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Ultra-high-pressure (UHP) technology as well as compressed air foam (CAF) and combined agent firefighting systems (CAFFS) have proven to enhance the performance of firefighting equipment using water and aqueous film forming foam (AFFF). UHP systems are capable of producing small water droplets at high velocity. As droplet size is reduced, surface area relative to mass increases, improving heat transfer. Smaller droplets however, experience greater drag, reducing throw distance. Findings indicate that on average, 150 m/s exit plane velocities result in maximum throw distances of between 4600 and 5600 orifice diameters. UHP prototype and full-scale testing conducted from 2004 to 2006 found that exit plane velocities of 150 m/s were found to produce 90–100 μm droplets, sizes considered optimal for fire extinguishment. In addition, UHP systems were able to extinguish two-dimensional fuel fires ranging in area from 81.6 to 613.8 m2 using one-third the agent when compared to baseline AFFF tests, and one-tenth the NFPA 403 standard. 相似文献
目前低密度纤维板具有较好的机械性,而导热率是保温材料性能的重要指标之一.试验中测得密度为340kg/m3(WBP340)与410kg/m3(WBP410)的导热率分别是0.070W/(m·K)和0.077W/(m·K).对比其他常用保温材料,低密度的纤维板的导热率特性优于实木,稍逊于泡沫塑料.考虑环保因素,低密度纤维板... 相似文献
The use of nonaspirating nozzles for effective application of aqueous film-forming foam is almost a controversial topic. Fire
tests on gasoline compared several commercial nozzles (aspirating and nonaspirating), revealing significant difference in
the extinguishment of large fires. A new variable stream nonaspirating nozzle was tested, and by comparison found to be marginally
acceptable. Consequences of choosing the wrong equipment for use with various foams and their use on a variety of flammable
liquids are discussed.
Mobil Research and Development Corporation
Reference: L. R. DiMaio, R. F. Lange, and F. J. Cone, “Aspirating vs. Nonaspirating Nozzles for Making Fire Fighting Foams — Evaluation
of a Nonaspirating Nozzle,” Fire Technology, Vol. 20, No. 1, February 1984, p. 5. 相似文献
以动物蛋白和微生物蛋白类发泡剂为基础发泡剂,分别与十六烷基三甲基溴化铵(CTMAB)复掺来制备生物基发泡剂,探究CTMAB掺量对生物基发泡剂泡沫性能的影响,并在此基础上研究2种生物基发泡剂对泡沫混凝土宏观性能和微观结构的影响.结果表明:掺加适量CTMAB有利于提高泡沫性能,动物蛋白发泡剂(A型)和微生物发泡剂(M型)中CTMAB的最佳掺量分别为0.7%和0.5%;M型发泡剂制得的泡沫孔径分布均匀且尺寸较小,稳定性优于A型;M型泡沫混凝土的孔径分布均匀且尺寸较小,水化生成C-S-H的钙硅比较低,水化产物结构致密,其抗压强度(3.3MPa)高于A型泡沫混凝土(2.1MPa). 相似文献
本文介绍了压缩空气A类泡沫灭火系统的组成和工作原理,并通过试验得到了和此系统的一些应用结论并提出了今后的研究方向。 相似文献
湖北某石墨矿属结晶片岩石墨矿床,其尾矿主要矿物组成为长石、石英、透辉石、透闪石,其次为云母、绿泥石、方解石、黄铁矿等;平均粒度为0.14mm,-200目含量为13.84%,以细粒为主,粘性粒级含量低,含水为2.52%,容重为1.7g/cm3。利用石墨矿尾矿、普通水泥、起泡剂等材料制备泡沫混凝土,试验结果表明:其性能完全达到《泡沫混凝土砌块》(JC/T 1062-2007)中密度等级为B08、强度等级为A3.5的要求。 相似文献
本文笔者通过多年从事泡沫灭火剂研究及标准制订工作的实践,提出了泡沫灭火剂标准制订应遵循的六项原则。 相似文献
酚醛泡沫保温材料具有自重轻、比强度高、热导率小、阻燃性好的优点,但是酚醛泡沫材料韧性差,质脆,易掉渣。围绕着如何改善酚醛泡沫质脆、易掉渣的缺点,介绍了目前常用的两类对酚醛泡沫改性的方法---化学反应改性和物理掺混改性,为研究和应用酚醛泡沫保温材料提供借鉴。 相似文献
Foam in the aquatic environment 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Foams are ubiquitous in the environment, commonly seen as discoloured patches on streams, rivers, lakes and sea water. They often are assumed to be anthropogenic in origin as they are aesthetically unpleasant, yet they frequently appear in pristine environments indicating a natural origin. In contrast to “hidden” chemical pollution, e.g. heavy metals, pesticides etc. the visibility of foam alarms the public.To derive more information on foam in freshwaters and marine ecosystems, a literature review was performed. Alongside with some basic considerations on the formation of foam, on methods to measure foam formation and on the legal aspects of foam on surface waters, the ecological importance of foam in the aquatic environment is discussed in this paper. 相似文献