow progressors and from patients who progressed to AIDS-related manifestations. We found that paucity in VH3(+) antibodies is a marker of rapid clinical decline. Remarkably, anti-gp160 VH3(+) antibodies showed a gradual decrease in progressors and, with time, varied depending on the viral load. We conclude that disease aggravation is associated with a decrease of the magnitude of the humoral response, that VH3(+) antibodies play an important role in protection, and that their underexpression may accelerate disease progression. We propose that vaccine preparations able to trigger VH3(+) antibodies might confer a better protection against HIV infection. This work also represents a novel mechanism of humoral deficiency resulting from the capacity of a viral antigen to affect an important subset of the B cell repertoire and to induce B cell death by apoptosis.  相似文献   

Benzoquinone is an electrophilic metabolite of bromobenzene and other simple aromatic compounds of toxicological interest including benzene, phenol, hydroquinone, and acetaminophen. In reacting with proteins benzoquinone shows great selectivity for Michael addition to sulfhydryl groups and formation of S-(2,5-dihydroxyphenyl) protein adducts. To facilitate the specific detection and eventual isolation and identification of such adducted proteins, we prepared an antiserum capable of recognizing hydroquinone moieties by immunizing rabbits with keyhole limpet hemocyanin modified with 3-[2,5-dihydroxyphenyl)thio]propanoyl groups as haptens. The antiserum had a high titer and showed high specificity for hapten in competitive ELISA with hapten analogues. In Western blot experiments the antiserum detected not only synthetically haptenized control proteins but also several proteins from rat liver microsomes that had been incubated in vitro with [14C]bromobenzene. This binding was completely blocked by free hapten, showing that it was hapten-specific. Each of the microsomal protein bands detected in the Western blots also contained radioactivity, but not all radioactive protein bands reacted with antibody. This antiserum should prove useful in exploring the role of protein arylation by benzoquinone in cytotoxic responses to its metabolic precursors.  相似文献   

A total of 1226 sera from 1055 patients with respiratory tract infections were tested. IgM antibodies were detected by an antibody-capture enzyme-immunoassay (Mp TEST, Diatech Diagnostica Ltd, Israel). Acute infection with IgM antibodies to Mycoplasma pneumoniae was detected in 211 patients. Presence of IgM was closely associated to some or all pneumonia-related symptoms. Eighty-one of IgM-positive patients treated with tetracycline or erythromycin responded positively. Of the 211 patients, 63 (30%) had low levels and 23 (11%) had moderate levels of IgM antibodies already in the first serum sample. In these 86 patients (41%) the complement fixation (CF) test was negative or very low positive. Thus in these cases, the CF test would have missed the early diagnosis in the first serum samples.  相似文献   

Multidrug resistance (MDR) is one of the major obstacles to successful cancer chemotherapy. Since P-glycoprotein (P-gp) encoded by the MDR-1 gene plays a key role in MDR, many P-gp-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have been generated for characterization and analysis of P-gp. Among those antibodies, MRK16 has been widely used not only for elucidation of the mechanisms of P-gp-mediated MDR but also for diagnostic and therapeutic studies. Two types of magnetic cell sorting assays, termed MRK16-MACS and MRK16-MACS-FACS, have been established by us and may offer a useful tool to quantitate low levels of P-gp expression. This article describes the characteristics of the antibodies against P-gp and discuss the diagnostic implications of the antibodies.  相似文献   

Birch pollen allergy is a very frequent pathology in Europe and North America. More than 95% of the tree pollen allergic patients display IgE reactivity against Bet v 1, the major birch pollen allergen. Starting with PBL from a patient desensitized by immunotherapy, we have generated five B cell lines (BAB1 to BAB5) that secrete human IgG mAbs of high affinity for Bet v 1. Although competition studies indicated that these human IgG mAb recognized different epitopes, broad cross-reactivity was found with Bet v 1 homologous allergens present in tree pollens and plant-derived foods. When tested for interference with allergic patients' IgE, BAB1 inhibited (by 80-100%) the binding of IgE to nitrocellulose-blotted Bet v 1, while BAB2 enhanced it. The biologic significance of the ability of BAB1 to interfere with patients' IgE binding is indicated by the finding that BAB1 completely inhibited Bet v 1-induced histamine release from allergic patients' basophils. Allergen-specific human IgG mAbs such as BAB1, which presents high blocking activity in both immunochemical and cellular IgE competition experiments, might have therapeutical application.  相似文献   

A four-parameter equation for determining the excess integral property of a binary system is deduced based on the Maclaurin infinite series. The series is expressed separately in the neighborhood of each of the pure components of the system. The components are subjected to appropriate boundary conditions at the various stages of the treatment. The present form of the function is found to be capable of interpreting thermodynamic properties of several relatively weakly interacting binary systems based on the present equation. The infinite dilution parameters compare favorably with the values reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The study of the origin and pathogenetic relevance of the oligoclonal antibodies present in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients has been hampered by a lack of specific ligands. We recently reported a general strategy, based on phage-displayed random peptide libraries, to identify ligands for disease-specific antibodies even in the absence of any information on the nature of the pathologic antigen. With this procedure, we identified several peptides specifically recognized by antibodies present in the CSF of MS patients. Using these peptides as reagents, we demonstrated that they mimic different natural epitopes and react with antibodies enriched in the CSF of MS patients. Antibodies recognizing the selected peptides are commonly found with equal frequency in the sera of MS patients and of normal individuals. In contrast, the repertoire of CSF antibodies appears to be individual-specific and is probably the result of a nonspecific immunodysregulation rather than a stereotyped response to a single antigen/agent.  相似文献   

A small (40 nucleotides) stem-loop derivative (J6f1) of a specific aminoglycoside-binding RNA aptamer, containing a 3 nt and a 1 nt bulge, has previously been shown to stoichiometrically bind tobramycin with a dissociation constant of approximately 5 nM [Hamasaki, K., Killian, J., Cho, J. and Rando, R. R. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 1367-1371]. This construct can strongly discriminate among similar aminoglycosides with respect to binding. A combination of chemical interference studies, chemical modification studies, and mutational studies are performed to define the aminoglycoside binding site of J6f1. Recognition of the aminoglycoside by J6f1 involves contacts with nucleotide bases, rather than with the phosphate backbone. The binding site 1 comprised of part of the stem-loop region. The two bulges are also essential for high affinity and stoichiometric binding of tobramycin. These bulges are probably important for prying open the double helical region, thereby allowing the aminoglycoside access to the nucleotide bases.  相似文献   

Recent developments in the rapid sequencing, mapping, and analysis of DNA rely on the specific binding of DNA to specially treated surfaces. We show here that specific binding of DNA via its unmodified extremities can be achieved on a great variety of surfaces by a judicious choice of the pH. On hydrophobic surfaces the best binding efficiency is reached at a pH of approximately 5.5. At that pH a approximately 40-kbp DNA is 10 times more likely to bind by an extremity than by a midsegment. A model is proposed to account for the differential adsorption of the molecule extremities and midsection as a function of pH. The pH-dependent specific binding can be used to align anchored DNA molecules by a receding meniscus, a process called molecular combing. The resulting properties of the combed molecules will be discussed.  相似文献   

We studied specific membrane-membrane interactions mediated by ligand-receptor binding in a model system, which consisted of (a) FG3P, the fluorescein hapten attached to a phospholipid by a peptidyl spacer as described previously (Petrossian, A., A.B. Kantor, and J.C. Owicki. 1985. J. Lipid Res. 26:767-773), (b) antifluorescein monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), and (c) phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) into which the FG3P was incorporated. The aggregation of the hapten-bearing liposomes by four MAbs was studied by differential centrifugation. The ability of the MAbs to induce vesicle aggregation varied considerably and correlated inversely with affinity. Aggregation by one of the MAbs was studied in more detail by turbidimetry and freeze-fracture electron microscopy of samples frozen throughout the course of the aggregation. Rapid freezing was achieved with a double propane-jet apparatus. The aggregate morphologies and the time evolution of the aggregate size distribution were obtained from the two-dimensional fracture views with a stereological correction. The aggregation kinetics were simulated by considering dynamical aggregation according to a mass-action model with two parameters, the rate constants for antibody-mediated vesicle aggregation and disaggregation. Both rate constants were orders of magnitude lower than the rate constants for the corresponding interactions of antibodies with haptens either in solution or on vesicles under nonaggregating conditions.  相似文献   

Immunoassays are used for the specific measurement of type II collagen, a major cartilage protein, which is lost in osteoarthritic joints. Poor immunogenicity and species dependent immune response to type II collagen make it difficult to obtain specific antibodies required for immunoassay development. In addition, type II collagen antibodies exhibit reactivity to structurally dissimilar antigens such as actin, myoglobin, thyroglobulin and ssDNA, complicating the isolation of specific antibodies. It is therefore necessary to characterize the antibody reactivity against both noncollagenous antigens and different collagen types. In this study, immune response to type II collagen was improved by conjugation to carrier proteins, KLH and BSA. Hybridomas were generated by fusions of lymphocytes derived from lymph nodes or spleens with X63-653-Ag8 myeloma cells. Compared to spleens, the utilization of lymph nodes as a source of lymphocytes resulted in a 23% higher number of hybridomas secreting type II collagen antibodies. Hybridomas secreting polyreactive antibodies were identified based on their reactivity to thyroglobulin and eliminated. Extensive testing of the remaining monoclonal antibodies with other structurally dissimilar antigens and various types of collagen for reactivity, allowed us to isolate specific monoclonal antibodies to type II collagen. We emphasize the importance of characterization of the reactivity of type II collagen monoclonal antibodies before employing them for immunoassays.  相似文献   

Specific binding of the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)A antagonist [3H]SR 95531 to synaptosomal membranes of rat whole brain was examined between 0 degrees and 37 degrees. Scatchard analysis revealed two (high and low affinity) populations of [3H]SR 95531 binding sites. The Kd values increased with increasing temperature. Ki values for GABAA agonists and antagonists were determined from the displacement of [3H]SR 95531 binding at a low concentration (1.8 nM) of [3H]SR 95531, which binds predominantly to high affinity sites. For most compounds van't Hoff plots (--In Ki, i.e., In Ka, versus 1/T) were linear between 0 degrees and 37 degrees. Curvilinear van't Hoff plots for the antagonists R 5135 and bicuculline methiodide can be attributed to their hydrophobic binding interactions. The enthalpy changes of binding (delta H degrees) were positive for the agonists (muscimol, isoguvacine, GABA, 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-3-ol hydrochloride, and imidazole-4-acetic acid) and negative for the antagonists (pitrazepin, bicuculline methiodide, R 5135, SR 95531, and SR 95103). Separation of the enthalpic and entropic components of the Gibbs free energy changes of binding (delta G degrees) revealed that binding of the antagonists is driven by both the enthalpic and entropic terms, whereas that of the agonists is driven entirely by entropy changes. A plot of the entropic term (-T delta S degrees) versus the enthalpic term (delta H degrees) showed separate patterns for GABAA agonists and antagonists, with the partial agonists [5-(4-piperidyl)isoxazol-3-ol, imidazole-4-acetic acid, and 4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[4,5-c]pyridin-3-ol hydrochloride] between them. It is proposed that the entropic term is partly determined by a transition from antagonist to agonist conformation of the GABAA binding sites.  相似文献   

Metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluRs) are a heterogeneous family of G protein coupled receptors that are linked to multiple second messenger systems to regulate neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. To characterise the protein expression of the two mGluR7 receptor splice variants in human and rat cerebellar cortex, antibodies specific to mGluR7 were generated. Antibodies were raised against a glutathione-S-transferase fusion protein containing amino acid residues located in the extracellular domain common to both the human and rat mGluR7 splice variants. These antibodies specifically detected human mGluR7a in mammalian cells transfected with this receptor. In agreement with mGluR7 in situ hybridisation studies, immunohistochemistry performed at the light microscope level revealed that mGluR7 protein expression occurred most prominently in a particular population of nerve cells common to both the human and rat, located within the cerebellar cortex of gray matter contained within transverse folia. Moreover, strong mGluR7-like immunoreactivity was seen in Purkinje cell body cytoplasm of the Purkinje cell layer. In the most superficial cerebellar cortical layer, the molecular layer, immunostaining was observed in Purkinje cell associated proximal and distal dendritic trees. No detectable labelling was evident in intrinsic deep cerebellar nuclei known to contain GABAergic terminals of projecting Purkinje cell axons. These data are suggestive of a post-synaptic location of mGluR7 in this central nervous system structure. In the rodent, additional non-Purkinje cells thought to represent inhibitory interneurones were labelled at all levels in the molecular layer. mGluR7-like immunoreactivity was not associated with glial cells.  相似文献   

Activities of manganese in solid chromium-manganese alloys have been determined at 1223, 1273, and 1323 K using an isopiestic technique. The activities of manganese show positive deviations from Raoult’s law over chromium-rich compositions. The positive deviation of the system is found to decrease progressively with increase in the manganese content of the alloys. The data have been interpreted based on calculation involving solid-liquid equilibria in the system.  相似文献   

Activities of manganese in solid chromium-manganese alloys have been determined at 1223, 1273, and 1323 K using an isopiestic technique. The activities of manganese show positive deviations from Raoult’s law over chromium-rich compositions. The positive deviation of the system is found to decrease progressively with increase in the manganese content of the alloys. The data have been interpreted based on calculation involving solid-liquid equilibria in the system.  相似文献   

Activities of manganese in nickel-manganese alloys have been determined over the temperature range 950 K to 1348 K by a galvanic cell technique, using fluoride and oxide electrolytes. The activities of manganese show negative deviations from Raoult’s law over the entire range of composition studied. Various phase transformations involved in the system have been analyzed using the thermodynamic data obtainable from the present investigation.  相似文献   

Saliva was collected prospectively from patients presenting with suspected dengue infection 4 to 8 days after the onset of symptoms and assayed by a commercial dengue immunoglobulin M (IgM) and IgG capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (PanBio Dengue Duo ELISA). Laboratory diagnosis was based on virus isolation and on hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay and an in-house IgM and IgG capture ELISA. With a positive result defined as either salivary IgM or IgG levels above the cutoff value, an overall sensitivity of 92% was obtained for both primary- and secondary-dengue patients (22 of 24), while no patients with non-flavivirus infections (n = 11) and no healthy laboratory donors (n = 17) showed elevation of salivary antidengue antibody (100% specificity). Salivary IgG levels correlated well with serum HAI titer (r = 0.78), and salivary IgG levels could be used to distinguish between primary- and secondary-dengue virus infections.  相似文献   

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