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以大同市为例,介绍了山西断陷盆地平原区浅层地温能的分区原则和分区方法,通过分析大同市地层岩性、水文地质条件、地质构造和地裂缝地质环境问题,统筹考虑大同市区域地质条件、换热方式及建设成本,对大同市进行了浅层地温能的开发利用适宜性分区,以选择正确的开发利用方式。 相似文献
地热资源作为一种可再生的清洁能源,由于具有高能耗和环境性能的突出优点,大量的地源热泵系统已在国内外广泛应用.其中浅层地温能的开发利用前景尤为广阔.大力推广绿色资源开发利用,改善能源结构,对于实现节能低碳、减排降耗的目标具有重要意义.开发利用浅层地温能对漳州市建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会同样意义重大.本文通过分析漳州市... 相似文献
浅层地温能作为绿色新能源,近年来在越来越多的地区得到开发与应用,通过对龙口市主城区展开水文地质调查、地温场调查、现场热响应试验及热物性试验等工作,查明了工作区浅层地温能的赋存条件,得到了地埋管型地源热泵的开发利用潜力分区,并通过等效计算获得浅层地温能开发利用经济、环境效益价值。根据调查与计算分析可知:考虑土地利用系数时,(1)工作区地下水换热系统夏季可制冷面积1082.00×104 m2,冬季可供暖688.55×104 m2;地埋管换热系统夏季可制冷面积1573.43×104 m2,冬季可供暖1677.81×104 m2。(2)浅层地温能开发利用总能量为755.79×104 GJ/a,折合标准煤15.06×104 t/a,节煤量43.04×104 t/a,热资源价值10543.51万元/a。(3)可减少排放氮氧化物、二氧化硫、二氧化碳、悬浮质粉尘、... 相似文献
为了进一步改进地源热泵技术在城市中应用的区位适宜性评价,以换热瞬时供需比和全年冬夏累计比为标准,采用现行规范算法,以北京市西城区平房区为样本,分析微观空间形态对浅层地温能供需平衡及开发潜力的影响。结果表明:研究区建筑密度和层数、容积率、埋管深度、建设模式对瞬时供需比结果有显著影响,且冬夏累计比始终处在0.8~1.04的较均衡区间。当埋管深度达到30~50 m时,98%的地块满足瞬时供需比不小于0.5~1.0的适宜开发门槛,节能率为59%~74%。表明城市低密度建设区的浅层地温能的总体供给能力较好;结合空间形态分析供需平衡指标能够改善地温能评价的可靠性,可进一步采用动态模拟、测试和工程示范深入研究。 相似文献
为了准确模拟预测地下水源热泵系统运行期间的地下水渗流场与温度场的变化规律,避免未来地下水源热泵系统运行期间出现的冷热贯通现象,科学合理地设计地下水源热泵系统。本文以河北水勘院正定基地地下水源热泵示范工程为例,建立了地下水渗流与热量运移三维耦合数值模型,并结合未来地下水源热泵系统的运行工况,预测分析了不同条件下未来地下水源热泵系统的热平衡发展趋势。结果表明,该示范工程地下水源热泵系统宜采用温差为10℃的运行方案,且抽水、回灌井间距大于等于80m的设计运行方案能有效地避免未来运行过程中的冷、热贯通现象。 相似文献
简单介绍了侯马市浅层地热能的开发利用现状,结合该市地质水文状况,阐述了侯马市浅层地热分区情况,分析了浅层地热能开发对环境的影响及相应措施,根据该市的浅层地热能研究结论提出了相应的开发建议。 相似文献
根据云南省地形地貌构造特点,对该省进行地形地貌三级区划,分析研究了三级自然区划上的土基回弹模量E0设计参数,通过对设计参数E0的收集、整理,确立了不同土质在不同自然区的土基回弹模量E0的范围,为公路设计提供一个较精确直接的参考范围。 相似文献
根据改进的层次分析法建立了地下空间开发利用地质环境适宜性评价指标体系及评价模型,并结合GIS软件对评价因子进行了分析,采用叠加法对浅层地下空间开发利用适宜性作了分区评价,评价结果可为浅层地下空间的合理开发提供参考。 相似文献
针对地热能等可再生能源在建筑碳达峰碳中和过程中的重要作用,从地热能基本特征出发,深入分析了地热能的技术特性及其与建筑能源需求的高度契合性,揭示出地热能在建筑中利用的形式多样性、天然适配性、高效节能性、绿色低碳性,表明地热能利用是建筑领域节能减排的有效手段,有助于尽早实现2030年前碳达峰、2060年前碳中和的目标. 相似文献
Stahrl W. Edmunds 《国际自然能源杂志》2013,34(1):63-67
The world potential for geothermal energy represents a substantial augmentation to energy supplies at costs competitive with petroleum at present prices. About 20 nations have geothermal projects or experiments underway and at least another 25 nations have geothermal potential. Current uses of geothermal energy include space heating and cooling, greenhouses. Soil warming, kiln drying, and electric energy production. Numerous new applications appear to be feasible, such as environmentally controlled livestock production, absorption refrigeration, and industrial processing in such areas as pulp and paper, wood chemicals, sugar beets, and corn products. Geothermal energy can be applied with state-of-the-art technology, with improvement in corrosion control and down-hole pumping. Incentives may be needed to stimulate geothermal investment to overcome the higher front-end costs of geothermal installations. Geothermal energy is a promising future source of electric energy, ambient heat, and direct thermal uses. Currently in the world today, geothermal energy supplies about 1.500MWe per year in electric power and the equivalent of 7,000MWe per year in thermal energy utilization, mostly for space heating. Within the next three decades, the world supply of electric energy from geothermal energy is estimated to increase to about 200,00OMWe/yr. The United States has about one-tenth of the world's geothermal resources and should have about 20,000MWe/yr. on line in about thirty years. The amount of thermal heat utilization from geothermal sources is somewhat problematical in the future, due to cost factors and the localized nature of geothermal applications. Transmission heat losses of geothermal fluids limit transmission lines to about ten miles or less, which means that thermal applications must be near to the geothermal source to be economical. On the positive side, however, there are many more lower temperature (under 200 degrees C) geothermal well sites In the world than there are high temperature sources capable of generating electric power (which usually requires about 200 degrees C or higher) Assuming then that thermal applications can be maximized near the geothermal sources, the ambient heat utilization of geothermal energy has been estimated to be up to 60.000MWe/yr. equivalent in the United States, which could imply more than 600,000MWe/yr. equivalent in the world. Seen in this light, geothermal energy is a useful augmentation to the alternate energy sources of the world. While the amount of geothermal energy may seem small relative to the 1 ¾ billion megawatts of installed electric generating capacity in the world, geothermal energy provides new capacity for economic growth which would otherwise be absent In the energy-constricted future. Moreover, geothermal energy is competitive in cost with fossil fuels at current petroleum prices for many applications [1]; and it has few technology problems since its technology is closely related to existing heat conversion methods. The main new problems in geothermal energy are corrosion control and downhole pumping, both of which appear to be manageable. Moreover, geothermal energy appears to have fewer environmental problems than either coal or nuclear power. Therefore, geothermal energy may well be looked upon as the next most immediate source of alternate energy. Other alternate energy sources include wind and solar energy. Lower temperature solar energy, such as black-body or radiation absorption for water heating, is practical in the near term at cost premiums around 2 to 5 times natural gas. Passive solar radiation systems in home-building, which tie the structure into a large heat sink such as water columns or the subsurface floor, are also practical at a modest cost premium. Wind energy for electric power conversion costs about one order of magnitude more than fossil fuel or geothermal energy; and high temperature solar radiation, i.e. focused array towers, or solar energy cells cost about two orders of magnitude more than fossil or geothermal energy. In this perspective, then, geothermal energy appears to be among the early candidates for substantial development both for electric energy and direct thermal utilization. 相似文献
Hu Xinjie Gao Lin Ma Chuanming Hu Xiaojing 《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》2020,79(5):2697-2719
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment - Scientific land development ensures regional ecological and geo-environmental safety and promotes the sustainable development of society,... 相似文献
A novel textile-type ground heat exchanger, a so-called “energy textile”, is introduced in this paper. The energy textile to be assembled in a tunnel lining is devised to function as a ground-coupled heat exchanger (GHE) to operate a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system in tunnels. A test bed of six pilot energy textile modules with various configurations was constructed in an abandoned railroad tunnel in South Korea. Long-term field monitoring was performed to measure the heat exchange capacity of each energy textile module by applying artificial heating and cooling loads on it. In the course of monitoring, the inlet and outlet fluid temperatures of the energy textile, the pumping rate, the ground temperature, and the air temperature inside the tunnel were measured continuously. Each type of energy textile modules was compared in terms of its heat exchange efficiency, which appears to be sensitive to fluctuation of air temperature in the tunnel. In addition, three-dimensional computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analyses were carried out, employing FLUENT, to simulate the field test for each energy textile module. After verification of the numerical model with the field measurement, the influence of a drainage layer on the performance of the energy textile was parametrically examined. A conventional design procedure for horizontal GHEs was used in a preliminary design of an energy textile module, taking into consideration the air temperature variation inside the tunnel over the course of one year. 相似文献