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In advanced capitalistcountries, the term social housing normallyrefers to social rented housing, and itsprovision can be examined within the context ofthe type of housing welfare regime that hasevolved within the country under consideration.However, in large parts of Latin America –because of minimal affordability and limitedinvestment – social housing is very much amarginalised tenure and – apart from a smallsocial-rented sector – comprises illegalshelter in shantytowns, assisted self-buildhousing, and low-cost owner-occupation. Itwould therefore be unproductive to examinesocial housing in Latin America within thecontext of any of the welfare regimes thatprevail in the developed world.Within the region, large-scale migration intothe major urban areas created a substantial andgrowing housing deficit among the poor in thelatter half of the twentieth century. At first,there was an attempt to satisfy housing needsby the provision of social rented housing, butit was soon recognised that such accommodationwas unaffordable to the majority of the poor,while municipal governments were constrained bybudgetary considerations from increasing oreven maintaining its supply. At the same time,it was realised that informal housing could beupgraded more cost-effectively, and that forits future development the legalisation oftenure was essential; while self-build formalhousing could be constructed through theprocess of community funding. By the 1990s,even the middle-income segment wasdisadvantaged in the housing market asunemployment and interest rates rose and realwages fell, and therefore – through theintroduction of means-tested demand-sidesubsidies – the term social housing wasextended to the conventional owner-occupiedsector.Clearly, welfare regimes in Latin America areat a rudimentary stage in their development,although there is a tendency for governments toembrace neo-liberal housing policies. But at atime of fiscal constraint, it is a cause forconcern that macroeconomic priorities mightmake it more difficult for a large proportionof the population of the region to satisfy itshousing needs.  相似文献   

The policy document What people want, wherepeople live outlines Dutch housing policy forthe coming decade, and gives a glimpse of theyears beyond. The policy document paints a broadbrush picture of the social, economic and administrativedevelopments in recent years. It is recognisedthat five core policy tasks are important toDutch housing policy in the years ahead:increasing the options for the citizens whilegiving due regard to social constraints,creating opportunities for people in vulnerablesituations, housing combined with tailor-madecare, improving the quality of urban life andmeeting the desire for a greener residentialenvironment. The policy document presents an administrativemodel for meeting these challenges. The role ofthe housing associations is also addressed.  相似文献   

Urban home-ownership in Japan was destabilised when the bubble economy collapsed at the beginning of the 1990s. This paper looks beyond the social and economic changes in Japanese housing in the post-bubble recession to focus on the ups and downs in current home-ownership markets in Japans major cities. Since the mid-1990s, social fragmentation has created a novel environment for urban home-ownership. The combination of a prolonged recession and a policy to promote housing construction and urban redevelopment has split urban space into hot spots, where the housing market is increasingly active, and cold spots, where the market is persistently inactive.  相似文献   

This paper relates the governance of anti-social behaviour in theUK to a wider policy conceptualisation of social housing as a flawed andproblematic form of housing consumption. Drawing on the theoretical workof Bourdieu and Foucault, the paper identifies how the habitus ofhousing consumption is shaped by acts of governance including classification,legitimisation, normalisation and targeted intervention. The paper argues thatdominant governance discourses relate problems arising within socialhousing to assumed distinctions in the cultural, social and symbolic capitalascribed to commodified and branded housing tenures, thereby marginalisingthe importance of differential access to economic capital in the conceptualisationof UK housing policy.  相似文献   

An example of a complex geotechnical solution is cited for the construction of buildings housing the Business Center in Moscow, which includes the analysis, design, and construction of a trench enclosure for the building complex, including an architectural monument with an underground level, and a newly constructed building with from two to three underground levels, as well as the church of Saint Peter and Paul on Yauze, which abuts the buildings under construction.  相似文献   

Present firesafety measures were conceived to deal with hypothetical fires spreading by destruction of successive compartment boundaries. A new firesafety system, referred to as the fire drainage system, is designed to cope with real-world fires spreading mainly by convection. It confines fire and smoke to the room of origin and to a small corridor element adjacent to the room. The system can be designed to operate without the use of water and electric energy. The fundamentals of its design are described and some experimental information is presented. Reference: T. Z. Harmathy and I. Oleszkiewicz, Fire Drainage System,Fire Technology, Vol. 23, No. 1, February 1987, p. 26.This paper is a contribution from the Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Conclusions 1. The failure of a sandy foundation bed under a rigid embedded reinforced-concrete foundation (h/b0.5) with a flat, rough lower surface is three-dimensional in nature when the loads are inclined at =20–40° to the vertical.2. Plane shear is not observed when the load is inclined at an angle = and the eccentricity e0 ( is the angle of the soil's internal friction as determined on a shear apparatus in accordance with GOST 12248–66).3. The settlements and lateral displacements of an embedded foundation (h/b>0.5) in the limiting state are 2–3 times larger than those of the nonembedded foundation; lateral displacements exceed the limiting values established for farm buildings [2], or approach them.4. For angles =20–40°, eccentricity of the inclined load in the direction opposite to the horizontal component, but not less than rC (rC is the core radius of the section) effects an increase in the ultimate load as compared to a central positioning of the resultant. Additional experiments and theoretical studies are required to investigate the role of positive and negative eccentricity on the bearing capacity of the foundation bed.5. For loads inclined at angles =35–40° and a relative foundation embedment 0.5h/b1, computation in accordance with SNiP II-15-74 yields considerably lower bearing capacity than computation from experimental data.6. The studies that we conducted are used to develop a more economical method of computing and designing foundations for farm buildings under an inclined loading, which is employed in practice [2].B. E. Vedeneev All-Union Scientific-Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering. Central Scientific-Research Institute of Experimental Design and Planning for Rural Construction. Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 4, pp. 3–6, July–August, 1979.  相似文献   

Results are presented for determination of the peak p, residual r, and standard f,st strengths of clayey soils containing up to 35% of particle inclusions ranging in size from 1 to 10 mm. It is established that on transition from p to r, the parameter C of Coulomb's law becomes essentially equal to zero, while the angle remains constant. A method is examined for repeated torsional testing of soil samples under conditions where shear strain s and torsional moments M tor are controlled to establish their strength.  相似文献   

Conclusions 1. The improved triaxial apparatus with an optical strain measurement system can be recommended for practical use when determining the characteristics of soils with Lode parameter µ=±1.2. In the pressure range of interest for deep supports the relations which permit taking into account the nonlinearity of the characteristics of cohesionless soils (3, 4) do not agree satisfactorily with the experimental data and require refinement with consideration of =f(av).3. The mechanical characteristics of cohesionless soils depend considerably on the strength of their grains at contacts and angularity. The shear strength of calcareous sands was higher than that of quartz sands at lower values of the deformation characteristics and with a feebly expressed phenomenon of dilatancy. The phenomenon of dilatancy in quartz sands is of considerable significance.Leningrad Higher Military Construction Engineering School (LVVISU). Translated from Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhanika Gruntov, No. 3, pp. 13–16, May–June, 1979.  相似文献   

Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotlands most important heritage sites. It was built on a classic crag and tail structure where the crag consists of columnar jointed basalt and the tail of sediments protected from glacial erosion by the crag.In 1997 apparent instability was observed on the southern side of the tail. A shallow slope failure was proved to have taken place within saturated, layered, cohesive to non-cohesive, loose to dense heterogeneous fill on a slope of 44°. The date of the initial failure is not known, but is likely to have taken place over a period of many years, since at least the 1950s.Remediation works were subsequently undertaken to stabilise the slope, consisting mainly of the installation of soil nails, a bi-axial geo-grid and minor filling to mitigate the effects of the ground movements and to facilitate repair of the retaining wall.  相似文献   

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