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Effect of aging on the morphology of bitumen by atomic force microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Effect of aging on the morphology of bitumen was investigated. Two bitumens were aged according to the thin film oven test (TFOT), pressure aging vessel (PAV) test and ultraviolet (UV) radiation, respectively. The morphology of the binders before and after aging was characterized by atomic force microscopy. The physical properties and chemical compositions of the binders were also measured. The results showed that aging affected the bitumen morphology significantly. Aging increased the overall surface stiffness of the bitumen and made the bitumen surface more solid-like. The extent of these changes was dependent on aging conditions. TFOT decreased the contrast between the dispersed domains and the matrix, which contributed to the single-phase trend of the binders. The effect of PAV aging on morphology of the binders was dependent on the base bitumen. In one case, it further accelerated the single-phase trend of bitumen in comparison with that after TFOT. In the other case, it caused the phase separation of bitumen. In both cases, PAV aging increased the surface roughness of the binders obviously. As a result of UV aging, the contrast between the matrix phase and dispersed phase was increased due to the difference in sensitivity to UV radiation of the bitumen molecules, which caused or further promoted the phase separation in the binders. Regardless of the aging procedure carried out, a strong correlation was observed between the changes in morphology and physical properties as well as chemical compositions of the binders before and after aging.  相似文献   

We present a new method for observing oil-in-water emulsions with a continuous water phase and a dispersed bitumen phase. The fine polydispersed bitumen micelles were adsorbed to an atomically smooth mica substrate and imaged in solution by atomic force microscopy in a liquid cell. The height of the adsorbed bitumen sheet in wet and dry states can be measured and the homogeneity of film formation by coalescence can be determined. Localization of surfactant onto and between bitumen micelles is also visualized.  相似文献   

C-banding visualized by atomic force microscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C-banding is a method used for studying chromosome rearrangements near centromeres and for investigating polymorphisms. In human chromosomes, the C-bands are located at the centromere of all the chromosomes and the distal long arm of the Y chromosome. In this study, we aimed to detect the structural changes in chromosomes during the stages of C-banding by atomic force microscopy. We observed crater-like structures in the chromosomes after 2xSSC (saline sodium citrate) treatment and measured the relative difference between the heights of chromatid and centromere of the chromosomes. Results showed that the relative difference was 3 nm in chromosomes 1, 9, 16, and Y, whereas in the other chromosomes this value was 11.6 nm. After Giemsa staining, the relative difference increased by a factor of 16 in chromosomes 1, 9, 16, and Y. The other chromosomes showed no such increase, which is in accordance with our suggestion that nonhiston proteins associated with DNA in constitutive heterochromatin can make the constitutive heterochromatin resistant to C-banding.  相似文献   

Kwak KJ  Sato F  Kudo H  Yoda S  Fujihira M 《Ultramicroscopy》2004,100(3-4):179-186
Adhesive interaction between a tip and a sample surface was examined on a microscopic scale by pulsed-force-mode atomic force microscopy (PFM-AFM). The signal measured by monitoring pull-off force is influenced by various factors such as topography, elasticity, electrostatic charges, and adsorbed water on surfaces. Here, we focus on the topographic effects on the adhesive interaction. To clarify the topographic influence, the adhesive force measurement of a stretched DNA molecule with a smaller radius of curvature than that of a tip was carried out at low relative humidity (RH) with an alkanethiol-modified tip. The experimental conditions such as low RH and the use of the alkanethiol-modified tip were required to minimise the influence of water capillary force on hydrated DNA strands. The hydrophobic modification of a substrate surface was also important to minimise the adsorbed water effect. The DNA molecules were stretched on the substrate surfaces by an immobilisation process called a dynamic molecular combing method. The two-component vapour-phase surface modification with an alkylsilane mixed with a silane derivative containing an amino end group enhanced the DNA adsorption due to the electrostatic interaction. The experimental results for the topographic effects on the adhesive force mapping were reproducible.  相似文献   

Determination of a translocation chromosome by atomic force microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ergun MA  Karaoguz MY  Ince GD  Tan E  Menevse A 《Scanning》2002,24(4):204-206
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been used to study the translocation involving chromosomes 11 and 13. An amniocentesis procedure was performed at 18 weeks of pregnancy on a familial balanced translocation carrier mother whose karyotype was 46,XX,t(11;13) (q23;q34). After harvesting the tissue cultures, light microscopy studies (LM) have indicated that the fetus had the same translocation. A 0.3 microm gap region on the derivative chromosome 13 was determined by AFM; it was equivalent to a mid-sized G-band. The enhanced resolution of AFM with respect to its line measure analysis and three-dimensional image capture capability has allowed an extension and reconsideration of conclusions about chromosomal aberrations based on the study of LM preparations. In this manner, chromosomal disorders will be studied at nanoscale to help in the planning of new therapy strategies.  相似文献   

A comparative study of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging of the healthy human liver parenchyma was carried out to determine the similarities and the differences. In this study, we compared the fine hepatic structures as observed by SEM and AFM. Although AFM revealed such typical hepatic structures as bile canaliculi and hepatocytes, it also showed the location of the nucleus and chromatin granules in rough relief structure, which was not visible by SEM. By contrast, SEM visualized other structures, such as microvilli, the central vein, and collagenous fibers, none of which was visualized by AFM. For better orientation and confirmation of most of the structures imaged by SEM and AFM, Congo Red-stained specimens were also examined. Amyloid deposits in the Disse's spaces were shown especially clearly in these images. The differences between the SEM and AFM images reflected the characteristics of the detection systems and methods used for sample preparation. Our results reveal that more detailed information on hepatic morphology is obtained by exploiting the advantages of both SEM and AFM.  相似文献   

Most advances in atomic force microscopy (AFM) have been accomplished in recent years. Previous attempts to use AFM to analyze the organization of pathogenic protozoa did not significantly contribute with new structural information. In this work, we introduce a new perspective to the study of the ultrastructure of the epimastigote form of Trypanosoma cruzi by AFM. Images were compared with those obtained using field emission scanning electron microscopy of critical point dried cells and transmission electron microscopy of negative stained detergent-extracted and air-dried cells. AFM images of epimastigote forms showed a flagellum furrow separating the axoneme from the paraflagellar rod (PFR) present from the emergence of the flagellar pocket to the tip of the flagellum. At high magnification, a row of periodically organized structures, which probably correspond to the link between the axoneme, the PFR and the flagellar membrane were seen along the furrow. In the origin of the flagellum, two basal bodies were identified. Beyond the basal bodies, small periodically arranged protrusions, positioned at 400 nm from the flagellar basis were seen. This structure was formed by nine substructures distributed around the flagellar circumference and may correspond to the flagellar necklace. Altogether, our results demonstrate the importance of the application of AFM in the structural characterization of the surface components and cytoskeleton on protozoan parasites.  相似文献   

R. Wurster  B. Ocker 《Scanning》1993,15(3):130-135
Metallic nanoparticles have been produced on vitreous carbon substrates by means of thermal evaporation. From pictures of the particles, made by a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (HRSEM), a semispherical shape is suggested due to the total mass of deposited material. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) has been applied to this sample in order to get direct topographic information. The AFM has been operated with normal and super tips, the latter having a smaller cone angle and radius, thus following more precisely the contours of an object. Simultaneously lateral-force microscopic (LFM) images have been recorded. Major differences between the contents of HRSEM- and AFM-images are considered, emphasizing the important influence of the tips' geometry. Both the AFM and LFM line scans have been compared with and have qualitatively agreed with those calculated under simplifying assumptions.  相似文献   

The numerical abnormalities of human metaphase chromosomes, fixed according to standard procedures for optical microscopy but not treated for banding, were detected by atomic force microscopy (AFM). High-resolution AFM imaging of chromosomes in trisomy 13, 21, and Klinefelter syndrome can be compared directly with the traditional optical image. The unbanded metaphase chromosomes, including the extra ones in trisomic patients showed a structural pattern very similar to G-banding. Comparison of AFM images with light microscopic data allows the identification of specific chromosomes, and images of chromosomes showing numerical and structural abnormalities can then be analysed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of G-banding detected by atomic force microscopy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sahin FI  Ergün MA  Tan E  Menevşe A 《Scanning》2000,22(1):24-27
The morphologic changes occurring in human chromosomes during G-banding by trypsin treatment on the same metaphase were followed with the aid of an atomic force microscope (AFM). It was found that trypsin treatment alone caused a pattern of collapse in the chromosomes that was clearly dependent on the duration of trypsinization. The progressive pattern of collapse first indicated the loss of internal differentiation between chromatids, then bands, and finally all internal structures, except for edges running around the chromosomes' perimeter. When stained with Giemsa, the collapsed chromosomes partly regained their original form, and transverse ridges appeared that correspond to G-positive band regions. However, the treatment of fixed chromosomes with trypsin for 42 s diminished the chromosomal edges, and the z-dimensions could not be measured even with the subsequent application of Giemsa.  相似文献   

Although structural information of mitotic chromosomes has been accumulated, little information is available for meiotic chromosome structures. Here, we applied atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate the ultrastructures of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, meiotic pachytene chromosome in its native state with nanometer scale resolution. Two levels of DNA folding were observed on the meiotic chromosome surface, 50-70 nm granules, which were considered to be 30 nm chromatin fibers, and spherical protrusions of 400-600 nm, which were considered to be chromomeres and arranged on the surface of the chromosome parallel to the chromosome longitudinal axis. These observations suggested that AFM study is an excellent approach for obtaining information concerning the silkworm pachytene chromosome higher order structure.  相似文献   

Integrated information on ultrastructural surface texture and chemistry increasingly plays a role in the biomedical sciences. Light microscopy provides access to biochemical data by the application of dyes. Ultrastructural representation of the surface structure of tissues, cells, or macromolecules can be obtained by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). However, SEM often requires gold or coal coating of biological samples, which makes a combined examination by light microscopy and SEM difficult. Conventional histochemical staining methods are not easily applicable to biological material subsequent to such treatment. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) gives access to surface textures down to ultrastructural dimensions without previous coating of the sample. A combination of AFM with conventional histochemical staining protocols for light microscopy on a single slide is therefore presented. Unstained cores were examined using AFM (tapping mode) and subsequently stained histochemically. The images obtained by AFM were compared with the results of histochemistry. AFM technology did not interfere with any of the histochemical staining protocols. Ultrastructurally analyzed regions could be identified in light microscopy and histochemical properties of ultrastructurally determined regions could be seen. AFM-generated ultrastructural information with subsequent staining gives way to novel findings in the biomedical sciences. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2009. © 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The assemblage of molecular layers was investigated using scanning force microscopy (SFM). A wet-masking technique was used for the preparation of monolayer steps by partial masking of the substrate with an elastomeric mask during incubation in the modification buffers. The subsequent adsorption of biotin, streptavidin, and biotiny lated beads onto a gold substrate was investigated by SFM visualization of the created steps. The molecular layers were characterized based on measurements of step height and surface roughness. The simultaneous visualization of the surface before and after modification minimizes artifacts introduced by changes in tip shape or imaging parameters.  相似文献   

The morphology of unmodified and organo-montmorillonite modified bitumens was investigated by atomic force microscopy. The influence of thin film oven test and ultraviolet aging on the morphology of the binders was also analysed. The atomic force microscopy results showed that bitumen displayed a 'bee-like' structure and the dimension of the 'bee-like' structures was decreased to some extent with the introduction of organo-montmorillonite. Organo-montmorillonite showed a better interaction with the dispersed domains in comparison with the matrix in bitumen, which led to an obvious increase in the contrast between the dispersed domains and the matrix in bitumen. Compared with the unmodified bitumen, the single-phase trend in the organo-montmorillonite modified bitumen could be effectively prevented during thin film oven test and ultraviolet aging, indicating its good aging resistance which was in accordance with changes in physical properties of the organo-montmorillonite modified bitumen before and after aging.  相似文献   

Nucleosome is a fundamental structural unit of chromatin, and the exposure from or occlusion into chromatin of genomic DNA is closely related to the regulation of gene expression. In this study, we analyzed the molecular dynamics of poly-nucleosomal arrays in solution by fast-scanning atomic force microscopy (AFM) to obtain a visual glimpse of nucleosome dynamics on chromatin fiber at single molecule level. The influence of the high-speed scanning probe on nucleosome dynamics can be neglected since bending elastic energy of DNA molecule showed similar probability distributions at different scan rates. In the sequential images of poly-nucleosomal arrays, the sliding of the nucleosome core particle and the dissociation of histone particle were visualized. The sliding showed limited fluctuation within ∼50 nm along the DNA strand. The histone dissociation occurs by at least two distinct ways: a dissociation of histone octamer or sequential dissociations of tetramers. These observations help us to develop the molecular mechanisms of nucleosome dynamics and also demonstrate the ability of fast-scanning AFM for the analysis of dynamic protein–DNA interaction in sub-seconds time scale.  相似文献   

Frictional effects in atomic force microscopy (AFM) of Langmuir-Blodgett films of 1, 2-dipalmitoyl-snglycero-phosphoglycerol were examined. Height measurements of the Langmuir layers are strongly influenced by the orientation of the cantilevers used in AFM relative to the sample. A simple model is used to describe the frictional effects and to calculate the real height of the monolayers.  相似文献   

M. Hannss  W. Naumann  R. Anton 《Scanning》1998,20(7):501-507
A tube scanner is constructed which avoids tilting of the sample surface when areas at some distance off the tube axis are scanned. Such tilt occurs with conventional piezo tubes, causes distorted vertical scaling, and limits the field of view to a few μm. These problems are partly overcome with a new design, which also uses a single tube, but with eight-segmented electrodes. It can be thought of being constructed of two four-segmented, conventional tubes, with the x- and y-sections in the two parts being connected crosswise. While no additional voltage supply is needed, the tube is forming an s-like shape, such that the bending of one half of the tube is compensated by a similar bending, but in the opposite direction, of the other half. Moreover, the displacement of the sample surface in z-direction can be compensated quantitatively by suitable compression or dilatation of the tube, which can always be calculated from the known lateral displacement of the axis. The performance of this scanner is demonstrated on steps of a calibration replica.  相似文献   

Noll F  Geisler B  Hampp N 《Scanning》2001,23(3):175-181
Near-contact mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging leads to sharper representations of DNA double strands on mica imaged at ambient conditions compared with noncontact mode AFM. Phase shift was used for feedback control yielding height information using a simple model calculation. No contact between tip and sample occurs. Measured DNA widths were up to four times smaller than measured with the same AFM tip in noncontact mode at ambient condition.  相似文献   

Micic M  Chen A  Leblanc RM  Moy VT 《Scanning》1999,21(6):394-397
Protein-functionalized atomic force microscopy (AFM) tips have been used to investigate the interaction of individual ligand-receptor complexes. Herein we present results from scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of protein-functionalized AFM cantilever tips. The goals of this study were (1) to examine the surface morphology of protein-coated AFM tips and (2) to determine the stability of the coated tips. Based on SEM images, we found that bovine serum albumin (BSA) in solution spontaneously adsorbed onto the surface of silicon nitride cantilevers, forming a uniform protein layer over the surface. Additional protein layers deposited over the initial BSA-coated surface did not significantly alter the surface morphology. However, we found that avidin-functionalized tips were contaminated with debris after a series of force measurements with biotinylated agarose beads. The bound debris presumably originated from the transfer of material from the agarose bead. This observation is consistent with the observed deterioration of functional activity as measured in ligand-receptor binding force experiments.  相似文献   

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