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This study used cluster analysis to identify three patterns of sexual health risk behaviors in a sample of adult rape survivors (N=102). Women in the 1st cluster (high risk) reported substantial increases from pre- to postrape in their frequency of sexual activity, number of sexual partners, infrequency of condom use, and frequency of using alcohol and/or drugs during sex. The 2nd cluster (moderate risk) reported increases in frequency of sexual activity and number of partners but mitigated that risk with increased condom use. Survivors in the 3rd cluster (low risk) indicated that their sexual health behaviors had become much less risky postrape. An ecological model predicting cluster membership revealed that individual-level and contextual factors predict patterns of risk behaviors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined whether widowhood was associated with physical and mental health, health behaviors, and health outcomes using a cross-sectional (N=72,247) and prospective (N=55,724) design in women aged 50-79 years participating in the Women's Health Initiative observational study (85.4% White). At baseline, married women reported better physical and mental health and generally better health behaviors than widowed women. Whereas women who remained married over the 3-year period showed stability in mental health, recent widows experienced marked impairments and longer term widows showed stability or slight improvements. Both groups of widows reported more unintentional weight loss over the 3-year period. Changes in physical health and health behaviors were inconsistent, with generally small effect sizes. Findings underscore the resilience of older women and their capacity to reestablish connections, but point to the need for services that strengthen social support among women who have difficulty during this transition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Direct and interactive effects of social support, social burden (caregiving, negative life events, and social strain), education, and income on repeated use of breast cancer screening among a large (N=55,278), national sample of postmenopausal women participating in the Women's Health Initiative observational study were examined. Repeated screening decreased as emotional/informational support and positive social interactions decreased (ps  相似文献   

D. L. Wann (2002) proposed the team identification-psychological health model, hypothesizing that identification with a local sport team will be related to psychological well-being. The model also proposes that identification with distant sport teams and mere fandom will not be related to well-being. In a study involving Australian Rules Football, the authors extended previous research by testing the model with persons from a different culture and examining identifications involving a different sport and level of competition. Participants completed a questionnaire packet assessing their levels of fandom. identification with a local Australian Rules Football team, and identification with a favorite team if different from the target team, as well as measures assessing psychological well-being. With respect to social well-being, the results supported the model: Personal well-being was not related to identification. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Self-ratings of health are uniquely predictive of morbidity and mortality, and they encompass people's evaluations of many medical, psychological, and social conditions in their lives. However, the longitudinal trajectory of self-rated health has not been evaluated to date. In the present study, 59-year longitudinal multilevel analyses (1940-1999) of data from 1,411 men and women revealed that self-rated health was relatively stable until age 50 and then began to decrease in an accelerating fashion through the rest of the life course. Men had higher self-rated health throughout most of adulthood than did women but had steeper linear rates of decline. As a result, the gender difference in self-rated health disappeared by late adulthood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This research assessed the role of having a coherent explanation of the link between smoking and cervical cancer in motivating women to stop smoking. In the 1st study, women were given a leaflet with either a detailed or a minimal explanation of the link or no leaflet. The leaflets were similarly effective at providing a coherent explanation. In a cross-sectional analysis, having a coherent explanation moderated the relationship between perceived vulnerability and intention: Higher perceived vulnerability to cervical cancer was associated with greater intention to quit smoking only amongst women with a more coherent explanation of the link between smoking and cervical cancer. This rinding was replicated in a 2nd study. These results are consistent with H. Leventhal et al.'s (1997) self-regulatory model, which suggests that motivation to change behavior depends not only on perceiving a threat but also on having a coherent model linking the behavior with the threat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Observational work analyses were conducted among 222 office workers (131 women, 91 men) from 12 German companies to measure stressors independently of worker appraisal. Stressors were determined twice (1990, 1991), along with 7 health indicators separately assessed by questionnaire. Health indicators were assessed again in 1992 and once more in 1998. This 2-wave, 2-variable design with 2 follow-up measurements of health indicators determines (a) the causal directions using cross-lagged partial correlations (stressors seem to have an impact on health); (b) the strength of the impact (cross-lagged correlations for Waves 1 to 4 range from .18  相似文献   

The relationships of epidemiological (objective) risk indices, perceived disease characteristics, and cognitive heuristics to women's perceived susceptibility to breast cancer, heart disease, and osteoporosis in a community sample of 312 women ages 40-86 were examined. Epidemiological indices accounted for a small to moderate proportion of the variance in perceived susceptibility. Psychological factors (perceived similarity to women who contract the target disease and perceived disease prevalence) predicted perceived susceptibility above and beyond medical risk factors. Opposite to actual risk, age correlated negatively with perceived susceptibility to all 3 diseases. Exploratory analyses suggested that perceived similarity, perceived prevalence, and absent/exempt beliefs might mediate this relationship. Confirmatory factor analyses verified that measures of absolute and direct comparative risk assess the same underlying construct of perceived susceptibility. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Elton Mayo was born in Australia and spent most of his first 42 years living in that country. This article explores the Australian context in which he developed his views of industrial society. There are key differences between the political context of Australia compared with that of the United States during the time that Mayo developed his approach to psychology and the role of workers in industry. In addition, the social context in which Mayo established his career was shaped by significant political events in Australia. The construct of revery, which describes a specific state of consciousness, is central to Mayo's early theorizing and was developed by Mayo partly in reaction to political and industrial conflict occurring in Australia. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Self-reported physical health status of Australian Vietnam veterans was determined 20-25 years after the war and its relation to combat was investigated. METHOD: An epidemiological cohort study of a simple random sample of Army veterans posted to Vietnam between 1964 and 1972 was conducted with personal interviews using the Australian Bureau of Statistics Health Interview Survey questionnaire to compare veterans with the Australian population and a 21-item combat exposure index used to measure the relationship of combat to physical health. RESULTS: Veterans reported greater health service usage and more recent health actions than population expectations. They also reported excess health problems in almost all recent illness disease categories except endocrine conditions and cardiovascular conditions; only 6 of 37 chronic disease groups were not elevated compared to the population. Adjustment for non-response changed estimates only slightly. Combat exposure was significantly related to reports of recent and chronic mental disorders, recent hernia and chronic ulcer, recent eczema and chronic rash, deafness, chronic infective and parasitic disease, chronic back disorders and symptoms, signs and ill-defined conditions. CONCLUSION: Combat exposure may have significantly increased reports of only some health problems. A general position to complain as a result of psychological conditions due to combat is not consistent with the lack of relationship between combat and reports of physical conditions.  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 24(3) of Psychology and Aging (see record 2009-13203-014). An incorrect Figure 1 was printed due to an error in the production process. The correct version is presented in the erratum.] Development does not take place in isolation; close others form an important dyad for exploring interrelationships. To examine spousal interrelations in level and change of cognitive functioning in old age, the authors applied dynamic models to 11-year longitudinal data of, initially, 304 married couples from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Ageing (aged 64–98 years at Time 1; M = 76 years). Findings revealed that perceptual speed for husbands predicted subsequent perceptual speed decline for wives (time lags of 1 year). There was little evidence for the opposite unidirectional effect or a bidirectional association between husbands and wives. Potential covariates (age, education, medical conditions, functional limitations, and depressive symptoms) did not account for differential lead–lag associations. A similar, though less pronounced, pattern was found for memory, which held except when functional limitations were controlled. Findings suggest that late-life cognitive development is not solely a product of intraindividual resources and are consistent with conceptual notions that development actively influences, and is influenced by, contextual factors such as close relationships. The authors discuss possible underlying mechanisms and further steps to substantiate the findings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Home health nursing is a growth industry in Western industrialized countries and is a stressful occupation. The current study builds on a line of research that examined the positive effects of attachment behavior at work on health for executives, managers, military officer candidates, and basic military trainees. The present study of 175 home health nurses from the U.S. Southwest included the new construct of hope in its design. Hope was found to mediate, rather than moderate, the relationships between attachment styles and health. Interdependence had positive associations, whereas counterdependence had negative associations, with hope and health. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Unaccustomed exercise is associated with an elevated plasma creatine kinase (CK), myofibrillar inflammation, and delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) may attenuate DOMS and indirect indices of inflammation in humans. METHODS: We studied the effects of an NSAID (naproxen sodium (500 mg, 2 times a day for 48 h)) taken before and after resistance exercise in eight healthy, moderately trained men in a randomized, double-blind trial. The exercise consisted of unilateral knee concentric/eccentric weight lifting with 6 sets x 10 repetitions at 80-85% of the 1 repetition maximal contraction. Muscle biopsies of each vastus lateralis (EX = exercised/REST = control) were taken 24 h after exercise for immunohistochemical staining of inflammatory cells (leukocyte common antigen). At 24 and 48 h postexercise, we also determined DOMS, plasma CK activity, and knee extensor muscle torque. RESULTS: Exercise resulted in an increased CK activity at +24 and +48 h (vs preexercise: P < 0.01), with no treatment effect. There were no treatment effects for any of the measured variables except for a return of voluntary knee extension torque to baseline by +48 h postexercise for NSAID treatment (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: NSAID administration did not alter CK rise, muscle force deficit at 24 h postexercise, nor perceived muscle pain. In addition, the increased CK at 24 h postexercise was not associated with an acute myofibrillar inflammatory cell infiltrate in moderately trained men after resistance exercise.  相似文献   

The Executive Committee of the Southeastern Psychological Association (SEPA) appointed a Commission on the Status of Women in the spring of 1972. The Commission was charged to describe the status of women in psychology in the Southeast, to develop an affirmative action plan, and to present a report at the annual meeting in 1973. The Commission conducted studies assessing women in the role of faculty, administrators, private practitioners, researchers, graduate students, and SEPA members, through surveys of female and male psychologists, members and nonmembers of SEPA, PhD students, department chairs, and, in one case, a controlled experiment on undergraduates of both sexes. This article reports some of the results of these studies. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This 6-year longitudinal study examined girls' peer-nominated social preference and aggression in childhood as predictors of self- and parent-reported externalizing symptoms, substance use (i.e.. cigarette, alcohol, and marijuana use), and sexual risk behavior in adolescence. Participants were 148 girls from diverse ethnic backgrounds, who were initially assessed in Grades 4-6 and again in Grades 10-12. Results supported a moderator model, indicating that social preference changed the nature of the association between childhood aggression and adolescent outcomes. When accompanied by peer rejection, aggressive behavior was moderately stable over time and significantly associated with adolescent girls' substance use and sexual risk behavior. However, under conditions of peer acceptance, no significant association between childhood aggression and adolescent outcomes emerged. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (BSI-18; L. R. Derogatis, 2000) was investigated in a sample of adult survivors of childhood cancer enrolled in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS; N = 8,945). An exploratory factor analysis with a randomly chosen subsample supported a 3-factor structure closely corresponding to the 3 BSI-18 subscales: Depression, Anxiety, and Somatization. Confirmatory factor analysis with structural equation modeling validated this 3-dimensional structure in a separate subsample, though an alternative 4-factor model also fit the data. Analysis of the 3-factor model showed consistent fit in male and female participants. Compared with available community-based norms, survivors reported fewer symptoms of psychological distress. Together, results support the hypothesized 3-dimensional structure of the BSI-18 and indicate the measure may be useful in assessing psychological distress in this growing population of cancer survivors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Information on health service provider psychologists (HSPs) was obtained from a survey done, with a stratified random sample of over 9,991 APA members, in early 1979. The response rate was 65.6%; of these respondents, 60.3% indicated they provided health services. This enables an estimate of 26,850 APA-member HSPs, and an estimated total number of HSP psychologists of 32,000 (in early 1979). Detailed analyses find that 83.8% of HSPs held a doctoral degree, 71.1% were male, and 84.3% of doctoral HSPs were licensed. Minority doctoral-level HSPs were: black, 1.1%; Hispanics, 0.9%; Asians, 1.0%; and Native Americans, 0.2%. These figures represent slight increases over a parallel survey two years earlier. Examination of practice location revealed that 64% were primarily employed in organized settings and 24% in private practice (although 41% reported that their primary service delivery location was private practice). Information on population of service area and type of community was presented which reveals psychologists present in rural, inner-city, and medium-sized towns. The average doctoral HSP spends 21.1 hours per week in direct clinical care, seeing 83% white clients, 9.9% black clients, 4.7% Hispanic clients, 1.4% Asian clients, and 1.0% Native American clients. In addition, 11.2% of the clinical services delivered are to younger children (11 and under), 12.4 % to adolescents (aged 12-17), and 2.7% to the aged (65 and over), with the balance to adults between 18-64. Referrals to psychologists are made by a wide variety of health professionals and the public, and the patients seen manifest a wide array of emotional and behavioral difficulties. Data on the types of services provided are presented, with the most frequent being individual psychotherapy, assessment/diagnosis, and consultation. Patterns of reimbursement are described. Fees, in 1978, for doctoral providers averaged $40. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study uses latent transition analysis to examine reading development across the kindergarten and 1st-grade year. Data include poverty status and dichotomous measures of reading at 4 time points for a large sample of children within the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. In each of 4 waves of the study, 5 latent classes were represented in different proportions: low alphabet knowledge, early phonological processing, advanced phonological processing, early word reading, and early reading comprehension. Transition probabilities were calculated for the full sample and for children living above and below poverty. The findings indicate that children living below poverty are less likely to experience successful reading transitions than their above-poverty peers. However, children in the below-poverty group who began kindergarten with at least early phonological processing experienced transition probabilities similar to their above-poverty peers. Researchers should target and test preschool interventions for their potential efficacy to mediate the effects of poverty on early reading. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies examined breast cancer patients' perceptions of their partners' reactions to their diagnosis and treatment as influences on 3 aspects of patients' well-being: psychosexual adjustment, emotional distress, and marital satisfaction. Study 1, cross-sectional, indicated that partner initiation of sex, frequency of sex, a positive 1st sexual experience after treatment, and especially perception of the partner's emotional involvement in the relationship, were relevant to these outcomes. Study 2, longitudinal, confirmed many of these findings in prospective tests across 1 year of recovery after surgery. Partner involvement prospectively predicted all 3 outcomes. Partner initiation of sex predicted greater marital satisfaction; partner adverse reaction to the scar predicted less marital satisfaction. Rated quality of the 1st sexual experience after treatment predicted less distress. The pattern suggests that women's impressions of their partners' emotional involvement after surgery for breast cancer forecast their adjustment in sexual, marital, and emotional arenas over the following year. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The cognitive consequences of the apolipoprotein E-ε4 (APOE-ε4) allele were examined in middle age, before likely onset of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The authors identified 3 cognitive processes--visuospatial attention, spatial working memory, and the effect of visuospatial attention on working memory--and devised "behavioral assays" of the integrity of components of these processes. Redirecting visuospatial attention, retention of memory for location, and attentional modulation of memory of target location were affected by APOE genotype. Visuospatial attention showed additive effects of ε4 gene dose; each additional ε4 allele inherited further slowed disengagement from invalidly cued space. In contrast, working memory performance was affected only in ε4 homozygotes. Effect sizes for the APOE gene were moderate to large, ranging from 14% to 24%. Effects of APOE genotype on component processes of cognition in healthy, middle-aged adults is consistent with the emergence in adulthood of an APOE-ε4 cognitive phenotype. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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