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张文  成连华  曹东强 《黄金》2023,(6):94-97+101
针对非煤矿山企业安全氛围影响人的不安全行为的问题,建立了安全氛围与人的不安全行为关系结构方程模型进行分析。根据安全氛围与人的不安全行为研究维度的划分,选取某非煤矿山企业下发调查问卷,应用AMOS 21.0软件进行分析建模,提出了14个安全氛围与人的不安全行为关系假设;修正模型并验证假设,得出非煤矿山企业安全氛围对人的不安全行为的影响结果。研究表明:工作环境、安全交流与培训、风险感知、管理者的重视直接或者间接通过中介变量安全态度影响安全遵守行为和安全参与行为,其中中介变量安全态度对人的不安全行为影响较大。该非煤矿山企业可通过加强管理者对安全的重视度,改善作业环境及加强教育培训等措施来减少人的不安全行为。  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,如何提高企业的安全管理工作,加强企业安全管理的思想政治宣传教育工作,使职工树立正确的世界观.人生观、价值观,是一个长久的话题。不管经济体制如何深化改革,都需要以人为本,必须以提高人的素质为基础。电力企业安全生产事故的发生原因是多方面的,主要有违反操作规程或劳动纪律;教育培训不够或不到位,对安全操作知识认知不到位;生产运行设备存在不符合安全要求等情况;安全防护设施缺少或存在缺陷等,但事故的根本原因在于人的不安全行为,因此企业安全生产的关键是改善人的行为方式,最大限度地减少人的不安全行为。  相似文献   

戚平 《鞍钢技术》1989,(2):45-47
本文就鞍钢35年来发生的工亡事故案例,对人的不安全行为造成的工亡事故进行了全面的分析,有70%以上是人们操作不标准化造成的。通过削析鞍钢发电厂工人高××入厂30年来20多次事故的实例,说明了标准化作业与人的不安全行为有着密切的关系。现在我们大力提倡标准化作业,进行标准化教育,使人们排除环境、管理、精神、物质、行为等方面的危险因素,向安全方面转化,防止事故发生。  相似文献   

企业工伤事故的主要根源是人的不安全行为,人的不安全行为是无法完全消灭的,但可以减少.要想不发生或减少事故的发生,实现安全生产,关键是要控制和约束人的不安全行为.  相似文献   

目的:提高老年患者的生活能力和生活质量,加强护理人员对老年患者护理安全和安全管理,保障老年患者的护理安全,减少护患纠纷的发生.方法:对老年患者在住院期间可能存在的不安全因素进行分析和讨论.提出加强安全管理的对策及护理干预.结果:实施安全管理以来,将老年患者的不安全因素减少到最低限度,保障老年患者的护理安全.结论:加强护理人员的工作责任心和安全教育,对护理人员进行老年病人的护理知识培训,建立有效的护理干预,加强健康教育,健全管理制度,是确保老年患者护理安全,预防不安全因素发生的有效方法.  相似文献   

针对矿山安全教育培训存在的问题,分析了影响矿山安全教育培训质量的因素(包括人的因素、物的因素、管理的因素),指出主要因素为传统安全培训教育设备单一、安全培训教育模式枯燥、安全培训教育师资力量薄弱和缺员矛盾突出。在此基础上,运用虚拟现实技术,以三维动态的形式全真模拟出矿山施工作业真实场景和险情,使下井人员切身体验施工过程中可能发生的各种危险场景,提高矿山安全教育和培训演练的效果。  相似文献   

莱钢实施32210安全管理模式,采取"三消除"管理,消除管理缺失、人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态,提高现场本质安全化程度;夯实"双基"、"双因素"管理,强化应急管理,制定轻伤以上人身伤害事故为零的目标管理体系,实施零目标管理。通过模式实施,型钢炼铁厂安全绩效持续提升,连续多年实现了重伤以上人身伤害事故、重大设备事故、重大火灾事故和负主要责任的重大交通事故为零的目标。  相似文献   

就安全教育与培训工作的意义、培训计划的制定、培训的内容和形式确定、档案的建立、培训效果的评估等方面进行了理论和实际操作方面的阐述,以期对企业做好安全教育与培训工作起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

企业实现生产安全主要取决于人的安全行为和物的安全环境,而人的安全行为与人的安全心理密切相关。因此在企业安全管理的实际工作中,抓住人这一关键环节,科学应用心理学原理通过激励、培养、培训等有效手段,从而激发人的主观能动性,在意识上、行为上由被动参与转变为主动参与,使安全工作做到有预见性和.主动性,企业安全管理才会达到更加条理化、系统化、科学化。  相似文献   

周萍 《南钢科技》2003,(3):52-53
就新形势下公司特种作业人员安全培训教育中的几个问题进行剖析和论述,指明在新的市场经济形势下,安全仍然是一切工作的前题,而特种作业人员的安全培训教育又应适应新形势的发展。  相似文献   

Relationships of empowerment and span of control with 2 safety measures (unsafe behaviors and accidents) were investigated among 24 workgroups comprising 531 employees of a large chemical company in 3 U.S. states. The company recently implemented a reengineering process. Data were from an anonymous survey (unsafe behaviors), company records (accidents, span of control), and trained expert raters (empowerment). Span of control (positively) and level of empowerment (negatively) correlated with both measures of poor safety performance, but only empowerment predicted unique variance in safety criteria. Together, these structural measures predicted one third of the variance in safety measures. Structural variables such as span of control and team empowerment have been largely overlooked in past safety research but can be important. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

为对地下金属矿山安全进行综合评价,分析了影响矿井安全的各类危险因素及其相互关系,建立了一个包括7个评价单元和32项危险指标的递阶层次结构模型。应用层次分析法,将各层次元素进行两两对比构造判断矩阵,经计算得到各因素在矿山安全中所占的权重。将矿山安全状况划分为5个等级,采取专家打分法确定定性指标的隶属度矩阵,应用模糊综合评价确定矿山安全状况等级。将该方法应用于山东某地下金矿安全评价,结果表明:该矿山较为安全,其中安全管理状况不佳、职工不安全行为和安全教育培训影响权重分别为40.4%、25.3%和12.5%,是影响矿山安全的主要因素,应当更加重视;该矿山的水文地质、粉尘和噪音状况评价结果为“一般安全”,应当采取有效措施并作为改进的重点。实践证明,该评价系统所得结论符合矿山安全实际,并能指出影响矿山安全的主要因素,对地下金属矿山的安全状况评定和制定最佳的管理方案具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

This research investigated the effects of cognitive failure on workplace safety and accidents over 2 studies. It was hypothesized that cognitive failure would directly predict safety behavior and workplace accidents and predict these outcomes over and above conscientiousness. It was found that cognitive failure uniquely accounted for workplace safety behavior and accidents. However, it has been suggested by researchers that certain individual differences might interact to produce differential effects. Thus, a moderated model was tested examining the interaction of cognitive failure and conscientiousness. It was found that cognitive failure moderated the relationship between conscientiousness and accidents and unsafe work behaviors. Overall, results suggest that cognitive failure plays an important part in individual safety behavior, especially when conscientiousness is low. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The proportion of total reported cases of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) in US women increased annually between 1988 and 1994 from 10% to 18%, indicating an urgent need for prevention measures. Interventions designed to reduce unsafe sex and drug-using behaviors in women have been limited. Barriers to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention for women include a disproportionately low investment of resources, inadequacy and inaccessibility of substance abuse treatment programs, the crack/cocaine epidemic and resulting unsafe sex behaviors, lack of a woman-controlled method to prevent sexual transmission of HIV, and unique social and cultural factors that limit women's power in sexual decision making. Some interventions have been successful in reducing women's risk behaviors. Expanding prevention efforts targeted to women is necessary in order to stem the rising rate of HIV infection.  相似文献   

A positive safety climate can improve employees’ safety awareness and reduce workers’ unsafe behaviors. Having consistent key factors that comprise safety climate is paramount in facilitating the measurement and comparison of safety climate over time which helps identify effective approaches to improve safety performance. This paper examines the consistency of safety climate factor structure and safety climate improvements over time in a Chinese construction company. It adopts a case study approach and reports on using the same safety climate instrument to carry out two surveys, three years apart. The exploratory factor analysis showed that the obtained four-factor structure of safety climate remained consistent across the two surveys. Moreover, the confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the second-order factor of safety climate was unchanged. Statistically significant improvements were also found on all four identified factors. The governmental or organizational strategies and/or tactics that could stimulate positive improvements on safety climate factors (referred to as stimulators hereinafter) were then identified via interviews with safety management officers in the company. The most effective stimulators were found to include constituting the safety regulations and safety rules, as well as increasing the intensity of safety training and safety promotion. Implications on the consistent factor structure of safety climate and the stimulators are also discussed.  相似文献   

目前许多矿山对于矿卡司机的不安全行为监督仍依赖于人为监管,无法及时准确地发现问题,利用计算机技术识别不安全行为是替代人工检测的一条高效途径.本文利用深度学习来解决视频序列的矿卡司机不安全行为识别,深度学习方法不依赖人工设计特征,而是自适应地学习更好的高维特征,具有稳健性更好、速度更快及准确率更高的优点.首先,对帧图像采...  相似文献   

本文概括介绍转炉留渣操作工艺特点,系统分析留渣操作工艺操作过程中存在的不安全因素。详细阐述利用自动化系统软件资源对转炉留渣操作进行全过程监控的方法,并简要分析了留渣预警系统可以在一定范围内提高生产过程的安全性,具有显著的间接经济效益和社会效益等特点。  相似文献   

Identifying Root Causes of Construction Accidents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Construction accident investigation techniques and reporting systems identify what type of accidents occur and how they occurred. Unfortunately, they do not properly address why the accident occurred by identifying possible root causes, which is only possible by complementing these techniques with theories of accident causation and theories of human error. The uniqueness of the construction industry dictates the need to tailor many of the contemporary accident causation models and human error theories. This paper presents an accident root causes tracing model (ARCTM) tailored to the needs of the construction industry. ARCTM proposes that accidents occur due to three root causes: (1) Failing to identify an unsafe condition that existed before an activity was started or that developed after an activity was started; (2) deciding to proceed with a work activity after the worker identifies an existing unsafe condition; and (3) deciding to act unsafe regardless of initial conditions of the work environment. In addition, ARCTM emphasizes the need to determine how unsafe conditions exist before or develop after an activity is started and proposes that these unsafe conditions are due to four causes: (1) Management actions∕inactions; (2) unsafe acts of worker or coworker; (3) non-human-related event(s); (4) an unsafe condition that is a natural part of the initial construction site conditions. Thus, ARCTM acknowledges the possible contribution of both management and labor to the accident process. This perspective helps in better explaining accidents on construction sites and in identifying areas where prevention efforts should be directed, so that labor and management may provide more effective measures for preventing accident occurrence.  相似文献   

在电解金属锰湿法生产和作业过程中,由于生产现场存在诸多不安全行为、物的不安全状态和各种管理缺陷等,将引发各类伤亡事故,对员工造成不必要的伤害。因此采用预先危险性分析法,对电解金属锰生产工艺、成品、危险有害物质、人员作业方式以及在现场综合管理中存在的危险有害因素进行识别与分析,并提出可行的防范措施,有效防止各类事故的发生,确保安全生产。  相似文献   

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