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在前人研究的基础上,进一步指出了指称性在汉语谓词领属结构研究中的局限,即用关于指称性的句法分布测试出谓词领属结构为定指成分,但它们在语用上往往并非是定指(可及)的.为此,提出了定位性的概念,把定位性定义为指示物的认知特征,表示指示物是否可以认识,或者在现实世界或话语世界(说话者评介的)共有知识里,是否处于听说者可辨识的集合之中.同时,指出定位性不同于定指性,因为定位性的指示物不仅覆盖了可辨别的指示物,即包括通指或由定指表达的指示物,还覆盖了在可辨集合中的不可辨的指示物.最后,运用语义信息的定位性时汉语谓词领属结构及其作用进行了较为详细的探讨,指出谓词领属结构的这种定位性在汉语中起到了话题化的作用.  相似文献   

新农村建设中的"空心村"整治需要将村庄内部结构纳入其讨论框架和研究范畴,而不应单纯强调诸如政策、资金、技术等村庄外部环境支持.采取新的研究视角,着重考察"空心村"整治与村庄权力结构的关系,以及村庄权力结构对"空心村"整治的影响及其表现.研究分析发现,"空心村"整治与村庄权力结构两者具有内在关联性.在此基础上,简要分析了村庄权力结构良性互动对"空心村"整治的影响.最后,就做好新农村建设中"空心村"整治工作提出了几点建议.  相似文献   

本文介绍了“电子韧铜”这一紫铜型新材料的特点和应用范围,确定了电子韧铜的化学成分,探讨了氧和其它杂质元素对电子韧铜的电导率及机械性能的影响,研究了电子韧铜的加工硬化曲线和退火软化曲线。研究表明,采用合理的加工工艺,可以生产出高电导率、低成本的电子韧铜材料。电子韧铜材料可部分替代无氧铜产品,市场前景广阔。  相似文献   

郑亚鹏  焦满岱 《甘肃冶金》2011,33(5):116-117,120
介绍了在坚硬围岩条件下某金矿副井井筒施工工艺、施工技术和施工组织的改进,对其它竖井的施工有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Defined 5 self vs ideal-self measures on the 300-item Adjective Check List. Overall congruence was indexed by the phi coefficient for items and by the sum of the absolute differences on standard scores for the 24 scales (D-T). The absolute differences on the 24 scales were also correlated and factored in 2 samples: 100 American Air Force officers (mean age, 33.6 yrs) and 95 Italian young men (mean age, 15.5 yrs) applying for a national precollege military training school. Three factors common to both samples were identified. D-1, D-2, and D-3 measures of dissimilarity were obtained by summing the absolute differences on just those scales assignable to each of the 3 factors. Analyses of observers' ratings in the sample of American officers revealed phi, D-T, and D-1 to be indicative of superior personal and social adjustment and D-2 to suggest goal-oriented efficiency and diligence. D-3 had unfavorable connotations. It is concluded that internal components of self-ideal congruence have differential implications that over all measures will obscure or even fail to detect. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

邱泽华 《中国锰业》2006,24(3):39-41
介绍了某工程控制网的建网任务、作业依据、已有测区资料,分析了该工程控制网的质量及利用该工程控制网进行控制测量、地质勘探工程测量、地形测量、检查验收及精度分析的过程。  相似文献   

To examine the factor structure of the Multiple Affect Adjective Check List (MAACL), it was administered to 443 undergraduates. The correlations among the MAACL Anxiety, Depression, and Hostility scales ranged from .72 to .82. Principal-components factor analysis of the MAACL adjectives yielded 2 large unipolar factors. Factor 1 was defined by negative adjectives and Factor 2 by positive adjectives from all 3 MAACL scales. Possible explanations for the emergence of these 2 factors involved both the independence of positive and negative affect and the differential effects of response set on endorsement of positive and negative adjectives. Findings are discussed in terms of the discriminant validity of the MAACL and the appropriateness of its use in current research. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reviews 15 studies investigating the use of the preferred representational system (PRS) in neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and summarizes the data collected. Aspects of design, methodology, population, and dependent measures are evaluated, with comments on the outcomes obtained. Results suggest that there is little supportive evidence for the use of the PRS in NLP in these 15 studies, with much data to the contrary. Questions of accountability are raised, and suggestions for future research are offered. (28 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

生成语法可以对英汉双宾语结构作出明晰化的分析,但是不能解决汉语双宾结构中的歧义现象.来自认知的研究从语义指向的方向性出发,很好地解释了英汉双宾语结构的范畴化与语义阐释,但是它对双宾结构的描写不足,应用的范围有所限制.将两者结合,取两者之长的方法才能对语言现象作出全面合理的解释.  相似文献   

课堂愿景是师生个人愿景的整合与升华,它是课堂精神的核心,为师生持续地提供学习与成长的动力和能量.虽然在现实课堂中,人们往往忽略了愿景的力量,但愿景对于课堂改革和提高课堂质量却能产生强大的综效:它有助于学生的学习方式由"适应型"转向"创造型";学习效率由外驱"耗值"变为内趋"增值";核心价值观由"多元"走向"和谐".在基于长效取向、服务取向和发展取向的基础上,运用一定的步骤和认同方法,课堂愿景在实践中会逐步达成.  相似文献   

根据传统擦伤电极试验原理,自行设计了一套用于薄膜材料钝化过程研究的装置,由于它采用的是断裂方式产生裸表面,因而克服了传统擦伤方式裸表面逐渐暴露于介质的弱点,能直接测量到真实反映钝化过程的电流衰减曲线。利用这套装置对磁控溅射晶态与非晶态不锈钢合金薄膜在3.5%NaCl溶液中的钝化过程进行了比较研究,结果表明非晶薄膜的裸表面具有更高的反应活性及更快的钝化膜形成速度。  相似文献   

钱维乔兼具三绝之才,在绘画上与其兄钱维城被称为常州二钱.文学方面,诗歌、散文、戏剧兼擅.袁枚称之为清才,其诗是常州诗派中难得的诗人之诗.在其<竹初诗钞>中流露出浓厚的莼鲈之思,其成因是多方面的.文章认为主要源于故园之思、烟霞之念、自适之需、稻粱之谋、循陔之愿、离鸿之悲、生命之憾等.以此为镜,可窥常州诗人心态,这是研究常州诗派的极佳向度,对了解乾嘉士风与诗风亦有助益.  相似文献   

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