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生态安全体系的构建是一项复杂的系统工程,包括生态环境系统、生态经济系统、生态文化系统、生态社会系统及生态法制系统的全面建设和协同推进.必须在生态文明理念的指导下,综合考虑、全面规划、多方协调,才能实现生态、经济、社会的全面协调可持续发展.  相似文献   

本文从分析小说主要人物出发,利用生态伦理的观点挖掘小说所蕴含的主题,即人类既有创造力也有破坏力,我们应该理性地运用科学,达到人与自然的和谐.在此基础之上我们进一步讨论该篇小说的现实意义.我们要正确对待科学的问题,认识到人类亲近自然、融入自然的重要性,同时也要看到了人文科学的重要作用.  相似文献   

2020年4月29日,十三届全国人大常委会第十七次会议表决通过《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》,并于2020年9月1日起施行。新修改的《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境防治法》(以下简称新《固废法》)对贯彻落实生态文明思想和党中央有关决策部署,推进生态文明建设,打赢污染防治攻坚战具有重大意义。  相似文献   

生态文明是全面建设小康社会,构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,是学习和实践科学发展观,实施全面、协调、可持续发展的重要任务.本文主要从社会发展序列、伦理的个体自律、制度建设的保障几方面来解析生态文明的科学内涵.并在当前的历史潮流中观测生态文明的历史方位,以此来重新审视生态文明的整体价值.  相似文献   

科幻影片<阿凡达>构造了一个由终极智慧(爱娃)维持和掌控的和谐发展的潘多拉星,地球人为了解决自身的能源危机,来到潘多拉企图掠夺那里的特殊矿石,从而对那里居住的纳美人展开了侵略战争.影片以科幻的形式给我们敲响了生态危机的警钟,启示我们对生态伦理和可持续发展问题进行深入反思.同时也告诫我们,仅仅诉诸于道德层面的伦理思考其作用仍然是有限的.也许,人类要摆脱所面临的生态危机困境,有必要在经济发展模式、政治与管理体制、伦理与道德观念、法律与法规约束、生活与交往方式等诸多层面进行综合治理.  相似文献   

英国女作家多丽丝·莱辛是一个具有女性意识和生态意识的作家.从生态女性主义视角解读她的长篇小说<玛拉和丹恩历险记>,分析小说中父权制度瓦解下的男性女性形象和人把自然他者化后的环境问题,指明玛拉丹恩之旅其实就是男性与女性、人与自然二元时立模式的瓦解之旅,而旅途的终点就是和谐的精神家因.这对于现代社会里如何构建人与自然、两性之间的和谐关系有着深刻的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

《国王的人马》是罗伯特·佩恩·沃伦的不朽之作。本文以生态批评理论为出发点对《国王的人马》中杰克的精神生态进行解读,进一步揭示自然破坏与人类困境之间的关系,继而分析这篇作品中的生态思想。  相似文献   

目前有关成都早期现代化方面的研究专著相时较少,在本文中,作者对美国学者司昆仑的最新力作<文明进程中的成都:中国的城市改革,1895-1937年>的主要内容作了简要的介绍,并对其理论、观点、方法作了一定的评价.作者认为,该书是美国史学界研究近代中国城市的又一重要著作,必将对以后有关近代成都的研究产生相当重要的影响,具有重要的学术参考价值.  相似文献   

建设生态文明是实践科学发展观,实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的必然要求.在此从吉林省老工业基地发展面临严峻的生态环境问题入手,指出建设生态文明是振兴吉林省老工业基地的重要途径,并提出推进生态文明建设的对策建议.  相似文献   

以小说<一千英亩>为文本,通过透视<一千英亩>中父权制统治下的自然环境状态和女性生活状态,从女性与自然的身份认同感、父权制压迫下女性与自然的生存困境、女性与自然的觉醒及反抗三个方面进行解析,以期唤起人们重新思考人类与自然之间以及男人与女人之间应如何和谐共处.同时,生态女性主义理论的运用能够拓宽小说<一千英亩>的研究视角,也有助于更深刻地认识该作品.  相似文献   

在经济一体化,政治、文化多元化的世界潮流中,不同文化从冲突、碰撞走向融汇互补,是历史发展的必然,是新世纪人类文化的基本走向。以中华民族文化为代表的华夏文明,应弘扬自身的文化整合与重构强势,摒弃民族虚无主义的“全盘西化”和夜郎自天、自我封闭的“盆地意识”,广泛吸纳世界各民族的优秀文明成果,实践科学与人文的统一,技术与人性的统一,物质文明与精神文明的统一,在全球化背景和现代化进程中,创造更加辉煌灿烂的中华民族新文化。  相似文献   

Comments on A. Sugarman's (see record 1995-33122-001) illumination of a major controversy in psychoanalysis: the conflict-versus-deficit models of the etiology of psychopathology and the resulting different views of the process of treatment. Sugarman's recommendation for a synthesis of these 2 models is supported. The basis for the author's rationale stems from Freud's own writing and early theory of psychopathology, which focused only on the nature of conflict. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Advances an evolution-based model of strategic conflict between men and women. Conflict is predicted to occur whenever the reproductive strategy adopted by one sex interferes with that adopted by the opposite sex. Three empirical studies tested hypotheses based on this model. Study 1 (N?=?528) examined sex differences in sources of anger and upset (e.g., about sexual aggressiveness or withholding) among 2 samples of Ss differing in age and marital status. Study 2 (N?=?60) assessed the perceived magnitude of upset each sex would experience when confronted by each source. Study 3 (N?=?214) tested predictions within married couples about sex differences in sources of marital and sexual dissatisfaction. These studies provide modest support for the strategic conflict model and implicate the negative emotions of anger and upset as proximate mechanisms that alert men and women to strategic interference. The diversity of upset elicitors discovered here, such as being condescending, possessive, neglecting, abusive, inconsiderate, moody, and self-centered, point to the limitations of this evolutionary model and the need to develop more comprehensive models of conflict between the sexes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

鲁迅和邵洵美在二十年代末到三十年代同在上海,相互之间有过交往,但很快在恶感和误解的驱使下关系破裂,本文从史料出发,考辨两人交恶的前因后果,全面细致展示这一公案的过程.  相似文献   

When offered an opportunity to win $1 on every "win" trial in which they drew a red jelly bean, Ss frequently elected to draw from a bowl that contained a greater absolute number, but a smaller proportion, of red beans (e.g., 7 in 100) than from a bowl with fewer red beans but better odds (e.g., 1 in 10). Subjects reported that although they knew the probabilities were against them, they felt they had a better chance when there were more red beans. Similar, but less extreme results were obtained on "lose" trials, where drawing a red bean meant losing $1. These results were predicted from the concretive and experiential principles of cognitive-experiential self-theory. Nonoptimal choices in the laboratory were significantly correlated with heuristic responses to relevant vignettes and with self-reported gambling in real life. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In the saltation regime where bed-shear stress is low, bed load moves by sliding, rolling, and saltating along the bed, while in the sheet-flow regime where bed-shear stress is high, it travels by a combination of saltation and sheet flow. In this paper a theoretical model is developed for predicting the onset of the sheet-flow regime as shear stress increases. This model is based on a new variable Pb representing the proportion of grains on the bed that are entrained as bed load. The model yields the equation Pb = 2.56θG3 in which G = 1?θc/θ, θ = dimensionless bed-shear stress; and θc = critical value of θ at which grains begin to move. The equation shows that θt, which is the value of θ at the onset of the sheet-flow regime and is assumed to occur when Pb = 1, is around 0.5 with the exact value controlled by θc. For example, when θc = 0.045, θt = 0.52. The theoretical model is verified by performing a nonlinear regression analysis on data from 285 flume experiments. Additional flume experiments with a high-speed video (HSV) system result in consistent values of θ for the onset of the sheet-flow regime, which support the theoretical model. The HSV images further reveal that: (1) the sheet-flow regime is characterized by granular sheets or laminations; and (2) a zone of mixed saltation and rolling grains exists not only in the saltation regime but also in the sheet-flow regime.  相似文献   

Two studies examined the relationship between the need for cognitive closure and preferences for conflict-resolution strategies in 2 different samples of elite political actors. Although research has suggested that high need for closure should be associated with competitiveness, the authors argue that this relationship should be strongest among political actors with a hostile conflict schema, or representation of what a conflict is and how it should be dealt with. The authors provide evidence for this hypothesis using archival survey data on American foreign-policy officials' attitudes toward international conflict at the height of the Cold War (Study 1) and their own data on the relationship between the need for closure and conflict-strategy preferences among samples of activists from 2 political parties in Poland: a centrist party with a reputation for cooperativeness and an extremist party with a reputation for confrontation (Study 2). The broader implications of these findings are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

从教育公平税制原则、特有的教育税种制度和教育税收优惠政策等方面对海峡两岸促进教育发展的内容进行比较分析和定性研究,借鉴台湾支持教育发展的成熟经验,提出优化、完善大陆促进教育发展的税收制度的思路.  相似文献   

两种新的铕配合物的合成、表征及其光、热、电性质   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以邻苯二甲酸酐、二苯胺、4-氨基安替吡啉和三氧化二铕为原料合成了Eu(PPA)3Phen和Eu(APA)3Phen.使用核磁和质谱对配体和配合物进行了表征,研究了紫外、荧光光谱、磷光寿命、热稳定性和电化学性质.结果表明,配合物的紫外吸收分别表现出生成它们各自配体的紫外吸收特征,Eu(PPA)3Phen和Eu(APA)3Phen在613nm处有很强的荧光发射,归属于Eu3+的5D0→7F2的特征发射,此外,在590nm处都有荧光发射.测得两种配合物粉末的磷光寿命,它们相差较大,Eu(PPA)3Phen有三个磷光寿命都约为0.0.45μs,Eu(APA)3Phen有两个磷光寿命都为650μs.热重分析表明,Eu(PPA)3Phen在30℃~260℃分解大约10%,而Eu(APA)3Phen在70℃~240℃分解大约5%.使用循环伏安法研究了Eu(PPA)3Phen和Eu(APA)3Phen的电化学性质,结果表明两者都约在0.86V处有不可逆的氧化电位值.  相似文献   

Peripherin/rds plays an essential role in the maintenance of photoreceptor rod cell disk membrane structure. The purification of this protein to homogeneity [Boesze-Battaglia, K., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 6835-6846] has allowed us to characterize the functional role of peripherin/rds in the maintenance of rod outer segment (ROS) membrane fusion processes. Utilizing a cell-free fusion assay system, we report that the fusion of R18-labeled ROS plasma membrane (R18-PM) with disk membranes or peripherin/rds-enriched large unilammellar vesicles (LUVs) is inhibited upon trypsinolysis of peripherin/rds. To understand this phenomenon, we tested the ability of a series of overlapping synthetic C-terminal peripherin/rds peptides to mediate model membrane fusion. Within the 63 amino acid long region of the C-terminus, we identified a minimal 15 residue long amino acid sequence (PP-5), which is necessary to promote membrane fusion. PP-5 was able to inhibit R18-PM disk membrane fusion and promoted ANTS/DPX contents mixing in a pure vesicle system. This peptide (PP-5) promoted calcium-induced vesicle aggregation of phosphatidylethanolamine:phosphatidylserine LUVs. FTIR analysis confirmed the structural prediction of this peptide as alpha-helical. When modeled as an alpha-helix, this peptide is amphiphilic with a hydrophobicity index of 0.75 and a hydrophobic moment of 0.59. PP-5 has substantial biochemical and functional homology with other well-characterized membrane fusion proteins. These results demonstrate the necessity for peripherin/rds in ROS membrane fusion, specifically the requirement for an intact C-terminal region of this protein.  相似文献   

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