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The suprascapular nerve supplies sensory nerves to the posterosuperior aspect of the shoulder, including major portions of the rotator cuff. Suprascapular nerve block using steroid/bupivacaine is temporarily effective in reducing pain in rotator cuff tendinitis and tears, improving movement range in tendinitis and is possible in an outpatient setting with little or no complication risk.  相似文献   

Ulnar nerve entrapment at the elbow has been described in the literature. This paper deals with 19 skeletally mature baseball players with ulnar nerve entrapment who underwent surgery for correction of the problem. The surgery consisted of anterior transfer of the nerve and placement deep to the flexor muscles. Six players quit baseball because of continuing elbow problems, nine returned to playing, and four were lost to follow-up. Ulnar nerve entrapment is thought to represent one syndrome in a spectrum of diseases involving the medial side of the elbow in baseball players. The lesion is amenable to surgery.  相似文献   

Usually, serious rotator cuff injuries can be operated upon and a high level of performance can be achieved afer surgery. This is not so for the substantial tears seen in baseball pitchers. However, a damaged rotator cuff can be rehabilitated and can recover from the threatened tear without surgery if detected early enough and given the proper treatment.  相似文献   

AIM: In order to evaluate the diagnostic efficiency of arthroscintigraphy in suspected rotator cuff ruptures this new imaging procedure was performed 20 times in 17 patients with clinical signs of a rotator cuff lesion. The scintigraphic results were compared with sonography (n = 20), contrast arthrography (n = 20) and arthroscopy (n = 10) of the shoulder joint. METHODS: After performing a standard bone scintigraphy with intravenous application of 300 MBq 99m-Tc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) for landmarking of the shoulder region arthroscintigraphy was performed after an intraarticular injection of 99m-Tc microcolloid (ALBU-RES 400 MicroCi/5 ml). The application was performed either in direct combination with contrast arthrography (n = 10) or ultrasound conducted mixed with a local anesthetic (n = 10). Findings at arthroscopical surgery (n = 10) were used as the gold standard. RESULTS: In case of complete rotator cuff rupture (n = 5), arthroscintigraphy and radiographic arthrography were identical in 5/5. In one patient with advanced degenerative alterations of the shoulder joint radiographic arthrography incorrectly showed a complete rupture which was not seen by arthroscintigraphy and endoscopy. In 3 patients with incomplete rupture, 2/3 results were consistent. A difference was seen in one patient with a rotator cuff, that has been already revised in the past and that suffered of capsulitis and calcification. CONCLUSION: Arthroscintigraphy is a sensitive technique for detection of rotator cuff ruptures. Because of the lower viscosity of the active compound, small ruptures can be easily detected, offering additional value over radiographic arthrography and ultrasound, especially for evaluation of incomplete cuff ruptures.  相似文献   

A basketball player was shown to have a suprascapular nerve lesion without any history of shoulder girdle trauma. This acute neuropathy, never previously described in basketball players, is a result of repeated micro-trauma, due to nerve traction over the coracoid notch during violent movement ("dunking" most probably). Clinically, he was unable to abduct his arm and had some difficulty in external rotation. He developed atrophy in both the supra- and the infraspinatus muscles. Nerve conduction latency to the supraspinatus muscle was 8.0 ms, and to the infraspinatus, 8.5 ms. The compound muscle action potential registered in the supraspinatus was 1.224 mV, and in the infraspinatus, 1.237 mV. After 3 weeks of inactivity, recovery was spontaneous and practically complete.  相似文献   

A 3-dimensional static biomechanical model of the glenohumeral joint was used to investigate rotator cuff muscle forces during maximal isometric exertions (abduction, adduction, internal rotation, and external rotation) and static arm elevation. Muscle moment arms and cross sectional areas were determined from studies of cadaveric specimens, and maximal isometric strength data were collected using a Cybex II dynamometer. Predicted posterior deltoid forces were very low during abduction in the scapular plane. The model predicted the highest rotator cuff muscle forces during maximal internal rotation (subscapularis) and external rotation (infraspinatus, teres minor, and supraspinatus) exertions. The results indicate that abduction exertions may not produce the greatest loads on the supraspinatus tendon, and that analyses of arm elevation may underestimate the potential loads on the rotator cuff. The strong effect of external rotation exertions on supraspinatus and infraspinatus forces suggest that ergonomic efforts to prevent rotator cuff disease should include reduction of internal rotation loading on the arm. Moreover, it may be important to include warnings about external rotation exertions, in addition to arm elevation, in patient education.  相似文献   

The past 2 decades have seen rapid advancement in the field of shoulder arthroscopy in general and of rotator cuff disorders in particular. Arthroscopy allows superior visualization of pathologic conditions with less soft-tissue trauma than open exposures. Arthroscopic surgical techniques also are being applied to the actual treatment of many forms of rotator cuff disorders with clinical results similar to more traditional, open procedures. Although these techniques and their indications continue to evolve, it remains clear that, in carefully selected patients, arthroscopy has become a highly useful and effective tool in the diagnosis, evaluation, and surgical management of common disorders of the rotator cuff.  相似文献   

The role of a depressor factor, atrial natriuretic peptide, in the development of arterial hypertension in adolescents with pubertal hypothalamic syndrome was studied in 52 patients and 13 healthy males aged 13-24 years. The duration of disease was 2-11 years. Radioimmunological methods were used to measure plasma atrial natriuretic peptide, plasma renin activity, and serum aldosterone. Patients with borderline arterial hypertension were found to have a significant reduction in their atrial natriuretic peptide levels, and this correlated directly with the renin-aldosterone system, demonstrating insufficiency of the depressor system in patients with pubertal hypothalamic syndrome and the involvement of atrial natriuretic peptide in the development of arterial hypertension, along with disturbances in the functional relationship between atrial natriuretic peptide and the renin-aldosterone system.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficacy of arthroscopic techniques in determining the potential reparability of complete rotator cuff tears, a clinical investigation was performed. The parameters of tear size measurement, tendon quality, tendon mobility, and suture anchor placement were evaluated. These parameters were determined using both arthroscopic and open surgical technique. No statistically significant differences were noted when the arthroscopic findings were compared with the findings at open rotator cuff repair. Arthroscopic techniques can reliably assess rotator cuff tear size, tendon quality, tendon mobility, and suture anchor placement.  相似文献   

The patient is a 12-year-old boy with acute mixed lineage leukemia (AMLL) and with a rare karyotype of trisomy 6. He was referred to our hospital with gingival swelling, bleeding at the conjunctiva and huge hepatosplenomegaly. Complete blood count revealed leukocytosis with 79% blasts, anemia and thrombocytopenia. Bone marrow examination revealed 82.5% blasts which were morphologically judged as M1 according to the French-American-British classification. Immunophenotyping of leukemic cells showed the presence of CD2, CD7, CD19 and CD13 antigens, suggesting the diagnosis of AMLL. Cytogenetic analysis revealed a single abnormal karyotype of 47,XY,+6,add(15)(q22) which was successfully detected by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with the probe mapping at the alpha-satellite region of chromosome 6. Although the patient was treated with several chemotherapy regimens, he could not achieve complete remission and he died of progressive disease 11 months after admission. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis was very informative in assessing the residual leukemic cells in interphase during his clinical course.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the histologic features and biologic behavior of unclassified sex cord-stromal tumors. PATIENTS: The eight patients' ages at presentation ranged from 14 to 83 years. Presenting symptoms and physical findings included abdominal pain, abnormal uterine bleeding, ascites, and abdominal and pelvic masses. One patient also had bilateral sex cord tumors with annual tubules and probable Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. RESULTS: The tumors ranged from 4 to 27 cm in diameter and were described as partially encapsulated, solid, and cystic. Histologically, the tumors were composed of diffuse proliferations of sex cord cells, with cords, tubules, and follicle-like structures. The stromal cells were spindle-shaped, with scanty cytoplasm. The neoplasms were vimentin-positive and, sometimes, cytokeratin CAM 5.2- and AE1/3-positive and epithelial membrane antigen-negative. Six patients were disease-free from 2 months to 6 years after operation. One patient was lost to follow-up. The patient with probable Peutz-Jeghers syndrome had a tumor with unusual morphology and died of the neoplasm 4 years after the diagnosis. Three of 32 other cases with clinical follow-up mentioned in the pathology literature have been associated with a malignant behavior. CONCLUSION: The biologic behavior of unclassified sex cord-stromal tumors resembles that of Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors of intermediate differentiation rather than poorly differentiated tumors, which might have been expected in view of the lack of specific differentiation. This finding is important with regard to postoperative management.  相似文献   

We assessed the relative value of lag signs for the evaluation of rotator cuff rupture in a prospective study of 100 consecutive painful shoulders with impingement syndrome, stages 1 to 3. Lag signs were compared with the Jobe and lift-off signs. Three tests were designed to assess the main components of the rotator cuff: the external rotation lag sign (ERLS) for the supraspinatus and the infraspinatus tendons, the drop sign for the infraspinatus, and the internal rotation lag sign (IRLS) for the subscapularis tendon. For assessment of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus the ERLS was less sensitive but more specific than the jobe sign. The drop sign was the least sensitive but was as specific as the ERLS. Partial ruptures of the supraspinatus remained concealed to the ERLS. For assessment of the subscapularis the IRLS was as specific but more sensitive than the lift-off sign. Partial ruptures of the subscapularis tendon could be missed by the lift-off sign but were detected by the IRLS. The magnitude of the lag correlated with the size of the rupture for both the ERLS and the IRLS. Clinical testing for lag signs was efficient, reproducible, and reliable. In patients with little or no restriction of motion it enhanced the accuracy of clinical diagnosis in rotator cuff lesions.  相似文献   

Fourteen Finnish and ten Russian elite male volleyball players were studied for their anthropometric dimensions, maximal isometric trunk extension and flexion, leg extension strength and vertical jumping height. In addition, the height of rise of the body centre of gravity h (C.G.), and the height of the hand and ball were analyzed from a video tape in spike and block jumps taken during actual competition. The two teams were found to differ significantly in the h (C.G.) during a vertical jumping test where a preliminary counter movement was allowed and in the lengths of lower limbs and legs; the Russian volleyball players jumped higher and had longer lower extremities. In actual competition, the hands of the Russian players while performing a spike were on the average ten centimeters higher (p less than .01) than the hand of the Finnish players. No significant differences were found, however, between the teams in the h (C.G.) during spiking. This finding seems to suggest that the Russians have better spike technique.  相似文献   

The effect of various configurations of placement of transosseous sutures on the immediate strength of fixation was studied in forty-five fresh-frozen humeri from cadavera of older individuals (mean age at the time of death, sixty-three years). The ultimate strength (the strength to failure) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) when the sutures were placed at sites more distal to the tip of the greater tuberosity or when the sutures were tied over a wider bone bridge. Cortical augmentation with use of a plastic button through which the transosseous sutures were tied increased the ultimate strength approximately 1.9-fold. The increase in the ultimate strength of the transosseous repair corresponded significantly with the increasing mean thickness of the cortical bone as the sutures were placed more distally along the lateral aspect of the humerus. We concluded that the strength of the fixation of a rotator cuff repair can be increased by placing the transosseous sutures at least ten millimeters distal to the tip of the greater tuberosity and by tying them over a bone bridge that is at least ten millimeters wide. When bone is very osteoporotic, cortical augmentation with a readily available plastic button strengthens the repair.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors' goal was to determine the effects of specific binding and blockade of P- and E-selectins by a soluble P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) in rat models of hepatic in vivo warm ischemia and ex vivo cold ischemia. The authors also sought to determine the effect of selectin blockade on isograft survival in a syngeneic rat orthotopic liver transplant model. SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury is a major factor in poor graft function after liver transplantation, which may profoundly influence early graft function and late changes. It is hypothesized that I/R injury leads to the upregulation of P-selectin, which is then rapidly translocated to endothelial cell surfaces within 5 minutes of reperfusion of the liver, initiating steps leading to tethering of polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes to the vascular intima. Local production by leukocytes of interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, or both induces P-selectin expression on the endothelium and continues the cascade of events, which increases cell adherence and infiltration of the organ. METHODS: To examine directly the effects of selectins in a warm hepatic I/R injury model, 100 microg of PSGL-1 or saline was given through the portal vein at the time of total hepatic inflow occlusion. The effects of PSGL-1 in cold ischemia were assessed using an isolated perfused rat liver after 6 hours of 4 degrees C storage in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution, with or without the instillation of PSGL-1 before the storage. To evaluate the effect of selectin blockade on liver transplant survival, syngeneic orthotopic liver transplants were performed between inbred male Sprague-Dawley rats after 24 hours of cold ischemic storage in UW solution. A separate group of animals received two doses of 100 microg of PSGL-1 through the portal vein before storage and before reperfusion of the transplanted liver. Recipient survival was assessed at 7 days, and the Kaplan-Meier product limit estimate method was used for univariate calculations of time-dependent recipient survival events. RESULTS: In an in vivo warm rat liver ischemia model, perfusion with PSGL-1 afforded considerable protection from I/R injury, as demonstrated by decreased transaminase release, reduced histologic hepatocyte damage, and suppressed neutrophil infiltration, versus controls (p < 0.05). When cold stored livers were reperfused, PSGL-1 reduced the degree of hepatocyte transaminase release, reduced neutrophil infiltration, and decreased histologic hepatocyte damage (p < 0.05 vs. UW-only controls). On reperfusion, livers treated with PSGL-1 demonstrated increased portal vein blood flow and bile production (p < 0.05 vs. UW-only controls). In addition, 90% of the rats receiving liver isografts stored in UW solution supplemented with PSGL-1 survived 7 days versus 50% of those whose transplanted syngeneic livers had been stored in UW alone (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Selectins play an important role in I/R injury of the liver. Early modulation of the interaction between P-selectin and its ligand decreases hepatocyte injury, neutrophil adhesion, and subsequent migration in both warm and cold rat liver ischemia models. In addition, the use of PSGL-1 before ischemic storage and before transplantation prevents hepatic injury, as documented by a significant increase in liver isograft survival. These findings have important clinical ramifications: early inhibition of alloantigen-independent mechanisms during the I/R damage may influence both short- and long-term survival of liver allografts.  相似文献   

This study compared and quantified electromyographic muscle activation of the rotator cuff with the isometric torque generated by performing shoulder rotation in various positions. Twenty healthy volunteers were tested in 29 shoulder positions. Using a Cybex II dynamometer synchronously with electromyography, surface electrodes were placed over the pectoralis major muscle and three parts of the deltoid muscle. Intramuscular wire electrodes were inserted into the four rotator cuff muscles. We found that the greatest external rotation isometric force is generated in the frontal and scapular planes in the neutral or full internal rotation positions. The sagittal, dependent, and the scapular plane with 45 degrees of elevation in rotational positions of either full or half external rotation generated the greatest torques for internal rotation isometric force. The rotator cuff muscles generated greatest electromyographic activity in neutral to midrotational positions. The scapular plane with 90 degrees of shoulder elevation in neutral rotation best isolated the subscapularis muscle. The infraspinatus-teres minor muscles were isolated in the sagittal plane with 90 degrees of shoulder elevation in a half externally rotated position. We were unable to isolate the supraspinatus muscle in any of these tested positions. These positions are recommended for manual muscle testing and for strengthening these muscles.  相似文献   

The approach to management of a partial-thickness rotator cuff tear is best made with the understanding that this is not a singular condition. Rather, partial tears represent the common outcome of a variety of insults to the rotator cuff. Degenerative changes due to aging, anatomic impingement, and trauma may all be etiologic agents. Overhead athletes may develop tears due to repetitive microtrauma or internal impingement. Outlet radiographs and magnetic resonance imaging are recommended for routine preoperative evaluation. A nonoperative treatment program for rotator cuff strengthening and stretching is appropriate as initial treatment; modification of activities and anti-inflammatory medication are often used as well. Operative management may be considered when nonoperative treatment fails. Arthroscopic evaluation is required to determine the true extent of the cuff lesion. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression is recommended when outlet impingement is present. Rotator cuff debridement or formal cuff repair is dependent on the size of the cuff defect and the age and activity level of the patient. The importance of recognizing the different causes of partial-thickness rotator cuff tears is emphasized in this review of pathogenesis, clinical diagnosis, imaging, and treatment.  相似文献   

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