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The autonomous PV systems cover a wide area of the applications that can be developed in the country, in places far from the national grid and with a low demand of electric power. The electrification of homes and farms in rural areas by using PV systems would contribute to improving the inhabitants' social, economic and cultural standard.In Romania, it is estimated that there are about 10,000 homes, farms and schools located in more than 500 settlements which could be electrified by using PV systems. The individual solar home systems would allow each user to adjust his own electricity consumption according to weather variations. A major problem in the development of these systems is the identification of the optimum technical and economic solutions as well as of the main financing sources. The paper aims to present the technical, economic and social problems involved by the implementation of such a project of PV-based electrification in Romania, presenting the particular case of two settlements (Scarisoara and Prisacina) located in the Cerna Valley - the Banat Mountains.  相似文献   

Today, there are 1.4 billion people around the world that lack access to electricity, some 85% of them in rural areas. Without additional dedicated policies, by 2030 the number of people drops, but only to 1.2 billion. Some 15% of the world's population still lack access, the majority of them living in Sub-Saharan Africa. The number of people relying on the traditional use of biomass is projected to rise from 2.7 billion today to 2.8 billion in 2030. Addressing these inequities depends upon international recognition that the projected situation is intolerable, a commitment to effect the necessary change, and setting targets and indicators to monitor progress. A new financial, institutional and technological framework is required, as is capacity building in order to dramatically scale up access to modern energy services at the local and regional levels. In this paper, we discussed the energy situation of the developing countries for sustainable development.  相似文献   

Renewable energy systems (RESs) have been promoted for rural electrification as an answer to the growing energy needs of communities while simultaneously satisfying environmental and resource scarcity problems. These off-grid systems however have several challenges in the perspective of sustainability due to the technically and financially weak recipients and users of the projects. There is still, however, less detailed understanding how the technical and economic aspects of the projects can properly match the social aspects to promote sustainability. This paper aimed to further understand the challenges and social impacts of rural electrification projects using RES through a case study of a centralized off-grid solar plant in the Philippines. The study used multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to identify essential user attributes which explain the users’ electricity consumption behaviors. The community cooperative had difficulties maintaining the facility in the long term due to financial and capacity related challenges. A holistic approach dealing with the technical, economic and social aspects in developing RES projects promote sustainability.  相似文献   

Rural electrification with renewable energy technologies (RETs) offers several benefits to remote areas where diesel generation is unsuitable due to fuel supply constraints. Such benefits include environmental and social aspects, which are linked to energy access and poverty reduction in less-favored areas of developing countries. In this case, multi-objective methods are suitable tools for planning in rural areas. In this study, assessment of rural electrification with renewable energy systems is conducted by means of goal programming towards fuel substitution. The approach showed that, in the Non-Interconnected Zones of Colombia, substitution of traditional biomass with an electrification scheme using renewable energy sources provides significant environmental benefits, measured as land use and avoided emissions, as well as higher employment generation rates than diesel generation schemes. Nevertheless, fuel substitution is constrained by the elevated cost of electricity compared to traditional biomass, which raises households’ energy expenditures between twofold to five times higher values. The present approach, yet wide in scope, is still limited for quantifying the impact of energy access improvements on poverty reduction, as well as for the assessment of energy system's technical feasibility.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2001,20(4):271-285
The potential of biomass gasification for the electrification of rural areas in developing countries is investigated, both technology oriented (the prospects for the technology) and user oriented (is the technology feasible for the situation?). The analysis is carried out by means of an annuity costing model, taking proper account of the time value of money. Care has been taken to create an equal basis of the differences in technical lifetime of certain components of the technical systems evaluated. The evaluation method distinguishes two types of parameters: technology parameters and site parameters. The analysis tool thus provided yields discriminating conclusions about the feasibility of biomass gasification under different circumstances. Part of the technology parameters is a coherent costing model provided here. The site parameters include prevailing fuel prices, which are provided for a number of potential target countries. The capacity range considered is covered by an investigation of three cases (10, 40 and 160 kW). Mass production of gasifier systems is identified as a prerequisite for further utilization of the technique in rural electrification. Target cost levels are indicated on the basis of allowable investment in view of applicable discount rates and equipment utilization rates under typical rural electrification circumstances. The evaluation methodology developed is also proposed as an assessment tool for quick scans of project feasibility.  相似文献   

Hundreds of millions of people in Sub-Saharan Africa do not have access to electricity and will not receive it from national grids in the next few decades. Electricity makes up an important component of rural development and so increasing access can have positive socioeconomic benefits. In this study, we use contingent behavior analysis to quantify the potential benefits of electricity in rural Rwandan villages which currently do not have electricity. The proposed method allows for calculation of net benefits as well as electricity bills. We find that even relatively poor, isolated households would pay for electricity, though amounts vary across households and this affects the financial viability of electrification. Common uses for electricity include lighting, battery charging, and agricultural processing. Despite heterogeneity, opportunities exist to improve rural economic welfare through increased electricity access.  相似文献   

《Energy Policy》1989,17(6):577-590
The paper reviews the socioeconomic situation and energy utilization in Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) countries which vary considerably. The review indicates that growing energy requirements are associated with economic development and population increase. Renewable energy utilization is indicated as an appropriate alternative for providing a considerable portion of future energy demand in certain energy-consuming sectors. When reviewing the present state of the art of major renewable energy technologies, particular attention is paid to both direct and indirect solar technologies. Possible adaption of renewables into the socioeconomic structures of OIC countries is discussed. The programme of action for renewables in the OIC is stressed, pointing to the priority attached to enhancing the renewable energy contribution.  相似文献   

Low-carbon off-grid electrification for rural areas is becoming increasingly popular in the United Kingdom. However, many developing countries have been electrifying their rural areas in this way for decades. Case study fieldwork in Nepal and findings from United Kingdom based research will be used to examine how developed nations can learn from the experience of developing countries with regard to the institutional environment and delivery approach adopted in renewable energy off-grid rural electrification. A clearer institutional framework and more direct external assistance during project development are advised. External coordinators should also engage the community in a mobilization process a priori to help alleviate internal conflicts of interest that could later impede a project.  相似文献   

Problems in the organization and management of the electric power sector in developing countries form the primary constraint to an efficient and least-cost development of the sector between now and the year 2000. In addressing the sector management and organization issues the authors state that emphasis must be placed on the three-fold objectives of; insulating top power company management from political influence and from government civil service and lower-level bureaucratic constraints; providing company management with incentives to undertake new initiatives and for efficient performance in implementing agreed performance objectives which can be monitored by government (greater delegation and perhaps selected forms of divestiture); and attempting to involve electric power consumers more directly in an advisory and policy role in the sector.  相似文献   

Improved energy efficiency is a key policy goal of all International Energy Agency (IEA) member countries, but tracking energy efficiency gains is not straightforward. As part of its contribution to the G8 Gleneagles Plan of Action, the IEA has been developing in-depth indicators—tools that provide data and analysis of energy use and efficiency trends. This paper gives an overview of the IEA indicator methodology and presents examples of how disaggregated indicators can be used to identify the factors that drive and restrain energy demand at the end-use level. A decomposition approach is also used to separate efficiency effects from the impacts of structure and activity. The results clearly show the important role that energy efficiency has played in shaping trends in final energy use in IEA countries for more than 30 years. However, the analysis also reveals that recent gains in energy efficiency have been much lower than in earlier decades. Accelerating energy efficiency improvements is therefore a crucial challenge for IEA governments and indicators have an important role to play in helping to develop and evaluate the policies that will be required.  相似文献   

Rural electrification to help rural communities improve their quality of life needs to be designed in a sustainable manner with the intention of keeping village culture and environment from eroding. Micro-hydropower systems (MHS), especially run-of river schemes, are examples of renewable energy projects that, if managed well, can be socially and environmentally sustainable. This paper presents the results of a field survey conducted in Ba'Kelalan, in Sarawak, Malaysia, where several MHS have been implemented by various funding agencies using different planning mechanisms as well as different design and operational procedures. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used in a case study comparison of two MHS in Ba'Kelalan based on criteria such as system loads, electricity tariff, the level of community involvement in the project, and the arrangements put in place for maintenance. Several barriers to sustainability were found in the operation and maintenance of the MHS due to a lack of knowledge by unskilled operators. The key lessons learnt from the case study are that sustainable development of MHS requires financial and load distribution management at the beginning of the project, as well as capacity building for both operation and maintenance personnel, as well as the community.  相似文献   

This paper begins by examining the most energy-intensive industries and methods by which fuel efficiency can be improved. Next the author analyses the economics of energy conservation using specific case studies drawn from India. It is shown that investing in energy efficiency is more economical Btu per Btu than investing in the enhancement of domestic energy resources. The author also assesses changes in the economics of conservation for private firms when there are government incentives. Finally government policies that can overcome economic and non-economic disincentives for investing in energy conservation are examined.  相似文献   

The world population is rising rapidly, notably in the developing countries. Historical trends suggest that increased annual energy use per capita is a good surrogate for the standard of living factors which promote a decrease in population growth rate. If these trends continue, the stabilization of the world's population will require the increased use of all sources of energy as cheap oil and gas are depleted. The improved efficiency of energy use and renewable energy sources will be essential to stabilizing population, while providing a decent standard all over the world.  相似文献   

Rural electrification (RE) can be modelled as a multifactorial task connected to a large number of variables: decision makers need to choose the appropriate options by considering not only the techno-economic competitiveness but also socio-cultural dynamics and environmental consequences, making the task intricate. Many rural electrification projects have failed due to lack of attention to the issues beyond financial and technical dimensions. This paper presents a standardized approach for decision making concerning the extension of electricity services to rural areas. This approach first determines whether the supply provision should be grid expansion or off-grid on the basis of levelized cost of delivered electricity. If the grid expansion is found nonviable over off-grid options then a multicriteria decision aiding tool, SMAA-2 (Stochastic Multicriteria Acceptability Analysis), will evaluate off-grid technologies by aggregating 24 criteria values. While applying this approach, the delivered costs of electricity by the grid in remote areas within the 1–25 km distances vary in a range of 0.10–7.85 US$/kW h depending on the line lengths and load conditions. In the off-grid evaluation, the solar PV (photovoltaic) and biogas plants are found as the most preferable alternatives with 59% and 41% acceptability in their first rank, respectively.  相似文献   

Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest access to electricity in the World. In Senegal, less than 25% of the rural population benefit of electricity service. Solar energy offers an important potential to Senegal with over 3000 h of sunlight a year. This is a real opportunity to generalize the access to electricity. But, the efforts to bridge the gap must be diversified and completed. We approach the problem of rural electrification with a different point of view. Grid expansion and centralized solutions may be adequate for villages with a population organized in high-density of habitations. Small size villages or those with highly dispersed population may need different propositions because of cost. These regions will not be the priority of electrification programs. Furthermore, this rural population is characterized by its low income and saving. Such a conjuncture suggests the opportunity of a service based fees model for access to electricity. On the basis of a fees-for-service model, individual standalone photovoltaic systems may be a more appropriate solution to cover the priority needs of lighting and mobile phones battery charge for telecommunication. We present a pilot project in a village of Senegal to support the model and demonstrate its feasibility.  相似文献   

This study investigates the drivers of energy consumption in Sub-Saharan African countries. It applies the bounds testing approach to cointegration to time series data at individual country levels over the period from 1970 to 2011. The study finds that energy consumption is cointegrated with real GDP per capita, industrial output, imports, foreign direct investment, credit to private sector, urbanization and population. Furthermore, the sign and magnitude of long-run estimates vary significantly for a single country and across countries depending on the energy consumption variable used. Overall, the findings confirm the leading role of economic growth, industrial output, population and urbanization. Economic growth, industrial output and population have positive effects on energy consumption in the majority of countries. Given the urgent need to address climate change, African countries should adopt policies to improve energy efficiency and accelerate transition toward renewable energy. The African Renewable Energy Initiative launched at the 21st session of the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP21) is an opportunity for African countries to provide and maintain widespread access to reliable and affordable environmentally cleaner energy to meet the requirements of rapid economic growth and improved living standards.  相似文献   

The present study undertakes an exergy analysis of earth to air heat exchanger (EAHE) and applies to a local one in Turkey. Namely, the exergy performance of an EAHE has been evaluated in a demonstration in Solar Energy Institute of Ege University, Izmir, Turkey. Exergetic efficiencies of the system components are determined as an attempt to assess their individual performances. The daily maximum heating coefficient of performance (COP) value for the system is obtained to be 6.18. The total average COP in the experimental period is found to be 4.74.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate price support for market penetration of renewable energy in developing nations through a decentralized supply process. We integrate the new decentralized energy support: renewable premium tariff, to analyze impacts of tariff incentives on the diffusion of renewable technology in Senegal. Based on photovoltaic and wind technologies and an assessment of renewable energy resources in Senegal, an optimization technique is combined with a cash flow analysis to investigate investment decisions in renewable energy sector. Our findings indicate that this support mechanism could strengthen the sustainable deployment of renewable energy in remote areas of Senegal. Although different payoffs emerged, profits associated with a renewable premium tariff are the highest among the set of existing payoffs. Moreover in analyzing impacts of price incentives on social welfare, we show that price tariffing schemes must be strategically scrutinized in order to minimize welfare loss associated with price incentives. Finally we argue that a sustainable promotion of incentive mechanisms supporting deployment of renewable technology in developing nations should be carried out under reliable institutional structures. The additional advantage of the proposed methodology is its ability to integrate different stakeholders (producers, investors and consumers) in the planning process.  相似文献   

P.D. Lund   《Energy》2007,32(12):2271-2281
European Union and Finland are confronted with much the same kind of challenges in energy policy. Because of much higher importance on energy, these issues escalated earlier in Finland including vital political decision-making. Several alternative energy paths to the future can be identified with fairly similar projected costs. The more in-depth analysis in the Finnish case suggests that, e.g., an integrated approach consisting of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency measures would be one competitive alternative to satisfy both increasing energy demand and CO2 emission reductions already by 2020. The study shows that meeting environmental, energy security and economical targets may not as such be adequate for the future success of an energy option. There is a more profound link between the energy options and the political decision-making, implying a much broader range of criteria than just the 3 Es reflecting thus politicians’ priorities and concerns. For example, in the Finnish case renewable energy sources and energy efficiency did not match optimally the parliamentary majority's preferences when deciding on future electricity direction in 2002. The methodology suggested here can be used to improve the strategic positioning of alternative energy paths.  相似文献   

Global climate and energy governance have led to the creation of a wide range of international and regional institutions, initiatives and financial mechanisms dedicated to fostering renewable energies. Furthermore, a low-carbon economy has evolved in recent years. The objective of this paper is to assess the potential benefits and merits of these institutions, initiatives and mechanisms from the perspective of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The central questions are if and how these organizations, initiatives and finance mechanisms could support a country from MENA in its efforts to implement large-scale capacities for renewable energy production. For this purpose, Morocco was chosen as a case study. The findings in this paper indicate that the existing institutions and financial mechanisms do not sum up to a coordinated governance approach, although the main needs of a country or region appear to be addressed. The existing institutions and financial mechanisms vary significantly in their ability to support countries, especially those taking the lead in renewable energy implementation.  相似文献   

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