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被动微波遥感反演土壤水分进展研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
在地球系统中, 地表土壤水分是陆地和大气能量交换过程中的重要因子, 并对陆地表面蒸散、水的运移、碳循环有很强的控制作用, 大面积监测土壤水分在水文、气象和农业科学领域具有较大的应用潜力。被动微波遥感是监测土壤含水量最有效的手段之一, 相比红外与可见光, 它具有波长长, 穿透能力强的优势, 相比主动微波雷达, 被动微波辐射计具有监测面积大、周期短, 受粗糙度影响小, 对土壤水分更为敏感, 算法更为成熟的优势。然而微波辐射计观测到的亮温除了受土壤水分影响外, 还要考虑如植被覆盖、土壤温度、雪覆盖以及地形、地表粗糙度、土壤纹理和大气效应以及地表的异质性等其它因子的影响。目前, 已研究出许多使用被动微波辐射计反演土壤水分的方法,这些方法大部分是围绕着土壤湿度与亮温温度之间的关系进行, 同时也考虑其它各种不同因子对 地表微波辐射的影响。从介绍被动微波反演地表参数的原理入手, 重点介绍被动遥感反演土壤水分当前的算法进展、研究趋势等。  相似文献   

SMOS与SMAP过境时段表层土壤水分的稳定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SMOS和SMAP都是为获取全球土壤水分信息而设计的专题卫星,均搭载了L波段辐射计。进行二者的横向对比是构建具有一致性的全球土壤水分数据集的关键基础。虽然SMAP、SMOS名义上的过境时刻是固定的,但二者的实际过境时刻随时间和空间发生变化,它们与地面实测数据三者之间难以匹配形成时序上严格统一的样本对,从而给土壤水分反演结果的精度评定带来困难。针对这一问题,以美国大陆地区为研究区,首先对2016~2017年SMOS、SMAP土壤水分数据的时间戳进行统计,判定二者过境的交叠时段;进而利用高观测频率、大空间尺度的实测数据,研究表层土壤水分在此时段内的自然变化特征。结果显示,按照全部、无降水、有降水3种条件,在样本量分别为98.14%、99.51%和88.49%的绝大多数情况下,表层土壤水分的变化量为0.007 m3/m3、0.007 m3/m3和0.012 m3/m3, 远小于SMOS、SMAP的目标精度(0.04 m3/m3)。初步证实: ①SMOS与SMAP的土壤水分反演结果(L2数据)可进行直接比对;②过境时刻差异对验证误差的影响可不计。  相似文献   

当前常用的被动微波土壤水分反演算法有水平极化单通道算法、垂直极化单通道算法、双通道算法、微波极化差比值算法和扩展双通道算法,5种反演算法具有不同的差异,对这些反演算法进行系统的评估和分析将有助于反演算法的改进和星载高精度土壤水分产品的发布。为了避免直接采用卫星产品验证时的尺度匹配、空间异质性等问题,基于地基L波段微波辐射观测以及配套的土壤和植被参数测量数据,对这5种反演算法进行了实现、对比和分析,得出以下结论:①单通道算法具有最佳的反演性能,水平极化单通道算法反演结果具有最高的相关性(相关性系数R=0.83),垂直极化单通道算法反演结果具有最小的反演误差(均方根误差RMSE=0.028 m3/m3,偏差BIAS= -0.011 m3/m3),但单通道算法需要精确的植被含水量输入;②其余3种算法能脱离植被辅助数据的使用,性能略差但也能满足星载微波传感器的探测指标要求(小于等于0.04 m3/m3);其中,扩展双通道算法和微波极化差比值算法的土壤水分反演结果比双通道算法略差,但本例中扩展双通道算法在植被含水量反演方面更具优势。  相似文献   

土壤水分变化量遥感反演算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐妍  刘峻明  王鹏新  苏涛 《计算机应用》2011,31(Z1):188-191
为获得作物生长发育期内任意时间段的土壤水分变化量空间分布,基于叶面积指数和生物量的土壤水分变化量遥感反演模型,利用ArcGIS Engine 9.3平台结合GDAL图像读写库设计和实现了相关算法,形成了从遥感影像数据到土壤水分变化量产品的处理流程。经研究区域的Landsat TM数据测试,反演算法运行稳定且计算结果符合实际,可为农业生产提供决策依据,为补充性灌溉提供指导。  相似文献   

以星载微波遥感的辐射传输方程为基础,利用 SMOS(土壤湿度海洋盐度)卫星的L1C级亮温数据,通过与辐射传输模型模拟的亮温进行对比,评估及验证亮温的数据质量,建立了海洋盐度反演算法。通过分析2012年7月东南太平洋区域(45°~5°S,140°~90°W)的下降轨道数据,发现MIRAS亮温与模型模拟亮温之间总是存在几K的系统偏差,即OTT,因此提出了两种反演盐度的方法:一种是修正OTT偏差,使用入射角0°~55°的数据反演盐度;另一种是不修正OTT偏差,使用大入射角范围35°~55°的数据进行盐度反演。再通过利用MIRAS多角度信息,对亮温作二阶多项式拟合,减少随机噪声对反演的影响。最后采用最小二乘法,使得MIRAS的二阶拟合亮温与模型仿真亮温最接近,迭代反演盐度值。并将反演结果分别与欧空局的L2级盐度数据产品和Argo盐度数据进行比较,来验证反演算法。结果表明:修正OTT之后全角度数据反演的盐度值在50 km×50 km范围内、卫星过境前后5 d,与Argo浮标盐度匹配比较的均值为1.38 pss,标准差为0.35 pss;不修正OTT,直接利用大入射角范围35°~55°的MIRAS亮温反演盐度,与Argo盐度误差均值为0.03 pss,标准差为0.33 pss;同时欧空局的L2级盐度与Argo盐度误差均值为0.26 pss,标准差为0.38 pss。可见利用大入射角范围的反演方法很好地反演了海洋盐度。  相似文献   

SMOS卫星海表面亮温数据与海表面盐度数据的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海表面亮温是反演海表面盐度的关键。从不同海表面亮温参数与海表面盐度的关系入手,利用2014年7月8日西北太平洋区域SMOS(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity)卫星L1C数据和Argo实测盐度数据,使用数据拟合、显著性检验、偏相关分析和广义相加模型等方法,分析了海表面盐度SSS(Sea Surface Salinity)与SMOS卫星不同极化方式和不同入射角亮温参数的相互关系,并得到以下结论:水平极化亮温、垂直极化亮温、第一斯托克斯参数和第二斯托克斯参数4种亮温参数与入射角具有较强的相关性,水平极化亮温、第一斯托克斯参数与海表面盐度相关性较好,其中12.5°第一斯托克斯参数为反演海表面盐度的最佳亮温参数。  相似文献   

青藏高原地理位置特殊、环境特征显著,是地球系统作用的关键参与和决策者。利用大尺度的星载微波遥感数据开展其土壤水分研究,不仅能为理解典型地区对全球水、气、能、热交互机制的量化影响提供理论支持,还能够为证实遥感数据的可靠性提供实践依据。以SMOS(2011—2020)和SMAP(2016—2020)卫星土壤水分数据为主,以ISMN实测数据、GPCP降水数据、MOD16A2蒸散发数据、C3S地表类型数据为辅,利用土壤水分(年均值,■与时间之间的相关系数(Rxt),研究青藏高原土壤水分在季风及植被生长季(7—9月)的时空分布及长消特征;进而利用偏相关系数(Rxy,z),初步分析了土壤水分与降水和蒸散发的耦合关系。结果显示,青藏高原土壤水分在时间上呈现先减(2011—2015年)后增(2015—2018年)随后波动变化(2018—2020年)的趋势,在空间上呈现自西北向东南逐渐升高的趋势;大部分地区的土壤水分与降水的耦合表现强于蒸散发;SMOS和SMAP对青藏高原土壤水分时空特征的捕捉具有较高的一致性。  相似文献   

针对被动微波反演土壤水分中,ω-τ模型忽略植被内部多次散射的局限,将光线跟踪原理的双矩阵(Matrix Doubling)算法应用到植被覆盖地区的地表辐射以及植被与地表之间多次散射问题.这种方法可以有效地弥补ω-τ模型的缺陷,但需要的参数较多且形式复杂,很难被直接应用到模拟计算和土壤水分反演中.针对这些问题,本文将基于双矩阵(Matrix Doubling)的算法进行简化,分别考虑植被内仅存在一次散射、两次散射、三次散射以及多次散射的情况.将散射矩阵和传输矩阵表达式简化,利用野外楸树林实验得到的植被参数进行模拟.结果显示当仅考虑两次散射时模拟结果与原始模型的差别已经很小.  相似文献   

土壤水分是陆地生态系统中最重要的组成部分,如何有效地得到高精度的土壤水分产品成为当前研究最为关注的问题。被动微波遥感具有监测面积大、重访周期短、对土壤水分敏感等优点,成为反演土壤水分最有潜力的方式。基于SMOS(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity)和AMSR2(The Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-2)数据,通过研究L波段与C波段融合亮度温度在土壤水分反演中的潜力,发展多频率土壤水分反演算法,并对黑河上游4个像元开展土壤水分反演研究。结果表明:①利用L/C组合亮温反演结果与实测数据较为吻合,长时间内变化趋势一致,相关系数为0.841,均方根误差为0.063 m3/m3。②通过与SMOS和AMSR2官方土壤水分产品比较发现,AMSR2土壤水分产品存在明显的低估,SMOS土壤水分产品缺失值较多,无法得到较为完整的土壤水分时间序列;利用L/C多频率组合反演得到的结果明显优于官方土壤水分产品。融合L与C波段亮温数据,可有效提高反演土壤水分精度,实现高精度土壤水分的获取。  相似文献   

宇宙射线中子法是一种百米尺度的土壤水分无损测量方法。基于重庆市青木关槽谷区多个站点的多层土壤水分观测数据,针对宇宙射线土壤水分观测系统(COSMOS)同步测得的中子序列开展了土壤含水量反演研究。在反演算法研究过程中,引入S-G滤波对COSMOS快中子数进行平滑,分析了植被含水量的影响,探索和优化了算法率定和验证阶段不同的数据筛选方案。结果表明:该区域植被含水量对COSMOS反演结果影响较小,且考虑全时段土壤水分水平下发展的算法能得到与实测区域平均更为一致的土壤水分序列。最后应用该反演算法进一步生成了COSMOS观测时段的长时间序列土壤水分产品,并与周边相邻土壤水分观测进行间接验证,揭示了该区域的土壤水分季节变化特征。该研究发展的COSMOS土壤水分反演算法在该区域展现了较强的适用性,可为重庆市青木关喀斯特槽谷区典型流域的区域尺度土壤水分观测与水文气象分析提供支持。  相似文献   

In order to reduce the complexity of SMOS official soil moisture retrieval algorithm and improve the accuracy of soil moisture retrievals, a new retrieval strategy on SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm was developed. In the new retrieval strategy on SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm, the fixed step size (0.001 m3/m3) was used to replace the flexible step size obtained by the SMOS matrix operation. The multi-parameter was changed to a single-parameter in the cost function. The data from 44 USCRN sites in the United States were compared with the soil moisture retrieved from SMOS official algorithm as well as the adjustment of SMOS algorithm. The results show that compared with the SMOS official algorithm, the average absolute deviation, root mean square error,and unbiased root mean square error of the adjustment of SMOS algorithm are reduced by 0.012 m3/m3, 0.018 m3/m3,and 0.020 m3/m3,respectively.  相似文献   

根据中荷两国学者互访协议,中国科学院沙漠所派我们两人在1985年10月10日至11月6日对荷兰进行了为期四周的考察访问。在荷期间,我们受到荷方学者热情友好的接待,首后访问了国际农业中心(IAC—  相似文献   

微波遥感土壤湿度研究进展   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
发展实用的微波遥感土壤湿度卫星反演算法,以提供区域尺度上的土壤湿度信息,对水文学、气象学以及农业科学研究与应用至关重要。简要分析了主动微波遥感土壤湿度的研究进展情况,重点对被动微波遥感土壤湿度的原理、算法发展及研究趋势进行了详细论述。主动微波具有卫星数据空间分辨率高的特点,随着携载主动微波器的一系列卫星的发射,主动微波遥感土壤湿度将受到重视。被动微波遥感研究历史长、反演算法特别是卫星遥感算比较成熟,是今后区域尺度乃至全球尺度监测土壤湿度的重要手段。  相似文献   

Observation data of 34 in-situ stations located in seven main vegetation types were used to evaluate the performance of SMOS soil moisture products in Qilian Mountain,Northwest China.SMOS data were processed to correspond to the observation data,and three indices:R、Biasand RMSE were calculated at both annual and seasonal scales for each observation station.Results show that SMOS products were credible in the study area,but underestimated soil moisture in Qilian Mountain,and failed to achieve the intended accuracy target of 0.04 m3/m3.SMOS performed better in estimating vegetation emission than soil emission,leading to its better performance in areas with higher vegetation coverage.Similarly,SMOS performed better in the humid condition than the arid condition,and also better in areas with smaller soil moisture variability than those with large soil moisture variability.At seasonal scale,SMOS products fitted the observations better in the summer and autumn than the spring.  相似文献   

Soil moisture will be mapped globally by the European Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission to be launched in 2009. The expected soil moisture accuracy will be 4.0 %v/v. The core component of the SMOS soil moisture retrieval algorithm is the L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere (L-MEB) model which simulates the microwave emission at L-band from the soil-vegetation layer. The model parameters have been calibrated with data acquired by tower mounted radiometer studies in Europe and the United States, with a typical footprint size of approximately 10 m. In this study, aircraft L-band data acquired during the National Airborne Field Experiment (NAFE) intensive campaign held in South-eastern Australia in 2005 are used to perform the first evaluation of the L-MEB model and its proposed parameterization when applied to coarser footprints (62.5 m). The model could be evaluated across large areas including a wide range of land surface conditions, typical of the Australian environment. Soil moisture was retrieved from the aircraft brightness temperatures using L-MEB and ground measured ancillary data (soil temperature, soil texture, vegetation water content and surface roughness) and subsequently evaluated against ground measurements of soil moisture. The retrieval accuracy when using the L-MEB ‘default’ set of model parameters was found to be better than 4.0 %v/v only over grassland covered sites. Over crops the model was found to underestimate soil moisture by up to 32 %v/v. After site specific calibration of the vegetation and roughness parameters, the retrieval accuracy was found to be equal or better than 4.8 %v/v for crops and grasslands at 62.5-m resolution. It is suggested that the proposed value of roughness parameter HR for crops is too low, and that variability of HR with soil moisture must be taken into consideration to obtain accurate retrievals at these scales. The analysis presented here is a crucial step towards validating the application of L-MEB for soil moisture retrieval from satellite observations in an operational context.  相似文献   

The commonly used passive microwave soil moisture inversion algorithms include Single Channel Algorithm at H polarization (SCA-H), Single Channel Algorithm at V polarization (SCA-V), Dual-Channel Algorithm (DCA), Microwave Polarization Ratio Algorithm (MPRA) and Extended Dual Channel Algorithm (E-DCA). The five retrieval algorithms have different performance, systematic evaluation and analysis of these inversion algorithms will contribute to the improvement of the retrieval algorithm and the release of satellite soil moisture products. Verification of satellite product could bring some problems, such as scale matching and spatial heterogeneity. In order to avoid these issues, the above five soil moisture inversion algorithms are implemented, compared and analyzed based on ground-based microwave radiometer observation and supporting soil and vegetation parameter measurement data. The results show: (1) SCA has the best inversion performance. SCA-H has the highest correlation (R=0.83), and SCA-V has the smallest inversion error (RMSE=0.028 m3/m3, BIAS=-0.011 m3/m3), but SCA needs the accurate vegetation water content as an input. (2) The other three algorithms can get rid of the use of vegetation-aided data, with slightly poor performance but also meet the satellite detection requirements (less than or equal to 0.04 m3/m3). Among them, E-DCA and MPRA are slightly worse than the DCA. However, E-DCA is more advantageous in the vegetation water content inversion in our study.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is a key variable in the process of crop growth,ground-air water heat exchange and global water cycle,which plays an important role in drought monitoring,hydrological land surface processes and climate change.Passive microwave remote sensing has become the main means of monitoring soil moisture with the sensitivity to soil moisture.In this study,the authenticity test of SMAP(Soil Moisture and Active and Passive) and SMOS(Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity)passive microwave soil moisture products using the soil moisture sensor network monitoring data carried out against the underlying surface of farmlands in Jilin Province was carried out.The following conclusions were obtained:(1)Compared with the in situ measured data,SMOS L3(ascending and descending overpasses) and SMAP L3 passive microwave soil moisture products generally underestimated the ground data,but With the occurrence of rainfall events,there will be the phenomenon which is the value of soil moisture products is higher than the in situ data; although the unbiased root mean square error (unRMSE) of the two soil moisture products was greater than 0.07 m3/m3,the unRMSE of SMAP passive microwave soil moisture product data which was 0.078 m3/m3 was slightly lower;(2)Since the depth of induction of the L-band is lighter than the depth of detection of the sensor(5cm),and the dryness of the soil surface after rainfall causes the vertical inhomogeneity of soil moisture,which is one of the reasons why SMOS and SMAP passive microwave soil moisture products underestimate soil moisture; (3)SMOS has a higher value than the range of SMAP brightness temperature,which may be caused by radio frequency interference (RFI),which makes the error of soil moisture Retrieval and affects the validation accuracy.The comparison of bright temperature distribution of SMOS and SMAP shows that the effect of RFI on SMOS is more serious due to the influence of electromagnetic radio frequency interference (RFI),which may be the reason why the RMSE of soil moisture product of SMOS is higher than that of passive microwave soil moisture product of SMAP.  相似文献   

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